Diary of William Throsby Bridges, 1915, Part 6 of 7
1 JEUDI. S. Hugues 91-274
Divisional Scheme.
Breakfast 6.30. Assembled
Comdr. at 7.45.
Gen Birdwood Director
told me he thought plan
of operation shld be
changed to land on
Asiatic side - S of
Besika Bay
Wagstaff out to dinner
After ds gave me orders
Embarkation was to
begin on Sunday
Gen B. showed me letter from
Monash stating Legge & Dods
had said he was not under
me - his Brg hs been raised
by the Board
2 VENDREDI. Vendredi-Saint 92-273
Attended Church Parade
1st Brg at 7.30 am.
Office all day - clearing
out papers etc.
Took Patterson & Howse
into Cairo to dine
at Continental
Sellhern came out to
lunch for me to explain
matters re OrdinanceDepot Stores.
3 SAMEDI. S. Richard 95-272
To Cairo in morning
Tend to coal. & transfer
1st Brg etc went off
to night.
Dined with Harvey
Pasha with Comdr. of
Police who took me
round Cairo.
Stayed at Continental
Up late.
Patterson lunched with
Out to Mena by
aftn. - Writing
farewell letters.
5 LUNDI. S. Vincent F. 95-270
Wrote to Edie & Children
& Mrs Halliday enclosing
cheque for £70.
Khamsin blowing
worst day we have
had in Mena.
6 MARDI. S. Prudence 96-269
Went in to Cairo
before lunch &
stayed at Continental
7 MERCREDI. S. Hēgēsippe 97-268
At Continental
Lunched with Fred
Bird & had tea
at Anglo American
8 JEUDI. S. Gautier 98-267
At Continental -
Said goodbye to Sir
J. Maxwell - who said
he had wired to
War Office re promoting
our Brigrs.
Evening with Casey
to Kursaal.
9 VENDREDI. S. Isidore 99-266
Left Cairo by noon
train. Embarked
on the Minnewaska
at Alexa at 3.30p.m.
Pilot objected to
taking ships out at
night - sailg was
deferred until
tomorrow morning
Wrote a note to Edie
from ship - & gave
Sellheim letters to
post to Edie & Mr Pearse
I0 SAMEDI. S. Macaire 100-265
Sailed at early morning
Fine & smooth.
11 DIMANCHE. Quasimodo 101-264
Sighted Rhodes to right
to 8a.m. & passed
Patmos about 3p.m.
Fine & smooth
between Bulair & Maidos -
Admiral Slutely - The idea seemed
to be we were to hold high
ground above Fishermans Hut.
& numerous landings would
distract Turks. Navy only fired
Torpedo tubes then guns.
When we had secured footing
Fleet was going to rush thro
preceded a few days by
Aftn. with Gen B. around our Aust.
Ships. MacLagan to dinner
12 LUNDI. S. Jules 102-263
Arrd. at Kudros Bay, Lemnos Isd.
at dawn. Found navy transport
& most of fleet present.
At 10 a.m. went off to Ai Arcadian
Hd. Qrs of Medn. Expy. Force, with
Gen Birdwood & others to see Sir Ian
Hamilton. He had left this morning
on Queen Elizabeth. Then to HMS Queen
to see Adml. Thursby who is senior
Naval Officer of E in charge of N operations
of Anzac. He explained general
scheme of operation - Main attack
by 29th Divn. Landing Cape Helles
supported by French Divn. which
will land first at Besika Bay
& occupy Turks on Asiatic
Shore. Feint to be made by Navl.
Division landing at Saor near Bulair
Anzac to land near Gaba Tepe.
Landings to be effected in daylight
George Lloyd told me Turks were in for
the 2 Div 2nd Army Corps near [[Zenir?]] &
1 Divn near Bulair all [[Nd?]] of - 7 & 9th
Divn 3rd Army Corps again N of Maidos
58th Regt near Achi Baba & 1 Regt
13 MARDI. S. Justin 103-262
On Board Minnewaska
Left at 3p.m. for H.M.S
Queen Adml Thursby's
Flag Ship - When all Brg.
& Baltn Comds joined
A.C. & Div Staff
Sailed to reconnoitre
N.W. coast of Gallipoli
Just before dark when
the boom is shut.
The Navigatg Officer
Lt Comdr. Powell - kindly
gave me his cabin
General officers messed
with the Admiral -the
others in the ward room
I4 MERCREDI. S. Tiburce 104-261
Breakfast 7.30 am.
Then to After Bridge just
after we turned Southds just
above (N) of Ejelmar Bay -
Thought Navy mistook wall
& scars on ridges for trenches.
Trenches clearly seen N of
Gaba Tepe -
Discussion re arrangets of
transports & times with
NavyReturned Reached to Mudros about
3p.m. & on board
Minnewaska in about 4.00pm
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