Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 3 September - 9 October 1917, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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13/9/1917. 121. would be very undesirable to deprive him of his Brigade Major. - The Traince Brigade Major of this Brigade is 10th. Brigade. only just appointed, and is not considered qualified to carry on, if the Brigade Major were detached. - The Brigade Major is a new appointee, and 11th. Brisade. there is nobody available to carry on his duties. As regards Staff Captains, it is considered very undesirable to detach any of these on the eve of offensive operations, especially seeing that the whole of the A.d. Staff of the Division has recently been changed, and serious situations in regard to administrative arrangements for an offensive would be likely to arise, if the work were entrusted to Staff Officers without prior experience of such arrangements. The Artillery of this Division is XVVILIOTTIOMS. detached from my command, and not accessible except after much delay,. Perhaps, this subject could be taken up with my C.R.A. through the First Australian Division to whom he is attached. The present juncture is, so far as this Division is concerned, a most inopportune one for a detachment of any Staff Officers to Schools, partly by reason of the immtnence of active operations, and, partly, by reason of the fact that the majority of the Staff Officers, at present holding office in this Division, have only recently taken
(3). 13/9/1917. up their appointments, and their respective under-studies have not yet acquired sufficient knowledge of their work to carry on in their absence. Ahinhonash Major-General. Commanding Third Australian Division.
DO WMEIS Divisional Headquarters, 135h September, 1917.- OIT MW.6. FBUDAILOTS The Secand Ansae Kerse Shew will be held on Saturday yr In DRIONVLLLE reference the 15th instant at a spot about the First event is timed to start at 2 pom. RALERROUCK Sa Map. There will be two (2) Judging Kinge! 6 King Ne. 1 for all riding events. King Nc. 2 for all Transport Events. Time Table of events is attached. The following are the Representatives selected to represent the Third Australlan Division :- Best turnent, Mounted N.C.C. or man. KTIIILWeLe DRLLL OLDER. Farrier Serjeant RORKINGS; 3rd. Aust. Div. Headquarters. Cerporal K.J. ROSE, 869th Company A.A.S.C. Cerperal PENRALIGAN, 3rd. Aust. Mebile Veterinary Section. Best Regimental Officers Charger!) to be ridden by an VILIIL We Re Officer. Ne Staff or Departmental Officer is allowed to compete in this class. DRILL'ORDER WITHOUT ARIS. Lieut.Mol. HENLEY, D.S.O., 3rd. Anst. Dv. Train. Major T. WILLLAMS; D.S.O., 9th Aust. Field Cey., A.E. Major CRAELLN, 1ith Aust. Held Ambulance. Best Officer's Charger,) to be ridden by an Officer. STEIILDD.Be DRLLL'ORDER WITHOUT ARNS. Lieut.Mel. JACKSON, CMS.; DSo., 3rd. Aust. Div. Hcers. (2 entries). Captain P. SLLDNSON, 5rd. Aust. Div. Headquarters. Jumping Competition for Officers. VLIILD.Se DRLLL'ORDER WITROUT ARMS. Lieut.-Col. JACKSON; C.M.G.) D.S.0.) 3rd. Aust. Mv. Headquarters (2 entries). Captain C.A. EKE, 3rd. Aust. DAv. Headquarters. Jumving Competition for. N.C.O's and men. TENTNo. Se DRILL ORDER WITHOUT ARMS s- Regimental Saddle, stripped and Regimental Bridle, cellar chain or headsrepe Bandelier or pouches, Has helmet. Farrier Serjeant HORXINGS; 32d. Aust. Div. Headquarters. Serjeant REARD, 38th Battalion, A. I.F. (continued].
3130OTOle BDOT MACFO 234A SOTHOMO) 1011- Steeplechase for Miles bartbacked (ne spars or whips) IETLDO.D 9th Held Cempany Engineers. KIXII Del Open jumping conpetition 5 Pest entries. Open to Officers of Allied Armes. BVLIIL DDeS G.So Limbered Wagon and pair,) light draught. DRLLL ORDER. 9th Aust. InL. Brigade (9th Machine Cun Cempany). VILIITTO.R G. Se Wagon and pair, heavy draught. DEILL ORDLE. 3rd. Anstralian Divisional Train. Pack animal with saddle and S.A.d. bexes cemplete. VIEILTDAD DRILL ORDER. 9th Aust. Infs Brigade (34th Battalion): 11th Aust.Inf. Brigude (43rd Battalion]. 11th Hield Company Engineers. Section of Field Artillery (less 1st Line Wagons) EETLM. II LRILL CDER. Ne entry. BIIIILTO.NE Co Se Limbered Wagen and Pair Mles. DRLLL OLLDER. 9th Aust. Inf. Brigade (33rd Battalien). G.S. Wagon and team 4 miles. MUNTD.Be ERLLL ORDER. 3rd. Aust. D.A.C. (Nc. 3 Sectionl. EIIIIILWD.M Cooker and Team. 9th Aust. Inf. Brigade (35th Battalion]. IIIIIIIDeL Twe hersed Ambulance. 11th Aust. Meld Ambulance. DRESS;- OMT WASAN DRLLL Regimental SAtS STS On ASN Lo. Noaderone, cambrewne belt, gas heinet. OEHON Regimental saddle and bridle, cellar channs, wallets, wallets, baggage straps, bandelier or pouches, gas heanst, rifle and cayonet. In all fuaping competitions any horss that refuses will be disqualified. A Brakesman will parade with each limbered wagen or G.S. Wagon which is not driven from the bex. Competitors will parade at Show Ground 45 minutes before their event is timed to start. (PL).. Captain.- Dododo M. C. Third Anstrallan MrlM
91 R.S.M. Importance of R.S.M, in a tnit. my experence 33 yo. Stirctmens & discipting. but not martinet not butly Meory of the Square Deal - Fawrness No favortes Hear both sides Freseeve own dignity & self respect entitled to Sis Never oveolook a condone a funlt a an error. Relations with Officer pemal - lognlly pinor- no bounce.
o Cas Structner Farr ton dignty Donfines Relations with office
1a/2/17 October Offensin Settle Lemas Opc Mt 5th P3 nbld Sutt L Eccaupant Sprift til te prpr Set maps prepared - settle scale & layering. Peabmnaty Stady photos pelict offis & 2 tenmo re enery massing. Partie from Reserve Myde & Fennesa, f C.F2 5 Aeroplain S.O.S. Signal Cares L M.G & Aode Avmt. Lers Ga Mag supply think & act quickly Role of rear Bittalions, as support to 1st line 16/9/17 Corps S. G. 614 o Sep. 14 - Close protective barrage, to cover consolidation, 200 out Protect by posts 100 out.- No patrollling until after consolidation. After consolidation we may put S.O.S. batrage further out 6110/22/159 of Sep. 13 - In rehearrals, infantry must follow the lefts of the Bax. Coop -rage, & halt with it. _ Attack, like defence, must be in depth. Army G.790 of Sep. 10.- Have sufficient men & time to clear each area & reseive bodies to meet counterattacks. supporting troops - must know conditions in tnt disaneting troops now move slowly, but act quickly Caps, or Exposed Flanks don't matter, if troops hold their pround. Troops to mitial assuult, Eightly squipped Concolidate, in depth Deal with strong points without delay or Resitation.

(2).  13/9/1917.
would be very undesirable to deprive him of his Brigade Major.-
10th. Brigade.  The Trainee Brigade Major of this Brigade is
only just appointed, and is not considered qualified to carry on, if
the Brigade Major were detached. -
11th. Brigade.  The Brigade Major is a new appointee, and
there is nobody available to carry on his duties.
As regards Staff Captains, it is considered very undesirable
to detach any of these on the eve of offensive operations, especially
seeing that the whole of the 'A.Q.' Staff of the Division has recently
been changed, and serious situations in regard to administrative
arrangements for an offensive would be likely to arise, if the work
were entrusted to Staff Officers without prior experience of such
arrangements. -
ARTILLERY OFFICERS.  The Artillery of this Division is
detached from my command, and not accessible except after much delay, -
Perhaps, this subject could be taken up with my C.R.A. through the
First Australian Division to whom he is attached. -
The present juncture is, so far as this Division is concerned,
a most inopportune one for a detachment of any Staff Officers to
Schools, partly by reason of the imminence of active operations, and,
partly, by reason of the fact that the majority of the Staff Officers,
at present holding office in this Division, have only recently taken 


(3).    13/9/1917.
up their appointments, and their respective under-studies have not
yet acquired sufficient knowledge of their work to carry on in their
John Monash
Commanding Third Australian Division.


Divisional Headquarters,
13th September, 1917.-
The Second Anzac Horse Show will be held on Saturday
the 15th instant at a spot about the "V" in DRIONVILLE reference
HAZEBROUCK 5a Map. First event is timed to start at 2 p.m.
There will be two (2) Judging Rings. -
Ring No. 1 for all riding events.
Ring No. 2 for all Transport Events.
Time Table of events is attached.
The following are the Representatives selected
to represent the Third Australian Division :-
EVENT NO. 1.  Best Turnout, Mounted N.C.O. or man.
Farrier Serjeant HORKINGS, 3rd, Aust. Div. Headquarters.
Corporal H.J. ROSE, 869th Company A.A.S.C.
Corporal PENHALIGAN, 3rd. Aust. Mobile Veterinary Section.
EVENT NO. 2.  Best Regimental Officers Charger, to be ridden by an
No Staff or Departmental Officer is allowed to compete
in this class.
Lieut.-Col. HENLEY, D.S.O., 3rd. Aust. Div. Train.
Major T. WILLIAMS, D.S.O., 9th Aust. Field Coy., A.E.
Major CHAPLIN, 11th Aust. Field Ambulance.
EVENT NO. 3. Best Officer's Charger, to be ridden by an Officer.
Lieut.-Col. JACKSON, CMG., DSO., 3rd. Aust. Div. H'Qrs.
(2 entries).
Captain P. SIMONSON, 3rd. Aust. Div. Headquarters.
EVENT NO. 4. Jumping Competition for Officers.
Lieut.-Col. JACKSON, C.M.G., D.S.O., 3rd. Aust. Div.
Headquarters (2 entries).
Captain C.A. PYKE, 3rd. Aust. Div. Headquarters.
EVENT NO. 5. Jumping Competition for N.C.O's and men.
DRILL ORDER WITHOUT ARMS :- Regimental Saddle, stripped
and Regimental Bridle, cellar chain or bead-rope
Bandolier or pouches, has helmet.
Farrier Serjeant HORKINGS, 3rd. Aust. Div. Headquarters.
Serjeant BEARD, 38th Battalion, A.I.F.


EVENT NO. 6. Steeplechase for Mules, barebacked (no spurs or whips)
9th Field Company Engineers.
EVENT NO. 7. Open jumping competition - Post entries.
Open to Officers of Allied Armies.
EVENT NO. 8. G.S. Limbered Wagon and pair, light draught.
9th Aust. Inf. Brigade (9th Machine Gun Company).
EVENT NO. 9. G.S. Wagon and pair, heavy draught.
3rd. Australian Divisional Train.
EVENT NO. 10. Pack animal with saddle and S.A.A. boxes complete.
9th Aust. Inf. Brigade (34th Battalion).
11th Aust. Inf. Brigade (43rd Battalion).
11th Field Company Engineers.
EVENT NO. 11. Section of Field Artillery (less 1st Line Wagons)
No entry.
EVENT NO. 12. G.S. Limbered Wagon and Pair Mules.
9th Aust. Inf. Brigade (33rd Battalion).
[*X*] EVENT NO. 13. G.S. Wagon and team 4 mules.
3rd. Aust. D.A.C. (No. 3 Section).
EVENT NO. 14. Cocker and Team.
9th Aust. Inf. Brigade (35th Battalion).
EVENT NO. 15. Two horsed Ambulance.
11th Aust. Field Ambulance.
DRESS: --    DRILL ORDER WITHOUT ARMS FOR OFFICERS. Regimental Saddle stripped and Regimental Bridle, head-rope,
sam-browne belt, gas helmet.
DRILL ORDER. Regimental saddle and bridle, cellar
chains, wallets, wallets, baggage straps, bandolier or
pouches, gas helmet, rifle and bayonet.
In all jumping competitions any horse that refuses will be
A Brakesman will parade with each limbered wagon or G.S.
Wagon which is not driven from the box.
Competitors will parade at Show Ground 45 minutes before their
event is timed to start.
D.A.Q.M.G. Third Australian Division


Importance of R.S.M,in a unit; my experience 33 yrs.
Strictness & discipline. -
but not martinet
not bully
Theory of the Square Deal - fairness
No favorites
Hear both sides
Preserve own dignity & self respect
entitled to "Sir"
Never overlook or condone a fault
or an error.
Relations with Officers - senior - loyalty
junior - no bounce.
Carman's xxx


Reason for Class
Strictness & Fairness
Own dignity
Relations with Officers



October Offensive

Settle Liaison Officer with 5th Div.

Settle Liaison Officer with N.Z.Div.

Arrange a Special file for papers

Set maps prepared - settle scale & layering.

Preliminary escorts Brigadier -

Study photos.

Parties from Reserve Bgde & [[Traniers??], for C.T's.

select officer & 2nd teams

re Enemy "massing".

Aeroplane S.O.S. signal

Carriers for M.G. & Stokes ammn.

Lewis Gun Mag. supply

Think & act quickly

Role of rear Battalions, as support to 1st line



Corps S.G.61A of Sep.14.- Close protective barrage, to cover consolidation, 200 x out

Protect by posts 100x out.-

No patrolling until after consolidation.

After consolidation we may put S.O.S. barrage further out.


Corps S.G.26/58A  G 110/22/159 of Sept.13 - In rehearsals, infantry must follow the lifts of the barrage, & halt with it. -


Army G.790 of Sep.10. - Attack, like defence, must be in depth.

Have sufficient men & time to clear each area

& reserve bodies to meet counterattacks.

Supporting troops - must know conditions in front

Assembling Troops now move slowly, but act quickly.

Gaps, or exposed flanks don't matter, if troops hold their ground.

Troops for initial assault, lightly equipped.

Consolidate in depth.

Deal with "Strong points" without delay or hesitation.



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