General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 17, 1 November 1917 - 13 January 1918, Part 11

Major - General JOHN MONASH, C.B., V.D.
Commanding, Third Australian Division.
Divisional Headquarters,
30th November, 1917.
The General Commanding the A. I. F., has expressed a wish
that the manner of wearing 'the Australian Hat by the troops of this
Division should; in future, conform to that employed by other Units
of the A. I. F., viz :- with the flap looped up on the left hand side.-
In pursuance of this, the new method of wearing the hat will
be taken into use in the Third Australian Division from and after
December 1st, 1917, attention being given to the following points: -
(a) The large rising sun badge will be removed from the
front of the hat-band, and placed on the under side
of the flap of the hat, on the left hand side.
(b) The flap of the hat will be looped up to the crown on
the left hand side, by means of the fastening originally
provided for that purpose; and, in cases where
such fastening has been injured or lost, by an improvised
(c) The hat will be worn well forward on the head, and
with a slight tilt towards the right.
(d) The chin strap will be worn on the point of, and not
above or under the chin.
Every effort is to be made, by all Commanders throughout
the Division; to ensure that the troops conform to this regulation,
at all times, whether on or off parade or duty; and that the change
herein ordered is introduced without delay.-
As in pursuance of this order the Division will dispense with
the hitherto distinctive method of wearing the hat, it is more than
ever important that every Third Division Officer and man shall always
wearthe distinctive color patches of his unit, both on jacket and on
great coat.
C A Pyke
For A.A. & Q.M.G., 3rd. Australian Division.
AQ bus
Not Transferable 6997
Instructions on back.
Period during which available.
From 1st December 1917
to 28th February 1918
The person named below is permitted to pass
within the area occupied by the British Army
with a motor cycle or car during the period stated
This Pass is not to be accepted if the name
originally entered on it is erased and another
name substituted.
Valable du 1er Decembre 1917
au 28 Fevrier 1918
La personne nommee ci - dessous est autorisea
å circuler dans la zone occupée par I'Armée
Britannique avec motocyclette ou voiture auto
mobile pendant la periode spécifiee ci-dessus
Cette carte cesse détre valable au cas où le
nom du porteur serait efface et remplacé par un
autre nom.
Name Major General John Monash C.B.V.D.
Unit Third Australian Division.
Signature and
Stamp of
Issuing Officer.
Watson Corpitis Capt
A Div
This Pass to be shown when demanded.
It is not transferable and must be signed by the
No Pass is valid unless stamped with a special
Pass Stamp of an A.P.M. and the Rank, and
appointment of the issuing Officer is added after
his signature.
If issued for a short period only, the word
"temporary" must be written on the face of
the Pass.
The Loss of a Pass or the finding of a Pass is
to be reported at once to the A.P.M. of the
nearest formation.
Ce laisser-passer devra être presenté à toute
Il est strictement personnel et doit porter la
signature du titulaire.
Aucun laisser-passer n'est valable à moins de
porter la griffe spéciale de l' "Assistant Provost
Marshal" ainsi que la signature de 1'Oficier qui
le délivre, suivie des grade, corps ou emploi de
ce dernier.
Au cas où le present laisser passer ne serait
délivré que pour peu de temps, le mot "temporary"
devrait y être écrit au recto.
En cas de perte d'un laisser-passer, ou si un
laisser-passer venait à être trouvé, le fait devrait
etre signale immediatement à 1' "Assistant Provost
Marshal" le plus proche.
Signature of Bearer
John Monash
Major General
(9.36 12)W1105-HP1955, 18200 10/17 HWV(M)
1/12/17 117
"O" Form
Prefix..... Code..... Words....
Sent, or sent out
Office Stamp
Service Instructions
Handed in at.....................................Office......................Received 7.46pm
To...............3 Aus Divn
Senders Number In reply to Number
G131 1st
Following from Army Commander begin
aaa Please convey to the
3rd Aus Div and particularly
to the officers and men
who carried it out. Many
congratulations and best thanks for
the two successful raids last
night aaa. They were well
imagined and well executed and
reflect high credit on all
concerned aaa Ends aaa added
3rd A. Div acptd BGHa
5th A. Div.
FROM 1 Anzac
This line should be erased if not required

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