Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 9 October - 31 October 1917, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Headquarters, Second Army. 1847. My dear Curral 1 told Gen Kigerll about your flag for Passchendarte & he told cuic. The latter sent a mensage lastnight to say that we were to till you that directly you repon it to be flying on Passchendarte it will be wered to England & to Austratia and that the Cin C knows well that once it is put up nothing will bring it down again- I hope your right flank will be all right. I put a special reference to it into anny opecation orders yesterday & we saw Gen Bridwood Specially about it. The orders issued
are the pont of Junction hilmen L. I. Angae well be thi (Raitway hure at t 7C. G.7. Parlientar the Langae Cap will advance sumiltacoly with tangae Corps and will be respensible for proticting the right flaules of that Corps Parkenar attention must he given to the high ground Nos of the BRoUBerk in E7 & E.B, which must Either he seiged or kept under such fine as to preoent the right plank of II anzae teing interfered witte therefom All good luck to you Yr Smeerl C. Harmslin 3
Arman say Nr avnilable 41 275 Wm to 43 200 2 M do 42544 208 35 250 250 1 8h after £0 1.30 Bom 12h after Set 30 p. next morning at dawn.
4 copee 11th Brignde. 9th E for information 10t5 Fr- 1. It has been decided that the line to be taped for the Assembly for the Assault on Aday is the glie from the point Where road croner sailway at Halt" in D. 17.6 to the poind where the RAVEBEEK coposses the road jist North of Naterfields in D.10.d. 2. All troops of 11th Angule who may be forward of this line will be with drawn during the night of 2/A, and none must be forward later than 30 minutes before Lers. 3. Dum Annoon ar Immediately after nightfull on Oct. 11th patrols will be sent out in the direction of Haalen, Aujusters Wood, Concrete Dujonts N.E. of Heine House and N.E. of Hillside, for the puppose of ascertaining whither any troops of 66th Division are lying out forward of our assembly line. - All such troops if met with are to be brought EMOR
no 4 ac No verable frent up to half 62 information past six 12/147 the my from Add iB Repent Flank Dus. 36 AM.
Anzne. 2 Both Bripades font line assembly on tapes complete oclock. 2 12/1017 have deported before four n 54F 6.
Honne first porsones Ad 3r Levi Cottages. C4 12/10/17 have passed Repented BM 7.6
4 12/0/7 22 Angac came down Carrag Enerry ten minutes before zes on our assembly add Neverthelers right Brigade reports onr assault got well away under our barrage 1 15DM &
C Boe Thirteen 3 porsoners passed H.C at C 6 12/0/7 10 Brigade 7.1612M 5
D 12/017 2 Amzac Advance was steadily proceeding at 100 prsoners over an occock and already Many enemy on way in aaa Machine tuns opened at Zero. and Belnve all going well. 1 p


Second Army. 

Oct 11 1917.

My dear General

I told Gen Kiggell about your flag for Passchendaele

[[&?]] he told C in C. The latter sent a message last night &

 say that we were to tell you that directly you

report it to be flying on Passchendaele it will be

wired to England & to Australia and that the

C in C knows well that once it is put up

nothing will bring it down again -

I hope your right flank will be all right.

I put a special reference to it into

Army operation orders yesterday & we saw

Gen Birdwood specially about it. The orders issued


are {"The point of Junction between 1 & II Anzac will be the

↓{Railway Line at E 7 c. 9.7.


The I Anzac Corps will advance simultaneously with II Anzac

Corps and will be responsible for protecting the right flank

of that Corps.

Particular attention must be given to the high ground

N & S of the BROUBERK in E 7 & E. 13, which must

either be seized or kept under such fire as to

prevent the right flank of II Anzac being interfered

with therefrom"

All good luck to you.

Yrs Sincerely

C H Harington



Cannan says:-

1 Bn available 8 hrs after zero

275 41 350 = 1.30 p.m.

1 Bn do 12 hrs after zero

200 250 43 = 5.30 p.m.

2 Bns do - next morning

42 & 44    at dawn

400   375

250    250


4 copies.

11th Brigade. -

9th  do )

10th do ) for information

1. It has been decided that the line to be taped for the Assembly

for the Assault on "A" day is the a line from the point

where road crosses railway at "Halt" in D.17.b to the

point where the RAVEBEEK crosses the road just North of

Waterfields in D.10.d.-

 2. All troops of 11th Brigade who may be forward of this line

will be withdrawn during the night of Z/A, and none

must be forward later than 30 minutes before zero.

 3. Divn as soon as Immediately after nightfall on Oct. 11th

patrols will be sent out in the direction of Harlen, Augustus

Wood, Concrete Dugouts N. E. of Heine House and N.E. of

Hillside, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any troops

of 66th Division are lying out forward of our assembly

line. - All such troops if met with are to be brought


12/10/17    1

2nd Anzac.

No rliable information from the my

front up to half past six. - Add 2nd A

Repeat Flank 


G 2

6.36 AM.


12/10/17  2

2nd Anzac.

Both front line Brigades have reported

assembly on tapes complete before four


G 3

6.54 AM


12/10/17  3

2nd Anzac

First 13 prisoners have passed

Levi Cottages. Ad 8am Repeated.

G 4 

7.6 AM


12/10/17  4

2nd Anzac.

Enemy barrage came down ten 

minutes before zero on our assembly aaa

Nevertheless right brigade reports our assault

got xxx well away under our barrage.

G 5

7.15 AM


12/10/17  5

9th Bde.

13 Thirteen prisoners passed 10th Brigade

H.Q. at 6-47

G 6 

7. 16 AM


12/10/17  6

2nd Anzac.

Advance was proceeding steadily

at six o'clock aaa Over 100 prisoners

already on way in aaa Many enemy

Machine Guns opened at Zero. - aaa

Believe all going well.

G 7

7. 27 AM



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