Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 3 September - 9 October 1917, Part 17

First World War, 1914–18
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THIRD AbörRullak DIVisloM. Divisional Headquarters, 5th October 1917.- "A. O". RE PORT. Arrangements have been made for "B" Teams of Brigades to return to their Brigades as follows :- 9th Brigade to march from LORBECQUE to WINNEZEELE arriving at 4 p.m. Brigade has been informed. 10th & 11th Brigades.a Requests have been made for these details to report to Brigades to-morrow but I have not yet heard whether it is possible to ob- tain the train for the purpose to-morrow. The following Reinforcements have marched into the Details Camp at MORBECQ UE since "B" Teams went there:- ----------------- ......---------- Battalion Officers O.R's. ------------------- -------------- 33rd. Battalion. 34th. Battalion. 35th. Battalion. 36th. Battalion. 9th. L.T.M. Battery. 37th. Battalion. 22. 38th. Battalion. 39th. Battalion. 40th. Battalion. 10th. L.T.M. Battery. 4lst. Battalion. 42nd. Battalion. 43rd. Battalion. 11 44tu. Battalion. 11th M. G. Coy. 11th. L.T.M. Battery. --------- --------- - TOTA L. 175 ------------ Strengths of "B" Teams of Brigades, at MDRBECQUE, are as follows : ---------- ----------------- ------------------ Officers Battalion O.R's. ---------. -- ----------------- 33rd. Battalion. 147 34th. Battalion. 115 35th. Battalion. 140 36th. Battalion. 136 9th. Machine Gun Coy. 9th. L.T.M. Battery. 23 578 10
Ao] Rarond. Sheet No. 2. 5th October 1917. ----------------------------- -- Officers Battalion O.R's. ------------- --------- --------------- --------------------------- 37th. Battalion. 11 170 38th. Battalion. 12 230 39th. Battalion. 13 136 40th. Battalion. 100 10th. M. G. Coy. 10th. L.T.M. Battery. 55 677 10 Alst. Battalion. 12 42nd. Battalion. 43rd. Battalion. 12 44th. Battalion. 1lth. M. G. Coy. 30 8 107 1lth. L.T.M. Bty. 30 38 457 --- -- -------------- T 0 T A L. 124 1819 -------- ------------------------ ------- --- -------- 3. MUNITIONS. Arrangements have been made for the re-equipping of Brigades with Trench Munitions to be carried on the men te ona et Corps Dump at TAVISTOCK. We take over the dumps again later. It is proposed to leave Capt. OSWALD and his dump party in the Area to keep in touch with the Dumps and supplies. He will be attached to the 11th Brigade at BRANDHOEK. 4. Arrangements will be made for the use of a bath BATHING. at VLAMERTINGHE for the 10th Brigade. There is already a bath in BRADHOEX Area and one in WINNZELE Area, so that all Troops would be able to have a bath during the next four days. D.A.D.O.S. has a supply of clean underclothing. Clean socks have been issued to g.M.. D.A.D.O.S. reports that only one Lewis Gun has been lost. 5. Headquarters Signal Coy. horses and vehicles not required at 6. WINNEZEELE are remaining in BRANDHOEK Area close to these Head- quarterse It is proposed to leave Headquarters Divisional Train Railhead to live with the Coys. of the rain till we return. Field Ambulances not undertaking Corps work are being relie- ved by incoming Division and will join their Brigade Groups. Salvage Coy. remains in the Area. Cannalty statsmeat akkaehed Aie Lieut.-Colonel. (REJ/PL).- A.A. & Q.M.G., Third Australian Division.
3 Arutt . tür tete 167 Zatt D6 x 2. Khaf Kapsteite Ad Zutee Zort Locharck t 110f Cr A Blepant Gotee (Tonbedede Saleganon SLergeselke Apaten Gautets Healadt A Hråe Raat Soswtertlest Lrleglates Oeressett Begedtegt Tachtitts Kalet Aat rat rlegeunga Bautet Healead 7 otg 5/7e Kit fo 28 2 34 6 10 k 1b 779 2. Atf 5 50 31 3 2. o7 tørlstara Frregor Ot Ast D0 40
Groge Votal Engtanes as trr avmntet Sovelunde frftg ome tachrne Gurå, fur Trenel, Bortars aar Zening dank hrtten Børsivnet ren borle aver a Fronsnnd ans Trarng snore Uraubee enst? Gr bene linne, aam Akiksink. 2 Brga etihei Garut tine E? Atet 2 11401.
THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters, 5th October, 1917. G.386/368. SPECIAL ORDER. The Operations carried out by this Division, during the period October lst to 5th/17, have been brilliantly successful.- We havv captured a large territory, over 1,000 prisoners and many machine guns, and have accounted for very many onemy killed and wounded. This success has been due to the fine spirit and devotion of the Troops, as woll as to the high standard of per¬ formance, which all Commanders, Staffs, Services and Departments, throughout the Division, have set themselves. - I havo received many congratulatory messages from the Commander-in-Chief, the Army and Corps Commanders, and from other Divisions. - In conveying these to the Division, I desire to add an expression of my own thanks to all, for the splendid support which they have rendered to mo. The blow inflicted yesterday upon the enemy is cal¬ culated to have a decisive influenco upon final viotory. - But this can be achieved only if we vigorously follow up our success; and we must prepare ourselves as rapidly as possible to repeat our blow. I look therefore to all Commanders and to the Troops, to spare themselves no pains or sacrifices to prepare, by rapid reorganization and re-equipment, for further immodiate Opera¬ tions. ) otroitresnevic Major-General. Commanding Third Australian Division. T.C.
-2-. pisralsypjos. "O" Staff. A.d.Staff. C.R.A. C.R.E. 3rd Aust.Div.Signal Coy. 9th Aust: Inf. Bde. 10th -do- 11th -do- 3rd Aust. Pioneer Bn. A.D.M.S. D.M.G.O. 23rd A.M.C.Coy. D.A.C. D.B.O. D.C.O. A.D.M. 3rd Aust.Div.Train. Div. Supply Column. Camp Commandant. D.A.D.V.S. D.A.D.O.S. Div. Salvage Coy.
Jannfle g ome g Aubvegs ovders, ohvunng meidentiltg akas vket a bry jol it o t vram a mone g drisnet tardjnatten, T Didfsjon. -sesain THIKO Divisional Headquarters, 5th. October, 1917. LDr. ON IRIID USTRILIIN DIVISIOHLKVR3S Third Australiam Divisiogal Hoaqquerters will move to UINLMZECLE on 6th. Cctober, 1917, commspoing at 8:30 a.m. 1. A1l Billets and Offices will bo occupied as previously. 2. Personpel, Baggage aud Office Equipment will move by Motor-Lorries. 3. Mid-day Meal will be carried in Haversacks. (al Only such firniture and Office gear which is absolutely 4. necessary will be moved to WSEZTE, all other material will -1 be stored in East end of tho Pay Office and a Guard placed over it (b) All Material for storage must bo olearly marked and stored to-day. (a)lll Baggage, Kits etc., other than for storage, oarefully marked, will be dumped 40 yards North of "Q" Office and ready 5. for loading at 8:30 a.m. (b) The Baggage and Equipment from each Office and Mess will be dumped in separate lots, and a man placed in oharge of each Dile. (c) Officers Mits and Baggage must be dumped together in one pile. (a) There are 8 Lorries available which will do two trips if neoessary, and are allotted as follows:- No. 1 and 2 Lorry will report to Advanced Divisional Headgu-rters and load up with baggage and personnel, and proceed direct to JIUEZE. Escost to Lorry. For No. -- Cocks, Runpers & Batmen. "1" Hess, G.O.C., 1. Officers' Baggage. Clerks & Other Personpel. NG" & Siguals. "Q" Clerks. WO" Offioe. 3. 4 Pay Sgts. 1 F.P.O. Sgt. Div. Paymaster, A.D.V.S. 2 Clerks. F.P.O., & Cemp Commdt. 4 Cooks & 2 Batmen. "C' Mess, "B" Mass. 5. i Cook, 1 Interpreter, Sorjeants' Moss. Officers Batmen, A.A. & uL.G. Da.G. Baggage, Belgian & French 8 D.L. G.M.G. Missions. 6 Clerks "G" Office, remainder of 7. Private Banks. G.O.C. 2 4.2.M. Staff, 3 Rumgers¬ A.P.M., Signals. 8. P.T.C. 509
i (b) The remsizder of the baggage and personpel will bo moved as soop as lorries become available on the seooud trip. 6. G.S.U gon aad Offioors Chargers will nove off at 8 a.m. under as Officer who will be detailed to take cherge. Horss Trunsport. 7. 9. Notor Cars will be available from 9 a.m. as follows:- No. 1; 3 aod 6 Cars for Officers at Advarced D.H.2. No. 2, 4 and 5 Cers for Officers at Brandhoek Camp. Captain. A. M 038. Cump Commandapt, H.d.. 3rd. Aust. Divisios. On:- norat A.D.C. for.G.0.C. i. 002v To¬ "i.9." Branch. "?" Branch. "Q" Branch. L.D.M.3. D.E.D.V.S. A.P.M. C.R.3. 0. D.B.0. D.G.0. 10. D.P.O. 11. D.P./I. 12. "rench Mission. 15. Belgien Mission. 14. "1" Mess. 15. "B" Moss. 16. "O" Mees. 17. Serjeants' Mess. 18. 19. Mens' Moes. " 20. 0.M. Store.
Anny Porm G.2123. "C'Form. soks o taa MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. offegaager -Rleasarsed THant, or samt oncte Omte Stamp. Frans i tt, ant iht vemt5 G. Fom P..12. a A 24 Am Charges to collect r Buffeda T Service Instructions R. By Handedina./.../0.. m. Rebeived. run ZVCT 70 Hrschrft TBanderf. Namcher Terilnesprite hanchr AAA 114 4 I5. L.G.SK. ie er Ih FRON 8 PLACELTIME Thie Hne should be erased M not required. (O. 106S) WE TAGR-M8e7 124 00e Pada MOC. £ 00. Ltd. 10T8 (E 80) Forme OlZA:

Divisional Headquarters,
5th October 1917.-
1. Arrangements have been made for "B" Teams of Brigades to
return to their Brigades as follows :-
9th Brigade to march from MORBECQUE to WINNEZEELE
arriving at 4 p.m. Brigade has been informed.
10th & 11th Brigades. A Requests haves been made for
these details to report to Brigades to-morrow but
I have not yet heard whether it is possible to obtain 
the train for the purpose to-morrow.
The following Reinforcements have marched into the Details
Camp at MORBECQUE since "B" Teams went there:-
Battalion                  Officers                    O.R's. 
33rd. Battalion.               -                             23        
34th. Battalion                1                             23                 
35th. Battalion.               -                              16
36th. Battalion.               -                              12
9th. L.T.M. Battery.         -                                1             
37th. Battalion.               -                              22
38th. Battalion.               -                              22
39th. Battalion.               1                              13
40th. Battalion.              3                              11
10th. L.T.M. Battery.        -                               2
4lst. Battalion.                 2                               6
42nd. Battalion.              2                               8
43rd. Battalion.                -                              11
44th. Battalion.                -                               2
11th M. G. Coy.                   -                               2
11th. L.T.M. Battery.           -                               1
TOTAL.                             9                             175
2. Strengths of "B" Teams of Brigades, at MORBECQUE, are as
follows: -
Battalion                  Officers                    O.R's.
33rd. Battalion.               3                          147
34th. Battalion.               6                          115
35th. Battalion.               6                          140
36th. Battalion.               6                          136 
9th. Machine Gun Coy.  1                            30
9th. L.T.M. Battery.          1                            10    23    578


"A.Q" REPORT             Sheet No. 2.            5th October 1917.
Battalion                                 Officers                           O.R's.
37th. Battalion.                              11                                170
38th. Battalion.                              12                               230
39th. Battalion.                              13                               136
40th. Battalion.                              11                                100
10th. M. G. Coy.                                 5                                 31
10th. L.T.M. Battery.                         3                                 10   55   677
4lst. Battalion.                                  1                                  12
42nd. Battalion.                               2                                   8
43rd. Battalion.                                2                                  12
44th. Battalion.                                -                                   10
1lth. M. G. Coy.                                   2                                  30    
1lth. L.T.M. Bty.                                   1                                   35   8   107 
                                                                                                        38   457
TOTAL.                                            124                               1819
3. MUNITIONS.  Arrangements have been made for the re-equipping
of Brigades with Trench Munitions to be carried on the men to be 
from dumped at Corps Dump at TAVISTOCK. We take over the dumps
again later.
It is proposed to leave Capt. OSWALD and his dump party
in the Area to keep in touch with the Dumps and supplies. He
will be attached to the 11th Brigade at BRANDHOEK.
4. BATHING.  Arrangements will be made for the use of a bath
at VLAMERTINGHE for the 10th Brigade. There is already a bath
in BRANDHOEK Area and one in WINNEZEELE Area, so that all Troops
would be able to have a bath during the next four days.
D.A.D.O.S. has a supply of clean underclothing. Clean
socks have been issued to Q.M's S.
5. D.A.D.O.S. reports that only one Lewis Gun has been lost.
6. Headquarters Signal Coy. horses and vehicles not required at
WINNEZEELE are remaining in BRANDHOEK Area close to these Headquarters.
It is proposed to leave Headquarters Divisional
Train for near Railhead to live with the Coys. of the Train till we
Field Ambulances not undertaking Corps work are being 
relieved by incoming Division and will join their Brigade Groups.
Salvage Coy. remains in the Area.
Casualty statement attached.
Robt. E. Jackson
A.A. & Q.M.G., Third Australian Division.


3rd Aust Div   5/10/17
Totals of Signal Traffic
Landed at 3rd Aust Div Hqrs
& Advanced Report Centre for
Report Centre AYCR.

Telegrams (Forwarded     394

                      Received         388

                      Repeated        234




Sealed Packets                     418


Rear Office AYC

Telegrams (Forwarded     179

                      Received         224

                      Repeated        106




Sealed Packets                    318


Grand Totals

Telegrams                           1525

Sealed Packets                    734


J Watson

Major OC

3rd Aust Div Sig Co



2nd Anzac

Total Captures so far counted

include fifty one Machine 
Guns ^& four Trench Mortars aaa

Enemy dead within Divisional 
areas well over a thousand

aaa many more visible east of 
our blue line aaa Addressed

2nd Anzac repeated Flank Divisions.
G 44   2.41 PM



FRANCE, .................191......


Divisional Headquarters,
5th October, 1917.
The Operations carried out by this Division, during the
period October 1st to 5th/17, have been brilliantly successful. -
We have captured a large territory, over 1,000 prisoners and
many machine guns, and have accounted for very many enemy killed
and wounded. -
This success has been due to the fine spirit and
devotion of the Troops, as well as to the high standard of performance, 
which all Commanders, Staffs, Services and Departments,
throughout the Division, have set themselves. -
I have received many congratulatory messages from the
Commander-in-Chief, the Army and Corps Commanders, and from other
Divisions. - In conveying these to the Division, I desire to add
an expression of my own thanks to all, for the splendid support
which they have rendered to me.
The blow inflicted yesterday upon the enemy is calculated 
to have a decisive influence upon final victory. - But
this can be achieved only if we vigorously follow up our success;
and we must prepare ourselves as rapidly as possible to repeat
our blow.
I look therefore to all Commanders and to the Troops,
to spare themselves no pains or sacrifices to prepare, by rapid
reorganization and re-equipment, for further immediate 
John Monash
Commanding Third Australian Division.


"G" Staff.
A.Q. Staff.
3rd Aust. Div. Signal Coy.
9th Aust. Inf. Bde.
10th       "do"
11th         "do"
3rd Aust. Pioneer Bn.
23rd A.M.G. Coy.
3rd Aust .Div. Train.
Div. Supply Column.
Camp Commandant.
Div. Salvage Coy.


Sample of one of Aubrey's orders, showing incidentally also what a big
job it is to run a move of Divisional Headquarters.

Divisional Headquarters,
5th. October, 1917. 

Third Australian Divisional Headquarters will move to WINNEZEELE on
6th. October, 1917, commencing at 8:30 a.m.
1. A1l Billets and Offices will be occupied as previously.
2. Personnel, Baggage and Office Equipment will move by Motor-Lorries.
3. Mid-day Meal will be carried in Haversacks.
4. (a) Only such firniture and Office gear which is absolutely
necessary will be moved to WINNEZEELE , all other material will
be stored in East end of the Pay Office and a Guard placed over it.
(b) All Material for storage must be clearly marked and stored
5. (a) All Baggage, Kits etc., other than for storage, carefully
marked, will be dumped 40 yards North of "Q" Office and ready
for loading at 8:30 a.m.
(b) The Baggage and Equipment from each Office and Mess will be
dumped in separate lots, and a man placed in charge of each
(c) Officers Kits and Baggage must be dumped together in one pile.
6. (a) There are 8 Lorries available which will do two trips if
necessary, and are allotted as follows:-
No. 1 and 2 Lorry will report to Advanced Divisional Headguarters
and load up with baggage and personnel, and proceed direct to

No. For Escort to Lorry.

G.O.C., "A" Mess,

Officers' Baggage.

Cooks, Runners & Batmen.
2. "G" & Signals. Clerks & Other Personnel.
3. "Q" Office. "Q" Clerks.


Div. Paymaster, A.D.V.S.

F.P.O., & Camp Commdt.

4 Pay Sgts. 1 F.P.O. Sgt.

2 Clerks.


5. "C" Mess, "B" Mess. 4 Cooks & 2 Batmen.


Serjeants' Mess. Officers'

Baggage, Belgian & French 


1 Cook, I Interpreter, 
Batmen, A.A. & Q.M.G., D.A.A.G. 
& D.A.Q.M.G.


"G" Office, remainder of G.O.C.

6 Clerks,

Private Banks.


8. A.P.M., Signals. 2 A.P.M. Staff, 3 Runners.

"G" means General Staff (fighting) Branch

"Q" means Q.M.G Staff (administrative) Branch



6. (b) The reminder of the baggage and personnel will be moved as
soon as lorries become available on the second trip. 

7. Horse Transport.  G.S. Wagon and Officers Chargers will move off 
at 8 a.m. under an Officer who will be detailed to take charge.
9. Motor Cars will be available from 9 a.m. as follows: -
No. 1, 3 and 6 Cars for Officers at Advanced D.H.Q.
No. 2, 4 and 5 Cars for Officers at Brandhoek Camp.
A.  MOSS.  Captain.
Camp Commandant, H.Q., 3rd. Aust. Division.

Copy No. 1. A.D.C. for G.O.C.
" " 2. "A.Q." Branch.
" " 3. "Q" Branch.
" " 4. "G" Branch.
" " 5. A.D.M.S.
" " 6. D.A.D.V.S.
" " 7. A.P.M.
" " 8. C.R.E.
" " 9. D.B.O.
" " 10. D.G.O.
" " 11. D.P.O.
" " 12. D.P.M.
" " 13. French Mission.
" " 14. Belgian Mission.
" " 15. "A" Mess.
" " 16. "B" Mess.
" " 17. "C" Mess.
" " 18. Serjeants' Mess.
" " 19. Mens' Mess.
" " 20. Q.M. Store.



Army Form C.2123.
(in books of 100)
"C" Form.
No. of Message 240
Prefix [[SB?]] Code HA[[p?]] Words 16 
From BGQ
By JH Richards

Office Stamp.
AY 5x 17.CR
Service Instructions.  PRIORITY
Handed in at BGQ  Office 3.5 p.m. Received 8 . 6 p.m.
*Sender's Number    Day of Month     In reply to Number
249                                       5th                                                            AAA
Wires gone to the front
consider Artillery cant stop[[s?]]
R 8 7 pm
Seen by
GO.C Btn Rd (Major Nicholls)
8 . 9 pm
FROM  BGQ 11th Bde
*This line should be erased if not required.

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