Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 9 October - 31 October 1917, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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96 26 0 14/10 0 Bde Ham had canful a me 1 survey the 344 and mugnedd th an taking alarmish without 12 new sstuation the following are accurate facts the men as Phyewath cannot carry done Dary If pend efie th return Dd cilf te he absalutely an will yne fighting Yan uitess scmmut h Riples Ser i X much with are filled eff 1 evesnt although than teenne mades 4 t condition that peneral th imforsibly make if sving t th 741 sefoend Lgth in buer ngh after t Las t6 wen avail Stillinn t d rdined te Lated 21 ever with 2 heapl
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o Co 14e Bole X 8d 44 tn Cn two men 24 afteroon on oe fom just Wng hav 3 Battater following me the han fpees pat dreas & are exfoatio which enderate what names are Wutten Deir penounts Richard Compan F.H. Steren 34 Battalin Peter Bloawfield Seyte Brom foward were aded this W0 and NCd Dceufce 35 Balt L1E 314E PEOLme They pext to ag 4 Haye and remained D12d 180.76 E recenity of all day fen gand for enemy [Tey repat hear Csuall in 7 located was Th ditillly Artilley and EGHO/CAPSE along road in ETA. which badl PRSS ine battey n He retered At nigh live enplated t then all Hl remaied and ARED LINE back 13 tI and came y pteder ant thi maning font lie fedil on preent allrag yeare Reving 462 shelled vey Du dead might mady Saw hey You vey few wouyded inkeed B14E in feants hi lat re th They rpa Chailetetta 2 NNE aa Do 300
Ouartles Had Bupde41 Iufante Complantal October 14 1917 C 0 Drision Austration Esterdly apteridon the H Battation Commander of this comfered with Bryade at thei Juint Ho of SEINE dug out D16065(45 concerning operation of 12t iit and present-porition. The following statement may be I have asked accepted as substantidely corred. a each Battation Commander A pumist me with as far ad their written account of the operation and from thes own Counands are concerned stptement later thi be abet amplify apert sma were Battatian all on the mnorning 4 12t unt. 3A0 foued up in then accatted position X The approach march was diffieul te condition the pround only permitting morement at the hate of 3 mile per hom the approach mech was further interferd with by two Battation f 4t Aur. Dis who used the same rout lastward from LOMNEBFSE Duning the apprach march evemy shelling cound a number & casualti. our hart lae adont. Fremy Cerlage came down on before 2820 and many asnalters fire menlets before 50 men 36 - Battalion losiry the recuited taked lin crossing our




9th Bde

Have had a careful

survey of the men of

34th Bn this morning and

without taking an alarmists

view of the situation the

following facts are accurate.

(1) Physically the men are

done & cannot carry on

efficiently. If necessary

they will return to the

line, but will be absolutely

useless for fighting.

Rifles Lewis Guns & ammunition

are filled with mud &

although every effort is

being made to clean up,

the general condition of the

ground makes it impossible

to keep the get the equipment

in fighting trim.

Last night xx after relief

no xxx shelters were available

as was anticipated, it rained

heavily with a cold wind,


therefore the men were all

wet through, in shell holes

& in such temporary lines

as they were able to dig.

I would submit the urgent

necessity of relief for your


W Le Roy Fry


34th Bn

8 45 AM


P 21

H.Q. 9th Inf Bgde


35th Bn


Condition of Men

I have to report that the men

of this Battalion are positively

worn out & are unfit

for further action.

The rest which they are

at present having on Hill

40 will not improve

their condition sufficiently

to make them fit even

for defensive action.

They are badly shaken after

the very severe time which

they had on the BLUE Line

& I am certain that not

50% of them are able to 

endure a march back to



the FRONT Line.

nothing but a complete

change & rest from the line

will make them fit again.

Latest count shows

strength as: -

  Officers N.C.O's Men
H.Q. 3 5 17
A - 1 5
B 1 - 26
C - - 6
D 1 1 11
Total 4 7 65

I am sending Capt R.D. DIXON

back to camp as he is

unfit for further action.

Capt CONNEL is relieving

him & I am also R I McLaren



who was Liason officer

with the 36th Bn - to

assist Capt CONNEL.

I am reorganising &

have sent out a party

under an officer to

search back & flank

areas for stragglers.

J H McDowell 


T. C. O. 35th Bn



3.50 pm




9th Inf Bgde

H.Q. 35th Bn



Our H.Q. are

now at

D 20 C 10. 60.

J G Paterson Lt



G O C Z 342

9th Inf Bde

I am reorganizing

the Battalion into one

Coy and owing to

picking up of stragglers

from rear areas - Capt.

Doig has been detailed

for ladder work

The condition of the

men of this Bn is as

follows. They are utterly

worn out - many badly

shaken by shell burst.

If they are asked to move

into the line before they

are rested under better

conditions than at present

applies - 50% will drop

from fatigue before they

reach the line.


J.A. Milne Lt Col

36 Bn



Maj Gen J Monash  CB VD

Dear General

I hope the attached

reports will prove satisfactory. I am

confident the information contained

therein is correct.

If I can elucidate any part better

by coming to see you I shall be glad to 

do so -

I have received your Confidential memo

re reorganization and rest - I am informing

my Brigade Major only.

May I suggest that if possible we should

like to go back to the CAMPAGNE area

when the move is decided. It would

much facilitate billetting if we

could go into the areas we previously



Charles Rosenthal


Bde HQr

Oct 14th 1917.


3rd Aust Div. 

This afternoon two men of

34th Battalion who have just come in from

front areas have given me the following

information which corroborates what I have

previously written. Their names are: -

Company S.M. Richard Stevens}

Sergt Pete Bloomfield                   } 34th Battalion.

This W O and N. C. O. were ordered forward from

RED line & BLUE LINE & reinforce 35th Batt

They went to right flank and remained

all day in vicinity  of xx D 12 d 80-70.

They report heavy casualty for enemy 5.9 and

77 Artillery. The artillery was located in

ECHO COPSE along road in E 7 a and

one battery in PASSCHENDAELE which badly

enfiladed the line. At night they retired

to RED LINE and remained there all day

yesterday (13th inst) and came back to

our present front line early this morning.

RED line was shelled very heavily all last

night - They saw many of our dead but

very few wounded indeed.

They report that we lost very heavily on BLUE


Charles Rosenthal Brig Gen

GOC 9th Inf Bde -

5.30 P.M.


xx Copy





Head Quarters

9th Infantry Brigade A.I.F.

October 14th 1917.


3rd Australian Division.

Yesterday afternoon I

conferred with the 4 Battalion Commanders of this

Brigade at then joint H.Qr at SEINE dug out

D 16 d 65-45 concerning operation of 12th inst and

present position. The following statement may be

accepted as substantially correct. I have asked

each Battalion Commander to furnish me with a 

written account of the operations as far as their

own commands are concerned, and from these

reports I may be able to amplify this statement later.

On the morning of 12th inst all Battalions were

formed up in their allotted position by 3 AM.

The approach march was difficult the condition of

the ground only permitting movement at the rate

of ¾ mile per hour. The approach march was

further interfered with by two Battalions of 4th Aus Div

who used the same route Eastward from ZONNEBEKE.

During the approach march enemy shelling caused

a number of casualties.

Enemy barrage came down on our front line about

five minutes before ZERO and many casualties

resulted. The 36th Battalion losing 50 men before

crossing our taped line.


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