General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 17, 14 January - 11 February 1918, Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
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11/2/18 Arst Crips. fally of prisoners last night raid now stands thus, umounded 23 wounded & consideable other total prsoners 31 ana P II damage particular of which to enemy personnel materice and works follow later ana Addssd Aust. Coops repeatd Hank Sinsions BM 9 40 18
11/2/18 10th Brigade Please convey to Captain Fawweather and the raiding party my heartiest congratulations upon their fine suscess, which has been due as much to the valour and determination of the assaulting Troops as to the splendid cooperation of the Cop and Divisional Astillery and French Mortars and the highly of the Staffs and Services o fficient work Mroughout asa Congratulations. o eived from Fank Divisions, aad Corps Commander wourmest wishes his congratulations to be promilgated to the Division aad Following also received from General Kawlinson begins can Please convey to 3 Arist. Div. my warm thanks and Confratulations on very successful raid last night aan It was well arranged and very fallantly carried out and reflects great credit on all ranks engaged both in the Inf. and Atty aas ends. - General Monash ana Gldne 10th Bde, repeated C.R.A, 9th & 11th Bder. A0C 1235PM Aust Div. 11/2/16 Hl Above to be repeated also in a Special Dro. Order 40 deproduction of telepram sent. ISpave copy of this order to me 10/2/18
1/10 Hushalian Coop. Raid on Warneton Front very successful and wenty one porsoners already at Collecting Station aan Adentification 228 F.T.F. novngal aan tirst paterrogation an fillow interogated prisoner from Nc 1 Cs states all four Companie in bont line, I posts in each company front. Company strength 160, 6 days in line, Cm Support 6n sest aan Bridge at V.12 d.75 mich used and Anothe prsoner states St Bavalians still on South but this repurses confirmation. - Addood Anst. Coops repented Hank Divisions. BM5 12.46 F 1112/18
1/18 Enemy astillery reaation feeble ana Fower brigzes worked well after our forward phones had been cut out aan. Addred. Anst. Coops, depeated Flank Prsions [Send copy t. C.R.A. by hand) an Two of our officers who reantived enemy Front line after raid searching to missing officer met enemy patrol of 8 Killing 2 and dispersing remainder 5 BM. 7 1.15 PM 11//18
11.2.18 Austratian Coops.- te addition to 31 prosoner Reference last nights raid, in addition to 31 prisoners alread reported we knon 2 additimt account to wrther prisoners aan We have also taken three Mashine 2ar guns, one pine apple mootar, and much smaller booty asa numerous Opart from (Caruathes inflicted by our Estillery to assuult Infantry + accounted to 30 enemy who had advanced into N.M. L additional to avoid our barrage asa welvetr prisoners who anempted to escape when crossing N.M.L. had to be disposed of there aad Our right assaulting party was strongly op. posed from ontset by M. Gs and bayonet asa this party bombed several dugonts in second line Killing 15 enemy therein, also dealh with 18 others by bayonet. ana Left party met no opposition in front line, but strong vesis. tance fom da in and near second line from dugonts (which were bombed a including 3 definitely a strozed, ass this necessitated continuous bomb and Cayonet fight during which this party claim to have de posed of 25 enemy. ane At Lero plus 28 minutes a counterattack along Warneton road was successfully repettee by Lieut. Eason ana Enemy in second line were wearing gas masks aas Enemy works found badly Imasted by our bombardment aao Our barrage admirable ana Enemy wise proved no obstagle. an


Aust Corps.

Tally of prisoners last night's raid now

stands thus, unwounded 23 wounded 8
Total prisoners 31 aaa  Particulars of Considerable ^other damage
to enemy personnel material and works ^ particulars of which follow
later and Addssd Aust. Corps repeatd
Flank Divisions. 

B M 6

9.40 AM




10th Brigade

Please convey to Captain Fairweather and the raiding 
party my heartiest congratulations upon their fine success,
which has been due as much to the valour and determination
of the assaulting troops as to the splendid cooperation of the
Corps and Divisional Artillery and Trench Mortars and ^to the highly
efficient staff work ^of the Staffs and Services throughout aaa Congratulations  also
received from Flank Divisions, aaa Corps Commander also
wishes his ^warmest congratulations to be promulgated to this Division aaa
Following also received from General Rawlinson begins
aaa Please convey to 3d Aust. Div. my warm thanks and
Congratulations on very successful raid last night aaa It
was well arranged and very gallantly carried out and

reflects great credit on all ranks engaged both in the
Inf. and Arty aaa ends. - General Monash aaa
Addssd 10th Bde, repeated C.R.A, 9th & 11th Bdes.
ADC 76

12.35 PM    3d Aust Div.

AQ. Above to be repeated also in a Special Div. order, as
reproduction of telegram sent. JM


[2 Spare copies of this order to me]

[* Sir


1.15 pm 11/2/18





Australian Corps 
Raid on Warneton front very successful aaa
Twenty one prisoners already at Collecting Stations aaa

Identification 228 R.I.R. normal aaa First
Interrogation as follows

prisoner from No 1 Co. ^interrogated states all four Companies
in front line, 5 posts in each Company front,
Company strength 160, 6 days in line, 6 in
support 6 in rest aaa. Bridge at U.12.d.7.5
trench used aaa Another prisoner states 5th
Bavarians still on South but this requires
Confirmation. -  Addssd Aust. Corps
repeated Flank Divisions.

B M 5

12.46 AM



 Enemy artillery reaction feeble aaa Power buzzer
worked well after our forward phones had been cut out.

[ * aaa An off Two of our officers who reentered enemy
front line after raid searching for missing officer met
enemy patrol of 8 killing 2 and dispersing remainder.*]

- aaa. Addssd. Aust. Corps, repeated Flank

Divisions. -
[Send copy to C. R. A. by hand]
B M 7

1.15 PM

11 /2/ 18


11. 2. 18
Australian Corps. - 
In addition to 31 prisoners

Reference last nights raid, in addition to 31 prisoners
already reported we know of 2 additional pris account for
2 additional further prisoners aaa We have also taken three machine
guns, one pine apple mortar, and much smaller booty aaa
Apart from ^numerous casualties inflicted by our Artillery prior to assault

[[?]] ^Infantry accounted for 30 enemy who had advanced into N. M. L
to avoid our barrage aaa Twelve other additional prisoners  who
attempted to escape when crossing N. M. L. had to be disposed
of there aaa Our right assaulting party was strongly opposed

from outset by M.G's and bayonet aaa This party
bombed several dugouts in Second line killing 15 enemy
therein, also dealt with 18 others by bayonet. aaa Left
party met no opposition in front line, but strong resistance
from dugo in and near Second line from dugouts

5 of which were bombed success and  including 3 definitely
destroyed, aaa  This necessitated continuous bomb and
bayonet fight during which party this party claim to have
disposed of 25 enemy. aaa At Zero plus 28 minutes

a counterattack along Warneton road was successfully
repelled by. Lieut Eason aaa Enemy in second line

were wearing gas masks aaa Enemy works found badly
smashed by our bombardment aaa Our barrage
admirable aaa Enemy wire proved no obstacle aaa

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