General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 17, 14 January - 11 February 1918, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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Presentation after Church Prade 10.30 am 33rd Dr. Parade Ground Kortepyp 8. TH. b. 9.5 Efc 2/1
4 2/18 Astange Feam tent 9th Rind Satty. 9.15 arm. 1. Our Artilly 2. Rempraing Artiller 23 Aation by left Hlank Dn & 24 M. G. Aption. + 5. L.T.M. dation. & 6 T.M.smoke I 7. Candle smake.No Were cutting 8. Mfetiont avenagements 9 Narrative 10 2 Fat pe Fond 22. Ads. P H0. tamsport of vaider 4 22 Ds Apison &C Entelligance, photon, Sptano S 23 Henry anitin 14 tot seole to Newar, I Demolitus stores 17 Oder by alt 18 Date Time Commnctor 2
4//16 Ln Basse Ville defences Army & Coops attach supoeme importance to this pait o Iolated position - no support - bad cellars no continuous front line - only one approach. Porsevarrn of La Basse Ville gues Enemy Tort Ringe salient. Wire support five trenches among tewns Cellar eits Another C.T C.B from Village posts to bont line Improve Front line Defence scheme & nesponsible Command.
Fy 4/18 THIRD AUSTRALLAN DITISION. Birisional Readquarters 4th. Fepruary, 1828. I Isane a cicular, enbody purport of the following:- It has been decided that in all the cemstaries, in which are barted Anstrallan soldiers who have fallen in the way, there shall be a headstone of one uniform atens Characteristie of AUSTRALLA. It is desired to consider designs for such gravestones submitted by Architeets, Engineers, Draftsmen, Artists, or others within the A. I.F., who are qualified to de so.. In view of the probable high cost of decorative stone and of sculpture and carving work, the suggestion has been made that the design should, in any case, be of a simple character. - It has, therefore, been suggested that the gravestone should be made of granolithie concrets, cast in molds, and that all or most of the emblems, adornments and, in any case, the whole of the inscription giving the soldiers’ names, units, etc., should be carried out in copper or brense which can be rivetted to a recess in the gravestone provided for that purpose. - While above suggestions are not mandatory, they should be kept in view in any design submitted. P.2.0. 11).
4/2/2918. (21. It is thought that for all soldiers of the Christian faith, some form of cross should be embodied in the design of the gravestone; but, in the case of members of the Jewish faith, an alternative symbol would be necessary. All members of the Third Australian Division wishing to submit a design for this headstone will please do so forward- ing same to Divisional Headquarters before February 28th., 1918. 4/218
3. 40 pa EAOTYORL SCRYEN Our front linc is roughly the outline of the coast. The EROFH LINE has boon laid down by the Goneral Staff as the lino which it is essential to hold. Tho RED LIWE is tho Main Line of Resistanco, and the approximate line from which the Divisional Rcserve may be sxpoeted to countcreattack. The Corps have allotted the Division two of its Companies for defence, with a third Company resting near the guarry in A. 8. d. The Fourth Company is tactically billoted under the Corps wards tho Southern Divisional boundary.
2/18 S.H. Q. SEALL ARNS SCHOOL (S.45a). (Vickers Branch). The following Demonstration will be fired for Staff Officers, on Thursday, Feb: 7th., from the positions named below:- "C MEULOrY Location 7 b 18 42. 3E216617 7 a90. Group Commander, Captain Bloomfield, N.C. Battery, Commander, Captain Howard. PaskS 3.0.S 2 minutes. 5 a 89 to 1 083. 250 rounds per minute. Concentration. 2 minute. 5 a 88. 59 rounds per minute. Br BllorY Commander, Captain Black. S.O.S. Tasks. 2 minutes. 5 a 85 to 5 a 89. 250 rounds per minute. Concentration. 1 minute. 5 a 88. 250 rounds per minute. Officer i/c Pegsene-out Party, Captain Bloor, or Lieut. Dangerfield, Mc. ORDER OF EVEUIS. (1) 2.0 pm. Beaten Zone fired at 1,500 yards, on shore. (2) Beaten Zone pegged out. (3) S.O.S fired. (4) Left half of S.O.S pegged out. Concentration fired. (5) (6) Several Switch Concentrations. FOTE:- For Staff Officers attending this Demonstration on Monday, Feb: 11th., as much of Thursday’s programme will be fired as tide permits. A CREEPING BARRAGE MAY BE ADDED. In the Field. (Signed). R.J. Atkinson. Captain. 5/2/1818. 1/c Domonstration. ADDITLONAL NC PTES. 1. Each Battery consists of 8 guns on a frontage of 70 yards. In the S.O.S each gun takes on a frontage of 25 yards. 3. Average range, 2,350 yards.

Church Parade 10.30 am. Presentation after
33rd Bn. Parade Ground
Kortepyp "B"
T 26. b. 9.5
R.E. J
Lt Col 


Arrange Team Visit 9th

9.15 a.m.

1. Our Artillery. √
2. Reinforcing Artillery. √
3. Action by left flank Div.√  24
4. M.G. action. √
5. L.T.M. action. √
6. T.M. smoke. √

7. Candle smoke. No
8. Wire cutting
9. Medical arrangements
10. Narrative
11. Prisoner
12. Transport of rations
13. Intelligence, photos, & plans
14. Heavy Artillery√
15. Gas shells for Heavies.
16. Demolition Stores
17. Orders by all -
18. Date.
19. Time
20. Communication 
21. Find Conference
22. Adv People H.Q.
23. Div. Liaison & Car


La Basse Ville defences
Army & Corps attach supreme importance to this
In Isolated position - no support - bad cellars
no continuous front line - only one approach.
Possession of La Basse Ville gives enemy Pont Rouge
Support fire trenches among towns
Cellar exits
Another C.T.
C.T's from Village posts to front line
Improve Front line
Defence scheme & responsible Command. 


Feby 4/18
Divisional Headquarters,
4th. February, 1918.
AQ  Issue a circular embodying the
purpose of the following:-
It has been decided that in all the cemeteries, in
which are buried Australian soldiers who have fallen in the war,
there shall be a headstone of one uniform stone design emblematic characteristic
It is desired to consider designs for such gravestones
submitted by Architects, Engineers, Draftsmen, Artists, or others
within the A.I.F., who are qualified to do so. -
In view of the probable high cost of decorative stone
and of sculpture and carving work, the suggestion has been made
that the design should, in any case, be of a simple character. -
It has, therefore also, been suggested that the gravestone should be
made of granolithic concrete, cast in mo^ulds, and that all or most
of the emblems, adornments and, in any case, the whole of the
inscription giving the soldiers’ names, units, etc., should be
carried out in copper or bronze which can be rivetted to into a recess
in the gravestone provided for that purpose. - While above
suggestions are not mandatory, they should be kept in view in any
design submitted.


It is thought that for all soldiers of the Christian
faith, some form of cross should be embodied in the design of
the gravestone; but, in the case of members of the Jewish faith,
an alternative symbol would be necessary. -
All members of the Third Australian Division wishing
to submit a design for this headstone will please do so forwarding 
same to Divisional Headquarters before February 28th., 1918.


1. Our front line is roughly the outline of the coast.
2. The BROWN LINE has been laid down by the General Staff as the
line which it is essential to hold.
3. The RED LINE is the Main Line of Resistance, and the approximate
line from which the Divisional Reserve may be expected to
4. The Corps have allotted the Division two of its ^Div. Companies for
defence, with a third Company resting near the quarry in A. 8. d.
The Fourth Company is tactically billeted under the Corps
wards the Southern Divisional boundary. 


G.H.Q., SMALL ARMS SCHOOL.       (S.45a).
( Vickers Branch).
The following Demonstration will be fired for Staff Officers, on
Thursday, Feb: 7th., from the positions named below:-

“C”    Battery.               Location 7 b 18 42.   
”D2”  Battery.                    “          7 a. 9 0.     
Group Commander.   Captain Bloomfield, M.C.
“C” Battery. Commander, Captain Howard.
Tasks.   S.O.S.               2 minutes          
 5 a 8 9  to 1 C 8 3.        250 rounds per minute.
Concentration.            1 minute.

 5 a 8 8.                          250 rounds per minute.

"D2" Battery.             Commander, Captain Black.
Tasks.   S.O.S.               2 minutes    
5 a 8 5 to 5 a 8 9           250 rounds per minute.
Concentration.            1 minute.

5 a 8 8.                             250 rounds per minute.
Officer 1/c Pegging - out Party, Captain Bloor, or Lieut. Dangerfield, M.C.
(1)   2.0 pm. Beaten Zone fired at 1,500 yards, on shore.
(2)   Beaten Zone pegged out.
(3)  S.O.S fired.
(4)  Left half of S.O.S pegged out.
(5)  Concentration fired.
(6)  Several Switch Concentrations.
NOTE:- For Staff Officers attending this Demonstration on Monday,
Feb. 11th., as much as Thursday’s programme will be fired
as tide permits.
In the Field   (Signed).  R.J. Atkinson.
5/2/1918     i/c Demonstration .                             
1.  Each Battery consists of 8 guns on a frontage of 70 yards.
2.  In the S.O.S each gun takes on a frontage of 25 yards.
3.  Average range, 2,350 yards.

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