General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 17, 1 November 1917 - 13 January 1918, Part 18

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(2). 6/1/1918. Although the present period is one of rest for the Division so far as confortable housing and regular hours of sleep are concerned, it is, nevertheless, incumbent upon all Commanders to labor unceasingly during daylight hours to build up the fighting efficiency of their Units and the soldierly qualities of their men. Sotontavneste Major-General. Commanding Third Australian Division.
4. - 3rd MILITARY DISTRICT. COMMONNEALTH MILITARY FORCE HEADQUARTERS, Victoria Barracks, MIRLBSURDR. /../../6... Miss. Bertha. Monash... TTAR.HoRel............... Spring Street, . .... . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. Melbourne. Dear adam, The enclosed voucher in connexion with remittance of £....19........ forwarded for payment /to you through the Staff Paymaster, London, on behalf of - Major. Sen.. 7..Monash........ 377.P27.7.... is forwarded for your signature as claimant. Immediately on receipt of voucher duly com- ploted the amount due will be ferwarded for payment. Yours faithfully, T. PINMRR Lieut. for Distriet Paymaster, 3rd Military District. BüCLOSURR.
THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. GAC G Divisional Headquarters, 7th January, 1918. NOMINAL ROLL OF DEMONSTRATION PLATOON. 34th Bn. Lieut. H.W.LILJA. 9th Aust. Inf. Bde. 37th Bn. (Platoon sgt). Sgt. C.G.LMBNER. 10th Aust. Inf.Bde. 38th Bn. -do- Sgt. G.BLLSTON. loth 4lst Bn. W. GREENLESS. -do- Sgt. 11th 35th Bn. W.I.EATHER. 9th Aust. Inf.Bde. Cpl. 36th Bn. H.H.AKERS. Cpl. 39th Bn. A.C.DAWSON. Cpl. 10th Aust. Inf. Bde. 44th Bn. A.C.ARTHURS. 11th -do- Cpl. 42nd Bn. (Bugler). W.D. MCLEAN. Pte. 11th Aust. Inf. Bde. 33rd Bn. W.H.STAFFORD. L/Cpl. 9th Aust. Inf. Bde. L.HOBBINS. Pte. C.L.CASTLEDENE. P.W. JAMES. Pte. R.T.D.CUMMINS. 34th Bn. L/Opl. B.JOHNSON. G.COLLARD. C.CROESE. J.G.NASH. 35th Bn. M. BUSH. 36th Bn. C.ELBOURME. F.H.COLLISON. Pte. 37th Bn. (Carpenter). A. BERSKALN. Pte. 10th Aust. Inf. Bde. T.E.SCAMMELL. E.TIMBS. 38th Bn. E.GOLDSMITH. G.H.LYNCH. G.COLLINSON. 39th Bn. J.CROMAY. L/Cpl. C.S.D.CUNNINGHAM Pte. 40th Bn. H.W. CHADWICK. L/Cpl. R.S.DAWSON. (Carpenter). Pte. H.R.STEERS. Pte. 4lst Bn. W.WILKINSON. 11th Aust. Inf. Bde. L/Cpl. J.H.HAWKINS. Pte. Pte. H.G.YENCH. (Carpenter). 42nd Bn. W.G.WALKER. L/Opl. A.J.WINGETT. Pte. J.R.O'BRIEN. Pte. 43rd Bn. Pte. N.V.WALLER. Pte. W.R. ALGIE. WT.MHUTCHEON. Pte. 44th Bn. J.FRAME. Pte. B.FANNON. Pte. J.D.E.CHRISTIE. Pte.
o 10 8 THIAD AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. Divisional Hoadquarters A.H. 7th. January, 1918. IMTTIIG NCE COURSE. (OFFICARS). INTAOUUOTURI LGrURL. I. The Object of the Course is: 1. (a) To make each officer acquainted with the general system of Intelligence. (b) To point out the various sourees from which C.H.G., Armies and Corps collect information, and to show how this information carefully sifted, checked and collated becomes the foundation upon which plans of operations are based. (c) To show the plaoe of a Division, Brigade or a Battalion in this general scheme, and how much depends on occurate information from the front line. 2. (a) To make each officer fully conversant with the various branches of Intelligenoe within the Division:- (i) to show how their work is co-ordinated and how each branch is dependent on the others (ii) to indicate the parts played by Brigades end Battalions in this system (x) To deal as fully as is possible in the time with the working of the systen under a Brigade I.0. (o) To stuly the system within a Battalion under the Battalien I.0. 3. (a) During these leotures to dhow in which directions spooial study and practice is necessary in order to obtain the knowledge required by each member of the above systems - the man in the front line - the scout. the observer - the I.O. (.) give practical instruction which will help the I.O. to gain such practical knowle ge as will enable him to organize, train, and efficiently work his own machine and develor it on lines thought out by himself. II. Discussion of Syllabus. PTO
7/1/1918. Tr D AUSTRALLAN DIVISIOM. A.R. INTELLIGENCE WITHIN THE DIVISION - TRENCH WARFARE. INTELLIGENCE COURSE. (OFFICERS). 3 - 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 12 noon. 2 - 3 p.m. 10 - 11 a.m. 10 a.m. German Recruit- Aeroplane Intelligence Map Reading. Outline of ing System. General Definitions & Photographs. Course. Thursday lOth. Conventional (Special). ars. Contact Patrof Method of stndying Intelligence Intelllganss a Map. work. within Brigade. Map Reading within Divi- Friday 1lth. Prismatio Compass. Duties of (Special). sion - Trench Scales. Bis. I.O. Larfare. Coklection of Somposition of Sound Ranging & Intelligence information by tetting a Map. Flash Spotting. German Divisions. within Bn. - Saturday 12th. Scouts. - Scouts (.pecial). Duties of Triangulation. Reports. Bn. I.0. Collection of In- geroplans O.P's siting. formation by Obser- Phetographe. Sunday 13th. Fixing of positions on a Map, Sketching equipment - system vers - front line in a given line on a Map (Track). of observation. special O.Ps. - leductions. Berolse in revo! Fixing positions on a Map. Visibility Field Artillery. ing - oriticism of Aeroplane Monday lith. of points. (Special). reports - deduc¬ Photographs. tions. Dlreetion of Bn.I.0s. Ranks & Iden- by Bde. I.0 - tification of Contre Espionage. Tuesday 15th. Visualisation of country from a Map Report by Bde. Y.O.- Officers and deductions - critic¬ (pecial). N.C.O.. of Ger¬ ism of reports. man Army. Direction of observa- Intelligenoe Visualisation of country from a Mup. tion by I.Os.- Heavy Artillery Wednesday l6th within Divn. deductions - accuracy (Special) Active Operatns and valus. Hachine Ouns. Int. within Bde. Fixing of o.Ps. to cover Use of German Speakers) (Special). Thursday 17th during active Divisional Front. operations. Selection of O.Ps. during an attack. Points for Written Eramination. Dugont Searthers. Pttack Soheme. Sniping. War Diarles.
THIPD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Divisional Headquartere. 7th. January, 1918. INTELLIGENOE COURSE (OFTICERS). ----------- INTELLIGENCE WITHIN TIE DIVISION - TRENOH WARFARE. ------------ During quiot poriods, such as the present, we must concen- I. trate our onorgios 'k ping in mind the following rain ins:- (a) To inflict casualties on the enomy, harass and keep him in doubt as to our intentions; (b) Prepare for un offensivo on the part of tho ensmy; (c) Propare for an offensive in which we may expoot to take part during the Spring; (d) Take evory opportunity to train the wholo fighting portion of the Division in tho colleotion and forwarding of in- formation, and above all, in the case of officers, in tho forming of oorroot deductions from information gained, so that when the actual trial ocmes oach Com- manding Offioor will know that ho has in his hands a system on which he can place absolute reliance. II. (i). In ordor to carry out this work wo must first build up a sound system, the basis of which will be found undor the follow- ing heads: (a) Every available moans must bo made use of to colloet information. (b) Our polioy throughout must be consistent and the work of the various branchos carofully co-ordinated. (c) It must be ronombered that the valuo of information is relative to its accuracy and tho rapidity with which it is trunsmittod to thoso whom it immediately con- corns, and to higher formations. (ii). Means et our disposal. (Under sub-para. (a) abovo). Under Division are Artillery and Infantry Brigados. Infantry Brigude has its Battalions, Machine Gun Zach Company and Trench Mortar Battory. Each Battelion has its Companios, ite Snipers und its Soouts. Company, for the purposes of information, has its Dach Platoons holding posts or parts of the front line. A special systen of observers is urranged for Division, Brigudes and Battalions. ks a working systen of Intelligenco, theso are explained by the following diagrum: P.T.0.
2 - Acroplane -.S.O.III- oay Squadron Artillary Div.I.O. Reoon: Off: R.A. Bde Int.Officors Artillery Groups Obsorvors M.G. Coy. Dn.7.0s. T.M.Bettery Soouts snipors Observers Companies Platoons Sections and Posts. (iii). 00-ordinotion. (Under sub-para. (b) above). The so-ordination of the various branches is in tho hands of tho I.O's, working for their Commenders in their own particuler conmands. Informotion is collected and distributed by thom. Therö must also be constant interchange of informa- tion direot betwoon branches. (iv). Acouracy and ropidity of information. (Under sub-pare. (c) above) Doponds upon the officiency and organisation o the I.O. IIf. Consider aims in ordor:- (a) During tronch warfare, the following weapons are availablo:- Artillery Trench Mortars Machine Guns Minor oporations. Charactoristios of esch. Targets on which thoy can be best empleyed. Method of omploymont orie e e e e e on reocived vithin the Division during recent operations. Signs which denote approaching offensive: Illustrations. Deductions. Method of roporting. Criticism of reports reoeived. P.T.0. 3 - (c) Information required by us coneerning ongmy defencer, to.. (d) Outling of systom uf training.
Forn (In padsof roo) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message.. Nonde Prei.Cde.m. Chargfs Toler siOngem and Seriee lnsnnanens This message is on eleof: Resd s.m irt Tom Date. Hl -trit. terteresnrsnen-dennenin. At..m il Aut tm T0. t a Mmmnntn . 1.187. Stgnarr ranr ome 46 PL 7457 1 70 4230 Teandere Hancherf -Dar ot Monft. Trlechlie Hunschr aas 2119 512 Hortaving 5o onne Ba. 11 6 atl Gaberlaesik Gchaal Legerrs age Panfe men C ernlle a t Leae dt deade et Lie 12. Aered Vazperfaed eszzd 1 Jui 23 b Bart eciit 60. dinde a ae hl rleer zebeall e egaali arer DiR 1 a ae V E Ih P. From Hrct 2 Place Time Tile sherr mar be fernansdhel ee ser srr0c010ih 24 güe ild .-----...........-----................... Crmsor. Srched iehtetnt etftmieni n So e This Hne should be erased i rued. AD) WL NogzINATGE, 10000 PadS SIy D.D.AL, ElST
Nrgrse in (n pads of 100.. "A" Form MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message..... Wern/ Ohrr Predr.0ode.m The nersage te on ale of OmessfOrgmindSerleslnstrnedene Sent Date. a Ho. a Aänenge tam From. Aru 1To. ieheen d SignatureofFranking Oflcor.) By.. ...............................--................By....................... Han o SENTA Dlg! To G tt 7.A. Sa 71 aas s 7 waned. In reply to Number. Day of Month. Teanseri. Runnchet. AAA La NrnIG dneilleig Govmmnåvde Lar fa Lease ..t flens Gor Sifer. d de wjan Steisted Trat Commichg Enfean oseltnd F WALKSA siig Alestem Ae sjon 74 Kages die Ste fated Aurad Redhe t es Lehralaht. nrretie etm Setedal Rad TiF.v ae PTONASR Pon Plaos 76uo. 35. Tine Treshprenchr fi ernehite e an 1064 1) Aruu stektetekekteteteteteteteketin 1 .e ein SrtnStenene StenstarsotAddtrensor or personanthottiedtotetontschinhitScname Censor. Tellne hne shond be erased i not zennuzed FEAMLETT T0O OODadA 417. W. 4 C0. Lid. (E. 1187)
. o Grrebbter Hov Guns ar ah Wad Gamneated UCARR Hrong Geonale der Horntrod blen permmansrenel Aredred I5 Avslekld. ulas Wrlt tr A.Süghe Haelal Gufot


Although the present period is one of rest for the
Division so far as comfortable housing and regular hours of sleep
are concerned, it is, nevertheless, incumbent upon all Commanders
to labor unceasingly during daylight hours to build up the fighting
efficiency of their Units and the soldierly qualities of their
men. -

John Monash
Commanding Third Australian Division.


Victoria Barracks,
Miss Bertha Monash,
Grand Hotel,
Spring Street,

Dear Madam,
The enclosed voucher in connexion with
remittance of £10 ----- forwarded for payment
to you through the Staff Paymaster, London, on
behalf of –
Major. Gen. J. Monash,
3rd. Div. Hqrs, A.I.F.
is forwarded for your signature as claimant.
Immediately on receipt of voucher duly completed
the amount due will be forwarded for payment.
Yours faithfully,
for District Paymaster,
3rd Military District.



[*G.O.C.s Copy*]   
Divisional Headquarters,
7th January, 1918.

9th Aust. Inf. Bde. Lieut. H.W.LILJA. 34th Bn.
10th Aust.Inf.Bde. Sgt. C.G.LEBNER. 37th Bn. (Platoon Sgt).
10th -do- Sgt. G.BILSTON. 38th Bn.
11th  -do- Sgt. W.GREENLESS. 41st Bn.
9th Aust. Inf.Bde. Cpl. W.I.EATHER. 35th Bn.
  Cpl. H.H.AKERS. 36th Bn.
10th Aust.Inf.Bde. Cpl. A.C.DAWSON. 39th Bn.
11th  -do- Cpl. A.C.ARTHURS. 44th Bn.
11th Aust. Inf. Bde. Pte. W.D.McLEAN. 42nd Bn. (Bugler).
9th Aust. Inf. Bde. L/Cpl. W.H.STAFFORD. 33rd Bn.
    " L.HOBBINS.   "
  Pte. C.L.CASTLEDENE.   "
  Pte. P.W.JAMES.   "
  L/Cpl. R.T.D.CUMMINS. 34th Bn.
    " B.JOHNSON.   "
    " G.COLLARD.   "
    " C.CROESE.   "
    " J.G.NASH.   "
    " M.BUSH. 35th Bn.
    " C.ELBOURNE. 36th Bn.
  Pte. F.H.COLLISON.   "
10th Aust. Inf. Bde. Pte. A.BERSKALN. 37th Bn. (Carpenter).
    " T.E.SCAMMELL.   "
    " E.TIMBS.   "
    " E.GOLDSMITH. 38th Bn.
    " G.H.LYNCH.   "
    " G.COLLINSON.   "
  L/Cpl. J.CROMAY. 39th Bn.
  Pte. C.S.D.CUNNINGHAM.   "
  L/Cpl. H.W.CHADWICK. 40th Bn.
  Pte. R.S.DAWSON.   "   (Carpenter).
  Pte. H.R.STEERS.   "
11th Aust. Inf. Bde. L/Cpl. W.WILKINSON. 41st Bn.
  Pte. J.H.HAWKINS.   "
  Pte. H.G.YENCH.   "  (Carpenter).
  L/Cpl. W.G.WALKER. 42nd Bn.
  Pte. A.J.WINGETT.   "
  Pte. J.R.O'BRIEN.   "
  Pte. N.V.WALLER. 43rd Bn.
  Pte. W.R.ALGIE.   "
  Pte. W.T.McHUTCHEON.   "
  Pte. J.FRAME. 44th Bn.
  Pte. B.FANNON.   "
  Pte. J.D.E.CHRISTIE.   "




Divisional Headquarters,

7th. January, 1918.


I. The Object of the Course is  :–
1. (a) To make each officer acquainted with the general
system of Intelligence.

(b) To point out the various sources from which G.H.Q.,
Armies and Corps collect information, and to show
how this information carefully sifted, checked and
collated becomes the foundation upon which plans
of operations are based.

(c) To show the place of a Division, Brigade or a Battalion
in this general scheme, and how much depends on
accurate information from the front line.

2. (a) To make each officer fully conversant with the various
branches of Intelligence within the Division :–
(i) to show how their work is co-ordinated and
how each branch is dependent on the
(ii) to indicate the parts played by Brigades
and Battalions in this system

(b) To deal as fully as is possible in the time with the
working of the system under a Brigade I.O.

(c) To study the system within a Battalion under the
Battalion I.O.

3. (a) During these lectures to show in which directions special
study and practice is necessary in order to obtain
the knowledge required by each member of the above
systems - the man in the front line - the scout -
the observer - the I.O.

(b) To give practical instruction which will help the I.O.
to gain such practical knowledge as will enable him
to organise, train, and efficiently work his own
machine and develop it on lines thought out by

II. Discussion of Syllabus.





  9 - 10 a.m. 10 - 11 a.m. 11 a.m. - 12 noon 2 - 3 p.m. 3 - 4 p.m.
Thursday 10th.

Outline of 





Map Reading.
Definitions &



German Recruiting System.
Friday 11th.


within Division-


Map Reading



Contact Patrol




Within Brigade.

Duties of

Bde. I.O.

Method of studying

a Map.

Prismatic Compass.

Saturday 12th.


within Bn. –

Duties of

Bn. I.O.

Sound Ranging &

Flash Spotting.



Composition of

German Divisions.


Collection of

information by

Scouts. - Scouts


Setting a Map.


Sunday 13th.



Collection of Information by Observers - front line
special O.Ps. -

O.P's. siting.

equipment - system of observation.


Fixing of positions on a Map, Sketching in a given line on a Map (Track).

Monday 14th.



Exercise in reporting -criticism of
reports - deductions.

Field Artillery.


Fixing positions on a Map. Visibility of points.
Tuesday 15th.

Ranks & Identification
of Officers and

N.C.Os. of German Army.

Contre Espionage.



Direction of Bn.I.Os. 

by Bde. I.O -

Report by Bde. I.O. -

deductions - criticism of reports.

Visualisation of country from a Map

Wednesday 16th



within Divn.

Active Operatns


Heavy Artillery



Direction of observation

by I.Os. -

deductions - accuracy

and value

Visualisation of country from a Map.

Thursday 17th

Int. within Bde.

during active


Machine Guns.


Use of German Speakers Fixing of O.Ps. to cover
Divisional Front.

Written Examination.

Selection of O.Ps. during an attack. Points for
Dugout Searchers.
  War Diaries. Sniping.  

Attack Scheme.



Divisional Headquarters,
7th. January, 1918.



I.  During quiet periods, such as the present, we must concentrate
our energies, keeping in mind the following main aims :–
(a) To inflict casualties on the enemy, to harass and keep him
in doubt as to our intentions;

(b) Prepare for an offensive on the part of the enemy;

(c) Prepare for an offensive in which we may expect to take
part during the Spring;

(d) Take every opportunity to train the whole fighting portion
of the Division in the collection and forwarding of information,
and above all, in the case of Officers, in
the forming of correct deductions from information
gained, so that when the actual trial comes each Commanding
Officer will know that he has in his hands
a system on which he can place absolute reliance.
II. (i). In order to carry out this work we must first build up

a sound system, the basis of which will be found under the following
heads :-

(a) Every available means must be made use of to collect

(b) Our policy throughout must be consistent and the work of
the various branches carefully co-ordinated.

(c) It must be remembered that the value of information is
relative to its accuracy and the rapidity with which
it is transmitted to those whom it immediately concerns,
and to higher formations.

(ii). Means at our disposal. (Under sub-para. (a) above).

Under Division are Artillery and Infantry Brigades.
Each Infantry Brigade has its Battalions, Machine Gun
Company and Trench Mortar Battery.
Each Battalion has its Companies, its Snipers and its
Each Company, for the purposes of information, has its
Platoons holding posts or parts of the front line.

A special system of observers is arranged for Division,
Brigades and Battalions.

As a working system of Intelligence, these are explained
by the following diagram :–


- 2 - 
Diagram - see original document

(iii) Co-ordination. (Under sub-para. (b) above).
The co-ordination of the various branches is in the
hands of the I.O's, working for their Commanders
in their own particular commands.
Information is collected and distributed by them.
There must also be constant interchange of information
direct between branches.

(iv). Accuracy and rapidity of information. (Under sub-para.
(c) above).
Depends upon the efficiency and organisation of by the I.O.

III. Consider aims in order:-

(a) During trench warfare, the following weapons are
available :-

(i) Artillery
(ii) Trench Mortars
(iii) Machine Guns
(iv) Gas
(v) Minor operations.

Characteristics of each.
Targets on which they can be best employed.
Method of employment.
Information required in order to use them successfully.
Examples of information.
Criticism of information received within the Division
during recent operations.

(b) Signs which denote approaching offensive:
Method of reporting.
Criticism of reports received.
(c) Information required by us concerning enemy defences,
(d) Outline of system of training.


"A" Form

Army Form C.2121

(In pads of 100)

No. of Message ....

Prefix........ Code..............m Words Charge   This message is on a/c of:

Recd. at......m





Office of Origin and Service Instructions.






HM                         Service.

Brown Lt
for DAAG

(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Senders Number.
A 512
Day of Month.

In reply to Number.



Communicate following to
Brig-Gen. ROSENTHAL now
at Grantham M.G. School
begins aaa Corps Commander
unwilling recall you from
leave but desires you be
offered opportunity temporarily
command First Division
during WALKER'S month's
leave if you so desire
and are prepared return
immediately aaa Telegraph
your views aaa General
Monash aaa Ends aaa
From        3rd Aust. Div.
Place       Brown Lieut
Time        for DAAG 


"A" Form 

Army Form C.2121

(In pads of 100)

No. of Message ....

Prefix........ Code..............m

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.

Words Charge         

This message is on a/c of:

H.M.                         Service.

Brown Lt
for DAAG

(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd. at......m











         Machine Gun Training Centre
         GRANTHAM England.
Senders Number.
* A 512.
Day of Month.

In reply to Number.



Corps Commander unwilling recall
you from leave but
desires you be offered
opportunity temporarily command First
Division during WALKER'S months
leave if you so
desire and are prepared
return immediately aaa Telegraph
your views aaa General

From   3rd Aust. Div:

Brown Lt
for DAAG 


The proposal concerning
SHOVEL Camp as a D.H.Q.
was communicated to CORPS
through Signals.
Major HAMILTON when
making his reconnaissance
discussed the availability of
routes with the A.D Signals,
(L Col Powell) Corps H.Q.
9 1/18 [[?]]

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