General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 18, 28 March - 20 April 1918, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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2 10th Brignde left Your Fank Brigade will probably be 7th commanded by Holve Martin after recief. of 13th Brigade, profeably tonight.- N.C.H.J. 133. 1220PN 7/4/18
Convessations with Boyadiers 7/4/13 by phon. Canan Mr. Nigote 1. Attack on 5th Di His health 1. 3 4th Dir. to take Reve. 4h Div. Lift Slank 2 nav 2d 3. Generrl pitnation attack on us mipoobibly 3. Attackon 4 - Dr. then Cooses H. nearly Teady 4. Teneoal pitnation H. yearly rdy 4. Coops Orampitien. 5. Coops copipation 5. Lies of Withdrwal. 6. Londs of Withdrawal 6. Prospects of Relief 7. Rospects of Relief 9 tone will.- 8. 9th Bde done well 7- His H.D. 8. Administative. - g Admnistritive Weck D Fers - up M. G. relief Restore 15th 18.
NINTH AUSTRALLAN INFANTRY BRIGADE. C ticht Brigade Headquarters. 7th April, 1918. th Headquarters moner Thore 18th Division. or I have to report as fellows upon eperations involving the employment of my Brigade on 4th and 5th instant. At the commencement of the eperations on the 4th instant the Brigade was disposed in depth for the defence of VILLERS-BRETONNEUK as follows: 38th Battalion helding from V.2.d.7.S to P. with three Companies in the line and one in reserve; 33rd Battalion in immediate support of 35th Battalion; S4th and 36th Battallons in Brigade Brigade Headquarters was located at GENTELLES. Reserve in BOIS l'ABER. The line held had been taken ever from Glst Division on the night 30/3lst March. Eight Viskers machine guns had been placed at th disposal of the C.0. 35th Battalien whe elected to place four in the line whilst The remaining eight holding four in reserve in WILLERS-BRETONNEUK. machinguns of the 9th Aust. Machine Gun Goy, were held in Brigade Res- The line was held by a series of posts unwired. erve in BOIS l'ABBE. The only comminication, either laterally or from front to rear, was by runner; and this was impossible by day eving to the activity of enemy enipers and the fact that runners had no reutes unebserwd by hestile The Reserve Gempany had dug in a support line approximately snipers. 1,000 yards in rear of th frent line. Infermation received from the front in the late evening of the 5rd instant diselesed much mevement in the neighbourheed of MARGELGAUE and WARFUSEE-ABANCOURT, and enemy artillery had been partie- ularly active with all calibres up to 5.9 en UILLERS-BRETONNEUK, HARRY GENTELLES and BOLS I'ABBE. At 5.30 a.m. on 4th instant the enemy commensed to bom- bard our forward system heavily as well as VILLERS-BRETONNEUK, CAGHY and GENTELLES and ether portions of the back area. At 6.30 a.m. the enemy appeared through the mist to be massing in numerous small parties each about the size of a Plateon on the Western outskirts of WARFUSKE-ABANCOURT and at several other points eppesite our front line. These were immediately dealt with by machine ouns, Lewis Guns and rifles with deadly offeet, very heavy casualties being inflieted upon the enamy who immediately retired slightly without This action was repeated three times at persisting in the attack. short intervals. At 7 a.m. the enemy advanced opposite our whole frent. Our S.O.S. sigal was went up and immediately responded to by an accurate barrage which was right on the dense masses of advancing enemy, cutting In addition to artillery fire the enemy was saps in his formations. subjected to the maximum fire pewer of all units in the line, causing him enormous lesses. When the enemy had advanced to a distance of 300 yards from our frent line the 8th Battalion Rifle Brigade on our left fell back exposing our left flank. The enemy taking advantage attacked This compelled the our left by meving along the evacuated trench. 35th Battalion's left flank to fall back fighting to the support line eevered by our machine guns which later established themselves in the and At this stage ene of our mashine guns was rushed support line. The eaptured by the enemy, whilst one was destroyed by shell-fire. Buffs on our right sming back their left flank in conformity with our elight change of front. The enemy was now held up and heavy easualties Infiteted on him. Two Companies of the 33rd Battalien were pushed up behind our left as this appeared to be the threatened flank and eight more The Vickers guns were ordered into the line, making a to tal of 10. line was then firmly established from v. to V.1.b.8.8. thence North to P., thence West to P.25.4.8.S and North to P.25.b.8.1, where touch was gained with the ist Dragoon Gurds, which had come up a adrange North of the WAREDSRP-ABAN. on our lost and steret be onen
2. At 10.15 a.m. the cavalry (ist Drageon Guards, 3rd Gavalry Division) came forward, dismounted, an took up a position on our left Nerth of the WaRFUSEE-ABANGOURT - VILLERS-BRETONNEUK Road. This filled the gap caused by the retirement of the 8th Rattalion Rifle Brigade. The eavalry at ence epened fire on the enemy with one Hetehkiss and three Viskers guns, causing the enemy to fall back towards WARTTE EE- ASANGOURT. The S5rd Battalion was erdered at 10.27 a.m. to move for- ward to establish a position East of the Acredrome at P.25.d.80.25. This advance was immediately carried out improving our line consider- ably. At 11-10 a.m. the 34th Battalien was ordered to meve from BOIS l'ABRE to a pesition of readin ss at 0.29.a. and b. Nerth of VILLER -BRETONNEUKy whilst the S6th Battalion was ordered to move to 0.35.c. and d. to the South. Both of these Battalions were placed at the dis pesal of 6.0. 35th Bd talion for counter-attack purposes. By 5.30 p.m. our line was firmly established, the enemy helding ground 300 yards to our front. The rain during the day had made the ground very muddy. The elean Lewis Guns of the 6th London Regiment were sent forward to our men. At 3.50 p.m. the S6th Battalion, which had moved to U.S.b. noticed troops of the units on our right retiring an diserder th ough our lines reporting that the enemy were advancing in thousands. Attempts made to rally them were unsuccessful. The situation appeared critieal. By 5 p.m. the enemy had advanced to the road in U.6.a. and were firing at our artillery in U.5.a. and e. 6.O. S6th Battalien, having then received orders, launched the whele of his Battalien, less one Company in Bd talion Reserve, inte a counter-attack South of the VILLERS-ERETONNEUK - MARGELCAVE railway line. at 5.15 p.m. The Reserve Company of 35h Battalion was just at this mement counter-athacking Just North of the railway line and thus preteeted the left flank of the S6th Battalion. A party of the Queens’ which was reforming in U.5.d. deeided to co-eperate and assisted very materially. of the Buffs digging in in U.S.b. declined to co-operate. 4 party The counter-atta eking troops were greeted by heavy machine gun fire from CHATEAU in U.6.a. and later from haystacks at about V. 12.b. 6.8. but managed to establish a line from V.1.b.5.6 to U.6.c.central. The Reserve Company was then thrown in and succeeded in filling a gap between two of the assaulting Companies. Three Companies of the 6th London Regiment arrived at this time. Twe were pushed forward to further strengthen the line between the two assaulting Companies, whilst the third Company was meved forward into line on the right flank. Shortly after the line had been thus reerganised sensiderable bedies of the enemy commenced to form up at distances of from 500 to 700 yards in frent of our line. These parties suffered very heavy casualties from our Lewis Guns and rifles. During the advance four enemy machine guns were captured and were utilized in consolidation. At 6 p.m. the situation on the left flank became ebseure and at 6.20 p.m. the 34th Battalion was ordered to establish a line getting into touch with S3rd Battalion on the right and cavalry on the left. This was sarried out successfully by the 54th Battalion meving acress the Eastern outskirts of VILLERS-ERETONNEUK in a South-Easterly direction in erder to take up a line running from railway line at V.l.b.2.8 to P.S1.a.8.2. The S3rd Battalien then held from P.S1.a.8.2 to P.25.c.6.S, whilst the 36th Battalion together with the Queens and 6th London Regiment held from the railway line to the South as far as U.C.c.central. The cavalry were then holding the line North of S3rd Battalion. About this time the 17th Lansers arranged to advance restere our line on the left in conjunction with S3rd Battalion, this action being earried out successfully. At 6.40 p.m. a line running from P.25.d.2.S to the eross-roads in P.S1.c. had been established. In the meantine three armoured ears had come forward along the AMIENS Read as soon as it was seen that the town was endangered. They patrolled the streets of UILLERS-BRETONNEUK and then meved to our left flank, heavily engaging the enemy. These ears did magnificent werk particularly in engaging pnemy machine guns. On surveying the situation at about 10 p.m. ft was found that our line lay in lew ground in the vicinity of the railway line. In erder to gain a pesition giving a good field of fire it was deeided
3. it was desided to mere Formard curing the night, and reced abliah suppert line eccupied by the Ssth Battalien at 11 a.m. that day. S4th Battalion was therefore erdered to attack and capture the railway bridge at V.1.b.6.7, whilst the ether units of the Brigade were to co-eperate and advance their portions of the line accord- ingly. In preparation for this attack the 35th and S6th Bat tallo. elesed to the South and 34th Battalion occupied the line from V.1.a.0.6 to P. During the advance strong epposition wa encountered along the Northern side of the railway, but our eas ualties were net severe. Our Lewis Guns, fired from the hip, had considerable meral offeet on the enemy. From this time onward the Fighting died dewn and our treeps proceeded with the work of comselidation. The enemy contented himself on the 6th instant with desultory shelling of villages and back areas and was much more inastive than usual. There was ne further infantry action worthy of note during the 6th instant.- The Briga de was relieved on the night 5th/6th instant by units of the 5th Aust. Infantry Brigade. During the Foregoing operations we captured 1 OfA ce. 38 other ranks and 18 machine guns. our easualties were as follows: KLLLED. WOUNDED. MISSING. Unit. ---- Off. of. 685. 0/2. Off. O/R. S3rd Battalion 75 S4th Battalion 20 100 35th Battalion 47 191 44 36th Battalion 26 106 8th A.M.G.Goy. 13 TOTALS 7 101 23 495 49. An incident wornty of note in ppened at abeut 6.30 p.m en the 4th instant. A man dre ssed as a British Officer came to the lines of the 36th Battalion in the vicinity of U.6.d.9.7 and erdered the men to retire which they refused to de. He was wearing an Officer’s tunie and a private's cap with the Queens badge and the name G.E. Martint written inside. He carried a pack containing some famey-werk instead of ordinary fighting erder which aroused suspicion. He was elosely questioned and asked te produce his papers. This he failed to do and in addition could give ne satisfactery explanation of his conduct and presence. He was shet. another incident whish calls for rntion is the action of four of our machine gurn which eperated to the left of our left Flank. These mchine guns remained in pos ition although the covering infantry had withdrawn until cavalry came up to them later on in the day. All four Battalions and Machine Gun Company acted eplendidly. The counter-attack of the 36th Battalion was a particularly praiseworthy action being pushed home at an opportune mement with the greatest rapidity and dash against an enemy who was in great strength. The stubbern resistance which the, 35th Battalion epposed to the enemy's initial onelaught in overwhelming numbers is also workhy of the greatest praise. I am anxious to place on record my appreciation of the splendid work sarried out by the eavalry (ist Drageons and 17th Lancers) in protecting my Northern flank by vigerous offensive ac- The timely ac-operation of the Queens in the counter-attack of 6 7C 38th Pattalion was of the utmost assistance and was most heir e
at a very critical monent. The 6 thondon were partimlarly teen to stay the enemy advance & wes reed effect thedto linst Aity. Sraten eren, KoHM 7 Etzo neltes Hdan be Spatr of ant ne bevel sehegfrd vr which wth be as lastp Embonied ree A70 I bern forwarded by Dr.R. Sit additeon copies O5Le foriits 3 in 7/4/18 C So 9AWa 5 300 T.8.5. 1551
HAn 9th A Iuf Bell April 7th 1918 My dear Sir John I am very sory that my repat four recent operation and Casnalty lish welnot be ready in time for the return Journey tday of your D.R. Iwill haviver send a special leaving here About 4 PM. Report is now being typed and I think You wlr find interesting. All together we accounted for 5000 enem captund ofper and 35other rank and 18 machine guns of which 5 (I think) are heary the remainder lyhe Our Casualter total gunt on D00. In the event of a bigengagement here I am ordered to hold two battation ready for Counter attack and also be ready totake over part of the line, after such an engagement. There is nothing elx of interest to record Cleaile Benthal By ley For 9 Aun dy Bl
Cot W Corne No. 78AB A. 4th Australian Brigade. brough 37th Myn). The Corps Commander desires to thank all ranks of the 4th Australian Brigade for their gallant behaviour in the defence of HEBUTERNE against all attacks during the past 14 days. Hithout relief and without complaint they have hold their positions and in many cases have advanced and improved their Line. Heavy attacks on the Brigade on the lst and Sth April were repulsedd with severe losses to the mnony. Siful enterprises carried out on the initiative of local Corandors have resulted in the capture of soveral enem posts with a gain to us of 80 priooners and 8 Machine Cuns, besides inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. The Corps Commander considers this a very fine performance which roflects goaat crodit on all ranks of the Brigade. IV Corps. 7th April 1916. (Sgd) R.G.PARKIN, Brig-General. General Staff, Iv Corps.
ea a66 £9 4 44 t n 24 t You a i ir 1 X this it op it 24 20 242 te 7 1 X9
USTRA Amt Corp About 9 this morning enemy 30 strong attacked onr post in I. 24 b and was driven off with loss without casnalties to no. Repect 6th th th Sir p0 Dr C.C.H.J. 160. 11.55 am 0 4/18

10th Brigade

Your left flank Brigade will probably be
7th commanded by Lt Col Martin after relief

of 13th Brigade, probably tonight. —

No C.H.J. 133.


Conversations with Brigadiers
by 'phone .-

     McNicoll    Cannan
1. His health. 1. Attack on 5th Div .— √
2. Left flank 4th Div.
nov 2nd
2. 4th Div . to take River.— √
3. Attack on 4th Div .
their losses
3. General situation
attack on us improbable) √
Fr. nearly ready
4. General situation
Fr. nearly ready
4. Corps Organization.
5. Corps Organization 5. Lines of Withdrawal.
6. Lines of Withdrawal 6. Prospects of Relief
7. Prospects of Relief 7. 9th Bde done well.—
8. 9th Bde done well 7^ His H.Q.—
9. Administrative 8. Administrative.—
  M. G. relief   Wuick or Jess - up
  Restore 15th M. G.    


Credit 36  [[?]]  [[cram?]]
Affective nature of

Brigade Headquarters.
7th April, 1918.

18th Division.

I have to report as follows upon operations involving
the employment of my Brigade on 4th and 5th instant.

At the commencement of the operations on the 4th instant
the Brigade was disposed in depth for the defence of VILLERS-BRETONNEUX
as follows: 35th Battalion holding from V.2.d.7.3 to P.28.d.5.4 with
three Companies in the line and one in reserve;  33rd Battalion in
immediate support of 35th Battalion; 34th and 36th Battalions in Brigade
Reserve in BOIS l'ABBE.   Brigade Headquarters was located at GENTELLES.
The line held had been taken over from 61st Division on the night 30/31st

Eight Vickers machine guns had been placed at the disposal of
the C.O. 35th Battalion who elected to place four in the line whilst
holding four in reserve in VILLERS-BRETONNEUX. The remaining eight
machine guns of the 9th Aust. Machine Gun Coy. were held in Brigade Reserve
in BOIS l'ABBE. The line was held by a series of posts unwired.
The only communication, either laterally or from front to rear, was by
runner;  and this was impossible by day owing to the activity of enemy
snipers and the fact that runners had no routes unobserved by hostile
snipers.   The Reserve Company had dug in a support line approximately
1,000 yards in rear of the front line.

Information received from the front in the late evening
of the 3rd instant disclosed much movement in the neighbourhood of
MARCELCAVE and WARFUSEE-ABANCOURT, and enemy artillery and been particularly active with all calibres up to 5.9 on VILLERS-BRETONNEUX, CACHY,

At 5.30 a.m. on 4th instant the enemy commenced to bombard
our forward system heavily as well as VILLERS-BRETONNEUX, CACHY
and GENTELLES and other portions of the back area.

At 6.30 a.m. the enemy appeared through the mist to be
massing in numerous small parties each about the size of a Platoon on
the Western outskirts of WARFUSEE-ABANCOURT and at several other points
opposite our front line.  These were immediately dealt with by machine
guns, Lewis Guns and rifles with deadly effect, very heavy casualties
being inflicted upon the enemy who immediately retired slightly without
persisting in the attack.  This action was repeated three times at
short intervals.

At 7 a.m. the enemy advanced opposite our whole front.
Our S.O.S. signal was sent up and immediately responded to by an accurate
barrage which was right on the dense masses of advancing enemy, cutting
gaps in his formations.   In addition to artillery fire the enemy was
subjected to the maximum fire power of all units in the line, causing
him enormous losses.

When the enemy had advanced to a distance of 300 yards
from our front line the 8th Battalion Rifle Brigade on our left fell
back exposing our left flank.   The enemy taking advantage attacked
our left by moving along the evacuated trench. This compelled the
35th Battalion's left flank to fall back fighting to the support line
covered by our machine guns which later established themselves in the
support line.   At this stage one of our machine guns was rushed and
captured by the enemy, whilst one was destroyed by shell-fire.  The
Buffs on our right swung back their left flank in conformity with our
slight change of front.  The enemy was now held up and heavy casualties
inflicted on him.

Two Companies of the 33rd Battalion were pushed up behind
our left as this appeared to be the threatened flank and eight more
Vickers guns were ordered into the line, making a total of 10.   The
line was then firmly established from V.1.d.0.7 to [[V.1.b.9.6, ?]] thence
North to P.26.c.0.0, thence West to P.25.d.0.3 and North to P.25.b.0.1,
where touch was gained with the 1st Dragoon Guards, which had come up
on our left and stayed the enemy's advance North of the WARFUSEE-ABAN-



At 10.15 a.m. the cavalry (1st Dragoon Guards, 3rd Cavalry Division)
came forward, dismounted, and took up a position on our left North of
gap caused by the retirement of the 8th Battalion Rifle Brigade.
The cavalry at once opened fire on the enemy with one Hotchkiss and
three Vickers guns, causing the enemy to fall back towards WARFUSEE-

The 33rd Battalion was ordered at 10.27 a.m. to move forward
to establish a position East of the Aerodrome at P.25.d.80.25.
This advance was immediately carried out improving our line considerably.

At 11.10 a.m. the 34th Battalion was ordered to move from
BOIS l'ABBE to a position of readiness at 0.29.a. and b. North of 

VILLERS-BRETONNEUX;  whilst the 36th Battalion was ordered to move to 0.35.c.
and d. to the South.  Both of these Battalions were placed at the disposal
of C.O. 35th Battalion for counter-attack purposes.

By 3.30 p.m. our line was firmly established, the enemy
holding ground 300 yards to our front.  The rain during the day had
made the ground very muddy.  The clean Lewis Guns of the 6th London
Regiment were sent forward to our men.
At 3.50 p.m. the 36th Battalion, which had moved to U.5.b.,
noticed troops of the units on our right retiring in disorder through
our lines reporting that the enemy were advancing in thousands.
Attempts were made to rally them were unsuccessful.   The situation appeared
critical.   By 5 p.m. the enemy had advanced to the road in U.6.a. and
were firing at our artillery in U.5.a. and c.  C.O. 36th Battalion,
having then received orders, launched the whole of his Battalion, less
one Company in Battalion Reserve, into a counter-attack South of the
VILLERS-BRETONNEUX - MARCELCAVE railway 5.15 p.m.   The Reserve
Company of 35th Battalion was just at this moment counter-attacking
just North of the railway line and thus protected the left flank of
the 36th Battalion.  A party of the "Queens" which was reforming in
U.5.d. decided to co-operate and assisted very materially.  A party
of the "Buffs" digging in in U.5.b. declined to co-operate.

The counter-attacking troops were greeted by heavy machine
gun fire from CHATEAU in U.6.a. and later from haystacks at about V.12.b.6.8. 
but managed to establish a line from V.1.b.3.6 to U.6.c.central.
The Reserve Company was then thrown in and succeeded in filling a gap
between two of the assaulting Companies.

Three Companies of the 6th London Regiment arrived at this
time.   Two were pushed forward to further strengthen the line between
the two assaulting Companies, whilst the third Company was moved forward
into line on the right flank.  Shortly after the line had been thus
reorganised considerable bodies of the enemy commenced to form up at
distances of from 500 to 700 yards in front of our line.   These parties
suffered very heavy casualties from our Lewis Guns and rifles.

During the advance four enemy machine guns were captured
and were utilized in consolidation.

At 6 p.m. the situation on the left flank became obscure
and at 6.20 p.m. the 34th Battalion was ordered to establish a line
getting into touch with 33rd Battalion on the right and cavalry on the
left.  This was carried out successfully by the 34th Battalion moving
across the Eastern outskirts of VILLERS-BRETONNEUX in a South-Easterly
direction in order to take up a line running from railway line at
V.1.b.2.8 to P.31.a.8.2.  The 33rd Battalion then held from P.31.a.8.2
to P.25.c.6.5, whilst the 36th Battalion together with the Queens and
6th London Regiment held from the railway line to the South as far as
U.6.c.central.   The cavalry were then holding the line North of 33rd
Battalion.   About this time the 17th Lancers arranged to advance to
restore our line on the left in conjunction with 33rd Battalion, this
action being carried our successfully.   At 6.40 p.m. a line running
from P.25.d.2.3 to the cross roads in P.31.c. had been established.

In the meantime three armoured cars had come forward along
the AMIENS Road as soon as it was seen that the town was endangered.
They patrolled the streets of VILLERS-BRETONNEUX and then moved to our
left flank, heavily engaging the enemy.  These cars did magnificent
work particularly in engaging enemy machine guns.

On surveying the situation at about 10 p.m. it was found
that our line lay in low ground in the vicinity of the railway line.
In order to gain a position giving a good field of fire it was decided



it was decided to move forward during the night and re-establish
support line occupied by the 35th Battalion at
11 a.m. that day.
34th Battalion was therefore ordered to attack and capture the
railway bridge at V.1.b.6.7, whilst the other units of the Brigade
were to co-operate and advance their portions of the line accordingly.
In preparation for this attack the 35th and 36th Battalions
closed to the South and 34th Battalion occupied the line from
V.1.a.0.6 to P.31.c.8.6.   During the advance strong opposition wa
encountered along the Northern side of the railway, but our casualties
were not severe.  Our Lewis Guns, fired from the hip, had
considerable moral effect on the enemy.   From this time onward
the fighting died down and our troops proceeded with the work of

The enemy contented himself on the 5th instant with
desultory shelling of villages and back areas and was much more
inactive than usual.   There was no further infantry action worthy
of note during the 5th instant.    The Brigade was relieved on the
night 5th/6th instant by units of the 5th Aust. Infantry Brigade.

During the foregoing operations we captured 1 Officer
35 other ranks and 19 machine guns.

Our casualties were as follows:--

Off. O/R. Off. O/R. Off. O/R.
33rd Battalion     7  3  75    
34th Battalion   20  5 100    
35th Battalion 3 47  6  191   44
36th Battalion 4 26  8  106      1
9th A.M.G.Coy.      1   1     13      4
TOTALS ..  7 101 23  495    49.

An incident worthy of note happened at about 6.30 p.m.
on the 4th instant.   A man dressed as a British Officer came to
the lines of the 36th Battalion in the vicinity of U.6.d.9.7 and
ordered the men to retire which they refused to do.   He was
wearing an Officer's tunic and a private's cap with the Queens
badge and the name "G.E. Martin" written inside. He carried a
pack containing some fancy-work instead of ordinary fighting order
which aroused suspicion.   He was closely questioned and asked to
produce his papers.   This he failed to do and in addition could
give no satisfactory explanation of his conduct and presence.  He
was shot.

Another incident which calls for mention is the
action of four of our machine guns which operated to the left
of our left flank.  These machine guns remained in position
although the covering infantry had withdrawn until cavalry came
up to them later on in the day.

All four Battalions and Machine Gun Company acted
splendidly.  The counter-attack of the 36th Battalion was a
particularly praiseworthy action being pushed home at an opportune
moment with the greatest rapidity and dash against an enemy who
was in great strength.   The stubborn resistance which the 35th
Battalion opposed to the enemy's initial onslaught in overwhelming
numbers is also worthy of the greatest praise.

I am anxious to place on record my appreciation of
the splendid work carried out by the cavalry (1st Dragoons and 17th
Lancers) in protecting my Northern flank by vigorous offensive action.
The timely co-operation of the Queens in the counter-attack of
36th Battalion was of the utmost assistance and was most helpful



at a very critical moment.   The 6th London Rgt.
were particularly keen to stay the enemy advance & were
used to xxxx good effect.

3 Aust Div

Report of 9th Fld Aust will be
embodied as last page which will be
forwarded by D.R. with additional copies
for units

[[J W S Pain?]]
for GOC 9 A I Bde


HQrs 9th Aus Inf Bde
April 7th 1918.

My dear Sir John

I am very sorry that my report of our
recent operation and Casualty lists will not be
ready in time for the return journey today of your
D.R.   I will however send a Special leaving here
about 4 PM.   Report is now being typed and I think
you will find interesting.

All together we accounted for 5000 enemy, captured
1 officer and 35 other ranks and 18 machine guns
of which 5 (I think) are heavy the remainder light

Our Casualties total just on 700 —

In the event of a big engagement here I am ordered
to hold two battalions ready for Counter attack and also
be ready to take over part of the line after such an
engagement.   There is nothing else of interest to record.

Charles Rosenthal

Brg Gen
GOC 9 Aus Inf Bde



IV Corps No. 76/1/3 G.

4th Australian Brigade.
(Through 37th Divn).

The Corps Commander desires to thank all ranks
of the 4th Australian Brigade for their gallant behaviour in the defence
of HEBUTERNE against all attacks during the past 14 days.   Without
relief and without complaint they have held their positions and in
many cases have advanced and improved their line.

Heavy attacks on the Brigade on the 1st and 5th
April were repulseed with severe losses to the enemy.

Skilful enterprises carried out on the initiative
of local Commanders have resulted in the capture of several enemy
posts with a gain to us of 80 prisoners and 8 Machine Guns, besides
inflicting heavy losses on the enemy.

The Corps Commander considers this a very fine
performance which reflects great credit on all ranks of the Brigade.

H.Q., IV Corps.
7th April 1918.

(Sgd) R.G.PARKIN, Brig-General.
General Staff, IV Corps.


4' Bde


Dear General

The enclosed

speaks for itself.

I have been

able to let two Bns

go out for a few days 

& have two British Bns

lent me.

This is our 15th day

in the line.

Yours Sincerely

CH Brand


Aust. Corps

About 9 this morning enemy 30
strong attacked our post in J 24 b
and was driven off with loss without casualties
to us. —

Repeat 10th
5th Div
2nd Div

No C.H.J. 160.
11.55 am

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