Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 9 October - 31 October 1917, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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1th Bde Your B 1 1. Division 2 possible keep C19 2 with 40 1/01 we are touch in with vew to domng all Br forward Fos 59 9
2 Amne Unconfirmed Brignde elt t0 & 20 Deporh on blue 12 that my line sn 10.30
Anne Onr Contret plane prtop and observe St 2 Squadoon 2 16 1017 brought down aan nhnot anx Let Know IM 38 10
20 Bde 10 Headquarters Prisoner that state enemy in tooops opposing w you resuve PASSL that t village and troops came last night village into informed ann ons Artillery 2Y G 46 10
th Bd p Report present locations approsimate your o strength Battalion G 24 I 270 probable and Reserve AM 10.40
2/0/17 22 n 2 An rac Observers with telescope report seeing sur troops forward moving nex Crest 20 Farm 16 arm at My and advance suffering hearly M.G. iD from from spur 5 fire b&C 10
50 10/7 12 S Bde 1 N. 2 Advance has been held ther up West red line It 4 aad that probable some neseres of them hill move up in your alex to deal with situation Dr and not hesitate to emplor reserves your to secure by you ground won Addessed 10th ans th Bde repeated Bde 11-1HM S6
Nr sade Hold battation one diat readmes. to become Brigade 10 and Inform 10 Brigake which Buttalion present it location but it without my orders Repented 10 Hyde 24 Mmil- in reserve to me and and do not move Hdi if 11 n
2nd Anzac Iriewd situation left on my I have ordered my left Bripade to employ assist its reserve Sattation secure all pround won, and am holding one Hottation of my Divoinal Reserve in readine to support t my left Brigate 38 N D 11
9 Bde Aetoplane report 9 arm our men line Kenna Cotts t Central and Repeater £39 1017 that at were on D 12 t 11 25 the Hde



10th Bde

Your B.M. 27 we are in touch with

N.Z. Division with view to doing all 

possible help 40th Bn forward.

G 19

9.59 AM




2nd Anzac

Unconfirmed report that my

left brigade is on blue line

G 20

10.30 AM




2nd Anzac

Our Contact plane brought down and

pilot and observer unhurt aaa Let

21st Squadron know

G 21

10.38 AM



10th Bde

Prisoner states that Headquarters &

enemy troops opposing you is in

PASSLE village and that reserve

troops came into village last night

and our Artillery informed.

G 23

10.46 AM




9th Bde

10th  "

Report present locations and probable

approximate strength of your Reserve


G. 24

10.40 AM




2nd Anzac

Observer with telescope report

seeing our troops moving forward

near Crest Farm at 10.20 a.m.

aaa. My advance suffering heavily

from M.G. fire spur in D. 5. b& c

G 25

10.57 AM




10th Bde

N.Z. Advance has been held

up West of their red line aaa. It is

probable that some of their reserves will 

move up in your area to deal

with situation aaa Do not hesitate

to employ your reserves to secure

ground won ^ by you aaa Addressed 10th

Bde reported 9th Bde.

G 26

11.1 AM




11th Brigade

Hold one battalion in immediate

readiness to become reserve to

10th Brigade aaa inform me and

10th Brigade which Battalion and

its present location but do not move

it without my orders.

Repeated to 10th Bgde & 9th Bde

G 27



2nd Anzac
In view of situation on my left
I have ordered my left Brigade to employ
it’s reserve Battallion to ^assist security all
ground won, and am holding one
Battalion of my Divisional Reserve in
readiness to support x my left Brigade.
11 21 AM





9th Bde

Aeroplane reports that at

9.15 a.m. our men were on the 

line Vienna Cotts to D.12

central aaa Repeated to 10th Bde

G 29

11.25 AM

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