General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 18, 28 March - 20 April 1918, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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7Sh Coops. The line which I am holding and have a organized runs at 6 p.m. today as fellows: - From railway bridge over somme at Aubignfy, along whole River line to J.35.C ontposes on South bank opposite all crossings with aan From T.35. c line held runs through 5.35.6, 30. C,30.9, 24.C 18 central 12 central to TEUX just south of which I am in touch with troops of 35th Dursion. and I am pushing patrily still fnother east of above line to establish contact with enemy believed now to be 1500 yarts West of Merlancourt. Lan Addra 7th Corp repeated 35 & 4th Just Divisions GB13 730 38/3/8
CopY Commanding Officer, WMK RAUIUPON, A.L.P. I wish to bring under your notice the following acts of 8081 Sgt. Stanley Robert MacDOUGALL. This morning (39th. inst.) the enemy made a determined attack on our line near DERYANCOURT and succeeded in getting through at a crossing. saw Sgt. MACBUGAIL rush at the enamy’& second wave by himself with a rifle and bayonet, killing several and capturing a German Machine Gun which he turned on the enemy and caused their second wave to disperse. I saw him then pick up a Lewis gun and singlehanded attack the First wave firing from the hip as he ran towards the enemy, firing until he was five or ten yards from them. A Gorman Officer rushed at him with his revolver, but Sgt. MacDOUGAlL bayonetted him. By this time I was engaged on the opposite flank of the enemy with a small party and Sgt. MacDOUGALL. came round just in time to bayonet a German who had noved up behind ne and was about to fire at me (sgd) E.ROBINSON, Lieut.. 10/3128. 47th. Pattalion, A.l.F. This statenent swrn to before me. (asd) A.P.INRRY, Lieut Colonel, C.0. 47th. Battalion, A.L.F.
th =toops. by me The line gamed, as the result of operations last night now runs thus aaa from Somme at P.5.b. central through D.36.2, 5 30Cx a, T24C & R, Centrl & I #18c.xa, 512, $5 central youning with 38 Dursion just south of Trent aad the copse in I 18 d is still held by enemy and is being deact with and during above advance numerous Our Casnalties (about 300 ana He had a bato successful enaounters cupturing & prioners and (between the Awex & Sogme Killing ao number a number of enemy aan my position (91,000 to 2000 ghods is now orfanzed in depth on three lines bets the lore and the Somme ada ayfrtnow guet. on the line of the Lomme between Sailly. C. Lece and Si Anbigiry is also held by my thiod Boygude and I have two Battalions not yet committed and my frunt ginet at 10.30 a.m. Ay Sent I1 am GBC0 29/3/18
1/4/16 AUSTRALLAN KRSKAS CORPS. B.E.F. FRANCE. 22th.. March1918. My dear Monash, Just a line to thank you so nuch for your most welcome and excellent letter of the 28th, giving us all details regarding the Division. You and your Division have indeed done quite splendidly as I knew you would, and I know (as) you will do, in whatever strain may come upon you. I will not say nore at present, except again to wish you the best of good luck and to tell you that I hope to be down with you in the course of the next few days - please do not mention this until you hear it officially, as the matter is not yet definitely fixed up. It will, however, be a great thing if as I hope we have the whole Corps together again, when I am sure we shall be able to give a real good account of ourselves. Yours ever, W WKidwood
AR CRE 9th Bay 10th Bac 296 CHTH3 11th Bs C.R.A. necessary reconnaissances are to be immediately undertaken for Following redispositions which may possibly be ordered to be carried out during dalkness to extent to left and tomight. asa. 9th Brignde to take over from 11th Brigade the respon. sibility for the line of the fomme between Sailly-le- Sec and Vanx about ana Left flank of 11th Brigude to side-step to the left t 1,000 yarks north of Corbie-Bray Road relieving 10th Brigude troops in that 1000 gaods aax 10th Brignde to side step to railway at D. 30 central relieving troops of 35th Dursion astride of Auere Valley and covering BUIRE aaa Fro movements of Troop to place tor above to take place untees these redispositions are refinitely ordered. 24//16 ld 5
me mn Corps Message from At 158PM Refer our messege G.H. 811 About relief Stonight This Rrelief will not take place tolight. It may take plas tomorrow night but there is apossibility that it will not take place tomorow neght either Arrangements for effecting the chadge are to be carried on 4 C 46 09t Reperence my C0/93 the sidestepping reporsed to therin will not take place tought, but possibly tomorow rught however can this recomnaisianas ordered are to be fone on with 645 Sent at 2.15 pm 46 Ce 13
7th -Coops. Copse in J.18. reported in my G.B.60 of this morning as held by eremy was Captured by us at 9 p.m. today, and my line has now been pached forward to East of it aaa Details ll later. 9.55PM C.HS 56 39/p
18 2s 217 W 3707-50S SOOn 7116 HWV (E. 195. , 12th. Aust. Inf. Brigade. Schedule No. Unit Regtl. No. Ho be lot Mank) arin. 4061 pattalion, A.1.F. pate ree mendation pattalion prisade Divisten Forma/ W. 312118 Army Form W. 3121. Corps. SALL. EIraR, 1212. Date of Recommendation Ath. AUSTEALLAE Division. -MI Honour Recommended (To be lett Rank and Name Action for which commended blank) Reward For most conspicuous gallantry and devotion to Gergeant duty. MCTORL Stanley Robert At BERNANCOURT on Moring of Btn. Maren, 1924 the ensy attacked our ling and His first ward orsecoded S JRODOUSALL. succeeded in gaining an entry. A.F.IMLAN. Sgt. MaCDOUGAIL. we was at gfost in a flary LtCol. company, realieed the situntion, and at ence charged the enemy’s second wave singleanded C.0. with rifle and bayenet, Mlling 7 and arth. Bn. capturing Rachine Cun which they had. Thie Ao loF. he turned on to thex, ffiring fros the hip. causing many casualties and routing that wave. J.GML IERArD. Ne then turned his attention to these we had Svig-den. assed forward. entered until his amonition ran out, all the 0.C.C. time firing at close quarters, wen he seized Roceired. Pasnof. 13th. a Dayonet and Chargea again, Miling three mer 314/28 A.L.Ede. and a German Officer who was fist about to a/2/20 Kill one of our Officers. He Wm uses a Lewy 014120 614/28 thm on the enery, Killing sany and mabling us to capture 33 ppisoners. Ris prompt action saved the line and enabled us to etop the enany advance (38A) S.E.ESSAS HALSAN. Comanding 4th., MSTRALLAH DIUIHOR.
20131 Army Form C. 2128. MCn ForM. (In books of 100.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.! No. of Messse ant aeon of oe Received. ti PrebO0d Words. a Now 5 Arnenn formg 399773 Charges to Collect BGeo Do an fornmn Service Instructions 32 0800. ].b. . p. ] Recerred. A. 2 20 1700 TEGSTMON. SeNTGFMSE AAA 3 100 siner tn t hlat ong tl in Aus 6 FROM TIME & PACE This the Miit By Chist VC KESSSS MO-Fo B EAd -SRY-HIAL Far SI

7th Corps.
The line which I am holding and have satisfactorily
organized runs at 6 p.m. today as
follows:-  From railway bridge over Somme
at Aubignxy, along whole River line to J.35.c
with pickets ^outposts on South bank outward opposite all crossings
aaa   From J.35.c line held runs through
J.35.b, 30.c, 30.a, 24.c, 18 central, 12 central
to TEUX just south of which I am in touch with
troops of 35th Division. aaa I am pushing patrols
still further east of above line to establish contact
with enemy believed now to be 1500 yards West of
Merlancourt. aaa Added 7th Corps repeated
35th & 4th Aust Divisions
GB 13 
7.30 pm  Sent CHJ



Commanding Officer
47th. Battalion, A.I.F.
I wish to bring under your notice the following acts of
4061 Sgt. Stanley Robert MacDOUGALL.
This morning (28th. inst.) the enemy made a determined attack
on our line near DERNANCOURT and succeeded in getting through
at a crossing.
I saw Sgt. MacDOUGALL rush at the enemy's second wave by himself with
a rifle and bayonet, killing several and capturing a German Machine Gun
which he turned on the enemy and caused their second wave to disperse.
I saw him then pick up a Lewis gun and singlehanded attack the
first wave firing from the hip as he ran towards the enemy, firing
until he was five or ten yards from them.   A German Officer rushed
at him with his revolver, but Sgt. MacDOUGALL bayonetted him.
By this time I was engaged on the opposite flank of the enemy with
a small party and Sgt. MacDOUGALL came round just in time to
bayonet a German who had moved up behind me and was about to fire at me.

(sgd) E.ROBINSON, Lieut.,
47th. Battalion, A.I.F.
This statement sworn to before me.
(sgd) A. P. IMLAY, Lieut. Colonel,
C.O. 47th. Battalion, A.I.F. 


7th Corps.
The line gained ^by me as the result of operations last
night now runs thus aaa from Somme at P.5.b.
central through J.36.a, J 30 c & a, J 24 c & a, 
J 18 c. & a, J 12 ^central & J 6 central joining with 35th
Division just South of Treux aaa The copse in J 18 d 
is still held by enemy and is being dealt with aaa
Our Casualties ^during above advance about 300  aaa We had a number of ^numerous
successful xxxxx encounters capturing 4 prisoners and
killing a number a number of enemy aaa My position ^between the Ancre & Somme
is now organized in depth ^of 1000 to 2000 yards in three lines between the 

Ancre & the Somme   aaa They front now quiet.
aaa The line of the Somme between Sailly-le-Sec and
Aubigny is also held by my Third Brigade aaa I ^still have
two Battalions gd not yet committed aaa My front
quiet at 10.30 a.m.
GB Co 
CHJ Sent 11 am


29th March, 1918.
My dear Monash,
Just a line to thank you so much for
your most welcome and excellent letter of the 28th,
giving us all details regarding the Division. You
and your Division have indeed done quite splendidly
as I knew you would, and ^as I know you will do, in
whatever strain may come upon you.
I will not say more at present,
except again to wish you the best of good luck
and to tell you that I hope to be down with you
in the course of the next few days - please do
not mention this until you hear it officially, as
the matter is not yet definitely fixed up. It
will, however, be a great thing if as I hope we
have the whole Corps together again, when I am
sure we shall be able to give a real good account
of ourselves.
Yours ever,
W. R. Birdwood.


9th Bde   }
10th Bde  }
11th Bde.  }   CHJ 43.    29th.
Necessary reconnaissances are to be immediately undertaken for
following redispositions which may possibly be ordered to be carried out
^during darkness tonight. aaa. 9th Brigade to ^to extend to left and take over from 11th Brigade the responsibility
for the line of the Somme between Sailly-le-Sec and Vaux.
aaa Left flank of 11th Brigade to side-step to the left to ^about 1000 yards
north of Corbie-Bray Road relieving 10th Brigade troops in that
1000 yards. aaa 10th Brigade to side step to railway at D.30
central relieving troops of 35th Division astride of Ancre Valley
and covering BUIRE aaa No movements of troops to take
place for above to take place unless these redispositions are
definitely ordered.
C.H.J 43   Sent at 11.40 am
CHJ  29/3/18 


Message from 7th Corps "G"
at 1.55 PM
Refer our message GX 811
about relief tonight
This relief will not take
place tonight
It may take place tomorrow
night but there is a possibility
that it will not take place
tomorrow night either.
Arrangements for effecting
the  change are to be carried on
CHJ 46     29th
Reference my CHJ/43 the sidestepping referred to therein
will not take place tonight, but possibly tomorrow night
aaa The reconnaissances ordered are ^however to be gone on with
Sent at 2.15 p.m


7th Corps .
Copse in J.18.^d reported in my G.B. 60
of this morning as held by enemy has was
captured by us at 9 p.m. today, and my
line has now been pushed forward to East of
it aaa Details follow later . —
C.HJ 56      9.55 PM


(9 23 21)  W 3707—598  500M  7/16 H W V  [E. 195.] Forms/W. 3121/3 Army Form W.3121

12th. Aust. Inf. Brigade.    4th. AUSTRALIAN Division.     VII Corps.    
29th. March, 1918.  Date of Recommendation. 

Schedule No.(to be left
Unit Regtl.No. Rank and Name Recommended
     or Reward
(To be left blank)



Stanley Robert

47th. Bn.


  Date recommendation passed forward.
                                             Received.           Passed.
Battalion                                                         3/4/18.
Brigade                               4/4/18                 4/4/18
Division                                5/4/18                 6/4/18. 

Action for which commended
For most conspicuous gallantry and devotion to
At DERNANCOURT on morning of 28th, March, 1918,
the enemy attacked our line and his first wave succeeded succeeded in gaining an entry.
Sgt. MacDOUGALL, who was at a/post in a flank
company,  realised the situation, and at once
charged the enemy's second wave singlehanded
with rifle and bayonet, killing 7 and
capturing Machine Gun which they had.  This
he turned on to them, firing from the hip,
causing many casualties and routing that wave.
He then turned his attention to those who had
entered until his ammunition ran out, all the
time firing at close quarters, when he seized 
a bayonet and charged again, killing three men
and a German Officer who was just about to
kill one of our Officers,  He then used a Lewis
Gun on the enemy, killing many and enabling
us to capture 33 prisoners,

His prompt action saved the line and enabled
us to stop the enemy advance.




"C" Form.       Army Form C. 2123. (in books of 100.)
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message....
Prefix    SM      Code    AL      Words    15
From Ayd
By A Yeoman
Office Stamp.
AYC 30.11.18
Handed in at   AYD  Office    1.55 pm.   Received 1.58 pm.
TO   3  Aus  Div

Sender's Number.  9/53    
Day of Month.  30   
In reply to Number.   CHJ 66
4 Aus Divn sincere
[[R .. Opin?]]
2 pm
FROM     4th  Aus  Divn



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