Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 9 October - 31 October 1917, Part 15

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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Aønes Speken bog Cheftam Re Rer GP Cuttgras at tre grave og Tagod H.B. bolksma, 3 Anat Ronen båre Hese okere kkonteest, shora va vio gowat g war Nor avng echa og thre ffrdg freree hatt Srese ernonbling, bloodstamnet olodo g Belglav oorl Hele ofrem to toryg aout tra ptirnnng gate. Wa shot is Sire om alt Easta trondlat fare Se karlaved as kvo plot viteratkom art lart tit resting plare for one oo govk avt bvave tho foe hin Partte tka falleidg pore hatte part. Htere ohalt kon glant tin Gode graut gjusk eomes To clvtke thae urtt ke lfe dat saver avde Cod o'er thra phell-torve bønvaed vand blaadung last d lastvag ast vidtvrom paaeingesrend. denest g frürnda, - dlaaf om, Sti rrame phalt luve, In vevereneaitteg smenoog ove otfelr keepe de So ammmons toat, rs huttting ofall, zs bovnt Htattr power to ovaken drra tkog last long elaafe-
Beomlel farbaov Wiel gguaKundlg hand ike outaahed dd Deis Gfeuonfoudmet: to th. Guncrat an homeooronald a wech to have tu rfjem
724 O.C., 1st. New Zealand Supply Column. Urd. Australian Supply Column. No. 49 Divisional Supply Column. No. 66 Divisional Supply Column. -- -- - - - -- -- - . -- - - ----- Please forward at once a list showing the number of Closed and Open Cars of each make, which make up the 7 Cars of your Divisional Headquarters. This, of course, includes the Car allotted to the C.R.A. Also kindly ring up the Division and let me know what is considered the most suitable number of Closed Cars to be permanently allotted to the Headquarters of a Division. (Signed) C.H.Kriwr Capt. & Adjt. for Maj or, O.C., 'Y' Supply Column. 28/10/17.
From O.C., No. 3 Aust. Div. Supply Column. To O.C., 'Y' Supply Column. List of cars on charge to H.Q., 3rd. Australian Division herewith. I have seen the G.O.C., 3rd. Division on the subject. He does not desire any change in his present allotment except in the way of such additions as Army may approve. (Signed) M. LYONS, Major. Commanding No. 3 Aust. D.S.C. 27/10/17.
Jo/1717 -------- From O.C., Ko. 3 Aust. Div. Supply Colann. O.C., 'Y' Supply COlumn. To Re your 723 - --------------------- I attach inspection reporte of closed Daimler cars Wos. These cars are in good order and are in my opin- 19629 and 19619. ion suitable for allotment or use by a General Officer. I would however invite attention to the fact that these cars are the property of the Australian Government. In December 1916, when certain'cars which were issued to an Australian M.T. Unit in England and charged to the Australian Governemtn, were withdrawnfrom that Unit in France, the matter was taken up by the Australian Administrative Headquarters in London. The representations then made to the War Office caused these cars to be returned to the Unit from which they were withdrawn. Perhaps this fact might be kept in view when dealing with the matter. (Signed) M. LYONS, Major. Commanding "o. 3 Aust. D.S. C. 27/10/17.
J.J.C. Headquarters, 10th Australian Infantry Brigade. 27th October 1917. Major-General J. MONASH C.B.,V.D. G.O.C. 3rd Australian Division. Dear General, In the two fights of the 4th and 12th September I lost altogether 67 Officers of whom 21 were killed, 2 are missing, and 44 were wounded. The killed were In the 37th BATTALION Captain F. G. MOULE Lieut. J. ROADKIGHT Lieut. L. S. DIMSEY In the 38th BATTALION Captain E. F. MOOHS Lieut. W. MAXWELL Lieut. T. C. ROBINSON Lieut. K. E. D. MARSHALL Lieut. C. MATTHEWS Lieut. R KIRBBHIDE. while the Signalling Officer of the 38th Battn, Lieut. F. C. MORRISON, is missing and believed killed. The 39th BATTALION lost in killed Captain H. SOUTHBY Lieut. L.E. GRANT Lieut. K. D. SPEERING Lieut. W. R. NICHOLES Lieut. D. G. MACKAY The 40th BiTTALION killed were Lieut. N.R.T. MEAGHER Lieut. C. F. SHARLAND 2/Lieut. A. H. GRANT 10th MACHINE GUN COY had killed Lieut. F. E. M. MACKAY 10th A.L.T.M.Battery lost, Lieut. J. D. OLIVER And the Brigase Signal Section Lieut. F. J. TUCXETT The wounded are as follows:- 37th BATTALIOH Major. C. B. STOR Captain P. G. TOWL
SC/22/40 -2- Dtth BiTTzLIoM Captain F. C. HEBERLE Captain R.V.J. STUBBS Captain J. A. CARPODUS Captain W. C. ATKIN 7 Lieutenants and an 8th who is shewn as missing. 38th BATTALION Captain H. F. SELLECK Captain R E. THEBILCOCK 7 Lieutenants, one of whom is reported as missing SSth Birrallon Captain W. R. CUMMING and 7 Lieutenants Aoth Brdhtlon Captain H. J. DUMARESQ Captain C. L. McVILLY Captain J. D. W. CHISHOLM and 8 Lieutenants Mohlus Qum 00Y. had 3 Lieutenants wounded Rusen tehette 64 [Brigadier-General Commanding l0th Australian Inf.Brigade.
Botich, "A. & 0" BRANCH OF 46 DIVISION. Ondaminanjon or A.A. & Q.M.G. During Operations. In line or rest. Co-ordination of "A.Q" work. Administrative Policy. Decisions re "A.Q" matters. Keep G. O. C. informed. Work hand & glove with G.S.O.1. Problems re supply. Food Supply. Medical Services. Water Supply. Honours & Rewards. Information to A.D.M.S. and O.C. Personal services (Appointments). Train.A.P Divisional funds (Canteens). Moves of Administrative Units. Movements. Insist on D.A.A.G., & D.A.Q.M.G. seeing all work he does. Channel of approach to G. 0. C. Show G. O. C. all letters - from Higher Authorities. r Diary. D. A. 0. M. D. A. A.G. During opers In line or rest. During operations. In line or rest. Lions. All ammunition. Supply of food Billeting. Discipline. Supply. and forage. Casualties. Casualties. Ordnance services. Clearing battle¬ Strength returns. Ordnance. Remounts. field. Personal services. Ammunition. Distributing in- Reinforcements. Traffie cir¬ Veterinary ser- formation re Training Btns. cuits. vices. water supply. Schools. Transport. Drafts. ray. Accounting for Supply & allot- Working Parties. Ammunition. ment of trans- Lleting and port. Hutting. Traffic Routes. Traffic control. Tramways. I lice. Roads. Sanitation. Cookery. Baths - location Workshops. and allotment. Engineer supplies. Claims. Salvage. Cemetries. Notes for war Chaplains. diary. Ceremonial. Leave. Postal. Disposal of P. of w. Office Routine. Town Commandants. Administrative Maps. Notes for War Diary. (PL).
JB. E SC 30OCT.ISW/ AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. Seh -------------- Reft. Headquarters 9th Australian Infantry Brigade AIF. 30th October 1917. G.O.C. Third Australian Division. Referring to our conversation re casualties in Officers. Forwarded herewith concise Summary of Offic er casualties from 29th September 1917 to 20th October 1917. Chandeas temnstal) angede. G.O.C. 9th Australian Infantry Brigade A.I.F.
AU J3RD BATTALION A.I.F. - O.C. "B" Company. Wounded near ZONNEBEKE Captain J.W. SHREEVE. 12.10.1917. Married. Age 37.9/12 years. Regimental Adjutant Divisional Schools 26.12.1918-30.5.1917. Burials Officer at MESSINES 7.6.1917 until wounded 10.6.1917. Instructor at 3rd A.D.B.D. 1.8.1917. Rejoined Battalion 8.7.1917. Wounded whilst leading his Resumed Regimental Duty 14.8.1917. Company into the assembly position near ZONNEBEKE 12.10.1917. Killed in act on on O.C. "A" Company. Captain W.F. HINTON. 13.10.1917 near ZONNEBEKE. Age 30 8/12 years. Single. In reserve at MOREBECQUE during MEBSINES operations 7- 10th June 1917 Commanded Company in MESSINES Sector 22.6.17 to 30.7.1917. Killed whilst leading his Company (in reserve) on 13.10.1917. 2nd in command "C" Company. Captain T.W. TCLLIS. Wounded 30.9.1917 at ZONNEBEKE. Age 28 5/12 years Married. In reserv as 2nd O.C. raid at ST YVES 28.5.1917. in command "D" Company during MESSINES operations 7- 10th June 1917. Commanding "C" Company 28.9.1917 until wounded whilst holding the line at ZONNEBEKE 30.9.1917. "B" Company. Killed in action 12.10.17 Lieut. T.A. ARMSTRONG. near ZONNEBEKE. Wounded at MESSINES on 7.8.17, Age 26 3/12 years. Single. Rejoined 18.9.1917. whilst leading No. 7 Platoon into action. Killed in action whilst leading No. 7 Platoon into assembly position prior to the attack. "A" Company. Evacuated shell-shock on Lieut. H.J. MOORE. 13.10.1917. Joined Battalion from 9th Married. Age 28 11/12 years. Commanded No. 1 Platoon in ZONNEBEKE Training Battalion 29.9.1917. operations from 12.10.1917 till evacuated (shell-shock) on 13.10.17. "B" Company. Died of wounds 17.10.1917. Lieut. W. LAYTON. Married. Age 28 years. Joined from 9th Training Battalion on 29.9.1917. Wounded in action on 12.10.1917 near ZONNEBEKE whilst leading No. 5 Platoon to the assembly position prior to the attack.

Spoken by Chaplain the Rev. G.P. Cuttriss
at the grave of Major H.A. Adams, 3rd Aust Pioneer Bn
Here where thou liest, there is no sound of war
Nor any echo of the Hun's fierce hate.
These crumbling, bloodstained clods of Belgian soil
Will open to thy soul the shining gate.

No spot is there on all Earth's troubled face
So hallowed as this plot where thou art laid
Fit resting place for one so good and brave
Who for his faith the fullest price hath paid.
Here shalt thou sleep till God's great spirit comes
To clothe thee with the life that never ends
And o'er the shell-torn bruised and bleeding land 
A lasting and victorious peace descends.
Dearest of friends, – sleep on; thy name shall live,
In reverence thy memory we shall keep
No cannons roar, no hurling shell, no bomb,
Hath power to waken this thy last long sleep. – 


Dear Col Jackson
Would you kindly hand the attached
copies of correspondence to the General
as he expressed a wish to have them

M Lyons


1st. New Zealand Supply Column.
3rd. Australian Supply Column.
No. 49 Divisional Supply Column.
No. 66 Divisional Supply Column.
-- -- - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Please forward at once a list showing the number of
Closed and Open Cars of each make, which make up the 7 Cars of
your Divisional Headquarters. This, of course, includes the Car
allotted to the C. R. A.
Also kindly ring up the Division and let me know what
is considered the most suitable number of Closed Cars to be
permanently allotted to the Headquarters of a Division.
(Signed) C. H. KEANE
Capt. & Adjt.
for Maj or, O. C., 'Y' Supply Column.


From O. C., No. 3 Aust. Div. Supply Column.
To O. C., 'Y' Supply Column.
List of cars on charge to H. Q., 3rd. Australian Division
I have seen the G. O. C., 3rd. Division on the subject.
He does not desire any change in his present allotment except in
the way of such additions as Army may approve.
(Signed) M. LYONS, Major.
Commanding No. 3 Aust. D. S. C.


From O. C., No. 3 Aust. Div. Supply Column.
 To      O. C., 'Y' Supply Column.
Re your 723 -
I attach inspection reports of closed Daimler cars Nos.
19629 and 19619. These cars are in good order and are in my 
opinion suitable for allotment or use by a General Officer.
I would however invite attention to the fact that these
cars are the property of the Australian Government. In December
1916, when certain cars which were issued to an Australian M.T.
Unit in England and charged to the Australian Governemtn, were
withdrawnfrom that Unit in France, the matter was taken up by the
Australian Administrative Headquarters in London. The
representations then made to the War Office caused these cars to
be returned to the Unit from which they were withdrawn.
Perhaps this fact might be kept in view when dealing
with the matter.
(Signed) M. LYONS, Major.
Commanding No. 3 Aust. D. S. C.


10th Australian Infantry Brigade.
27th October 1917.
Major-General J. MONASH C.B.,V.D.
G.O.C. 3rd Australian Division.
Dear General,
In the two fights of the 4th and 12th
September I lost altogether 67 Officers of whom 21 were killed,
2 are missing, and 44 were wounded.
The killed were
In the 37th BATTALION
Captain F. G. MOULE
Lieut. L. S. DIMSEY
In the 38th BATTALION
Captain E. F. MOORE
Lieut. K. E. D. MARSHALL
while the Signalling Officer of the 38th Battn, Lieut.
F. C. MORRISON, is missing and believed killed.
The 39th BATTALION lost in killed
Captain H. SOUTHBY
Lieut. L.E. GRANT
Lieut. D. G. MACKAY
The 40th BATTALION killed were
2/Lieut. A. H. GRANT
10th MACHINE GUN COY had killed
Lieut. F. E. M. MACKAY
10th A.L.T.M.Battery lost,
Lieut. J. D. OLIVER
And the Brigase Signal Section
Lieut. F. J. TUCKETT
The wounded are as follows:-
Major. C. B. STORY
Captain P. G. TOWL


Captain F. C. HEBERLE
Captain R. V. J. STUBBS
Captain J. A. CARRODUS
Captain W. C. ATKIN
7 Lieutenants and an 8th who is shewn as missing.
Captain H. F. SELLECK
7 Lieutenants, one of whom is reported as missing
Captain W. R. CUMMING
and 7 Lieutenants
Captain H. J. DUMARESQ
Captain C. L. McVILLY
Captain J. D. W. CHISHOLM
and 8 Lieutenants
had 3 Lieutenants wounded
W. Ramsay McNicoll
Commanding 10th Australian Inf.Brigade.



A. A. & Q. M. G.

In line or rest. During Operations.

Co-ordination of "A.Q" work.

Administrative Policy.
Decisions re "A. Q" matters.
Keep G. O. C. informed.
Work hand & glove with G.S.O.1.
Problems re supply.

Medical Services.

Honours & Rewards.

Personal services (Appointments).

Divisional funds (Canteens).


Insist on D.A.A.G., & D.A.Q.M.G.
seeing all work he does.

Channel of approach to G. 0. C.

Show G. O. C. all letters - from
Higher Authorities.

War Diary.

Food Supply.

Water Supply.

Information to A..D.M.S. and O.C. Train. & A. P. M.

Moves of Administrative Units.


D. A. A. G. D. A. Q. M. G.

In line or rest.


During operations. In line or rest.  During operations.





Supply of food and forage. All ammunition. 
Casualties. Casualties. Ordnance services. Supply.
Strength returns. Clearing battlefield. Remounts. Ordnance.
Personal services. Distributing information re water supply. Ammunition. Traffic circuits.
Reinforcements. Drafts. Veterinary services. Accounting for
Training Btns.   Transport.  
Schools.   Supply & allotment of transport.  
Pay.   Traffic Routes.  
Working Parties.   Tramways.  
Billeting and Hutting.   Roads.  
Traffic control.   Cookery.  
Police.   Workshops.  
Sanitation.   Engineer supplies.  
Baths - location and allotment.   Salvage.  
Claims.   Notes for War
Disposal of
P. of W.
Office Routine.      
Town Commandants.      
Notes for war diary.      



S/C. 30 OCT. 1917

No  36/134
9th Australian Infantry Brigade AIF.
30th October 1917.
G. O. C.
Third Australian Division.
Referring to our conversation re casualties in Officers.
Forwarded herewith concise Summary of Offic er casualties
from 29th September 1917 to 20th October 1917.
Charles Rosenthal Brig.- Gen.
G. O. C. 9th Australian Infantry Brigade A. I. F. 



Captain J. W. SHREEVE. O. C. "B" Company. Wounded near ZONNEBEKE

Age 37.9/12 years. Married.
Adjutant Divisional Schools 26.12.1916-30.5.1917. Regimental

Burials Officer at MESSINES 7.6.1917 until wounded 10.6.1917.
Rejoined Battalion 8.7.1917. Instructor at 3rd A. D. B. D. 1.8.1917.
Resumed Regimental Duty 14.8.1917. Wounded whilst leading his
Company into the assembly position near ZONNEBEKE 12.10.1917.
Captain W. F. HINTON. O.C. "A" Company. Killed in acti on on
13.10.1917 near ZONNEBEKE.
Age 30 8/12 years. Single.
In reserve at MOREBECQUE during MESSINES operations 7- 10th June 1917
Commanded Company in MESSINES Sector 22.6.17 to 30.7.1917. Killed
whilst leading his Company (in reserve) on 13.10.1917.
Captain T. W. TOLLIS. 2nd in command "C" Company.
Wounded 30.9.1917 at ZONNEBEKE. Age 28 5/12 years
O. C. raid at ST YVES 28.5.1917. In reserve as 2nd
in command "D" Company during MESSINES operations 7- 10th June 1917.
Commanding "C" Company 28.9.1917 until wounded whilst holding the 
line at ZONNEBEKE 30.9.1917.
Lieut. T. A. ARMSTRONG. "B" Company. Killed in action 12.10.17
Age 26 3/12 years. Single. Wounded at MESSINES on 7.8.17,
whilst leading No. 7 Platoon into action. Rejoined 18.9.1917.

Killed in action whilst leading No. 7 Platoon into assembly position
prior to the attack.

Lieut. H. J. MOORE. "A" Company. Evacuated shell-shock on

Age 28 11/12 years. Married. Joined Battalion from 9th

Training Battalion 29.9.1917. Commanded No. 1 Platoon in ZONNEBEKE
operations from 12.10.1917 till evacuated (shell-shock) on 13.10.17.

Lieut. W. LAYTON. "B" Company. Died of wounds 17.10.1917.
Age 28 years. Married.

Joined from 9th Training Battalion on 29.9.1917. Wounded in action
on 12.10.1917 near ZONNEBEKE whilst leading No. 5 Platoon to the
assembly position prior to the attack. 

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