General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 18, 28 March - 20 April 1918, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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General vear of my Attached Copit you ssecond dispotch is sent because I have been intamed that the orginal sy sent epeatadan has. i some way, miscarned I had not reached you up of riting. time scave gust. nceived word 9Bbe Rosenthal, with the that fully, Tuned ont, miss succeas alfine countys attack order Yesterday afternoon, under NW 610 Disn JOPF RCook Mouash who $92 Asfet
H.Q. 7th Coops A group of 12 enemy guns at K.3. Q.8.5 was engaged by us with a concentrated shoot of all natures at 11 this morning aaa Several direct bits o observed, and enemy detachments were seen seattering and At noon enemy teams were seen evering down the hill from K.A.I to remove the fins, and were engaged by my field Artillery an Several direct hits again observed + and several teams seen to bolt back over the hill, without the funs. asa. Addrnd. 7th Coops, sepeatel 4th Anstration Division. 1st Car. Dii 25PM 31/3/18 G.8
Army Form C. 2123. MCN Form. book MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. d Mossagend Received. Sent or sent ot. Dtice Blamy. o D. Oosa. M. Mors FO S e Aenaen ne s 15/8 Bant Charges to Collect 32 20 mann Service Instructions. AU Handed MasOee Am. Received SP. Meral MONRS 20 Di oner & NAmter Day S MON D AAA S my Dteare Conve he Conge nlations all Or the really all Fine work Yor have dowe I FRon Prl But 100 MITE A BISCR a l
1/6/16 8/18. neral. 3 Near 1 Your I have read in tense intered letters with adt - pride And lc hit Iam Sie the D in it have do will than in Ordn. ope Rre you he herfare. brench which wr a Counte - in
Onr home for a longtime Hack field on which know intimately We have y students it lup (0) Scool & Mo. peronnal Kindnes Collected 117 in yr Rempels Depot Ano I am tryeng to mange to let tere down to you thrig toe Commng week. Tuh pilally have to pgde hem in with part o 23. Drr. & and you wors to Look out for them. We are i hopes & tei hith you wre long. Mr Mennes y fors hishes Yours C.BS Whili
C 1/4/18 Australian BF AHLAC CORPS. B.E.F. FRANCE. BtBRh. Fb annu 191 8. My dear Monash, Again so many thanks for your letter of the 30th, giving such an excellent account of your further doings. It is all first class reading, and makes me long all the more to be with you - if only in the hopes of being able to get your division and our others together, as all three now have, I see, a detached brigade, which is so very undesirable, if it can possibly be avoided. I have not yet received any definite orders, but quite expect to get away in the course of the next couple of days. In the fighting that is before us, I am sure it will be sound to give up the idea of continuous lines, but to dispose one's troops tactically in positions, from which one can bring heavy fire to bear on advancing German masses; and I think the ground in your part of the world lends itself to this. Again)
2- AGWLH, aa- Cd Wishes. Yours ever, D Enidword
A05 All well on 31t Repulsed very severe attack by 2 Dursions Yesterday afternoon inflicting at least 3000 Please Casnaltier.- Dend on to Melbourne. 31/3/16
5 Wac 4 tat 24 passon ponal t chaft enclosed the yote Mellne wth t pet soisd if tuy prpepits palodey oepupe pfrom Bray to apst of ppimy on E8. t Igreen fins & fayging odex on the line of the patcte. clear path to ppeaing wde masn Meo Haniler oFrav t the mas on my far, (at payboat p 2 & the grest (magoy Ebering art my leading fir atyreda paat 8.30a4. f a hors I was indmputadily expecting to be mapped up by Berth atmore could ec ha p Bocd garaly high cround [Eapt of ped.] The line p with my first to betatnd to arrivd wa after te pays Merrcoust to sidA Eeq finting my lee mow Bdife the spap pinge sen 16 Sille orea going the an of ey ha up against i; apstion the 18th IasArg Aoete Dispic faird into yepterday n[ Vex a iding the road to Armend it dosed; &hr 4th Austalians & the Ner teal and yth md te 4 eddid p the whol pripop pe

Dear General,
Attached Copy of my
second dispatch to you
is sent because I have been
informed that the original
copy, sent yesterday, has,
in some way, miscarried,
& had not reached you up to
time of writing. -
Have just received word
that Rosenthal, with the 9 Bde,
carried out, most successfully,
a fine Counter attack,
yesterday afternoon, under orders
of 61st Divn. NW of
Sgd John Monash



H.Q. 7th Corps
A group of 12 enemy guns at K.3.d.8.5 was engaged by us with a
concentrated shoot of all natures at 11 this morning aaa Several direct hits
observed, and enemy detachments were seen scattering aaa At noon enemy
teams were seen coming down the hill from K.4.d to remove the guns, and
were engaged by my field Artillery. aaa Several direct hits again observed &
and several teams seen to bolt back over the hill, without the guns. aaa.
Addsed. 7th Corps, repeated 4th Australian Division. 1st Cav. Divn
G. 87  2.5PM  31/3/18 


"C" Form. 

Army Form C. 2123.

(In books of 100.)
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message 124
Prefix SM Code SJ Words 26
Charges to Collect £  s. d.
From GW

By Baily
Sent or Sent out




Office Stamp.

AYC 31.III.18.

Service Instructions.  A.VO

Handed in at........

Office 7.07 pm.

Received 7.55 pm.


3rd Aus Div
Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number.   AAA


Please Convey my heartiest

Congratulations to all on

all the really fine

work you have been


R 7.59


FROM Genl Birdwood


My Dear General.
I have read your
letters with intense interest
And may I add - pride.

I am sure the Divn. will

do well - & you will have
more scope than in ordinary

trench warfare. You are
in a country which was 


our home for a long time
& each field on which I
know intimately.
We have yr.
(l) Students of Corps
Schools & [[hosll?]]

(ll) Sundries collected

in yr. [[Remfch]]

And I am trying to arrange
to get these down to you during
the coming week. I will
probably have to 'juggle'
them in with part of 2nd.
Divn & send you word to
look out for them.
We are in hopes of
being with you Ere long.
All manner of good wishes
Yours C.B.B White 


31st March, 1918.
My dear Monash,
Again so many thanks for your letter of the
30th, giving such an excellent account of your further
doings. It is all first class reading, and makes me
long all the more to be with you - if only in the hopes
of being able to get your division and our others
together, as all three now have, I see, a detached
brigade, which is so very undesirable, if it can possibly
be avoided. I have not yet received any definite orders,
but quite expect to get away in the course of the next
couple of days.
In the fighting that is before us, I am sure
it will be sound to give up the idea of continuous lines,
but to dispose one's troops tactically in positions, from
which one can bring heavy fire to bear on advancing
German masses; and I think the ground in your part of
the world lends itself to this.


Again, all good wishes.
Yours ever,
W.R. Birdwood 


All well on 31st. -
Repulsed very severe
attack by 2 Divisions
yesterday afternoon,
inflicting at least 3000
Casualties. - Please
send on to Melbourne.



March 31/18
Dear Walter
Enclosed chart for perusal & to pass on

to Melbourne with this note. -
The trouble in my vicinity arose because
the Corps holding from Bray to Albert

(green line) broke at 4 p.m. on 26th

falling back on the line of the Ancre &

thus opening, wide, a clear path to

Amiens. -
I arrived at Franvillers (Fravillers on 

the map) in my car, at daybreak on 27th
& the first motor lorries with my leading 

Infantry arrived at same spot at 8.30 a.m.

For 2 hours I was momentarily expecting to be

mopped up by Bosch Armoured cars. - I could

see (through my glasses.) the Bosch cavalry on the
high ground East of Morlancourt. - The line I took
up with my first two battalions to arrive was from
Mericourt to Sailly-le-Sec. - After two days
fighting my line nowx runs from Buire
to Sailly-Lorette. - The map will show

you the Divisions I have had up against me;

in addition the 18th (Schlessing-Holstein) Division

came into yesterday's fight. - Yet we have stood

firm; the road to Amiens is closed; & we & the

4th Australians, & the New Zealanders further north have
steadied up the whole British line - J.M.



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