Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 9 October - 31 October 1917, Part 17

First World War, 1914–18
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3oTH BATTALION A.I.F. (continued). ------------------- 2/Lieut. A.W. TOWNSEND. Commanded No. 4 Platoon. Slightly wounded and remaining on duty 12.10.1917. Age 23. Single. Served as Platoon Sergeant during MESSINE operations and commissioned on 30.8.1917. During the approach march on night of 11.10.1917, prior to attack on 12.10.1917, was slightly wounded in action temporarily incapacitating him. 2/Lieut. W. WAND. Seriously wounded in action 12.10.1917. Commanded No. 13zPlatoon. Age 23. Single Served as Platoon Sergeant during MESSINES operations; was slightly wounded in minor operation MES INES Sector on night of 20-22st July 1917. Commissioned 24.8.1917. Was seriously wounded during attack on PASSCHENDAELE on 12.10.1917. Has since en reported to have died of wounds on 13.10.1917. 2/Lieut. H.J. WATSON. Wounded in action 16.10.1917. Commnded No. 8 Platoon. Recently joined Battalion from Cadet Battalion. Proceeded to line on 14.10.1917 to reinforce Battalion and was wounded whilst holding the line on 16.10.1917. 67
9th Machine Gun Company A.I.F Lieut. O.L.Harden. M.C. O.C "A" Battery. Wounded in action 4.10.17 near ZONNEBEKE. CommandedNo.I Section, consolidating guns Singke. Age 22 years. SINES operation, was awarded M.C for conspicuous gallantry. in M Wounded at MESSINES 7.6.17, remained on duty evacuated wounded on 8.6.17. Wounded innaction on during advance to Barrage position on Hill 40 - ZONNEBEKE. 2ZLieut. G.L.MacNamara. O.C "No 2 Section". Wounded in action 2.10.17 near ZOUNEBEKE Promoted Lieutenant on 25.9.17. Age 20 years. Single. O.C "A” Battery. Wounded in action 5.10.17 2/Lieut. S.C.Mcmult at Hill 40 ZONVEBEKE. Commanded "A" Battery on evacuation of Lieut. Age 28 years. Single. O.L.Harden. M.C. until wounded and evacuated on 5.10.17. E.A.C.Atkinson. Died of Wounds during operations 13.10.17. 2Lieu Wounded during advance to BLUE LINE. Died of wounds whilst being carried out. xtllZZlAZSaa
AU" A1TH AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY BRIGADE. Nominal Holl of Casualties in Officers and svacuations "Siok sinse 280h September 1917 4lst Battalion. S/19/17. Killed. J. Captain. REDMOND, 4/10/17. Wounded. F.P. CALow, s/1o/17. Killed. A.W. SKEWES. Lieut. do LARKIN, do 4/10/17. Wounded. C.H. BUTLER, L.H. ROGERS, 5/19/17. do W.D. CLARKE, do do do B.A. CRIPPS, do 12/10/17. do W.H. PARKER, 11/10/17. do. CARDEW, 2/Lieut. 11/10/17. do. L.A.G. BOYCE, 2/Lieut. 42nd Battalion. Wounded G.A. DUNBAR, Baptain. i do. A.C. MOYES, do. 21/10/17. Sick. LEAHY, do. 4/10/17. Died of wounds Wounded. A.E. BALLARD, Lieut. 4/10/17. do. A.B.C. wo do. 4/10/17. do, ARMSTRONG,K.J. do, 5/10 do. S.H. DEN do. 11/10 do. H.E. JOSEPH, do. 77. 4/10 Killed. KELLY-HEALY, J.P. 2/Lieut. 4/10. do, M. Hart, do. 4/10/17. do. W.H. COMPER, do. 4/10/1 Wounded. J.R. ALBREY, do. 4/10 do. H.V. CONRAD, do. 21/10/17. Sick R.D. DINNIE, do. Died of wounds A.W. LAMBDEN, do. 43rd Battalion. FREEMAN 25/10/17 Sick. H.G. XXXXX Major. 4/10/17. Killed F.G. SIMS Captain. 18/10/17. Sick S.E. TOLLEY do. 18/10/17. Wounded GUYMER (M.O.) do. 4/10/17. Killed. T.H. HOWDEN LLieut. 4/10/17 do. D.A. WALSH do. 4/10/17. do. HERBERT C.L. do. 4/10/17 Wounded O.w. CRICK do. 4/10/. do. T.W.B. ROBERTS do. 12/10/1 do. G.J. OLIVER do. 8/1o/17. Sick. H.L. CHITTLEBOROUGH 2/Lieut. 44th Battalion. 4/10/17. C.0. Wounded. J.P. CLARKE Lt.Col. 5/10/17. Remaining duty. do. M.H. a' 6/10/17. Adjutant eor Major. do. 128707 C.H.C. HILLARY Captain is/10/17. Sick. E.C. ADAMS do. 4/10/17. Killed. T.H. BONE do. 10/1 21 Sick (M.O. R.L. KENIHAN do. 4/10/17. Sig. Officer. Killed. T.L. ITMAN Lieut. 1e/10/17. do. YOUNG do. 10. do. DRUMMOND do. 12/ Died of wounds A.H. BOND do. Wounded. L. PAVEY do. do. E.C. ROGERS do. do. HAMILTON-FISHER, do. do. E.G.H. McKENZIE do. Sick. KERR do. do. C.H. BALME do. do. O'CARROLL R.B. do. (10/17. do. DAN do. 4/10/17. Wounded. G.O. NCAN 2/Steut. YULDS J.
l1TH MACHINE GUN COMPANY. FREMMAN, Lieut. L. SREWART, do C.E. HUHES, E.E. WELLS, do L.J. PARKS, 2/Lieut. F.L. HARDING, lITH TRENCH MORTAP BATTERY. H.T. WATTS, Lieut. .Evacuated Gassed. Killed. Sich. do do Wounded. Sick. Wounded. 18/10/17. 1e/10/17. 17/10/17. 4/10/17. 17/10/17. 12/10/17.
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2/Lieut. A. W. TOWNSEND.  Commanded No.4 Platoon. Slightly
wounded and remaining on duty 12.10.1917.

Age 23.  Single.  Served as Platoon Sergeant during MESSINES
operations and commissioned on 30.8.1917. During the approach 
march on night of 11.10.1917, prior to attack on 12.10.1917, 
was slightly wounded in action temporarily incapacitating him.


2/Lieut. W. WAND.  Seriously wounded in action on 12.10.1917. 
Commanded No.13zPlatoon. Age. 23. Single.  

Served on Platoon Sergeant During ,MESSINES operations; was 
slightly wounded in minor operation on MESSINES Sector on night of 
20-21st July 1917. Commissioned 24.8.1917. Was seriously 
wounded during attack on PASSCHENDAELE on 12.10.1917. Has 
since been reported to have died of wounds on 13.10.1917.


2/Lieut. H. J. WATSON. Wounded in action 16.10.1917. Commanded 
No. 8 Platoon. Recently joined Battalion 
from Cadet Battalion.  Proceeded to line on 14.10.1917 and to 
reinforce Battalion and was wounded whilst holding the line 
on 16.10.1917.



9th Machine Gun Company A.I.F

Lieut. O.L. Harden. M.C. O.C. "A" Battery. Wounded in action 4.10.17

Age 22 years. Single. Commanded No.1 Section, consolidating guns 
in MESSINES operation, was awarded M.C. for conspicuous gallantry. 
Wounded at MESSINES 7.6.17, remained on duty-evacuated wounded on 8.6.17. 
Wounded in action on 4.10.17 during advance to Barrage position on Hill 


2/Lieut. G.L.MacNamara. O.C. "No. 2 Section". Wounded in action 2.10.17 

Age 20 years. Single. Promoted Lieutenant on 25.9.17.


2/Lieut. S.C.McNulty. O.C. "A" Battery.  Wounded in action 5.10.17 
at Hill 40 ZONNEBEKE.

Age 25 years. Single. Commanded "A" Battery on evacuation on Lieut. 
O.L.Harden. M.C. until wounded and evacuated on 5.10.17


2/Lieut. E.A.C.Atkinson. Died of Wounds during operation 13.10.17. 
Wounded during advance to BLUE LINE. Died of wounds whilst being carried out.


Nominal Roll of Casualties in Officers and evacuations "sick" since
29th September 1917 

41st Battalion.      
Captain. REDMOND, J Killed. 5/10/17.
       do CALOW, F.P. Wounded 4/10/17.
Lieut. SKEWES. A.W. Killed 5/10/17.
       do LARKIN, J.      do      do
       do BUTLER, C.H. Wounded 4/10/17.
       do ROGERS, L.H.         do       do
       do CLARKE, W.D.         do 5/10/17.
       do CRIPPS, B.A.         do        do
       do PARKER, W.H.         do 12/10/17.
2/Lieut. CARDEW, L.         do 11/10/17.
2/Lieut. BOYCE, L.A.G.         do 11/10/17.
42nd Battalion      
Captain. DUNBAR, G.A Wounded 4/10/17.
       do. MOYES, A.C.         do 11/10/17.
       do. LEAHY, J Sick 21/10/17.
Lieut, BALLARD, A.E. Wounded 4/10/17. Died of wounds
       do. WOOD, A.B.C.         do 4/10/17. 
       do. ARMSTRONG, K.J.         do 4/10/17. 
       do. DENT, S.H.         do 5/10/17.
       do. JOSEPH, H.E         do 11/10.17.
2/Lieut KELLY-HEALY, J.P. Killed. 4/10/17. 
       do. Hart, M.         do 4/10/17. 
       do. COMPER, W.H.         do 4/10/17. 
       do. ALBREY, J.R. Wounded 4/10/17. 
       do. CONRAD, H.V.         do 4/10/17. 
       do. DINNIE, R.D. Sick 21/10/17.
       do.. LAMBDEN, A.W. Died of wounds  
43rd Battalion.      
Major xxxxx FREEMAN H.G. Sick. 25.10.17.
Captain SIMS F.G. Killed 4/10/17.
       do. TOLLEY S.E. Sick 18/10/17.
       do. GUYMER (M.O.) Wounded 18/10/17.
Lieut. HOWDEN T.H. Killed. 4/10/17.
       do. WALSH D.A         do. 4/10/17.
       do. HERBERT C.L.         do. 4/10/17.
       do. CRICK O.W. Wounded 4/10/17.
       do. ROBERTS T.W.B.         do. 4/10/17.
       do. OLIVER G.J.         do. 12/10/17.
2/Lieut. CHITTLEBOROUGH H.L. Sick 8/10/17.
44th Battalion.      
Lt.Col. CLARKE J.P. Wounded, 4/10/17. C.C
Major. a'BECKETT M.H.         do. 5/10/17. Remaining duty
Captain HILLARY C.H.C.         do. 5/10/17. Adjutant (Rejoined
       do. ADAMS E.C. Sick. 15/10/17.
       do. BONE T.H. Killed. 4/10/17.
       do. KENIHAN R.L. (M.C.) Sick. 21/10/17.*
Lieut. PITMAN T.L. Killed. 4/10/17. Sig. Officer
       do. YOUNG J.         do. 10/10/17.
       do. DRUMMOND J.         do. 10/10/17.
       do. BOND A.H. Died of wounds 12/10/17.
       do. PAVEY L. Wounded. 5/10/17
       do. ROGERS E.C.         do. 5/10/17
       do. HAMILTON-FISHER W.         do. 12/10/17.
       do. McKENZIE E.G.H.         do. 11/10/17.
       do. KERR W. Sick 15/10/17.
       do. BALME C.H.         do. 15/10/17.
       do. O'CARROLL R.B.         do. 18/10/17.
       do. SHERIDAN K.         do. 15/10/17.
2/Lieut. DUNCAN G.C. Wounded. 4/10/17.
       do. YULE J.         do.      do.




11th Machine Gun Company    
Leiut Freeman, H. Killed. 15/10/17
do Srewart, L. Sick. 16/10/17*
do Hughes, C. E. do 17/10/17*
do Wells, F. E. do do          *
2/Lieut. Parks, L. J. Wounded. 4/10/17
do Harding, F.L. Sick. 17/10/17*
11th Trench Mortar Battery    
Lieut Watts, H.T. Wounded. 12/10/17

*Evacuated Gassed.


Employment of Brigades
(To hold [[pool?]] only until superceded)
A. For next offensive operation:-
(a) If two Brigades required       9th & 11th to attack
                                                            10th  in Reserve
(b) If only one Brigade required  9th )
                                                             11th  ) in that order
                                                             10th )
B. To hold a sector defensively
(a) If one Brigade in line                10th into line

                                                               9th  in close support
                                                              11th  in reserve
(b) If two Brigades in line              9th & 10th  into line

                                                              11th  in reserve



44 x 2
73 362.25
       329 fr.






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