General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 18, 28 March - 20 April 1918, Part 15

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Speagh excludry actached 1 OR 19 634 20 2342 130 3e 223 36aA 24. . 214 2 10180 Nor a dispoal of t B of 10 14 B. 0 14 (New Enxgland 82 Muitland Hewen 219 12 & montend White (Hanty (Mjartin Frterder Goddant Crnt 74 SALO
616 tat 2 XI Dea ten h Rums fee it ha ag the the vide ter Der the t ele of £ il wll. m Ene Fs iy Hudy every 04 Iror w to almos a Hun 29 pht fevery i are piee tly X £I 2t teck ty d yide th + dame the Oreis ore on fen nd rs ly nucer fours 76 Garman Do 18/41
7 Astached file rec. Frm Cot Coommanhe 17/49 418 tc note fact still remains the that Col. Tunbridge had not seen the Inspecting officers Report Anyy mepection carried out now will be after at least a fortnights work on the lornes by an expert workshop officers a let in sard which aands the wil sone, that the man serving the Dunsion w inefficient at a critical time
PrE. DDr NTSI Shoraianoh tearoaartarg 4.20 18th. C.R.A. April, seig C.R.k. 3rd. Lust.Drrsigzal Coy. 9th. Aust. Inf. Brigade. 10th. do 11th. do 1C0. 402/122. 13th. edo. 3rd. Aust. M.C. Bn. An 3rd. Aust. Pioneer Bn. A.D.M.S. AUSTRALLLN CORPS. (For information). 2nd. Aust. Divicion. -do 4th. Aust. Division. -do- 5th. anst. Division. -do- The following copy of report of a very successful enter- prise, carried out by a Battalion of the Right Brigade of this Division, is forwarded for information :- During the early hours of the morning of 14-4-1918, Lieut. O.O.BUTLER, (ARRLAL), arranged to carry out a minor enterprise on snemy post in K.13.c., With a view to detracting the enemy’'s attention, a 4.5 How. Battery was to exgage known enemy machine gun posts in K.13.a., each gun firing only one round per ninute in order that the enemy’s suepicions might not be aroused. The party, consisting of two Headquartersscouts, fourteen men and a team of three with a Lewis Cun, left the crossroads in 7.18.d. at 1.0 a.m. and proceeded along the main road towards the enemy wire at K. Leaving the main party under cover, Liaut. BUTLER and five man crawled forward to reconnoitre. Within a few minutes an enemy carrying party was seen moving along the wire, but as they were on the far side our party took no action but withdrew and rejoined the patrol. At 2,15 a.m. our 4.5 How. Battery opened fire as arranged. Under cover of its noise, Lisut. BUTLLR and Pte W.S.MRRAY out a gap at K., an: after writing about twenty ninutes, 1ed the whole party through. The patrol assembled parallel to the road, and leaving the Lewio Gun and team on the bank covering their exposed flank, crawled towards the North-cast. A great deal of noise of digging coughing and of orders being given could be heard, but the patrol kept on. Two posts were examined and found desarted, but as the patrol approached a third at K., sounds of coughing and the smell of tobacco smoke told them that it was occupied. Crawling carefully from the rear, they managed to get within fifteen yards before the enomy challenged and opened fire. Lient. BUTLLR gave a quick order and the patrol rushed the post. In the hand to hand fight which ensued, nine of the enemy were killed and two taken prisoner. Enemy machine gun posts to the North and East were firing heavily and our patrol withdrew, taking shelter under the bank one hundred yards West of the gap, while our post on the road in J.10.d. engaged the enemy in accordance with prearranged plan. 4 Foll was now called, and all being present the patrol re- turned to our lines without custaining any casualties. SHJackson Captain. Generel Staff.
Darethy Harres 224 5/18 Kec yar18
Major General J. Monash C.B. V.D. Commanding Third Austrulian Division, desires to convey his congratulations to upon Pluce Da
Austation Corps. Minot enteeporie carring out last night by 41st Battalion, right Brigude aan Under cover of divission Your astillery, raidos cut wire by hand, then attacked enemy post in N-13-C from the rear, dragging out two of enemy whom they brought in and Killing nine others and Identification 50th Roserve Division aax our casnalties me. I Repeat to Fank Divissions. 10Bde 205. E. C.H.J. 10.2 am. 18/4/13
7th Brygnde Please convey to 41st Battation my their Congratulations upon bold and successful enter- poise last night which has secured an atuable edentification of ut most value. ADb 8 10 an 18/4
D.A.G.A.I.F. LtCol Morshead Commanding 33 Br evacnated passed aaa Have placed in temporaty Command Major t. G. Grant 33th Br, aaa Wish postpone Formal recommendation until Brigade Wejoms this Division A 263 1958
i un 19/6/8 Ihave found in going sound Badations that Lo Traser has no grip on the Intelligence officers of his Bde & thabahes efforts to disect them he often husts their feelings without obtaining any result. The rest position is that his so have no confideace in him and hr lack oftack in deating with them serves to aggravate the trouble when Isent out the instauction substibuting wises for the daily waiken summasy At Trases sent this on to Bus with acovering note. All that was requised from Bus was information in any wine for the day on three or your paints such as our ulss Pattals have season to believe that GerCannan daes not consider traser fit for his he told me when I bhought up the question of the Bhe so being at job Hg. that he would not have forward him here is he would only be in the way. He referred to him also as an obstructionest Lt Trasers wives to Dlivision have (5.20 har) not be i to blinision up to time on any occasion since the system was Following are the times at which wises brought in were handed in to his rigual office 15th 5.25 pm 6 pm 18th 14th 5.46 pm 6.55 pm 6.20 pr 5.35 pr 16 1t 6.20 am

Strength excluding 


Not at

disposal of C/O

  A B A - B  
  O - OR O - OR O - OR  
33 19 - 293 2 - 30

17 - 263

(New England)




34 39  714 1 - 47

38 - 667





35 43  634 5 - 44

38 - 590




36 29  701 2 - 27 27 - 674 (Sydney)  
  130 - 2342 10 - 148 120 - 2194  

J.H.C 16.


Dear General Monash

Rumour has it 

that after the side slip

of 5 Div. the 13 Bde. will 

believe me.    As my

Bns know every inch 

of this ground & can 

bring in a Hun almost 

every night & are perfectly 

happy & contented 

here I sincerely trust that same 

rumour is not correct. 
Yours sincerely

J. H. Cannan




attached file rec. from Corps Commander 17/4/18



HQ's notes

1) the fact still remains 

that Col Tunbridge had 

not seen the Inspecting Officer's 


2) Any inspection carried out 

now will be after at least 

a fortnight's work on the lorries

by an expert workshop officer

3) A lot is said which 

avoids the real

issue that the transport 

serving the Division was 

inefficient at a critical time.

(*R W

Lt Col*)




Divisional Headquarters,

18th. April, 1918







3rd.Aust.DivSignal Coy.


10th   -do-

11th    -do-

13th    -do-

3rd. Aust M.G. Bn.

3rd. Aust Pioneer Bn.


AUSTRALIAN CORPS (For information).

2nd. Aust. Division.               -do-

4th. Aust. Division.                -do-

5th. Aust. Division.                 -do-

The following copy of report of a very successful enterprise, 

carried out by a Battalion of the Right Brigade of this Division, is forwarded for information :-

" During the early hours of the morning of 14-4-1918, Lieut.

 C.O.BUTLER, (AERIAL), arranged to carry out a minor enterprise 

on enemy post in K.13.c., 

With a view to detracting the enemy's attention, a 4.5 How. 

Battery was to engage known enemy machine gun posts in K.13.a., 

each gun firing only one round per minute in order that the enemy's 

suspicions might not be aroused.

The party, consisting of two HeadquarterScouts, fourteen 

men and a team of three wth a Lewis Gun, left the crossroads in

J.18.d. at 1.0 a.m. and proceeded along the main road towards the

enemy wire at K.13.c.10.15.

Leaving the main party under cover, Lieut. BUTLER and five 

men crawled forward to reconnoitre.   Within a few minutes an 

enemy carrying party was seen moving along the wire, but as they 

were on the far side our party took no action but withdrew and 

rejoined the patrol.

At 2.15 a.m. our 4.5 How. Battery opened fire as arranged. 

Under cover of its noise, Lieut. BUTLER and Pte W.S.MURRAY 

cut a gap at K.13.c.20.05, and after waiting about twenty minutes,  

led the whole party through.

The patrol assembled parallel to the road, and leaving the 

Lewis Gun and team on the bank covering their exposed flank, 

crawled towards the North-east.    A great deal of noise of digging, 

coughing and of orders being given could be heard, but the patrol 

kept on.

Two posts were examined and found deserted, but as the patrol 

approached a third at K.13.c.20.70, sounds of coughing and the 

smell of tobacco smoke told them that it was occupied. Crawling 

carefully from the rear, they managed to get within fifteen yards 

before the enemy challenged and opened fire.

Lieut. BUTLER gave a quick order and the patrol rushed the 

post.   In the hand to had fight which ensued, nine of the enemy 

were killed and two taken prisoner.

Enemy machine gun posts to the North and East were firing 

heavily and out patrol withdrew, taking shelter under the bank 

one hundred yards West of the gap, while our post on the road in 

J.18.d. engaged the enemy in accordance with prearranged plan.

A roll was now called, and all being present the patrol returned 

to our lines without sustaining any casualties.

S. H. Jackson


General Staff.


See original
Dorothy Warner. Feb 5/18

Rec - 18/4/18

*Pressed leaf and flowers*


Major General J. Monash, C.B , V.D.

Commanding Third Australian Division,

desires to convey his congratulations to








Australian Corps.

Minor enterprise carried out last night by 

41st Battalion, right Brigade  aaa   Under cover of diversion 

[by] our artillery, raiders cut wire by hand, then attacked 

enemy post in K-13-c from the rear, dragging out 

two of enemy whom they brought in and killing nine 

others   aaa   Identification 50th Reserve Division   aaa 

our casualties nil -

Repeat to Flank Divisions

10 Bde

No L.H. J. 205.

10.2 am



11th Brigade

Please convey to 41st Battalion my 

Congratulations upon their bold and successful enterprise 

last night which has secured an most

valuable identification of utmost value.

ADC 81

10 am



D.A.G, A.I.F.

Lt Col Morshead Commanding 33rd B

evacuated, gassed  aaa  Have placed in temporary 

Command Major F.G. Grant 35th Bn   aaa   Wish 

postpone formal recommendation until Brigade 

rejoins this Division. -

A 262



[[sig B?]] 



I have found in going round Battalions that 

Lt Fraser has no grip on the Intelligence 

officers of his Bde & that in his efforts to 

direct them he often hurts their feelings 

without obtaining any result.

The real position is that his IO's 

have no confidence in him and his 

lack of tact in dealing with them 

serves to aggravate the trouble. 

When I sent out the instruction 

substituting wires for the daily written 

summary Lt Fraser sent this on to Bns.

with a covering note: All that was 

required from Bns was information 

in any wire for the day on three 

or four points such as 'our [[m lsis?]]' 'Patrols'

I have reason to believe that Gen. Cannan 

does not consider Fraser fit for his 

job as he told me when I brought 

up the question of the Bde 20 being at 

forward H.Q. that he would not have 

him there as he would only be in the 

way.   He referred to him also as an 


Lt Fraser's wires to Division have 

not be in to Division up to time on (5.30 pm) 

any occasion since the system was 

brought in.

Following are the times at which wires 

were handed in to his signal office

15th 6pm

17- 6.55pm

16- 5.35pm

15th 5.25om

14th 5.46pm

13th 6.20pm

12th 6.50pm



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