General Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 17, 1 November 1917 - 13 January 1918, Part 14

First World War, 1914–18
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SPLCIA L ORDER 27/14. B. Major - Geseral JOHN MONASI, O.B., V.D.. Co:anding, Thisd Australian Division. Divisional Headquarters, 24th. Doce ber, 1917.- CHSTIASS: 1644. The following telogram from General BIRDWOOD is jublished for the information of all ranks : "The vory best of good wishes for Christmas and the coming year to you and all ranks of your Division who have fought so well and done so much during this last year. GINERAL BIRDIOOD". .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . o ROBT. E.: JioRSON, Lieut.-Colonel. A.A. 8 2.M.G., Third Australian Division. (PL).-
Geanne Büchernd Krunfoustipr aut 4 Scf m.n 251341 del vandks gSa thür d dnattalian Bvøniv- derise sout avovsengto Srd, ank Hrrgthe gom to on frstei Brnsna, ome varmaeet ovate- Sør Ckfpretones v daid feat. aar hie gøm fritte confislantekope ttret. Trrr an Coving tråd riht ritrese tre ashikseiment g ratsosg tr ovt Rons + a Kaftag remvass uotti om folks at kome. ana (Tenest ooraete Gaumme Grstheng eevoadke og ba Thard bnøbosknen Srivarsn deund medroverg A sjor titr omt lovmntandes o Hor Herd Sadlant dinwonsn, ont warmet fot torskes fol tri Aøstoas pardom + fod Thr lovning yead adr Gyusl Tonaste
23. HEADQUARTERS, AUSTRALIAN INPERIAL FORCE. FRANCE 25th DECEMBER 1917. On the occasion ofour fourth Christmas on active service, Isend my heartiest greeting to all members of the A.I.F. Another strenuous year is drawing to a close- a year in whichthe magnifcent traditions ofthe A.IF. have been fully upheld by the loyaland gallant service ofone and all. Durinz this period, Bapaume- Bullecourt, Messines and Ypres have been addel to the splendid list of honours, which begins with the landing at Gallipoli-Lone Pine - and later Pozieres- names which are indelibly re- corded inthe History of Australia, and which will never be forgotten. Atthis season ofthe year, our thoughts go out especially to those who have fallen, and those now in hospital as a result of sickness and wounds. The memory of our gallant comrades who have made the supreme sacrifce can but strengthen our determination toachieve complete victory over our enemies in this struggle for the preservation of right, and the establishment of a peace under conditions which will permanently safeguard the freedom of the world. Iknow that all in France willjoin with mein sending best wishes to our comrades in hospital for their Tapid and complete recovery. W. R. BIIDWOOD. AIF. PS.-389--M--1217
hird Mess Austgel an 201131 2 Se Digpl oiquart Hors d'oeuvres. Olives. Tomato au Lobster. Potage. Crème de Giblet. Poisson. Fillet de Sole Oroto. Entrée. Chicken Sauté. Poultry. Roast Turkey & Salad. Viands. Roast Pork £ Apple Sauce. Cold York Ham. Legumes. Boiled Cauliflower and White Sauce. Pommes Frits. Asperges. Sweets. Apricot Aspic. Plum Pudding and Brandy Sauce. Sponge Sandwich. Savory. Cheese Tartlet. Desert. Cafe. Wine.
300 5 rckson 4Gl stot Hapo (feneral Aes. 8.Auucf besos Singgven Sadd obenoitt bort e
The Commanding Officers of No.1.,No.2. & No.3. Australian Ammunition Sub-Park's request the pleasure of your company at a Sports Meeting to be held on Box¬ ing Day,December 26th at 1-30 P.M. The ground is situated at the rear of No.2.A.A.S.P. Camp. Map Reference, Shset 28.S.28.b.7.5. Major -General J.Monash.,C.B.,V. D. 36
1. 2. 3. .. 2 1. 656. QEAISTKA: Dix - 1917 TIRDIUCTILIIN DIVIZIONIL HIDAUARTT "BLS3 MEMU.Z "Ih eh ? Najor Shallwin KING will direot a glanóe of disapprovel at the Seozotury over the top of his spoctoolós, lbss waiters will rush to tbe rescue and will sorve Julienne. SoUR Oaptain 1035 will deliver a Lajor XINC will bo displeabed, brief instruetivo leeture on tho W A R in the Bast, coneluding by the announcement that he hopos to visit ARIs shortly. Thoreupon will follow FRIED SOLE. FISS p Major BER2Y will tell a humurous (7) story, et whieb Ngjor Major BüRRY, bowovor, will ry displeasod. KING will bo ve i not bo perturbod, but will rondor as a musical itom "When I oss waiters will intervene with - leavo the War bebind". Roast Turkey and Truffles JOINTS Boilad Ram. fotatooe - Green Poas - Asparagus. VIGETRLES At this juncture, it is ex eoted that Ceptain VOLPITTS will LBj0r LING rive and apologise to tho Mess Prosidont, Unless prevented from doing so, will be most displeased. Captain JAJISON will indicaté the part playod by Westorn Australians in TE CSAT WAR, coroluling with tho recital of bis versien of "Merry håd a Littlo Lamb". By spocial .7--. request, HE WILL NOT SING. An interval will bo filled by the berving of - Plum pudding and Brandy Sauco. ETS m Jellies with Fraits. Oroam. T he lass Najor KING vill indisate extremo displeasure. Seerotary will embrænco the opportunity of disoussing the subjeot of VOLUNTARY RATIONING and the difficultios of Captain COLP[TTS will maintaining the FOOD SJPPLY. disagreo and make frequent interjections with vague Waiters will sorvo - reference to the CAFE ANCLATS. SAVORIES - Parmesan Fingors.
1. 2. 3. 92. (2). Lieutenant KRGGLIECIB will rolite tho erigin of tbe phraso "Brave Aheb amasemont and intorost will follow a Littlo BäLGIUS" trio in Flemist by Mosss OOLPITTS, HEBüRISON end KRELINGER. Lombors will thon Major KING will be absolutoly disploasod. be at liberty to indulge in Fruits in Season DESSERT dates. Almonds, muscatels, Ginger ohips, ruts. and COFFE will be cervod. For those inolinod are provided - - UIENS - LIQUEBS OHAMPACMES and "BUBBLY" WITDR. ee te .. . .... iOiAiß Zus KLE. Owirg to the genorosity of an abbent mombor of the Mass it is necessary to bonor the toast of "ABSEF: ORüS This will bo drunk whilo softly muruuring the words "Not lost but gone to CORPS". Various. mör ma uamar. On this cocasion, the less President will not bo allowod to Tbe following euforco the ordinary rules of otiquotto. SXIE rules aro laid down for guidanoe - Nombors will bo at porfoct liberty to onjoy thomsolvos 1. Tho use and may uso BOTY hands'in disposing of tho turkoy. of both hands and feot, bowovor, will not bo pormitted. 2. Eaob membor will bo expootod to say "COOD NICHT" to oll othor members whilo ho is still able to rocogniso them. Mombers who profor to reposo UNLER tho tablo will not 3. put their feot ON tho tablo. 4. Tho gramophono will play during the first oourso. .. . ... ..... ..... ..... ...
30/1 BAIRADE FIERROTS: -------------------------- 217. 2S.R./M5. ------------------------------- 3Oth Battalion Band. el) "Bandicoots. (2) OrENING CHORUS. (worda by Brigadier Genoral W.R.ReNIOOLL. D.S.0.,) (Music by Lieut.olonel.C.H.DAVie. D.S.0..) .i c's -- ) some. - " land,Ireland,Scotland & Weles." "Salvation Nell." (4) Song. "Trumpetcr." (5) Song. (6) Gags. - Troupe. "Mato of Mino." (7) song. - (8) Song. "Dick, I met you someshore." (0) Ragtines.- vDlzlelmns!. (10. Specialty. - Impersonations. (11) Conccrted. - "Intern theu all." (12) Duet. - "Natchman, what of the night." (13) Comie Song. - "Silly Ass." (14) Concerted. 'Erien. (15) Conjurer- - Inimitable. (16) Concorted - Gormany. (17) Linale. - "Dea Old London Town. 18) Sand Gelestion. (19) Parce. . "Irich Justice. nmf. -6-----
THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. LIST OF STAFF TRAINEES. DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS: G. S. O. III. Administrative. 36th Bn.(Seconded) Capt. D. G. MOLESWORTH. TTERY: 3rd AUST. DIV. ARIIL Staff Captain. 3rd Aust.Div.Arty. Capt. H.B. SEWELL, M.C. (Not seconded). Sth AUST. INFANTIY BDE: 2nd Anzac Mounted Brigade Major. Major W.A.S. DUNLOP. Regt. (Seconded). I Tattéraov ) not berontet. Staff Captain. 10th AUST. INFANTRY BDE: 39th Bn.(Seconded). Brigade Major. Capt. R. LAMBLE. 34th Bn. (Seconded). Staff Captain. Capt. R. WOLSTENHOLME. 11th AUST. INFANTR BDE: Brigade Major. 40th Bn (Not Seconded) Capt. M.H. CRUICKSHANK. Captain C.H.C. HILLARY. 44th Bn (To be Staff Captain. seconded). 1st ANZAC HEADQUARTERS: "A" Learner.- 11th Aust. M. G. Capt. R. L. BENNETT. Coy.(Seconded). -------- ----- ----- Divisional Headquarters, 31st December, 1917.- (R.M).-


S P E C I A L   O R D E R 

Major - General JOHN MONASH, C.B., V.D.,
Commanding, Third Australian Division.


Divisional Headquarters,
24th. December, 1917.-



The following telegram from General BIRDWOOD is published for 

the information of all ranks :-


"The very best of good wishes for Christmas and the
coming year to you and all ranks of your Division who have
fought so well and done so much during this last year.


                                                               GENERAL BIRDWOOD".
                                                                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                            ROBT. E. JACKSON, Lieut.-Colonel.

(PL).-                                                A.A. & Q.M.G., Third Australian Division.


General Birdwood Xmas greetings sent 4.30p .m. on 24/12/17


All ranks of the Third Australian Division desire me to convey to 

you, and through you to our Sister Divisions, our warmest wishes

for Christmas & New Year. aaa We join in the confident hope that the

Coming year will witness the achievement of ^complete Victory to our Arms &

a happy reunion with our folks at home. aaa General Monash.


General Godley

All ranks of the Third Australaian Division desire me to convey to

you & to our Comrades of the New Zealand Division our warmest

good wishes for this Christmas season & for the coming year aaa

General Monash.



On the occasion of our fourth Christmas on active service, I send my
heartiest greeting to all members of the A.I.F. Another strenuous year is
drawing to a close - a year in which the magnifcent traditions of the A.IF.
have been fully upheld by the loyal and gallant service of one and all. During
this period, Bapaume- Bullecourt, Messines and Ypres have been added
to the splendid list of honours, which begins with the landing at
Gallipoli---Lone Pine--- and later Pozieres- names which are indelibly rec-

orded in the History of Australia, and which will never be forgotten.

At this season of the year, our thoughts go out especially to those who
have fallen, and those now in hospital as a result of sickness and wounds. The
memory of our gallant comrades who have made the supreme sacrifce can but
strengthen our determination to achieve complete victory over our enemies in
this struggle for the preservation of right, and the establishment of a peace
under conditions which will permanently safeguard the freedom of the world.

I know that all in France will join with me in sending best wishes to
our comrades in hospital for their rapid and complete recovery.

                                                                   W. R. BIRDWOOD.
AIF. P.S.---389---M---12.17

 67 Copies


 "A" Mess.
Third Australian Divn1, Headquarters

Xmas Day. 25/12/17.

Hors d'oeuvres.
Tomato au Lobster.
Crème de Giblet.
Fillet de Sole Oroto.
Chicken Sauté.
Roast Turkey & Salad.
Roast Pork & Apple
Cold York Ham.
Boiled Cauliflower
and White Sauce.
Pommes Frits.
Apricot Aspic.
Plum Pudding and
Brandy Sauce.
Sponge Sandwich.
Cheese Tartlet.


Robt. E. Jackson Lt Col

John Monash, Major General

Geo. F. Wieck Major.

E L  Simonson Capt.

D.G. Molesworth Capt,



The Commanding Officers of No.1.,No.2. & No.3.
Australian Ammunition Sub-Park's request the pleasure
of your company at a Sports Meeting to be held on Box-  

ing Day, December 26th at 1-30 P.M.

The ground is situated at the rear of No.2.A.A.S.P.

Map Reference, Sheet 28.S.28.b.7.5. 

Major -General J.Monash. , C.B. , V. D. 





C H R I S T M A S  D A Y  -  1917.



M E N U.


  1. Major Shallwin KING will direct a glance of disapproval at the

Secretary over the top of his spectacles. Mess waiters will

rush to the rescue and will serve -


SOUP - Julienne.

2. Major KING will be displeased. Captain MOSS will deliver a

brief instructive lecture on the W A R in the East, concluding

by the announcement that he hopes to visit PARIS shortly.

Thereupon will follow -




3. Major BERRY will tell a humurous (?) story, at which Major

KING will be very displeased. Major BERRY, however, will

not be perturbed, but will render as a musical item "When I

leave the War behind". Mess waiters will intervene with -


JOINTS - Roast Turkey and Truffles

                  Boiled Ham.


VEGETABLES - Potatoes - Green Peas - Asparagus.


4. At this juncture, it is expected that Captain COLPITTS will 

arrive and apologise to the Mess President. Major KING

will be most displeased. Unless prevented from doing so,

Captain JACKSON will indicate the part played by Western

Australians in THE GREAT WAR, concluding with the recital

of his version of "Marry had a Little Lamb". By special

request, HE WILL NOT SING.

An interval will be filled by the serving of -


SWEETS - Plum pudding and Brandy Sauce.

                   Jellies with Fruits.



5. Major KING will indicate extreme displeasure. T he Mess

Secretary will embrace the opportunity of discussing the

subject of VOLUNTARY RATIONING and the difficulties of

maintaining the FOOD SUPPLY. Captain COLPITTS will

disagree and make fequent interjections with vague

reference to the CAFE ANGLAIS. Waiters will serve -


SAVORIES - Parmesan Fingers.



6. Lieutenant KREGLINGER will relate the origin of the phrase "Brave

Little BELGIUM". Much amusement and interest will follow a

trio in Flemish by Messrs COLPITTS, HERBERTSON and KRELINGER. 

Major KING will be absolutely displeased. Members will then

be at liberty to indulge in -


DESSERT - Fruits in Season

                     Almonds, muscatels, dates.

                    Ginger chips, nuts.


and COFFE will be served,

For those inclined are provided - 

... .... ... ... ... ...
T O A S T S.


2. Owing to the generosity of an absent member of the Mess it is

necessary to honor the toast of -

                                     "ABSENT ONES"

This will be drunk while softly murmuring the words "Not lost
but gone to CORPS".

3. Various.


                                LEST              WE             FORGET.
On this occasion, the Mess President will not be allowed to
enforce the ordinary rules of etiquette. The following
SIMPLE rules are laid down for guidance -

1. Members will be at perfect liberty to enjoy themselves
and may use BOTE hands in disposing of the turkey. The use 
of both hands and feet, however, will not bo permitted.

2. Each member will be expected to say "GOOD NIGHT" to all
other members while he is still able to recognise them.

3. Members who prefer to repose UNDER the table will not
put their feet ON the table.

4. The gramophone will play during the first course.
                                                  ...... ...... ..... .....



                                     10TH BRIGADE PIERROTS.


                OPENING NIGHT              -               28TH DECEMBER 1917.


                                 Y.M.C.A.HUT - DE SEULE.
                                                 Programme - 


(1) BAND SELECTION.                -                                 39th Battalion Band.

(2) OPENING CHORUS.              -                                "Bandicoots."
                      (words by Brigadier General W.R.McNICOLL. D.S.0.,)
                      (Music by Lieut-Colonel. C.H.DAViS. D.S.0.,)

(3)                                              --- L y r i c ' s - - -  

( 3) SONG. - ' England, Ireland ,Scotland & Wales."


(4) Song. - "Salvation Nell."

(5) Song. - "Trumpeter."

(6) Gags. - Troupe.

(7) Song. - " Mate of Mine"

(8) Song. - "Dick, I met you somewhere."

(9) Ragtimes. - "Dixieland".

(10) Specialty. - Impersonations.

(11) Concerted. - "Intern them all."

(12) Duet. - "Watchman, what of the night."

(13) Comic Song. - "Silly Ass."

(14) Concerted. - O'Brien.

(15) Conjurer- - Inimitable.

(16) Concerted - Germany.

(17) Finale. - "Dear Old London Town."

(18) Band Selection.

(19) Farce. - "Irish Justice."


(20) "The KING".




                                       THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION.

                                            LIST OF STAFF TRAINEES.


G. S. O. III.
Administrative.             Capt. D. G. MOLESWORTH.                  36th Bn.(Seconded)

Staff Captain.               Capt. H.B. SEWELL, M.C.                        3rd Aust.Div.Arty.                                                                                                                                   (Not seconded).


Brigade Major.              Major W.A.S. DUNLOP.                         2nd Anzac Mounted                                                                                                                          Regt. (Seconded).

Staff Captain.               (^J.G^ Patterson) not Seconded.


Brigade Major.            Capt. R. LAMBLE.                                      39th Bn.(Seconded).

Staff Captain.              Capt. R. WOLSTENHOLME.                    34th Bn. (Seconded).



Brigade Major.            Capt. M.H. CRUICKSHANK.                   40th Bn (Not Seconded)
Staff Captain.              Capt. C.H.C. HILLARY.                             44th Bn (To be                                                                                                                                              seconded).

"A" Learner.-                  Capt. R. L. BENNETT.                             11th Aust. M. G.                                                                                                                                      Coy.(Seconded).
Divisional Headquarters,
31st December, 1917.-

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