General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 17, 1 November 1917 - 13 January 1918, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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A.H. THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters 26th. November, 1917. NOTES OF A TELEPHONIC CONVERSATION BETWEEN B.G.G.S., FIRST ANZAC, AND G.S.O.I, THIPD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION ON THE MORNING OF 26/11/1917. B.G.G.S. rang up and complained that the Division had shown two different Corps defensive systems. It was explained that the line terminating near MAISON 1875 was continued at READING TRENCH and it was not intended to run the Corps line through PLOEGSTEERT WOOD. B.G.G.S. approved but said it was essential to have sufficient living accommodation in the front systems; that is to say, the systems forward of the Corps system to accommodate the garrisons of those systems. It was explained to the B.G.G.S. that this could be done but that the reserve battalions of the forward brigades were held to be destined to retake or maintain our hold on the forward system and that our fornt line or line of posts was our line of resistance. Further, that the battalionnin reserve could not live in the forward systems because if they did they would not -be in a fit state to relieve the other battalions when their turn came. The B.G.G.S. quite understood this and approved. It was also pointed out to the B.G.G.S. that neucleus garrisons for the Corps line would be furnished from the reserve brigade. This he approved. He raised the question of the Corps Line running as far forward as LYS FARM and thought it should come back nearer to ARMENTIERES. It was pointed out to him that the reasons for keeping it forward were:- (a) In order to conform to the Flank Division system south of the LYS. (b) In order to use GRAND RABEQUE and LA FLENCQUE FARM positions as starting points and so organise defence in depth. B.G.G.S. approved. Shong
h AUSTRALIAN INFANTRV BRICAOf arg 56 FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF OUR ARRIVAL IN FRANCE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28: 1947. 2 MENU G Rors d'GGuvre Soupe Jardiniere Romard a THmericaine Weau frori Rlelet Wod Salade de saisoa Puddipg Kromage Enahdes 8 TRuscatelle 5 Porz 5 Dalds öhe 5 Gats
OAST LIST E. 88 eo Brgadier GenerAIAIR LANNAN, G B. Aoltns 2. "The Day ue celebrate, Brigadier Gen af). HI CANNAN 3. "Absent Friends, engeene Gr SELER D/ES2 4. Tind dunsratn Dboston Detg Koone A.A. Korcerk, OSo. A REN) BNIS CNB. V.O TRegular Ron 6. ked Coone A. N. Mänot p. 40 I ANSDON ENR EN BAND PROGRAMME Kx PRO PATRIA. 1. Ouick March ( DESTR 2 NR4 tothn 2 S e ki üT IE S COUgETSHIDT A Turh soser Fkehnehe 5. March,
as S A n Blett Stge No. 98 (Orders 492 499). ROUTINE ORDERS By Major-General J. MONAST, CB. VD. Commanding ist ANZAC CORPS. HEADQUARTERS, Novemaber 26th, 1917. 492. Gallant Conduct. No. 169933, Spr JAMES,G, No. 12 Port Construchien Goy. R.E. whilst a patient in hospital, vlnnterily ncted as donor for hlood trausfusion to anather patient wich the object of saving his liie. A record of this act will he made in the Conduct Sheet of the above-mentioned man in accordauce wich Kings Regulations 1919 (XIV.) 493. Leave-Particulars in A.B.64. (a) Arention is dllrecied to G. R.O. 1267, 2684, and A.L. F. Order No. 959. These orders will be read o" parade onceenth, and the men warned that non-comphance with this order ma enta!! heie being seut back to their units from the port uf embarkation. (h) When n are trausferred from one unit to another the O.C. transferring wol ensure that the date the last leave or that the mas has aa yet had no leave is entered in his A.B. case of a man arriving at a unit with no entry in his 1. B. 44 it wI) he presumed that he has just returned froen eave. 494. Bounds-Leave. Owing no nuthreik of mensles, NEWARK-ON-TRENT i Maced out of bounds until further orders te treps proceeding on eave. (!uthority: Secon 1 Army A 314/115 of 17./1-17) 495. Private Telegrams. Atention is called to G. R.O. 2255. rivate lelegrame cannot he accepiel at Signa! Offrow. They can be despatched from the Freuch Civil Post Onice, BAILLEUL, but must henr the Consne siamn of the Town Major, BAIL.L.EUL. 496. Corrigenda. In lst Anzac Corps Routine Orller No. 4520( 31-10-17, uudder headling "' Har to Military (ross" For Lieut T. DEAM. M.C, 12ch Inf. Bde. H.0 att. 4ch Div. Sig. Coy. Aust Engnrs. ead Leut T DEAM. M.C. 12th Int Bde. Sie. Section. 4th Div. Sig. Coy Aust. Engnre. In 1st Anzac Corps Routine Order No. 453 of 31-10-17, wnder the heading of "Miitary Medals" Sth A.M.G. Coy. A.Lr 4410 Pte. W. H. CROULL For 24485 Fes O. H. RHOUES Slat Battery 18th Bde. A.F.A. 1271 Dvr. A. K. ROBINSON 26th Coy. A. A.SO. 4410 Pte. W. H. COULL 5th A.M.G. Coy. A.LF. Read 29885 Fütter O. H. MOHD!I Siet Bettery, 13th Bde A.F.A. 1271 Dvr. A. K. ROBINSON 27th COY. A.A.SO. In 1st Anzac Corps Routine Order No. 454 of 31-10-17, under the heading of -Congratulatory" 4575 Pte. W. J. WALSH For lst Field Company A.E. att. 3rd Battalion A.IF. G120 Pte. G. F. WIXTEI 9771 Pte. W. N. ELKIN 3rd Fiekd Company A.E. att. Ist Field Ambulance 4675 Pte. WJ. WAISH ead 3rd Battalion A.L.F. att. lst Field Company A.E. G120 Pte G. F. WIXTED 9771 Pte. W. N. ELKIN lst Fiekd Ambulance att. 3rd Field Company A.E.
497. Returns. Anti-Gas Equipment. lst Anzac Corps Routine Order No. 420 of 9-10-17, is republished for information. AH Corps Troops and Army Troops in ist Anzac Corps Area will render a return as perattached pro forma to reach Corps Headquarters by noon every Monday. The return will be forwarded through ihe Oficer on Corps Headquarters who administers tae unit, formation or detachment concerned, to Corps Chemical Adviser. 498. Disposal of Unserviceable Clothing. As directed by A R O. ]183, dated 18th September, 1917, all unserviceable clothing (nchuding unserviceable from Divisiona! Batlis, etc) will be returned to Ordnance Oficers of Formations and not soSalvage. 499. Instructions re Indenting for Small Box Respirators and Spare Boxes (Containers). Ist Anzac Corps Rourine Order 422 of 9-10-17, is republished for information. When Boxes (Containers) are worn out (i.e., have been worn for drill or in shel gas for 40 hours) or ren Jæred uscless in any way, new containers only should be indented for (not complete Respirators). Oll boxes (Containers should be replaced under the supervision of an Oficer or the Gas N.1O. Compleie S.B. Rs. should not be indented for unless the rubber tube or mask is damaged, as a man should retain a mask he is used to as long as possible. I complete S.B.Rs are indented for the number of each size should be stuted. The size of the mask hrintedl on the frone of the mask, usually in the circle made by the ring of the nose-chip. Extensions for S.B.Rs are not now issued. A "Tool for detaching Containers" should be requisioned for when demanding a frst supply of Containers. It shoull bestated clearly on the indent why the materials are required. Notices. MEMA OF EXAMINITION- GUNS AND HOWITZERS---Memoranda of examinations forthe Guns and Howizzers are avallable and applicatien for auy required should be made to A,D.O.S. 18 PDR. O.F.--5371 2876 3341 3525 5360 3384 1127 2850 2091 2960 1188 2796 1799 4666. 45 in. HOWITZERS.- 1190 1243 1754 STOLMN on the lIth instant from a Driver of the 117th Labour Coy, on Reninghelst-La Clytte Road H. D. iron grey gelling, H7 over bar over LCoff hind hoof, No. 3 near hind hoof, 3white socks, blaze, short dock, about 15 hands, 3 years. On night of l6thinstant from 4th Aust. Div. Headquarders, Douglas Motor Cycle 2x h.p. W. D. No. 1881, Frame No.28314 belonging to 4th A.A.S.P. On night of 16/17ch instant from Headquarters 2nd Aust. Div., hay ponv mare, white face, white hind foor, aged, clipped exceptlegs, branded DC near side rump, head stall. chain and rug Grey mare, height 14.2, rug and headlstall. STOtEN from lst Aust. Div. Salvage Coy,, bay gelding D.H., 16 hands, 8years, small star, O on near wither, near sighted. (Information to A.P.M. Ist Anzac Corps). LOST fom Hyde Park Corner on night of lIth:12ch instant. L.D. black mare, R and broad arrow near rump, beth hind legs half white, F 163 ou near hind, A8 on of hind. L.D. bay mare, broad arrow near rump, star, F 78en nearhind, A8 on of hind) (Information to A.P.M. 3rd Aust. Div.) From M D.S. PONT D'ACHELLESon night of 13/I4th instant chestnut gelding, branded A66 near hind and A.A.M.C. offhind, hald face, near hind white, bump on off hind, 15.1 hands. (Information to A.P.M. lst Anzac Corps.) A.1F. 75--367-DEX-U1-17
16 A 4 pe J! 3t
Printamier Potege Hors DOeUvres Langue de Boeuf Sauce Pouante Vo! au Vent. Poulet Narengo Ro oles de Pommes de Terre Petits Pous Salade Diolomate au. Rhom Dessert TOAST : THE KING 14
e 25.NOV.1966 71 1. ennntt MTAOT: FOR2) 27. NOV 1977.
Copy No......... S3ORET 66. 10th USTBALIA ITFANTRI BII DE OEDER NO. 80 LAR.SC./430 28th November In RECRNCE MAR: - Speeial WANETON SE Ed. 26 b. 1/10,000 Two raids will bo carrtod out on 1. INETIO" Cerman trenches on night 30th Nov./ 1st Doc. Tho first will be carried out by the 39th Battalion Party. Tho second by tho 40th Battalion Paaty. ZERO HOUR will be notified lator. Left The/Artillery Group, 3id Australian 2. AITILLAR Artillezy assistod by portion of 5th Divisional Australian Divisional Artillery will co-operate. 2örd Australian Machine Cun Coy.; l0th Aus. Light Trench Mortar Battery will also assist. Special attention will bo given to certain localities known to contain H.6s and Minonwerfer. Countor battery work will bo carried out to fullost extont possible,commeneing at ZEDo. Eneng front line from U.11.d.90.35 to SBJECTIVE U.11.d.97.85,penetrating to U. The objects of the raid are to, OBJECT or 4. MIID Inflict casualties. (i) Obtain identifications (ii) Destroy matoriel. (iii) PARY NO. 1 COMPOSITION OF PAITIES 39th Battalion, who Captain N.C.300TH. O.C.RaID Signallers will havo With him runners stretcher begrers (supplied by 39th Battn) PABMPSN PAITY - O.C. - Lieut. C.J.A. 3AMSAY ,39th Bn. 4 Scouts. 2 Signallers 2 runners 2 stretcher bearers 1 N.C.0. Mopping up Party 2 Bayonet mon 1 bomber 1 carrier. Right à Left Each 1 Lewis Flanking Party and 4 Other Gun Panis. O.C. Lieut. A.J.B. LEE .39th Battn IUTT PANY 1 N.c.0. Storming Part 2 Bayonet men 2 Bombers 1 Carrier 1 spare man 1 N.c.0. Demolition 2 Seerchers Party £ demolition non.



Divisional Headquarters,

26th. November, 1917.


B.G.G.S. rang up and complained that the Division had

shown two different Corps defensive systems. It was explained

that the line terminating near MAISON 1875 was continued at READING
TRENCH and it was not intended to run the Corps line through 
PLOEGSTEERT WOOD. B.G.G.S. approved but said it was essential

to have sufficient living accommodation in the front systems; that is

to say, the systems forward of the Corps system to accommodate the

garrisons of those systems. It was explained to the B.G.G.S that

this could be done but that the reserve battalions of the forward

brigades were held to be destined to retake or maintain our hold on

this forward system and that our front line or line of posts was our

line of resistance. Further, that the battalions in reserve could

not live in the forward systems because if they did they would not

be in a fit state to relieve the other battalions when their turn came.

The B.G.G.S. quite understood this and approved.

It was also pointed out to the B.G.G.S. that xxxx neucleus

garrisons for the Corps line would be furnished from the reserve

brigade. This he approved.

He raised the question of the Corps Line running as far

forward as LYS FARM and thought it should come back nearer to

ARMENTIERES. It was pointed out to him that the reasons for keeping

it forward were :–

(a) In order to conform to the Flank Division system

south of the LYS.

(b) In order to use GRAND RABEQUE and LA  FLENCQUE
FARM positions as starting strong points and so
organise defence in depth.

B.G.G.S. approved.









Hors d' OEuvre

Soupe Jardinière

Homard à l' Américaine

Poulet Froid    Veau Froid

Salade de saison



Amandes & Muscatelle

Noix & Dattes

Thé & Café

[* H. Cannan


[[Chas P Butler?]]

R.W. [[Marsh?]]

[[PMW Merick?]]

[[Mrs./MW Carstairs?]]*]



1.  "The King" Brigadier-General J. H.CANNAN, C.B.

2.  "The Day we celebrate," 
Brigadier-General J. H. CANNAN, C.B.

3.  "Absent Friends," 
Lieut-Colonel C. P. BUTLER, D.S.O.

4. "Third Australian Division," 
Lieut-Colonel A. R. WOOLCOCK, D.S.O.

5. Response, Major-General J. MONASH, C.B., V.D.

6.  "The Regular Army,"
Lieut-Colonel A.R. HERON, D.S.O.

7.  Response, Lieut-Colonel G. H. JACKSON, C.M.G., D.S.O.

1. Quick March    "PRO PATRIA."
2. Waltz,                "DESTINY."

3. Selection,         "BOUND TO WIN."

4. Two-Step,         "KILTIE'S COURTSHIP."

5. March,               "SONS OF THE BRAVE."


[*G. Avasey

[[?Chas P Butler?]]

John Monash

Alex R Heron

J. H. Cannan

G. H. Jackson

[[R. W. Hanl…or Hanh…?]]

[[J R Mc..Alver?]]

[[R.W. Ham?]]

[[JH M..airit..y/s?]]

[[RS Donaldson?]]*]


No. 93 (Orders 492-499).


By Major-General J. MONASH. C.B., V.D.

Commanding 1st ANZAC CORPS.


November 26th, 1917.


492. Gallant Conduct.

No. 168935, Spr JAMES, G , No. 12 Port Construction Coy. R.E. whilst a patient in hospital,

voluntarily acted as donor for blood transfusion to another patient with the object of saving his life.

A record of this act will be made in the Conduct Sheet of the above-mentioned man in accordance

with King's Regulation 1919 (XIV.)

493. Leave-Particulars in A.B.64.

(a) Attention is directed to G.R.O. 1267, 2684, and A.I.F. Order No. 959. These orders will

be read on parade once a month, and the men warned that non-compliance with this order may

entail their being sent back to their units from the port of embarkation.

(b) When men are transferred from one unit to another the O.C. transferring will ensure that

the date of the last leave or that the man has yet had no leave is entered in his A.B. 64. In the

case of a man arriving at a unit with no entry in his A.B. 64 it will be presumed that he has just

returned from leave.

494. Bounds-Leave.

Owing to outbreak of measles, NEWARK-ON-TRENT is placed out of bounds until further

orders to troops proceeding on leave.
(Authority : Secon 1 Army A 314/115 of 17-11-17).

495. Private Telegrams.

Attention is called to G.R.O. 2255.

Private telegrams cannot be accepted at Signal Offices. They can be despatched from the French

Civil Post Office, BAILLEUL, but must bear the Censor stamp of the Town Major, BAILLEUL.

496. Corrigenda.

In 1st Anzac Corps Routine Order No. 452 of 31-10-17, under heading "Bar to Military Cross"

For T. DEAM, M.C., 12th Inf. Bde. H.Q att. 4th Div. Sig. Coy. Aust. Engnrs.
Read T. Deam. M.C. 12th Inf. Bde.  Sig. Section 4th Div. Sig. Coy. Aust. Engnrs.

In 1st Anzac Corps Routine Order No. 453 of 31-10-17, under heading of "Military Medals"

For 4410  Pte.W. H. CROULL 5th A.M.G. Coy. A.I.F.

  29885 Fitter O. H. RHODES 51st Battery 13th Bde. A.F.A.

  1271 Dvr. A. K. ROBINSON 26th Coy. A.A.S.C.
Read 4410 Pte. W. H. COULL 5th A.M.G. Coy. A.I.F.

  29885 Fitter O. H. ROHDE 51st Battery 13th Bde. A.F.A.
  1271 Dvr. A. K. ROBINSON 27th Coy. A.A.S.C.

In 1st Anzac Corps Routine Order No. 454 of 31-10-17, under the heading of "Congratulatory"

For 4575 Pte. W. J. WALSH 1st Field Company A.E. att. 3rd Battalion A.I.F.
  6120 Pte. G. F. WIXTED 1st Field Company A.E. att. 3rd Battalion A.I.F.
  9771 Pte. W. N. ELKIN 3rd Field Company A.E. att. 1st Field Ambulance.
Read 4575 Pte. W. J. WALSH 3rd Battalion A.I.F. att. 1st Field Company A.E.
  6120 Pte. G. P. WIXTED 3rd Battalion A.I.F. att. 1st Field Company A.E.
  9771 Pte. W. N. ELKIN 1st Field Ambulance att. 3rd Field Company A.E.



497. Returns.   Anti-Gas Equipment.

1st Anzac Corps Routine Order No. 420 of 9-10-17, is republished for information.

All Corps Troops and Army Troops in 1st Anzac Corps Area will render a return as per attached 

pro forma to reach Corps Headquarters by noon every Monday.

The return will be forwarded through the Officer on Corps Headquarters who administers the

unit, formation or detachment concerned, to Corps Chemical Adviser.

498. Disposal of Unserviceable Clothing.

As directed by A.R.O. 1185, dated 18th September, 1917, all unserviceable clothing (including

unserviceable from Divisional Baths, etc) will be returned to Ordnance Officers of Formation and

not to Salvage.

499. Instructions re Indenting for Small Box Respirators and Spare
Boxes (Containers).

1st Anzac Corps Routine Order 422 of 9-10-17, is republished for information.

When Boxes (Containers) are worn out (i.e., have been worn for drill or in shell gas for 40

hours) or rendered useless in any way, new containers only should be indented for (not complete 

Respirators). Old boxes (Containers) should be replaced under the supervision of an Officer or the

Gas N.C.O.

Complete S.B.Rs. should not be indented for unless the rubber tube or mask is damaged, as a

man should retain a mask he is used to as long as possible.

If complete S.B.Rs. are indented for the number of each size should be stated. The size of

the mask is printed on the front of the mask, usually in the circle made by the ring of the nose-clip.

Extensions for S.B.Rs. are not now issued.

A "Tool for detaching Containers" should be requisioned for when demanding a first

supply of Containers.

It should be stated clearly on the indent why the materials are required.



MEMA OF EXAMINATION – GUNS AND HOWITZERS – Memoranda of examinations for the

Guns and Howitzers are available and applications for any required should be made to A,D.O.S.

18 PDR. Q.F.– 5371 2876 3541 3525 5360 3584 1127 2850 2091 2960 1188 2796 1799 4666.

4.5 in . HOWITZERS. – 1190 1243 1754.

STOLEN on the 11th instant from a Driver of the 117th Labour Coy. on ReninghelstLa Clytte

Road H.D. iron grey gelding, H7 over bar over LC off hind hoof, No. 3 near hind hoof, 3 white socks,

blaze, short dock, about 15 hands, 5 years.

On night of 16th instant from 4th Aust. Div. Headquarters, Douglas Motor Cycle 2 3/4 h.p.

W.D. No. 1881, Frame No.28314 belonging to 4th A.A.S.P.

On night of 16/17th instant from Headquarters 2nd Aust. Div., bay pony mare, white face,

white hind foot, aged, clipped except legs, branded DC near side rump, head stall. chain and rug.

Grey mare, height 14.2, rug and headstall.

STOLEN from 1st Aust Div. Salvage Coy., bay gelding D.H., 16 hands, 8 years, small star, O on

near wither, near sighted.

(Information to A.P.M. 1st Anzac Corps).

LOST from Hyde Park Corner on night of 11th:12th instant. L.D. black mare, R and broad arrow 

near rump, both hind legs half white, F 163 on near hind, A8 on off hind.

L.D. bay mare, broad arrow near rump, star, F 78 on near hind, A8 on off hind)

(Information to A.P.M. 3rd Aust. Div.)

From M.D.S. PONT D'ACHELLES on night of 13th/14th instant chestnut gelding, branded A66

near hind and A.A.M.C. off hind, bald face, near hind white, bump on off hind, 15.1 hands

(Information to A.P.M. 1st Anzac Corps)

A.I.F., P.S. – 367 – DLX – 11-17   


General Monash


[*[[J Detchildt?]]*]

[*[[R Weberol Couter?]]*]

[*Steeruwerit 27 November 1917*]


Potage Printanier

Hors D'oeuvres

Langue de Boeuf Sauce Piquante

Vol au Vent.

Poulet Marengo

[[Risoles?]] de Pommes de Terre

Petits Pois


Diplomate au Rhum








27. NOV 1917.


S E C R E T         Copy No........




28 November 1917.

REFERENCE MAP :- Special WARNETON SHEET Ed. 26 b. 1/10,000

1. Two raids will be carried out on

German trenches on night 30th Nov./ 1st Dec.

The first will be carried out by the

39th Battalion Party.

The second by the 40th Battalion Party

ZERO HOUR will be notified later.

2. The ^Left Artillery Group, 3rd Australian

Divisional  Artillery assisted by portion of 5th
Australian Divisional Artillery will co-operate.

23rd Australian Machine Gun Coy.;

10th Aus. Light Trench Mortar Battery will also assist.

Special attention will be given to certain localities

known to contain H.Gs and Minenwerfer.

Counter battery work will be carried out

to fullest extent possible, commencing at ZERO.

3. Enemy front line from U.11.d.90.35 to

U.11.d.97.85, penetrating to U.12.c.25.70

4. The objects of the raid are to,
(i) Inflict casualties.

(ii) Obtain identifications

(iii) Destroy materiel.

5.  PARTY NO.1

O.C. RAID -  Captain N.C.BOOTH, 39th Battalion, who

will have with him - 

2 Signallers

2 runners
8 stretcher
bearers (supplied
by 39th Battn)



39th Bn


    4 Scouts.
2 Signallers
2 runners
2 stretcher bearers
  Mopping up Party  1 N.C.O.
2 Bayonet men
1 bomber
1 carrier.
  Right & Left
Flanking Party
Each 1 Lewis
Gun and 4 Other
RIGHT PARTY  -   O.C.  Lieut. A.J.E. LEE,

39th Battn


  Storming Party       1 N.C.O.
2 Bayonet men
2 Bombers
1 Carrier
1 spare man
1 N.C.O.
2 Searchers
2 demolition men.










































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