Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 9 October - 31 October 1917, Part 16

Lieut. S.B. BATEMAN. "D" Company. Wounded a ZONNEBEKE
1.10.1917. Age 28 3/12 years. Single.
Intelligence Officer 9th Australian Infantry Brigade until he
resume d Regimental duty 23.12.1917. Wounded whilst commanding
No. 13 Platoon when holding the line at ZONNEBEKE on 1.10.1917.
Lieut. A.H. FLETCHER. "C" Company. Wounded at ZONNEBEKE
Age 22 9/12 years. Single. Slightly wounded and
remained on duty at HOUPLINES 23.3.1917. Liaison Officer, at
MESSINES 7-10th June 1917. Wounded whilst commanding No. 12
Platoon when holding the line at ZONNEBEKE on 29.9.1917.
Lieut. I. C. DIGHT. "B" Company. Wounded 11.10.1917.
Age 29 8/12 years. Married.
Commanded No. 5 Platoon in MESSINES operation 7-10th June 1917.
Selected to command "D" Company in operations near ZONNEBEKE
commencing 12.10.1917. Wounded whilst returning from reconnaissance
of forward area on 11.10.1917.
Lieut. W. MCLEAN, M.C. "D" Company. Wounded near PASSCHENDAELE
on 14.10.1917. Age 23 11/12 years.
Single. Organised his Platoon and repelled hostile raid at
LE TOUQUET 9.10.1917, during which he was wounded. Awarded
M.C. for initiative and decisive action. Rejoined on 4.8.17.
Given command of "D" Company on 11.10.1917 (after the evacuation
of Lieut. I. C. Dight) and was wounded whilst leading his Company
to the attack on 12.10.1917.
2/Lieut. W. R. REYNOLDS. "B" Company. Killed in action
on 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 24 9/12
years. Single.
Joined 16.8.1917. Killed in action on 12.10.1917 whilst leading
No. 8 Platoon to the attack.
2/Lieut. L. R. BROWNLOW. "A" Company. Killed in action near
PASSCHENDAELE on 12.10.1917 . Age 24 1/12 years.
Single. Killed in action near PASSCHENDAELE whilst leading No.
2 Platoon on 12.10.1917.
2/Lieut. A. G. KILPATRICK. "C" Company. Killed in action
near PASSCHENDAELE 12.10.1917. Age 27 1/12
years. Single. Took command of "C" Company at ZONNEBEKE
30.9.1917 after evacuation of Captain T. W. Tollis and Lieut. A. H.
Fletcher. Killed in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHE DAELE
while leading his Company (in reserve).
2/Lieut. R. H. BLOMFIELD. "C" Company. Wounded near PASSCHENDAELE
16.10.1917. Age 37 9/12 years.
Married. Wounded whilst leading No. 9 Platoon at MESSINE
7.6.1917. Rejoined 11.9.1917. Showed conspicuous gallantry
throughout the operations from 12.10.1917 until wounded on the
night of 17-18th October 1917, whilst bringing the wounded into
our lines.
2/Lieut. N. F. GOBLE. "B" Company. Died of wounds
14.10.1917 received in action near PASSCHENDAELE
13.10.1917. Age 23 1/12 years. Single.
Wounded whilst leading No. 15 Platoon near PASSCHENDAELE on 12.10.17
2/Lieut. G. W. C. FRASER. "C" Company. Killed in action
near PASSCHENDAELE 15.10.1917. Age 29 6/00002
years. Single. Joined from Cadet Battalion on 29.9.17.
Commanded No. 10 Platoon "C" Company. Killed in action near
PASSCHENDAELE on 15.10.1917 whilst establishing posts in advance
of our front line.
Major G. R. C. CLARKE. R.M.O. 34th Battalion A.I.F.
Killed in action 12.10.1917. Age 40 years.
Single. Joined Battalion 1.3.1916. Came to France 21.11.16
Promoted Major 29.6.1917. Acted as R.M.O. to Battalion in
Battle of MESSINES. He was killed while attend ing to wounded
at R.A.P. forward of SEINE HOUSE near PASSCHENDAELE.
Captain J. W. RICHARDSON. O. C. "D" Company. Killed in
action 12.10.1917, near PASSCHENDAFLE.
Age 25 years. Single. Joined Battalion 24.2.1916.
Came to France 21.11.1916. Promoted Captain 29.3.1917.
After reorganising the Battalion at first objective he led the
Battalion forward to assist in capture of secon objective.
He was killed while assisting to hold second objective gained
in the attack on 12.10.1917.
Captain C. S. JEFFRIES. O. C. "B" Company. Killed in
action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE.
Age 23 years. Single. Joined Battalion 1.3.1916.
Promoted Captain 26.6.1917. Was Platoon Commander in Battle
of MESSINES. Wounded on 9.6.1917 while leading an attack on
LA POTTERIE FARM. Rejoined Battalion 1.9.1917, and appointed
O.C. "B" Company. Led his Company in attack on 12.10.1917.
During attack the line was held up by enemy machine gun post
against which he led a party of 2 N.C.O's and 12 men capturing
it and taking 4 machine guns and 35 men. His Company was
later subjected to heavy machine gun fire from another enemy
strong point. He led another party against this post, which
resulted in capture of two further guns and 30 prisoners, but
was himself killed in this attack.
Lieut. T. G. GILDER. Second in command "C" Company.
Wounded in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE.
Age 23 years. Single.
Came to France with Battalion 21.11.1916. Was in command of
"C" Company in the attack on 12.10.1917. Although wounded and
badly shaken by being blown up twice by shells he returned to
duty and remained in command of his Company till wounded a second
Lieut. A. L. WATSON. Signalling Officer. Wounded in
action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age
24 years. Single. Came to France with Battalion on 21.11.6.
Was Signalling Officer in Battle of MESSINES in which he sent back
cery valuable information. In attack on 12.10.1917, he eatsblished
the Battalion Forward Command Post, and maintained
communications until he and all his personnel were wounded.
Lieut. C. O. EDWARDS. Second in command "A" Company. Wounded
in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 23
years. Single. Was in command of this Company for four
days in ZONNEBEKE Sector 30.9.17 to 3.10.17. Was in command of
his Company in the attack on 12.10.1917.
Lieut. J. C. BURGES. Platoon Commander "D" Company. Killed in
action 12.10.1917, near PASSCHEDAELE. Age 44 years
Married. Joined Battalion 19.8.1917. He led his platoon (No.
13) in the attack, and was killed on going forward to second objective
Lieut T. C. PITTAWAY. Platoon Commander "A" Company. Wounded
in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 23
years. Single. Joined Batalion 18.2.1917. Was platoon
Commander No. 1 Platoon "A" Company in Battle of MESSINES and was
wounded on line of consolidation on 7.6.1917. Rejoined Bat talion
26.8.1917, and was wounded on line of first objective.
Lieut. J. MONFRIES. Platoon Commander "A” Commander.
sick on 12.10.1917. Age 25 years. Single.
Joined Battalion 17.8.1917. Was in charge of his Platoon (No. 2)
in attack on 12.10.1917 and led them in the attack. He was
evacuated through being buried by shell-bursts.
Lieut. B. G. BRODIE. Intelligence Officer attached to 9th Aust.
Infantry Brigade Headquarters. Evacuated a
casualty caused by gas. Age 31 years. Married.
Led a successful raiding party on enemy's trenches on or about 1st
June 1817 while in PLOEGSTEERT Sector. Was a Platoon Commander
inthe Battle of MESSINES but was wound ed shortly after zero hour.
Rejoined Battalion 1.9.1917 and was later appointed Intelligence
Officer 9th Aust. Infantry Brigade, and was acting in this capacity
when he was evacuated a casualty.
Lieut. B. G. McKENZIE. Platoon Commander "D" Company. Killed
in action 12.10.1917. Age 19 years. Single.
Joined Battalion 18.2.1917. Was a Platoon Commander in the
Battle of MESSINES and was wounded by a bullet through the thigh
in the advance to lin of consolidation. Rejoined Battalion on
4.8.1917. He led his Platoon (No. 14) in attack on 12.10.1917.
Was killed while assisting in the organisation of the men at the
second objective.
Lieut. J. A. LONGWORTH. Platoon Commander "B" Company. Killed
in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age
22 years. Single. Joined Battalion 17.6.1917. Led
his Platoon (No. 7) in attack on 12.10.1917 and was killed while
assisting to reorganise at first objective.
Lieut. H. W. LILJA. Platoon Commander "B" Company. Wounded
in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age
30 years. Married. Joined Battalion 6.7.1917. He was in
charge of No. 6 Platoon on the attack of 12.10.1917.
Lieut. J. S. BRADBURY. Platoon Commander "C" Company. Evacuated
sick from operations on 15.10.1917. Age 23
years. Single. Joined Battalion 2.9.1917. Led his Platoon
(Nos 9) in the attack on 12.10.1917. Evacuated sick on 15.10.17
through being buried by shells on several occasions.
2/Lieut. E. C. EDWARDS. Platoon Commander (No. 3) "A" Company.
Wounded in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE.
Age 27 years. Single. Joined Battalion 29.9.1917. He was
wounded at assembly line before zero hour.
2/Lieut. O. P. DAVIDSON. Platoon Commander "B" Company. Wounded
in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age
23 years. Single. Came to France with Battalion 21.11.1916.
Was in charge of No. 8 Platoon. He was wounded by machine
gun fire. He was Lewis Gun N.C.O. in MESSINES operation.
2/Lieut. A. E. WATSON. Platoon Commander No. 11 Platoon.
Died (13.10.1917) of wounds received in action
12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 22 years. Single.
Joined Battalion 29.5.1917. Was in charge of his Platoon and
led them in the attack on 12.10.1917.
2/Lieut. W. G. PURVIS. Platoon Commander No. 12 Platoon.
Wounded in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE.
Age 29 years. Single. Joined Battalion 19.8.1917.
2/Lieut. G. D. MAITLAND. Platoon Commander No. 10 Platoon.
Wounded in action 3.10.1917 near ZONNEBEKE.
Age 22 years. Single. Joined Battalion from O.T.C. on
2/Lieut. S. R. CALLAGHAN. Platoon Commander No. 9 Platoon.
Killed in action 1.10.1917 hear ZONNEBEKE.
Aged 24 years. Single. Joined Battalion 29.5.1917.
Killed while in Support Line in charge of his Platoon in
Captain (Hon. Major) H. V. CARR. O. C. "D" Company. Wounded
in action 13.10.1017 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age
34 years. Single. Arrived in France 10.6.1917. Led his
Company into the attack on 12.10.1917. Wounded whilst in the
line 13.10.1917.
Captain H. C. D. CADELL. O. C. "A" Company. Killed in
action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age
41 years. Married; 1 child.
Commanded 'A" Company in MESSINES Sector when "A" successfully
repulsed strong enemy raiding on night of 18.7.1917. Killed
whilst leading his Company in the attack on 12.10.1917.
Arrived in France 21.11.1917.
Captain F. AMPHLETT. Second in command of "C" Company, but
commanded "C" Company for the PASSCHENDAELE
offensive. Killed in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE.
Age 31 years. Marrie d. Two months Area Commandant at
ALQUINES, - May and June 1917. Killed whilst leading his
Company in the attack on 12.10.1917. Arrived in France on
Captain J. W. SMYTH. Second in command "D" Company. Went
up the line with "B" Team on 15.10.1917.
Wounded 17.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 24 years. Single.
Withthe 9th Training Battalion from 18.3.1917 to 23.9.1917.
Wounded whilst 9th Brigade was holding the line 17.10.1917.
Arrived in France 21.11.1917.
Lieut. F. DITZELL. Killed in action near PASSCHENDAELE on
12.10.1917. Age 26 years. Single.
Was Liaison Officer with 4th Aust. Division. Killed whilst
carrying out Liaison Officers duties 12.10.1917. Arrived in
France 1-9-1917.
Lieut. F. HORNE. Commanding No. 3 Platoon. Wound ed in action
13.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 32 years
Married. wounded whilst leading his Platoon inthe attack on
PASSCHENDAELE xxxx Arrived in France 1.9.1917.
Lieut. D. S. ELLIOT. Commanding No. 11 Platoon. Killed in
action near PASSCHENDAELE on 12.10.1917.
Age 27 years. Married. Killed whilst leading his Platoon
in the attack on 12.10.1917. Acted as Transport Officer
for 2 months (July August). Arrived in Franc e 11.7.1917.
Lieut. H. S. LEVY. Commanding No. 10 Platoon. Wounded and
missed 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDANLE. Age 28
years e single. Wounded on the Blue Line whilst leading his
Platoon in the attack 12.10.1917. Arri ved in France 8.9.1017.
2/Lieut. K. M. DAY. Commanding No. 1 Platoon "A" Company.
Killed in action 12.10 .1917 near PASSCHENDAELE.
Commanded No. 1 Platoon in MESSINES Sector when that Company was
raided by a strong enemy raiding party on night of 28.7.1917, which
was repulsed. Killed whilst leading his Platoon in the attack
on 12.10.1917. Arrived in France from Cadet Battalion 30.6.17.
2/Lieut. C. K. MEARS. Commanding No. 9 Platoon. Wounded in
action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 20 years
Single. Wounded whilst leading his Platoon in the attack on
12.10.1917. Commiss oned from the ranks 4.7.1917.
2/Lieut. J. F. ADAMS. Commanding No. 6 Platoon. Killed in
action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 30
years. Single. Scout Officer while Battalion was holding
the line at MESSINES 11.7.1917 to 30.7.1917. Killed whilst
leading his Platoon in vhe attack on 22.10.1917. Commissioned
from the ranks 4.7.1917.
2/Lieut. N. B. D'ARCY. Commander No. 4 platoon "A" Company
Wounded in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE.
Wounded whilst leading his Platoon in the attack on 12.10.1917
Age 25 years. Single.
Commissioned from the ranks 24.7.1917.
2/Lieut. H. S. WYNDHAM. Commnanding No. 14 Platoon. Wounded
in action 13.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 22
years. Single. Led his Platoon in the attack and was wounded
whilst in the line on 13.10.1917. Arrived in France from Cadet
Battalion 18.7.1917.
2/Lieut. V. T. RITCHIE. Commanding No. 13 Platoon. Killed
in action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age 23
years. Single. Killed while leading his Platoon
the attack on 12.10.1917. Commissioned from the ranks 18.8.1917.
2/Lieut. C. T. MAIN. Commanded No. 12 Platoon. Killed in
action 12.10.1917 near PASSCHENDAELE. Age
20 years. Single. Killed whilst leading his Platoon in
the attack on 12.10.1017. Arrived in France from Cadet Battalion
2/Lieut. C. J. HENRY. Battalion Lewis Gun Officer. Wounded
in action near PASSCHENDAELE 12.10.1917.
Age 20 years. Single.
Wounded whilst taking part in the attack on 2 12.10.1917. Commissioned
from the ranks 1.9.1917.
2/Lieut. J. T. PRENTICE. Battalion Signalling Officer.
Wounded in action near PASSCHENDAELE 12.10.1917.
Age 27 years. Single.
Was awarded Military Medal for gallantry in MESSINES offensive
7th to 13th June 1917, whilst Signalling Sergeant attached to
Brigade Staff. Wounded whilst taking part in the attack on
12.10.1917. Commissioned from the ranks 27.9.1917.
Major J. B. BUCHANAN. O.C. "D" Company. Killed in action
12.10.1917 near ZONNEBEKE. Age 23.
Single. Enlisted 11.11.1914. Served in Gallipoli, was
twice mentioned in despatches, an was returned to Australia on
account of sickness. Joined 36th Battalion 31.3.1918 as second
in command of "D" Company. Acted as Brigade Liaison Officer
to 10th Aust Inf Bde in Battle of MESSINES. Wounded in action
in minor operation MESSINES night of 20-21st July 1917. Killed
whilst leading his Company in the attack 12.10.1917.
Captain-Chaplain C. MURPHY. Attached to 38th Battalion. Wounded
in action 11.10.1917. Was wounded during
approach march of Battalion on ngight of 11-10.10.1917 prior to
operations on PASSCHENDAELE, believed not seriously.
Captain R. GADD. Acting O. C. "A" Company. Wounded in action
12.10.1917, near ZONNEBEKE. Age 24 years.
Single. Has only recently joined the Battalion from Staff duties.
During operations of 12th October 1917 was slightly wounded whilst leading his Company in attack.
Captain A. C. CARMICHAEL. O.C. "A" Company. Wounded in action
4.10.1917 support trenches ZONNEBEKE Sector
Age 45. Married. Was wounded and awarded the Military Cross
ffor gallantry 22.1.1917 in HOUPLINES Sector.
Captain R. A GOLDRICK. O.C. "B" Company. Wounded in action
12.10.1917. Age 27 years. Single.
Whilst commanding "B" Company prior to MESSINES operations was
wounded whilst arranging carrying parties and reconnoitring position
for operations. Was wounded whilst leading "B" Company in attack
on PASSCHENDAELE on morning of 12.10.1917.
Lieut. A. H. HOCKING. Slightly wounded in action. 12.10.1917
Married. Commanded No. 9 Platoon. Was
wounded whilst Company was in attack on PASSCHENDAELE on morning of
12.10.1917. This Officer has only recently joined the Battalion
from 9th Training Battalion.
2/Lieut. T. F. BRUCE. Commanded No. 16 Platoon. Killed in
acti on 11.10.1917. Age 36. Married.
As a Sergeant was wounded in action in MESSINES Battle.
Received commisson 30.8.1917. Killed in action on approach march
Fifth Pase Battle of YPRES on night of 11th October 1917.
W2/Lieut. S. COOKE. Commanded No. 12 Platoon. Wounded and
missing; believed prisoner of war. Age 22.
Joined Battalion 20.9.1917 from cadet Battalion. Served as a
N.C.O. in Gallipoli. Has been missing sin e morning of 12.10.17
during attack on PASSCHENDAELE; believed wounded and prisoner
of war.
2/Lieut. L. W. C. GIBSON. Commanded no. 1 Platoon. Wounded in action
12.10.1917. Age 24. Single. Commissioned
24.8.1917. Was wounded during the attack on PASSCHENDAELE ON
12.10.1917. Served as Platoon Sergeant during MESSINES operation.
2/Lieut. E. A. McDONALD. Commanded No. 2 Platoon. Wounded in action 12.10.1917. Age 28. Married.
Served as C. S. M. with "A" Company whilst holding the line at MESSINES
Sector. Commissioned 30.8.1917. Wounded in action during the
attack on PASSCHENDAELE on morning of 12.10.1917.
2/Lieut: H. R. MAILER. Commanded No. 6 Platoon. Wounded in
action on 12.10.1917. Age 24 yearse. Single.
Recently joined Battalion from Cadet Battalion. Was wounded
during operations before PASSCHENDAELE on 12.10.1917.
2/Lieut. J.P. O'CONNELL. Commanded No. 19 Platoon.
in action on 12.10.1917. Age 21 years.
Single. Served as Platoon Sergeant during MESSINES operations.
Commissioned 24.8.1917. Wounded whilst in the attack on PASSCHENDAELE
on 12.10.1917
2/Lieut. F. W. PUTNEY. Commanded No. 5 Platoon. Killed in
action on 12.10.1917. Age 36 years. Widowera
Commissioned 30.8.1917. Was killed in action whilst leading his
men in attack on PASSCHENDAELE on 12.10.1917.

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