Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 3 September - 9 October 1917, Part 15

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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4/01 9th Bde At what earliest hour do you consider your two rear battations will be sufficiently rested to take on carrying duties of required dan Reply nogent pid E32 19
4717 20 Counte attack (in three waves) on my tront from Cemetory in D. 17-a has been dispersed by vifle and artillery Action asa Blie line subject to heavy enery shelling, but is being consolidated steadily Covering blue line) Forward aad strong points (have been commenced by sappers. aan Addsed 2d Anzas repented Flank Divisions 2.3 5 G 34
41017 21 10th Brigade telephone Reference my conversations with Brigadiero possible about further operations to exploit todays success as may be am you may act upon assumption that no further operations will be ordered to today; and very ma impobably tomorrow as you therefore concentrate today all efforts upon securing the fround won, and in rapdy reorgonying your resources. AM Repertie 9th & 11th Brigades Seneral Monash 2.14 G 35 14
17 22 44 2nd Anyna Reports from wounded officer ad other sources all tend th show ta there was severe fighting during several stages of our advance, especially at ontset and in final &D. 166f high ground capture of at D. 17.C (aaa boing was very and stow bad in vicunity o ved line and In iajority of cses however enemy surrendered treely Adr 2-22 PM 36
23 40 2d Anyae 0th B n Captured Lieut. Cane 4 S1 prisoners single handed from one Blockhouse without tiring a shot passed aan Alocady through our cage 4 23 prisoners. ase Captured listening set and numbers of Mactime tuns. Eddrd 2d Angic & Hank Dursions 2.59P 38
171 24 2-Angac Prisoners captured by this Dursion well will certainly exceed s00. 595 (239
25 10 Bde 11 Reference your B.M. 132 and 183 Dr are at liberty to readjust your blue line daing night provided you notify Division before pushing it eastward aan requests &c astitlety on Cemretery railway will be attended to 4 30 41
26 fin 40 776 76 974 Anguc Total prisoners definately counted up To far to pi to 974 Enemy ans dead counted t one half of right Brigade arex exceeds 450 daa Adhsik Ayne repeated Fank Devrsin 9th 115 Bhes 10 52PM C 42
Byde Byde Endeavory ascertain total tomorrow your captured mortars and the like. 42 2 1//17 2 telegrapt and early of Machine guns GSpn
C.R.A.L.b. 21322 (at 7/1071 HEADGUARTERS, A.L.F. Depots in U.K.. Bhurtpore Barracks, Tidworth. 4th October 1917. V.D. Major-General J. Monash, C.B. Commanding 3rd Australian Division, FRANCE. B.E.F. In continuation of a letter from in United Kingdom, I am now the G.O.C., A.I.F. Depots the following extracts from a re- desired to forward to you relative to port by the O.C., Machine Gun Training Depot, the training of personnel of the 23rd Machine Gun Company:- With reference to the above, I wish to make the following reports :- (a) Lieut. Snelling conducted the tests as laid down for all Machine Gunners in this Training Centre. He is in my opinion a thoroughly reliable and efficient Officer. (b) There is only one standard of Machine Gunner's tests in vogne in this Training Centre, and consequently relax- ation did not and could not take. place. (c) No differences are allowed in the testing of men for Overseas, but it would be of interest to me to know the detail of tests applied in this case. I have personally verified the records of the performances of these men during their training here and am satisfied that they qualified as efficient Machine Gunners according to the standards laid down throughout this Training Centre. AFook Brigadier-General, D.A. & Q.M.G. A.I.F. Depots in the United Kingdom.

4/10/17   19
9th Bde
At what earliest hour do you
consider your two rear battalions will be
sufficiently rested to take on carrying duties
if required aaa Reply urgent.
G 32   12 49 


4/10/17     20
Counterattack in three waves on my front
from Cemetery in D-17-a.
has been dispersed by rifle and artillery
action aaa Blue line subject to heavy enemy
shelling, but is being consolidated steadily
aaa ∧Forward strong points ∧covering blue line have been commenced by
sappers. aaa Addssd 2nd Anzac
repeated Flank Divisions
G 34 2.3 PM


4/10/17   21
10th Brigade
Reference my ^telephone conversations with Brigadiers
about ^possible further operations to exploit today's success
it may be assu
you may act upon assumption that no further
operations will be ordered for today, and very
improbably tomorrow aaa You will may therefore concentrate
all efforts upon securing the ground won ^today and in
^rapidly reorganising your resources. aaa Repeated
9th & 11th Brigades.
General Monash
G 35  2.14


4/10/17 22
2nd Anzac.
Reports from several wounded senior officer
and other sources all tend to show that there
was severe fighting during several stages of our
advance, especially at outset and in final
capture of ^high ground ridge at D.17.C ^& D.16.b aaa Going was very
bad just east and slow in vicinity of red line aaa
In majority of cases however enemy surrendered freely.
G. 36   2.22 PM


4/10/17  23
2nd Anzac
Lieut. Cane 40th Bn captured
51 prisoners single handed from
one Blockhouse without firing a shot
aaa Already ^passed through our cage 423
prisoners. aaa Captured listening set
and numbers of Machine Guns.
Addsd 2nd Anzac & Flank Divisions.
G 38  2.59 PM


4/10/17  24
2nd Anzac
Prisoners captured by this Division
will certainly ^well exceed 800.
G 39      3.9 PM


4/10/17 25
11th Bde.
Reference your B.M 132 and 183.
you are at liberty to readjust your blue line
during night provided you notify Division
before pushing it eastward aaa requests re
artillery on Cemetery & railway will be attended
G 41    4.20 PM


m 13
2nd Anzac
Total prisoners definitely counted up
to 6 p.m is 974 aaa Enemy dead ^so far counted 
in one half of right Brigade area exceeds 450
aaa Addssd 2nd Anzac repeated Flank Divisions
9th, 10th, 11th Bdes. -
G 42   7.52 PM


4/10/17  27
10th Bgde.
11th Bgde.
Endeavour ascertain and telegraph early
tomorrow your ^total captures of machine guns,
mortars and the like. -
G 43   9-8 PM


C.R. A.I.F. 21322 (a)  7/10/17
A.I.F Depots in U.K.,
Bhurtpore Barracks,
4th October 1917.
Major-General J. Monash, C.B., V.D.,
Commanding 3rd Australian Division,
In continuation of a letter from
the G.O.C., A.I.F. Depots in United Kingdom, I am now -
desired to forward to you the following extracts from a report
by the O.C., Machine Gun Training Depot, relative to
the training of personnel of the 23rd Machine Gun Company: -
"With reference to the above, I wish to make the following
reports :-
(a) Lieut. Snelling conducted the tests as laid down for
all Machine Gunners in this Training Centre. He is in my
opinion a thoroughly reliable and efficient Officer.
(b) There is only one standard of Machine Gunner's tests
in vogue in this Training Centre, and consequently relaxation
did not and could not take place.
(c) No differences are allowed in the testing of men for
Overseas, but it would be of interest to me to know the
detail of tests applied in this case.
I have personally verified the records of the performances
of these men during their training here and am satisfied
that they qualified as efficient Machine Gunners according
to the standards laid down throughout this Training Centre."
C H Foott
D.A. & Q.M.G.
A.I.F. Depots in the United Kingdom.

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