General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 18, 28 March - 20 April 1918, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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USTRA Amt Corp About 9 this morning enemy 30 strong attacked out post in J.24 b and was driver off with loss without casnalties. to no. Repect 6th th th Sir p Dr C.C.H.J. 160. 11. 55 am 0 4/18
AKEEINOE at ask Ihoti Donjanconst Time alge Wit & paper o Yalemat on yess
THERDAUEERLLLA DIVISIO Divisional Headquartors, 9th April, 1916.- - ACTUAE CASDALTEES ETPORTED. Reported from NooN 26/3/18 to NoOn 6/4/10. FOUupED. LISSINE. KILLED. UTTL. Off. O.R. Off. O.R. Off. O.k. 2 2 3 5 33 Divisional Artillery Divisional Enginoers Divisional Signal Company 42 Srd Aust: Machine Gun Battn - 85 664 123 29 9th Aust: Infantry Brigade 11 2 56 24 317 10th Aust: Infantry Brigade - 11 " 59 20 303 11th Aust: Infantry Brigude 5rd Aust: Moncer Battn 2 3rd Aust: Divisional Train 13 2 A Mo C. 112 78 1386 21 253 2OTALS 39 other ranks Romained at Dutyr. 14 Officers Wounded accidentally. 8 other ranks 2 other ranks ounded - Self-inflleted. 274 KILLED 1464 WOUNUED MISSING 112 1850 TOTAL CASUALTIES 53 Remained at Duty G.00C0 1787. A0o20 (FED) 6.1
r pd 194 Aprel Jtn teartey l BLeH this th morning Caul line nort HAHCARD intenated adranc V13 central centrel Dactieully W 24/ central line at VI central ssureted will sux present for our after Ihanded one t 18Pension th is the line and which Lave fas was of Manh 30 Comnterallac them on H April Sualler Dpire the Pudtation Bnde a shot ipt i and chan up before udutaly the operation was decided to dif it In perhap n 72 hours there fore tugh m 36 and 349 Battation dne & or hor HARO adn V11 centiat tafh and we thold the line till the attack is ready From U1 cutial H VIa $ p26df the lie is hed by 175 Bde 18 Dinsion Th 33 and B5 Rat frequain as Devisional desere also our machine fun to uit are acodatd in shan facig and they three cillard in 929. cansed- It is not patyfact duning weatt to have then peronacted (in wordly this inclement 2 and 33 and besile (in run ther pre 24 0.343 hefire nek casually H repat further Nothing 14 Elietabotta 4y a aaeo
Ha Bl 10 api Io tendt The Booke trut domn tatitley ahea and attachd Boubdideen an HHANCARL las Cermner PM Hesucceeded in Jar te eastern d at trudn Fenc Counte attacts cleand him oM and we ar now yau backon butat t sast ongh I received an ade to defart o Battation as Carrison for the defence of VnicesBc together with machine sun. Gemarkead with th33rd has been dittuted and har been f som and staff office tigmetted a sappe officer Durnin from 58 notheng Ente OOtterna penthal Phienter 24 Johen Moat 1ct Sand
18/4/16 Secret Mot iant 11th Brigade 10th Brigade Fo information 5th Anat. Dr. S. 1. At an early date, and at very short notice, the 5th Austs. Division may decide to undertake an operations, probably at dawn, with the object of gaining ground to the East. - The objective line, towards the northern end will be approseimately the green line AB.- 2 Dis day and Lers hour will be notified by telegram to 11th Bryade.- 11th Boigade will forthwith make all reconnanvances, prepare and promulgate all instructions, for the purpose of carrying out, simultan. cously, a minor operation, consisting of Swvinging up the right Fank to the green line CD. () to conform to the advance of the 5th Aust. Di. 4 he objects are: (2) To obtain observation into and command of the Vally running through S6.C & a B) to gain a suitable gumping off position for a fnother advance caatward, should same be ordered later. 5. The new line CD i 1300 yards long. It is to be established, at the outret, by not fewer than 6 platoon posts, tactically disposed along its length. - dates it is to consolidated and wrost as a line of resistance. 6. The poeition of the Southern extremity C will be governed by the position of the point B actually gamed by the 5th Aust Dis, but the line for the remainder of its length should on any event be prished sufficiently fad east to ashuve objects () & B) of pas of above.
7. The 11th Brignde will arrangewith direct with right broup astillety (a) Artillery Beparation - prior to Lers h (b) Astillery support - from Lers omwards (C) Boteative Barrage, & modification of P.O.S. lines. 8. Copies of all order + particulars of all Astillery, Machine Grmn & Trunch Morta arrangements to be forwarded to Div. H.Q. in ample time. 9 acknowledge
1 Cav. Dr 10.418 My dear Monach was hoping to has Come to lee you when the batte allower to thank Jou You Brg. Ed. a fen bugadiers who were alonglide Mey Division for Yau Mos valuable + encenaging bffor sassitance especially o 30 March where we had a hard get to keep the Bocke into oc position. I was very much strect te Conteag of
offcers in coming toeee me personally a for you own their keen desire to do every thing in thei power to half As you know we had a curion follection of wnts to deal wite & it was a very real relief to know that I had fay stort hearted fchows on my left flank & late also on vey night flank & that all worry was therefore climinated as to he lapely of me Saule. Yan order for the placing of yene heave gunr & bateries to os to cover ins frent was of very real asisiance, inidentally they kiled a lot of Hung, & was mech appeciated by usall Will yon Conrey to all concerned my own appreciation & that of all rauke of the 1st Cav. Dursan for yau valuable assistance. Hwas a pleasure & anhonoue to be fighting alousside troope who dreplayed such magnificeng
Moral- I anly hope we may have the chance of Cooperatery with fou afains under meore farnable prcomstances We have been kept on the move abery base teying to refit as the Lace te area for the neoment or ta should crtainly have been myself to tender you ne lanks a fayrablation. nc mrs ben es CBYI SIRIIBSE
Letter from Major Geneal Kullin Cong 1st Cavally Division Apl 10/18

Aust. Corps
About 9 this morning enemy 30
strong attacked our post in J 24 b
and was driven off with loss without casualties
to us. -
Repeat   10th
                  5th Div
                  2nd Div

No. C.H.J. 160.
11.55 am


[diagonal pencil line centre of letter]


Hand drawn diagram - see original

ask Elliott re Bougaincourt
Summarize Kit & papers
Molesworth re Mess. -


Divisional Headquarters,
9th April, 1918. -
Reported from NOON 26/3/18 to NOON 8/4/18.












Divisional Artillery







Divisional Engineers







Divisional Signal Company







3rd Aust: Machine Gun Battn







9th Aust: Infantry Brigade







10th Aust: Infantry Brigade







11th Aust: Infantry Brigade







3rd Aust: Pioneer Battn







3rd Aust: Divisional Train







A. A. M. C.














14 Officers

39 other ranks "Remained at Duty".


8 other ranks Wounded accidentally.


2 other ranks Wounded - Self-inflicted.








"Remained at Duty"







G. 1




9th Bde Hqr
April 9th 1918
Dear Sir John
Early this morning the 5th Bde A.I.F
intended to advance north of HANGARD to a line
practically U 24 central - V 13 central - V. 7 central
[[?]] our present line at V 1 central. You will observe that
this is the line I handed over to 18- Division after our

counterattack of March 30th and which line was lost by

them on 4th April. -

In order to give the Battalion of 5th Brigade a short rest

and clean up before undertaking the operation, it

was decided to defer it for perhaps 48 or 72 hours -

Therefore tonight my 36th and 34th Battalion are to

take over from HANGARD to about V 11 central 

and will hold this line till the attack is ready -

From U 11 Central to V 1a to P 26 d the line is

held by 175th Bde 18th Division. The 33rd and 35th Battn

remain as Divisional reserve also our Machine Gun Co,

[[and?]] these three units are accommodated in strong factory

cellars in O-29, c and d - It is not satisfactory during

this inclement weather to have them bivouacked (in woods

O-31-32 and 33) and beside we run there even more

risk of casualty by shell fire.

Nothing further to report -
Charles Rosenthal Brg Gen

Maj Gen Sir John Monash KCB VD


9th Bde  HQr
10 April /18.
My dear John
The Boche put down a heavy Artillery
Bombardment on HANGARD last evening and attacked
at 7 PM. He succeeded in gaining the eastern edge
of the Village. Fresh Counter attacks cleared him
out at 3 AM and we are now again back on
the original line -
Last night I received an order to detail a
Battalion as Garrison for the defence of VILLERS-BRETONNEAUX
together with 8 machine guns -   Col Morshead with
the 33rd has been detailed and has been given some
tunnellers a Sapper Officer and a Staff Officer
from 58th Division -
Otherwise nothing to chronicle -
Charles Rosenthal Brg Gen
Major General Sir John Monash KCB  VD


(Not issued)
11th  Brigade
10th  Brigade} For information.
 5th  Aust. Div.}

1. At an early date, and at very short notice, the 5th Aust Division may
decide to undertake an operation, probably at dawn, with the object of
gaining ground to the East. - The objective line, towards its northern
end will be approximately the 'green line' AB.   
2. [[This?]] day and Zero hour will be notified by telegram to 11th Brigade. -
3. 11th Brigade will forthwith make all reconnaissances, prepare and
promulgate all instructions, for the purpose of carrying out, simultaneously,
a minor operation, consisting of swinging up its right flank
to the green line CD.
4. The objects are :- (1) To conform to the advance of the 5th Aust. Div.
(2) To obtain observation into and command of the
Vally running N.E & South through J 36.c & a
(3) To gain a suitable jumping-off position for a further
advance eastward, should same be ordered later.
5. The new line CD in 1300 yards long. - It is to be established, at the
outset, by not fewer than 6 platoon posts, tactically disposed along
its length. - Later it is to consolidated and wired as a line of resistance.
6. The position of the Southern extremity C will be governed by the position of
the point B actually gained by the 5th Aust. Div., but the line  ^CD for the
remainder of its length should in any event be pushed sufficiently far
east to achieve objects (2) & (3) of para 4 above.


7. The 11th Brigade will notif arrange with P direct with right Group artillery
for (a) Artillery Preparation - prior to Zero
(b) Artillery Support - from Zero onwards
(c) Protective Barrage, & S.O.S. modification of S.O.S. lines.
8. Copies of all orders & particulars of all Artillery, Machine Gun & Trench
Mortar arrangements to be forwarded to Div. H.Q. in ample time.
9. Acknowledge.


1st Cav: Div
My dear Monash
I was hoping to have come
to see you when the battle allowed
to thank you, your BrG. R.A. & your
brigadiers who were alongside
of my Division for your most
valuable & encouraging support
& assistance especially on 30th
March when we had a hard
fight to keep the Boche out of
our position - I was very much
struck by the courtesy of your 

officers in coming to see me


personally & for your own &
their keen desire to do every
thing in their power to help.
As you know we had a curious
collection of units to deal with
& it was a very real relief to
know that I had your stout
hearted fellows on my left
flank & later also on my
right flank & that all worry
was therefore eliminated
as to the safety of my flanks.
Your order for the placing of your
heavy guns & batteries so as to
cover our front was of very real
assistance, incidentally they
killed a lot of Huns, & was much
appreciated by us all -
Will you convey to all concerned
my own appreciation & that
of all ranks of the 1st Cav: Division
for your valuable assistance.
It was a pleasure & an honour
to be fighting alongside troops
who displayed such magnificent


moral - I only hope we may
have the chance of cooperating
with you again & under more
favourable circumstances.
We have been kept on the move
& very busy trying to refit at
the same time and have left
your area for the moment or
I should certainly have been
myself to tender you my
thanks & congratulations.
Yours Sincerely
R.L. Mullens 


Letter from Major-General Mullins
Comdg 1st Cavalry Division.
Apl 10/18.



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