General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 18, 28 March - 20 April 1918, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Att t 4 2 78 Ktrstagn Thie tet Lhhrr klkitte Sjote Aalk e dot Aad Bannn etle lhaf Stguestrit Th Aøutatettio Ho Kerinfe 4 ereift otetsl Aittt frls Kavverg Share Arheid asen Frond fr Rendre frtn t Kor Auldl stehy 2 22 ahe a Lefant Hrn Meig Anee elated Me Shnntng e e fat il HKeit o h e teein Kondt Brc
the IIhd Ahrelt A Aut W Zut I t Thr a e 1aln 1S0 E at Kerkiet tdasfone ordt4 ordfensnasdt. 115 Srrgesterig AAlit h te purtta Sohete Sherdlea dtertad Aase kan Kodelhedd riitteted Mattd and dde Aade Lchelie Sta Voronige, agtrned ohtanati ar Sara cte artaffars oatt 58 r od Haa C tul 3 rt cty Heet of Itolstr - Canne olltadl sregleg antttorsnge aadete Cas e Pord af Bregte rosact eatangteg 53 gdnehte KGrisstaal IIotseeei gon HHaf hrs Ahal Terleftng 33 2att Ettil ortesd i Afatet Iv Lendada or fermetessentt, fastaa t Attl e LLtten Kattaen dar St oenfd to t a Hamnd Ilifo - 79a sdorea de B0E Broosiehhe I7 Zram edat Sieltgt amntenadad at 1Lonntind Treneder Erge, fraskadg, Etat - Srnit, fordd 2Rac Aaga Ladd Ih 355 Sthri erke lalt as Srunget Gralli ine Bfolllke Rag Dhnne Alataat Str ttied 224 forstar frersregeytet Iul agttasasd Areines Ilict Aktn Hod ae Haled Sod WoAR t e tae t he te h
THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters, 13th. April, 1918. My dear General, It is not often that I trouble you with a serious complaint, but a matter has been worrying me which I think I ought to bring informally under your notice. - While the Division was being organised in ENGLAND and while our Divisional Supply Column was still under my direct orders, I went to an immense amount of trouble, - realising its importance to the Division - to see that the Supply Column was equipped in the most thorough fashion possible, with the very best vehicles and plant that money could buy, all in the very best order. By dint of establishing friendly relations with the Mechanical Transport Depots, I fully succeeded in this, and the high standard of efficiency of my D.S.C. has been hitherto a paramount factor in the smooth working and in the mobility of the whole Division. During the last two months, however, a re-organisation has taken place, as the result of which the Third D.S.C. has suffered very badly, and has been made the victim of a most atrociously bad bargain. It appears that it became necessary to inter- change vehicles; so that my D.S.C. should have vehicles all of one type. - In pursuance of this, some 37 lorries (COMMER), in first (1).
13/4/1918. (2). class order and in every way highly efficient, were withdrawn and 37 DAIMLER lorries were substituted. It appears that the whole of these 37 DAIMLER lorries were in the worst possible working order. - My private inquiries go to show that these very vehicles had formed the subject of an adverse report while they were still on charge ofthe Units from which they were withdrawn. - There is, I am told, in existence, a report from an Inspector of Mechanical Transport condemning these very vehicles; yet the Officer responsible for the re-organi¬ sation of the Australian Motor Transport permitted these derelict vehicles to be palmed off on us, without apparently making proper inquiry. This very interchange of 37 good for 37 bad vehicles, although it has been hanging fire since last October, was suddenly rushed through on March 21st. on the very day that this Division was ordered to move into the fight. - The result was that my D. S. C. found itself woefully deficient in serviceable vehicles, and very great inconvenience, worry and trouble has been caused, ever since, in the various rapid moves of the Division, owing to so many lorries being out of commission. The unserviceable vehicles are now being gradually evacuated, but this is a slow process, and it is likely to be some time before my D.S.C. again reaches the standard of mobility and efficiency at which I and Major LYONS have always aimed to keep it, - realising fully the great importance to the smooth working
13/4/18. (3). of our Supply and other Departments that we should have all our lorries in good working order. There is a financial side to the question also. - The original COMMER lorries were bought and paid for by the Commonwealth, and it seems a shame that we should now have unserviceable vehicles palmed off on us in their place. - I consider the whole transaction reflects discredit upon the authority responsible for supervising the interchange, - both as regards the quality of the vehicle taken over, and as regards the rushed manner in which the whole business was carried out at a time of crisis. I feel sure that you will consider that this is a matter worthy of close inquiry; so that responsibility for the muddle may be fixed. Yours sincerely, 30 trutmonate General Sir W. R. Birdwood, K.C.B.,K.C.S.I.,etc.- Commanding Australian Imperial Force. --------00000-------
AU" ADMDNISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION No. 34. 13-4-1918. ------------ D I STRIBUTION. 1. A.D.C. for G.O.0. "O". "A.4". C. R. A. C. R. E. 3rd. Aust. Divl. Signal Company. 3rd.Aust. M.G. Battalion. 9th. Aust. Infantry Bee. (for information). l0th. 10. Ilth. Ctnpvendg mnde i Di) 13th. 11. 12. 3rd. Aust. Pioneer Battalion. 13. 3rd. Aust. Divl. Train. 14. A. D. M. S. 15. D. A. D. V. S. 3rd. Aust. Divl. Salvage Company. 16. 17. Camp Commandant. 18. D. A. D. O. S. 19. A. P. M. 3rd. Aust. M.T. Coy. 20. 21. Australian Oorps C. 22. 2nd. Australian Division. 23. 4th. 24. 5th. 25. 26. File. 27. 28. War Diary. 29. 30. 31. [ Buse Reoords, Melbourne. ---
ZUSTRALLAN DIVISTOH. THIRD OOy N. ....... Divisional Headquarters, SDOT 13th April, 1918. IASTEUCTION No. 34: ADINISTATT Issued as an Amplification and Summary of Isstructions already issued. ------- TOUN MAJORS. The undermentioned Offioers have been 1. AREA: detailed to act as Aoting Town Majors :- RIBEMONT. 40th Battalion. Cuntaip J.D.W. CHISHOLM, 38th MERICOURT. Captain L. J. BBATTIE, 39th HEILLY Lieut. RICHARDS, CROTTI FRANVILLERS. V. J. 3th Lieut. LA HCUSSOYE. G. S. 4lst Lieut. ARMSTRONG, BONNAY. Captain R. O'BRIEN, alst SYIONS, 13rd QUERRII. Lieut. I. G. ST. GRATIEN. AAth Lieut. J: L. TATOM; An acting Towu M: jer will be in possession of DUTIES and the number f his villago, showing each building, a mar ef troops which cas be accemmodated therein. De will submit te Divisional Heaiquarters, daily, a statement of accommodation available and present occupants of tawu. If the towd is an evazuated ope, Town Hajors will issue y instractions fer the protection of Civilian prep¬ necessar Wheft and unzecessary damage. - erty against fire, t isers of troops billoted in, er located Commanding (ff near, villages will ansurs that all ranks are conversant with the instruotiens regarding the village. - All Regimental Police of units in oocupation of these villages will be plaeed at the disposal ef the Town Majer of the village, and The Town Mejor has auth¬ allotted definite daties by him. erity te place any building Gut of Bounds to trcops, and will mark any such building. TYP L OF FCDDSTUFTS FROM EVAOUA Z0N: The sale DiSk. 9S4 ay Authorities of goods tr rom grosers by the British Hillt shops and estaminets in the evacusted zene is autberisei by Wheu any such sale is made, a state- the French Mission. ment must be handed in ts the Freuch Misclon giving naturs of goeds sold, quantity, amount für which they were sald, and also the name of the Commuue in which ths goods were found. - All such sales will ba carried eut by the Town Major in oop¬ sultation with the representative of the Frengh Missiop. AurzNS: No Officer under the rank of Lieut-Golonel, or man, will se allowed in AmLENS without a pass, signed by his Commanding Officer. CORBIE: The Towu of CORBIE is out of baunds to ranks oi the Division axcept those on duty. (P. T. 0. - ---------------------
13-4-1918.- Administrative Instruction No. 34. .Såeet -2-. ----------------- ----- ---------------- ---- 1. P. M.- Headquarters, FRANVILLERS. 2. - POLIOE DUTLZS:- Prisoners of War Collecting Cage: HEILLY. Traffia Control Posts: Traffio Control Posts have bsen established as follows:- at FRANVIILERS. at HEILLY. at BONNAY. 1 at LA HOUSSCYE. Traffie Map already issued. Battlo Straggler Posts: 1 at Junction of Roads * k.m. north of "T" in RIBEMONT. 1 at North side of railway at HALTE, South of HEILLY. 1 at Railway end of BONNAY. 1 at West of OORBIE, at Junction of roads at third in LA NEUVILLE. Advanced Collesting Post: At Field Puoishment Compound, HEILLY.- Prischers of War will be taken ever from units at Prison- ers of War cage, HEILLY, and esoorted by A: P:M. to the Corps Cage, MONTIGNY. Lights will not be used on cars or lorries GULATTONS: 3. - TRAFFIO east of Sr. POL -- AMLENS Road, inclusive. Moter Cyoles may use headlights, but will cover them when halted. - Cars and lorries when halted will cover er extinguish side lights, except sufficient to mark con- voyso FIELD GENDRAL COURT MARTLAL: 4. - PERMANENT During the present aotive operations, it was deemed advisable to constitute a Permanent Field General Oourt- The Oourt assembles at Martial to deal with all oases. Heaqquarters, 11th Aust: Infantry Brigade, fLLY, at 10-0 a.m. every Tuesday and Friday, a Corps Gourts-Martial Officer being made available on those days. - Insorupuunde: TS for REOEIVII 5. - InduNGrInR A Corps Reinforcemen. Camp, consisting of a Corps De¬ pot, and a wing for oach division,is establishel in the BERTEAUOOURT -- ST. LEGER Area. Commenbing 13th instant, reinforcements will detrain at CANAPLES, andw will then proceod to the Corps Depot, where tad to their Divisional wings. they will be dra The Third Australian Divisional Wing is situatel at ST. LEGER. - In additicn to the Divisional Wing, there is a Divis¬ ional Staging Camp, which is situatol at QUERKIEU, and where a hot meal and acconmodation for the night is pro¬ vided. - Reinforcemeots, etc., will proceed to the Stag- ing Camp from ST. LEGER, moving on next day to join their Units. (Continued):
13-4-1918., Sheet -3-) Administrative Instruction No. 34. --- -------- -------------------- ------- 6. - MEDIOAL LOCATIORS: Advanced Dreesing Stétions. HEILLI, BONNAY LA NEUVILLE. Main Dreseing Station äheet 62B, H., near QUERRLEU: Men dis- M. D. S.- Divisional Collecting Station QUERRIEU oharged from the Divisional Collecting Station will be sent to the Divisional Staging Camp. 7. - BURIALS: All burials will be oarried out under unit arrange- meuts, with the assistanco, whero necessary, of the Divis- ional Burials Officer, whose Headquartere-is: Billet No. 42 - FRINVILLERS. Ccmeterios are established at:- HEILLY, BONAY, and QUERRIEU ERANVILLERS. Tho Divisional Burials Officer has a small staff at- tached to him for duty at the Main Dressing Station. Main Lump - VILLERS BOOAGE. - 8. - ORDNANCE SUPPLIES: Forward Dump and PONT NOYELLES.- D.A.D.O.S' Office.) 9. - SUPPLIES: - Refilling Points - No. 867th Coy. Li HOUSSOIS. sosth Goy. QUEPRINU. 869th Oey. BLANGY TRONVILLE. 87OthCoy. PONT NOYELLES. Supplies are drawn by Moter Transport from Reilhead to Refilling peints, and from thence to Units Q. M. Stores by wagons of the Divisional Train. 2/ 10.- WATER: Wells. Plentiful and good supply requiring BUIRE: mostly one scoop. Mostly well water; plentiful and goed supply AIBRMons: requiring one sccop. Mostly depondent en rain water; good quality. p Mehl Good and plentiful supply, mostly requiring Haller: cno Sc00p. Well supply. Water is plentiful and good, LA NEUVIT requiring one sooop. Cood and plentiful sayyly, requiring one socop. 2OANAY: Very bad. Wates varies frem 3 to 6 sooops. .a Ia 40 , mestly one scoop. Gocc and plentiful surp. PONT NOI Mostly underground tanas; quality good. styply; some under- 853 Fail plent ul and go. pRäntIudres grounü tanks and a fow walls urfit. Water is scarce and not very good. A good T Tis ST. 4 nany sources of supply ase underground tanks. On outskirts of villags is a series of spring. Frsonnabopnd: heads, which could bo easily utilised as a water-efilling point. Supply is practically unlimited.- P. T. 0.-
Ldrnele. - Sheet -4-. Administrative Instruction No. 34. -------------------- --------------- ------------ ----------- Artillery Refilling Point - Sheet 62D, I.18.a.and o. 11. - ZMUNTTION: Sheet 62D, I.7.Central. S.A.A. and GRENADES - The ccllection of Salvage in this area will be car¬ 12. - SALVAGE: ried out as follows : Horse trassport returning empty from Units to Divisional Supply and Ammunition Refilling Points will carry salvage.- Supply wagons will dump salvage collected at Sheet 62D, H.17.a.6.8, where the Divisional Sal- vage Officer will receivo and sort same. Supply lerries after dumping supplies will collect such salvage and,oonvey it to R.T.O. Supply Railhead. Returning D. A.C. wagens will oarry shell oases and ammunition boxes en return to A.R.P's, where theshells will be rebcxed and loaded on the Ammu¬ nition lorries and returned to Ammnnition Railhead. A representative of the Divisional Salvage Officer will be at each Refilling Point for purpose ef rocording all salvage returned to Railheads. The above prooedure will be followed for all Selvage, including paper, oariboari, solder and fat. Units may obtain acknowledgment for salvage handed in. 13. - BATHING: OLEAN OLCTHING: CARS OF FENT Baths have beep ereoted at HEILLY and BONNAY, where men are bathed as oppertunity offers for bringing them from the line.- ING: is now supplied direct to units by Ohmad olgn D.A.D.O.s., dirty clothing must be returned artiole for artiole through D.A.D.O.S., to 11th Aust. Field; Ambulance at QUERRLEU fer disinfection prior to pas¬ sing to ABBEVILLE Laundry, from whenoe clean cloth- ing, artiole for artiole, can be drawn in returu for the dirty clothing. - Camphor Treatment Ingrediepts are OARs OF FEET: held by all Field Ambulances for issue to R.M.O's.- 14. - DIVISIONAL OANTEEN: - FRANVILLERS. "Y: This has been temporarily T Pa. 15. - PIERROT TRCUPB and CON ocnverted into a Divisional Emplcyment Company. 16. - Y. M. 0. 4: Branches are established at HrILLY, BONMAY and the Divisional Staging Camp, QUEERILU. 1V. - THIED AUST.M.T. 00Y: Is looated at AnücNVILLE. 18. - ACKNOWLELGE.- Lieut Colonel.- A.A. £ Q.M.G., Third Australian Division. (R.E.J/R.M).-

HQ 46th Bn
My Dear Simonson
Would you please inform the
Divisional Commander that I will be glad to
accept his kind invitation tomorrow
evening - having due regard, of course for
sudden moves etc, in the event of which I
will let you know.
The Bn is O.K. & feeling
elated over their recent tour.
Trusting the
General is well, yourself also
Yrs sincerely
H C Ford 
Lt Col.


9th Aus Inf Bde
April 13th 1918
My dear Sir John
Many thanks for your letter of
sympathy which has gone onto 36 Battn -
Majr White took over Command this morning.
The operation of which I spoke have been further
postponed and it is highly probable will be cancelled
together at least so I was this morning informed by
Gen CATOR GOC 58th Div who takes over the
sectn at 3 PM to day -
The 36th came out last night with bivouac and the
34th came out tonight. Present intentions are
that we shall be Divisional Reserve from 13th to
about 19th April excepting 33rd Battn etc which is
to remain a permanent Garrison for VILLERS BRETTONEUX.
The three battalion are to occupy the Corps line
known as BOVE-BLANGY line from T14a - T9a -
T4 central to main East & West Amiens road at
H 29-C. Trenches are partially dug - fairly good
wire in front and the 58th Div will help us to get
some material for shelter- Here we shall have to
remain till approximately the 19th when we may expect
to again take over part of the front -
Yours faithfully
Charles Rosenthal
Maj Gen Sir John Monash KCB. VD.


Divisional Headquarters,
13th. April, 1918.
My dear General, -
[*1*]  It is not often that I trouble you with a serious
complaint, but a matter has been worrying me which I think I ought
to bring informally under your notice. -

[*2*]  While the Division was being organised in ENGLAND

and while our Divisional Supply Column was still under my direct

orders, I went to an immense amount of trouble, - realising its

importance to the Division - to see that the Supply Column was
equipped in the most thorough fashion possible, with the very best
vehicles and plant that money could buy, all in the very best order.

By dint of establishing friendly relations with the Mechanical

Transport Depots, I fully succeeded in this, and the high standard

of efficiency of my D.S.C. has been hitherto a paramount factor in

the smooth working and in the mobility of the whole Division.  -   

During the last two months, however, a re-organisation has taken

place, as the result of which the Third D.S.C. has suffered very

badly, and has been made the victim of a most atrociously bad

bargain.  -

[*3*]  It appears that it became necessary to interchange
vehicles; so that D.S.C. should have vehicles all of one

type. - In pursuance of this, some 37 lorries (COMMER), in first




class order and in every way highly efficient, were withdrawn and

37 DAIMLER lorries were substituted. -

[*4*] It appears that the whole of these 37 DAIMLER lorries

were in the worst possible working order.  -  My private inquiries

go to show that these very vehicles had formed the subject of an

adverse report while they were still on charge of the Units from

which they were withdrawn. - There is, I am told, in existence,

a report from an Inspector of Mechanical Transport condemning

these very vehicles; yet the Officer responsible for the re-organisation
of the Australian Motor Transport permitted these derelict

vehicles to be palmed off on us, without apparently making proper

inquiry. -

[*5*] This very interchange of 37 good for 37 bad vehicles,

although it has been hanging fire since last October, was suddenly

rushed through on March 21st. on the very day that this Division

was ordered to move into the fight.  -  The result was that my

D. S. C. found itself woefully deficient in serviceable vehicles,

and very great inconvenience, worry and trouble has been caused,

ever since, in the various rapid moves of the Division, owing to so

many lorries being out of commission.  -

[*6*] The unserviceable vehicles are now being gradually

evacuated, but this is a slow process, and it is likely to be some

time before my D.S.C. again reaches the standard of mobility and
efficiency at which I and Major LYONS have always aimed to keep

it, - realising fully the great importance to the smooth working



of our Supply and other Departments that we should have all our

lorries in good working order.  -

[*7*] There is a financial side to the question also.  -  The

original COMMER lorries were bought and paid for by the Commonwealth,

and it seems a shame that we should now have unserviceable vehicles

palmed off on us in their place.  -

[*8*] I consider the whole transaction reflects discredit upon

the authority responsible for supervising the interchange, - both

as regards the quality of the vehicle taken over, and as regards the

rushed manner in which the whole business was carried out at a 

time of crisis.  -

[*9*] I feel sure that you will consider that this is a matter

worthy of close inquiry; so that responsibility for the muddle may

be fixed.

Yours sincerely,

John Monash

General Sir W. R. Birdwood, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., etc.-

Commanding Australian Imperial Force.



D I S T R I B U T I O N .

  1.  A.D.C. for G.O.C.
  2. "G"
  3. "A.Q".
  4. C. R. A.
  5. C. R. E.
  6. 3rd. Aust. Divl. Signal Company.
  7. 3rd. Aust M.G. Battalion.
  8. 9th. Aust. Infantry Bde. (for information).
  9. 10th.  "           "             "
  10. 11th.   "           "             "
  11. 13th.    "          "             " (temporarily under 3rd Div.)
  12. 3rd. Aust. Pioneer Battalion.
  13. 3rd. Aust. Divl. Train.
  14. A. D. M. S.
  15. D. A. D. V. S.
  16. 3rd. Aust. Divl. Salvage Company.
  17. Camp Commandant.
  18. D. A. D. O. S.
  19. A. P. M.
  20. 3rd. Aust. M.T. Coy.
  21. Australian Corps Q.
  22.  "               "         "
  23. 2nd. Australian Division.
  24. 4th.           "                 "
  25. 5th.            "                 "
  26. File.
  27. )
  28. ) War Diary.
  29. )
  30. )
  31. ) Base Records, Melbourne.

THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION.                           Copy No .1...............

S E C R E T:
Divisional Headquarters,

13th April, 1918. -


Issued as an Amplification and Summary of Instructions

already issued. -
1. A R E A:  TOWN MAJORS.   The undermentioned Officers have been
detailed to act as Acting Town Majors :-

Captain J.D.W.  CHISHOLM,           40th Battalion. - RIBEMONT.
Captain L. J. BEATTIE, 38th        "  - MERICOURT.
Lieut. W. RICHARDS, 39th        "  - HEILLY.
Lieut. V. J. CROTTY,   39th        "  - FRANVILLERS.
Lieut. G. S. ARMSTRONG, 41st          "  - LA HOUSSOYE.
Captain R. O'BRIEN, 41st          "  - BONNAY.
Lieut. I.G. SYMONS, 43rd         "   - QUERRIEU.
Lieut. J.L. PATON, 44th         "  - ST. GRATIEN.

DUTIES:  An acting Town Major will be in possession of

a map of his village, showing each building, and the number 

of troops which can be accommodated therein. -

He will submit to Divisional Headquarters, daily, a 

statement of accommodation available and present occupants

of town.

If the town is an evacuated one, Town Majors will issue

necessary instructions for the protection of Civilian property
against fire, theft and unnecessary damage; -

Commanding Officers of troops billeted in, or located 

near, villages will ensure that all ranks are conversant with

the instructions regarding the village.  -  All Regimental

Police of units in occupation of these villages will be

placed at the disposal of the Town Major of the village, and 

allotted definite duties by him.  The Town Major has authority
to place any building Out of Bounds to troops, and will 

mark any such building. -


by the British Military Authorities of goods from grocers'

shops and estaminets in the evacuated zone is authorised by

the French Mission.  -  When any such sale is made, a statement
must be handed in to the French Mission giving nature of

goods sold, quantity, amount for which they were sold, and also 

the name of the Commune in which the goods were found.  -  

All such sales will be carried out by the Town Major in consultation
with the representative of the French Mission.

AMIENS: No Officer under the rank of Lieut-Colonel, or

man, will be allowed in AMIENS without a pass, signed by

his Commanding Officer. -

CORBIE:  The Town of CORBIE is out of bounds to

ranks of the Division except those on duty. - 

(P. T. O. -


-Sheet -2-. Administrative Instruction No. 34.   13-4-1918. -

2. -  POLICE DUTIES: - A. P. M.- Headquarters, FRANVILLERS.

Prisoners of War Collecting Cage:  HEILLY.

Traffic Control Posts:  Traffic Control Posts have been

established as follows :-


1 at HEILLY.

1 at BONNAY.


Traffic Map already issued.

Battle Straggler Posts:

1 at Junction of Roads ½ k.m. north of "T" in RIBEMONT.

1 at North side of railway at HALTE, South of HEILLY.

1 at Railway end of BONNAY.

1 at West of CORBIE, at Junction of roads at third "L


Advanced Collecting Post:  At Field Punishment Compound,


Prisoners of War will be taken over from units at Prisoners
of War cage, HEILLY, and escorted by A: P:M. to the 

Corps Cage, MONTIGNY.

3. - TRAFFIC REGULATIONS:  Lights will not be used on cars or lorries

east of ST. POL -- AMIENS Road, inclusive.

Motor Cycles may use headlights, but will cover them

 when halted.  -  Cars and lorries when halted will cover 

or extinguish side lights, except sufficient to mark convoys.

During the present active operations, it was deemed
advisable to constitute a Permanent Field General Court-Martial
to deal with all cases.  The Court assembles at
Headquarters, 11th Aust: Infantry Brigade, HEILLY, at
10-0 a.m. every Tuesday and Friday, a Corps Courts-Martial
Officer being made available on those days. -
A Corps Reinforcement Camp, consisting of a Corps Depot,
and a wing for each division, is established in the
Commencing 13th instant, reinforcements will detrain
at CANAPLES, and will then proceed to the Corps Depot, where
they will be drafted to their Divisional wings. -
The Third Australian Divisional Wing is situated at
In addition to the Divisional Wing, there is a Divisional
Staging Camp, which is situated at QUERRIEU, and
where a hot meal and accommodation for the night is provided. -
Reinforcements, etc., will proceed to the Staging
Camp from ST. LEGER, moving on next day to join their
Units. -


Sheet -3-. Administrative Instruction No., 34.   13-4-1918. -
Advanced Dressing Stations. -
Main Dressing Station Sheet 62D, H.10.a.9.4., near QUERRIEU.
Divisional Collecting Station QUERRIEU M. D. S. - Men discharged
from the Divisional Collecting Station will be sent
to the Divisional Staging Camp. -
7. - BURIALS: All burials will be carried out under unit arrangements,
with the assistance, where necessary, of the Divisional
Burials Officer, whose Headquarters is:
Billet No. 42 - FRANVILLERS. -
Cemeteries are established at :-
The Divisional Burials Officer has a small staff attached
to him for duty at the Main Dressing Station. -
Forward Dump and )
D.A.D.O.S' Office.       ) PONT NOYELLES. -
9. - SUPPLIES: - Refilling Points - No. 867th Coy. LA HOUSSOYE.
866th Coy. QUERRIEU.
Supplies are drawn by Motor Transport from Railhead
to Refilling points, and from thence to Units Q. M. Stores
by wagons fo the Divisional Train. -
10. - W A T E R:

BUIRE: Wells. Plentiful and good supply requiring
mostly one scoop.
RIBEMONT: Mostly well water; plentiful and good supply
requiring one scoop.
MERICOURT: Mostly dependent on rain water; good quality.
HEILLY: Good and plentiful supply, mostly requiring
one scoop.
LA NEUVILLE: Well supply. Water is plentiful and good,
requiring one scoop.
BONNAY: Good and plentiful supply, requiring one scoop.
LA HOUSSOYE: Very bad. Water varies from 3 to 6 scoops.
PONT NOYELLES: Good and plentiful supply, most one scoop.
QUERRIEU: Mostly underground water; quality good.
FRANVILLERS: Fairly plentiful and good supply; some underground
tanks and a few wells unfit.
ST. GRATIEN: Water is scarce and not very good. A good
many sources of supply are underground tanks.
FRECHEN COURT: On outskirts of village is a series of springheads,
which could be easily utilised as a
water-filling point. Supply is practically
unlimited. - 

P. T. O. - 


Sheet -4-. Administrative Instruction No. 34.   13-4-1918. -
11. - AMMUNITION: Artillery Refilling Point - Sheet 62D, I.18.a. and o.
S.A.A. and GRENADES - Sheet 62D, I.7.Central.
12. - SALVAGE:  The collection of Salvage in this are will be carried
out as follows : -
Horse transport returning empty from Units to
Divisional Supply and Ammunition Refilling Points
will carry salvage. -
Supply wagons will dump salvage collected at
Sheet 62D, H.17.a.6.8c, where the Divisional Salvage
Officer will receive and sort same. Supply
lorries after dumping supplies will collect such
salvage and convey it to R.T.O.  Supply Railhead.
Returning D.A.C wagons will carry shell cases
and ammunition boxes on return to A.R.P’s, where
the shells will be reboxed and loaded on the Ammunition
lorries and returned to Ammunition Railhead.
A representative of the Divisional Salvage
Officer will be at each Refilling Point for purpose
of recording all salvage returned to Railheads.
The above procedure will be followed for all
Salvage, including paper, cardboard, solder and
fat. Units may obtain acknowledgement for salvage
handed in. -
Baths have been erected at HEILLY and BONNAY,
where men are bathed as opportunity offers for
bringing them from the line. -
CLEAN CLOTHING: is now supplied direct to units by
D.A.D.O.S., dirty clothing must be returned article
for article through D.A.D.O.S., to 11th Aust. Field
Ambulance at QUERRIEU for disinfection prior to passing
to ABBEVILLE Laundry, from whence clean clothing,
article for article, can be drawn in return
for the dirty clothing. - 
CARE OF FEET: Camphor Treatment Ingredients are
held by all Field Ambulances for issue to R.M.O’s. -
15. – PIERROT TROUPE AND CONCERT PARTY: This has been temporarily
converted into a Divisional Employment Company. -
16. – Y. M. C. A: Branches are established at HEILLY, BONNAY and the
Divisional Staging Camp, QUERRIEU. -
17. – THIRD AUST. M.T. COY: Is located at ALLONVILLE.

Robt. E. Jackson
A.A. & Q..M.G., Third Australian Division.
(R.E.J / R.M). -












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