Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 9 October - 31 October 1917, Part 14

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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that his berother was an old friend + fillow- officer of Lieut. Gen. Gody & asherd my permission to write to Gu. Godh. I told him it could not be done officially, but that I would not raise any stnction to his writing to Gue. Godly permatel + unofficialy & on account of his berother's frriendship This he did with the Guelnal. It I can supply any further information I shall be glad to do so I am Sin Yours sincerelly Maquire
THIRD AUSTRAPIAY DIUTSTON. Divisional Headquarters 21st. September, 1917. Lieut-Colonel Maguire, Commanding 9th. Field Ambulance. - Kindly glance over attached correspondence and let ne have any information you can about Private RUTHERFORD. If, as he states, he has already applied through You for a commission in the A.L.H., I hardly see how I can help him, seeing that it does not rest with me to grant commissions.- At any rate a sidelight on the facts of the case from you might help my further action.- Will you please return the enclosed correspondence after perusal.- Yours sincerely. - DEinmonash
HEADOUARTERS. QnD ANZAC CORPS. 20th September, 1917. My dear Monash, The writer of enclosed has every excuse for writing to me, as he is the brother of a very old friend and brother-officer of mine, and for that reason of course I would very much like to help him if I can. If you can do anything for him, if he is a good Fellow, you would much oblige, Yours sincerely, Ms Bodlin Major-General J. Monash, C.B., V.D., Commanding 3rd Australian Division.
ERNATE & CONELDMLAL In the Field, 10th SEPTEMEER, 1917. To Lieut.-General Sir A.J.GODLEY, Commanding 2nd ARMY CORPS. Sir, As the brother of Major A.H. RUTHERFORD, Dublin Fusiliers, I take the liberty of addressing you on a military subject, and trust I may be excused for departing from the orthodox methed of communicating with a General Officer. The matter which I beg leave to call your attention to is, that about the 1st of May last I applied through the regular channels for a Commission in the Australian Light Horse, which application was duly forwarded on with my Commanding Officey’'s recommendation. Since that time, however, I have heard nothing further on the subject and this want of any definite action on ny application for about 4 months is the reason for this letter. I served in the Boer War with Lumsden's Horse (India) holding the rank of Lance Sergeant and received the medal with three 13) clasps and good conduct discharge, and also served 5 years in the Behar Light Horse (Vol.Cavalry India) being Corporal in that Unit and receiving good conduct discharge on resignation. 9th Aust. Field Ambulance I have been acting as Stretcher Bearer in this Unitsince its Formation in Australia (February 1916) and besides work in the trenches all winter last have taken part in the Battle of Messines in June and again on July Jist, keeping thoroughly fit and well all the time, and have had no crime against me since enlistment in October 1915. should you hare time to sive m lotter your kind attent son I would be greatly obliged. No. 12059. B. D. Kutherford E217910 9th Field Ambulance A. 16
Compencers Quenes Fr. Bryndien 9th 10th Chaptea Heydon ease tpemn 243 lep to date fobatior Motor Cyple 7 epan Lane pemon lasnatty jint. lpto daty rates. Imnedte Resieat tamalty lts. Stevry g Wittdfroat from Red. Lire & Milne &ofory of blue line I F.C. ce Conmededts rewant. Aacter apptinctor Hadten Apptment £t feet had feet. Elo Fransfort Clppi Fransport. Fi Hlamestingh Detauts Comp His put branng tat pacts Leave Muty o Higs Mrps to Seside 24/10/1 11th Fatterson to him Co. Wells & fis apology. Tuers & Staff Capt. I. Groald so / Holdenholme. sonot his Demar & ltrodite tated. Canly hat snefat rev to. Harten apptonte Bad feet Clopping Transpart Fan Hs Poet Mutftey Helm 44th ward the bilets of the Pronperr; or con- centrate of the 44. Recoperegus
72 O. Co, lst. New Zealand Supply Column. 3rd. Australian Supply Column. No. 49 Rivisional Supply Column. No. 66 Divisional Supply Column. Officer ifc Workshops T. Supply Column. -0------00000a0--a-0---5----LaDaa-aL- Will you Kindly arrange for an inspection of the undermentioned Closed Cars and render a report by 8 p.m. 27th. inst. as to the suitability of each of these for use of a General Officer in higher formations :- E.L.Le. Make On carne of 19619 3rd. Lust. Divisional Train. Daimler 10629 Gaimler 3rd. Australian Supply Column Kindly treat this matter as important, and note that S.M.T.O. 11 Anzac may be calling to inspect any of these Cars on the 29th. inst. (Signed) C.H.KEANE, Capt. & Adjt. Pr Supply Column. for Major, O.C., 25/10/17.
Conference of Brigadies ar Chateau Hervarre, 26/10/17 Factical Bints brought up by Brigadies - lassone. I Plan of operations - corticize Story of right Flank - Havington's letter, I Abandonment of redline - Army printed paper I Dispersion of personnel - straggling. Improvement in Map reading. Senior Officers forward when things look ugly. Recommnssance of approach vonter. Fartres - chucking it – Carrieos, bearers, I Adminstration Casnalty lists - delay - - Want of reconciliation (tables)I Hrong preliminary estimates. Divisional Canteen - collective brying I Officer losses - list. 26/10/1
26-10-17 Figures Sttatement of Brigade Strength Reitorcemt Sim CASWALT ES Present Discrepency Sick Soergh Frength occening secording t 20t Sept 17 29th Sept 17 29th Sept. 3. Ad sr Ocr. Darrstan 12th Or. Oprotton EVecustions IOTAL TOTAL Units FIgureS eso 42a/. O. Ronts (Ott [O Ronns Ott.] O Karts (OFT. O. Romps O7T A Reak. (OHI OBonk Axt. [O. Rerits OHt (O. Kann OMr PRents (Orr. PRann. OFE ORENE 33r Bn 254 428 634 1862 127 34t 936 134 323 540 530 510 1070 25h 294 511 568 546 1074 B5 3or 1078 509 383 572 506 37th Bir 104 1041 141 226 614 1182 56.8 1170 1040 562 39b. 975 173 202 652 1073 643 40t 992 104 224 514 571 1096 243 582 59.7 4t Ber 1131 536 1020 248 42n 216 971 1062 663 430 632 710 862 328 534 152 106 44 593 892 998 13 580 368 698.1 2ot 1104 278 969 S suneer Bor 1005 22275 12456 158 1396 1143 5963 256 1750 1511 8004 807 450 Defcieror 350 Duppls & Dr Fr and Branafarrge. £3 Total Batle Canallis: - (sppantry (onty) Fraudes Dranefors etc. officer 582 Aoxdy others 4820 Nt 4705 S 56
4057 Maighton King wih whee < are lookping Moughhen Wauled. Pepreiy Employyment- I resuve . thing berrage Uenenty von. took to proumd Pipe. 5 Suyor onon it resor or on to round 14 days before of we carr. Cruist of Whole is done wsh 31
27th. October, 1917. 48 ELELCMEANMEEYS.ECi ArremreEMEREAADAREMEMEE LLOERAEESMO Here where then liest, there is he sound of war Her any eche of the Hans’ fierce hate These crumbling, Micedstained cleds of Belsian soil Will open to they soul the shining sate. He spet is there on all marthis trenbled face se nalloned as this plet where then art laid Pit resting place for one se seed and brave the for his faith the fullest price hath paid. Hore shalt thou sleep till God'& great spirit comes To ale the thee with the life that never ands and eer this shalletern bruised and blseding land A lasting and victerious peace descends. Dearest of friends, - sleep ony thy name shall live, In reverence thy memory we shall keep Ne cannon's rear, no hartling shell, no bomt Hath pewer to waken this thy last long sleep.

that his brother was an old friend &
fellow-officer of Lieut. Gen. Godley & asked my
permission to write to Gen. Godley. I told
him it could not be done officially, but that
I would not raise any objection to his
writing to Gen. Godley privately & unofficially
& on account of his brother's friendship
with the General. This he did.
If I can supply any further information
I shall be glad to do so.
I am, Sir,
Yours sincerely,
F.A. Maguire. 


Divisional Headquarters,
21st. September, 1917.
Lieut-Colonel Maguire,
Commanding 9th. Field Ambulance. -
Kindly glance over attached correspondence and let
me have any information you can about Private RUTHERFORD. -
If, as he states, he has already applied through
you for a commission in the A.L.H., I hardly see how I can help
him, seeing that it does not rest with me to grant commissions. -
At any rate a sidelight on the facts of the case from you might
help my further action. -
Will you please return the enclosed correspondence
after perusal. -
Yours sincerely. -
John Monash 


20th September, 1917.
My dear Monash,
The writer of enclosed has every excuse for
writing to me, as he is the brother of a very old friend and
brother-officer of mine, and for that reason of course I
would very much like to help him if I can.
If you can do anything for him, if he is a good
fellow, you would much oblige,
Yours sincerely,
Alex Godley

Major-General J. Monash, C.B., V.D.,
Commanding 3rd Australian Division. 


In the Field,
10th SEPTEMBER, 1917.
To Lieut.-General Sir A.J .GODLEY,
Commanding 2nd ARMY CORPS.
As the brother of Major A.H. RUTHERFORD, Dublin Fusiliers, I
take the liberty of addressing you on a military subject, and trust
I may be excused for departing from the orthodox method of
communicating with a General Officer.
The matter which I beg leave to call your attention to is, that
about the 1st of May last I applied through the regular channels for
a Commission in the Australian Light Horse, which application
was duly forwarded on with my Commanding Officer’'s recommendation.
Since that time, however, I have heard nothing further on the subject
and this want of any definite action on my application for about
4 months is the reason for this letter.
I served in the Boer War with Lumsden's Horse (India) holding
the rank of Lance Sergeant and received the medal with three (3)
clasps and good conduct discharge, and also served 5 years in the
Behar Light Horse (Vol. Cavalry India) being Corporal in that Unit
and receiving good conduct discharge on resignation.
I have been acting as Stretcher Bearer in this Unit ^9th Aust. Field Ambulance since its
formation in Australia (February 1916) and besides work in the
trenches all winter last have taken part in the Battle of Messines
in June and again on July 31st, keeping thoroughly fit and well all
the time, and have had no crime against me since enlistment in
October 1915.
Should you have time to give my letter your kind attention
I would be greatly obliged.
No. 12059. B. D. Rutherford Private
9th Field Ambulance


Queries for Brigadier

9th 10th 11th
Leave for permiss. Chaplain Heydon. Patterson to have Co
Up to date stater. - Motor Cycle [2 or 3 spare] Wells & his apology √
Casualty lists. - Leave for seniors Tyers & Staff Capt. √
Immediate Rewards. Up-to-date stated. - Oswald at Wolstenholme. -√
Leave for seminars
Story of Withdrawal from Red Line √ Casualty lists. - Up-to-date status
[[Milne??]] & story of blue line √ V.C. case . - Casualty lists
Hasten apptments Immediate wards. - Immediate rewards
Bad feet Hasten xxxxxx Hasten apptments
xxx feet Bad feet Bad feet
Clipping Clipping Clipping
Transport Transport Transport
Training xxxxxx Details Camp Training
Hot pack Training. - Hot Pack
  Hot packs. Meeting of Brig. -
  Leave Wilson
  Meeting of Brigs. - F.  
  (Trips to Seaside) 44th - want the billets of
the Pioneers; or concentrate
the 44th -
?[[Recquebreques??]], -

O. C.,
1st. New Zealand Supply Column.
3rd. Australian Supply Column.
No. 49 Divisional Supply Column.
No. 66 Divisional Supply Column.
Officer i/c Workshops "Y" Supply Column.
Will you kindly arrange for an inspection of the
undermentioned Closed Cars and render a report by 8 p.m. 27th.
inst. as to the suitability of each of these for use of a General
Officer in higher formations :-

W.D.No.      Make       On charge of

19619            Daimler    3rd. Aust. Divisional Train.
19629           Daimler    3rd. Australian Supply Column
Kindly treat this matter as important, and note that S.M.T.O.
II Anzac may be calling to inspect any of these Cars on the
29th. inst.
(Signed) C.H. KEANE, Capt. & Adjt.
for Major, O.C., "Y" Supply Column.


Conference of Brigadiers
at Chateau Hervarre, 26/10/17
Points brought up by Brigadiers - lessons. √
Plan of operations - criticize √
Story of right Flank - Harington's letter, √
Abandonment of red line - Army printed paper √
Dispersion of personnel - straggling. √
Improvement in Map reading. √
Senior Officers forward when things look ugly. √
Reconnaissance of approach routes. √
Parties - "chucking it" – Carriers, bearers, √
Casualty lists - delay - - Want of reconciliation (tables)√
Wrong preliminary estimates.
Divisional Canteen - collective buying√
Officer losses - list. 


Statement of Brigade Figured.

Units Strength

Reinforcements since

according to
Strength according
to sgth Rtn of 24/10
  29th Sept ‘17 29th Sept ‘17     29TH Sept-3rd Oct 4th Oct-Operations 12th Oct Operations Evacuations                
  Ott O.Ranks Ott O.Ranks Ott O.Ranks O.T.T. O.Ranks O.T.T. O.Ranks O.T.T. O.Ranks O.T.T. O.Ranks Ott O.Ranks Ott O.Ranks Ott O.Ranks OFF O.Ranks
33rd Bn 39 948 9 114 48 1062 3 33 - 14 12 254 4 127 19 428 29 634 29 610 - 24
34th   ” 41 936 5 134 46 1070 2 86   15 15 323 9 116 26 540 20 530 20 510 - 20
35th   ” 39 970 4 109 43 1079 - 29   48 18 299 3 135 21 511 22 568 22 546 - 22
36th   ” 44 956 9 122 50 1078 - 46 1 26 13 383 4 117 18 572 32 506 33 509 1 3
37th Bn 41 1041 8 141 49 1181   3 7 226 9 235 3 104 19 568 30 614 29 601 1 13
38th   ” 45 1040 7 130 52 1170 3 11 2 183 11 359 1 9 17 562 35 608 34 601 1 7
39th   ” 43 975 3 98 46 1073   3 8 202 6 173 3 43 17 421 29 652 28 643 1 9
40th   ” 43 992 7 104 50 1096   11 7 243 7 224 - 36 14 514 36 582 35 571 1 11
41st Bn 41 1020 10 111 51 1131   3 9 248 3 118 -
x 1
5    }
13 536 38 595 38 597 - 2
42nd   ” 43 971 8 91 51 1062   10 13 210   131 1
x 1
73  }
6    }
15 430 36 632 36 663 - 31
43rd    ” 39 710 7 152 46 862   3 6 178 2 60 2
x 1
81  }
6    }
11 328 35 534 35 537 - 3
44th    ” 42 892 7 106 49 998   13 12 193 3 116 6
x 1
90  }
6    }
22 418 27 580 29 593 2 13
                                      368 6981    
3rd Pioneer Bn 35 1005 4 99 39 1104   5 - 21 3 82 1 27 ⮾ 4 135 35 969 35 969    
  532 12456 88 1511 620 13967 8 256 65 1807 102 2757 41 1143 216 5963 404 8004 403 7950 7 158
                                          4 106
                                          3 52
                                          7 158
                                      Deficiency = 4 106
                                      Surplus  = 3 52
                                          7 158



Straighten things
only when they
are looking ugly.
9 Reporting &
Employment - of
reserve Btn.
10 Thin barrage
11 Uncut wire.
12 Look to ground
beyond Tepe.
13 Got out own
reserve Bde on to
ground 4 days
before if we can.
14 [[Cruise?]] of whole
is down much


27th. October, 1917.
Here where then liest, there is no sound of war
Nor any echo of the Huns’ fierce hate
These crumbling, bloodstained clods of Belgian soil
Will open to they soul the shining gate.
No spot is there on all Earth's troubled face
So hallowed as this plot where thou art laid
Fit resting place for one so good and brave
Who for his faith the fullest price hath paid.
Here shalt thou sleep till God's great spirit comes
To clothe thee with the life that never ends
and o'er this shell-torn bruised and bleeding land
A lasting and victorious peace descends.
Dearest of friends, - sleep on; thy name shall live;
In reverence thy memory we shall keep
No cannon's rear, no hurtling shell, no bomb
Hath power to waken this thy last long sleep. - 

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Jasmine HatharasingheJasmine Hatharasinghe
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