Diary of William Throsby Bridges, 1915, Part 4 of 7

22 LUNDI. S. Maxime 53-312
General Birdwood
told me at 9.30 that
Alexandretta Scheme was
off. New proposed time
Army Corps shld go to
L.ms. as base & attack
Dardanelles. This Divn
to go first one Brg has
2 Batts would probably
be reqd to embark on 27th.
Office all Day.
Conference on Signg Scheme
in aftn.
23 MARDI. S. Pascase 54-311
To see Arty Practice
& then to 3rd Brg. S
military practice at
Tigers Tooth.
Aftn. Conference with
Godley & Carruthers
re W.O. order to [[?]]
our missions - Finally
agreed to my proposals.
Recd Austn letter of 25 Jan
24 MERCREDI. Quatre-Temps 55-310
To see L.H. Musketry
in morning. Aftn
called to Shepheard to
see Gnl Birdwood
who told me he was
ordered to join Med. Fleet
to reconnoitre & leaving
that Suny with Skeen
& might not be back.
Dined with McCay
Gen J Maxwell present
& to see boxing in
7th Batt Stadium aftd.
25 JEUDI. S. Valburge 56-309
Office all day ready
5.30 Gen Walker rang
up to say that orders
had come for 3rd Brg
& other units to leave
Mena on 28th & 29 to
26 VENDREDI. S. Nestor 57-508
Office - Orders for
Maclagens Brig. to
leave Mena 28th Feb & 1st Mar.
Aftn. Rode to Ornlag.
for signal scheme.
Returned at 10.30 p.m.
Decided to later tend
27 SAMEDI. Ste Honorine 58-307
To Continental in morning.
Saw Carruthers & then into
plain clothes - Loafed
Aftn & eveg Gellibrand
dined with me.
28 DIAMANCHE. Reminiscere 59-306
Morning to Museum.
Shown over by Mr Quibell
Aftn Slept till tea
Wrote letters. Dined at
same table as MacLagen
& Ross. Who entrain
tonight & sail to morrow
under sealed orders.
1 LUNDI S. Aubin 60-305
Out to Mena after
Saw Genl Walker &
Carruthers at Shepheards
former has to find out
from Army Hd. Qrs if we
should adopt helmets
& whether there was any
objection to us going into
desert for 3 day.
Reply to former yes & latter
better not.
Conference aftn on
Fridays signalling scheme
2 MARDI. S. Simplicien 61-304
Col Hawker came out-
Took him to see
2nd Bn. Fld firing range
& sectin. Practice by
Corps order recd about
6 p.m. to hold Divn in
readiness to move at
short notice
Cunliffe Owens lecture
on advance from [[Aisne]]
in Suez
3 MERCREDI. Ste Cunēgonde 62-305
4 JEUDI. S. Casimir 63-302
Aftn to Shepheards to
see Gen Walker re
Distinguishing badges to
Allies- he & Carruthers
recommended their adoption.
Also spoke to Petitcol.
5 VENDREDI. S Adrien 64-301
Called to Shepheard to see
Genl B. 11.30am He informed Godley
& I that my Divn has to land
at end of Gallipoli Peninsula
with marines & Indian Mtn Brg
While Godleys the day before
has to appear off neck of
peninsula to draw Turks
away from my [[ceed?]] - If
necessary Godly would be
employed on Asiatic Shore.
13000 Gunners in [[?]] of Turks.
At 2pm. went out to begin
Divl Exercise. Slept
out in desert. Back
to Hd Qrs 7.30am Sat 3
6 SAMEDI. Ste Colette 65-300
Returned at 7.30a.m.
office -
Aftn to Heliopolis where
[[Banult?]] exd eyes &
gave me new prescription.
Took Mr SW Higgins
to Citadel. Then
brought White back
to camp.
7 DIMANCHE. Oculi 66-299
Pistol Practice.
Aftn. with White to
Continental to get hair cut.
Gen Birdwood & Captn
Mitchell RN came
out to tea & afterward
went up Great Pyramid
& to temple of Sphinx.
Gen B. said Gen D'Amade
was bring] a French Divn
to co. operate with us.
My tool & powder arrived
8 LUNDI. S. Jean D. 67-298
9 MARDI. Ste Francoise 68-297
by 6.30p.m. train to
Alexandria with Casey
& White - Called at
Corps Hd Qrs. Told
Skeen order for landg
should be 3rd Infy Brg
followed by 1st & finally
Arrived Alex. at 10p.m.
to Savoy Palace.
10 MERCREDI. S. Blanchard 69-296
By 8.30am train to Alublin
arrivg 9.30. Walked
over ground in which
Abercromby landed in 1807
Saw site of Battle of Nile.
Back to Alex by 3p.m.
Lunched- To see Pompey's
Pillar - Catacombs &
to Signal Station for a
view of the harbour -
Aft dinner to a
Music Hall . poem.
11 JEUDI. Ste Sophrone 70-295
In cab to wharfs to
see our horses which we
eventually found at [[north?]]
Left Alex. by 11.30 12 train
arrived Cairo 3.30pm.
Called at Corps Hd. Qrs.
no news.
Evening dined with
Lady & Sir J Maxwell
Gen B. & High Comm.
12 VENDREDI. S. Maximilien 71-294
To fight between Godley
& Douglas' Divn. in
Suez Road. Back to
Mena by 5 p.m.
Sir M. B. told me not
sufficient water in Lemnos for
more than 10,000 men - That
Gen D'Amade was senior to him
but had asked for instructions
K. had telegraphed as
10000 men would be employed
he has sent a senior] General.
B. asked for Ian Hamilton.
Eveg night attack by McCay
in MacLaurins entrenchments

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