Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 3 September - 9 October 1917, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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9th Bd. 33 34 35 36 M50 10 Bd A 3 C 10 C 11th B A4 2 294 D 119. 66 23 1.9.6 O. Bde Cable party 11th B Cable party Moves of Units into Battle Noves night Day Forition myne Oct 2/3 octr Oc1(d 541/2 D. 26. C. 43 int mt not in line in support support support on support in support di de line in line in line line in liget in line line line in line t d d Wennezale to you S. March to di bust. E9 Ys Hannegale di JpssS Keamestingh 26i75 rest de de Mark to t Eq y 9 Mr Poperinghe Braudholh bus, rail Se tast or march to de E9 Yrs col. do rest rest do 24pc many same Line have Nnnsezele by his You S. Ramestough S not Aox B3 BnI Brandhwell Brankock work busto work No3 Day Off3 nit suppirs d line line inposition rest at E Ypres Mast t t y tin position pE offcr rest at E. ppres train of bus to Coptun in position inposition ber lek Mortiegue 11181n night Dey O/4 octo mb mt tuant reat Yours + Suppor support Dupport in action on action Appct mach frelieve 9 Appet mach of is positon pE94 appch much 4 macht 5. Ypres sappetinct action. possting i porrting action
CN 191 a PRTVATE. HEADCUARTERS Depots in U.K., A.L.F. Bhurtpore Barracks, Wilts. Tidworth. 2st October, 1927. My dear Monash, As 1 promised I have been making inquiries about the men in the 25rd Machine Gun Company reported inefficient. I have not confined my inquiries to getting an official report from the O.C., Australian Machine Gun Training Battalion at Grantham, but have made private in- quiries in other and absolutely reliable quarters. The rosult is that I think the adverse report must be an ex- aggerated one. The men in question passed the standard they were passed with others tests at least twice and also qualified on the range. Tey in the usual course, & not specially for this Co. They were tested by officers who are confidentially reported to me as both excellent and reliable. I also have a confidential report on the British N.C.O's. attached to the Battalion and the report is most satisfactory. I do not know what tests the men were put through, but if they were other than standard tests they might not perhaps be regarded as reliable. I. am also told that there is not a very good feeling between WELLS and SEXTON which may account for some- thing. There is also the possibility of men who are not very Keen to go into the firing line not trying very hard at tests. We have known such cases here though naturally we cannot prove them. 1 feel on the whole that these particular devils are not nearly as black as they were painted to you. I need hardly say that this letter is entire- ly confidential. Yours sincerely, Noug To: Major-Gen. J. Monash, C.B., V.D., Commanding 3rd Aust. Division, FEIOT E.F.F.
717 Coops Confience Have we sufficent guns for Counte attack 2 Counterbattery work - from Zels till after we reach final objective Has shell attack on Hostle Asty - at Leis hour. Half of the Cops. t go out Counterbattery work & half ou to back barrage. th I Asty progoamince for, last right. - evelything awomal, just ordinaty havassing fire 5.S.O.S. not answereh for the last 10 minute X Attacks 10 - 13-16 – provided we ather. 7 Set up all possible asmmmition while weather lasts & Frovide 00 men (from M. P. A. tern) for Leary Apn pt af 11 a after. arlange Diao between Fenour & As. tatupossiblit 49 466 attack - Ds & N.2. in nee oct 10 13. - Reserve Bydes of 49 & 66 g0 forward to tike Pasahendale - supportaned by a motible group of Astillery. to Cops Mounted Treops will be collected Burgins & Tanks, Shidden in N.J ppes. Honors as an following enemy off Faschental ridge. alteratore Reserve Divisions realy to entrai on morray of Oct 10 t10th ta at 3 ho notice - t bey Come Fomah Cntranat Abeile ( 1st Aagns al Zillebelle) start to On night 95/6 we go back about Namesting We prefer & Jo back t Kinngch & Hatts - rathe then stry in the blamestine yone - Even ye we have to mash up the two day 18t Lavely Do le R. 7 W
M.S. poot 10 M.G. Barrages- 11 Compasies 12 Feares. 13 Figeons - rerouces less. 14 See about Dropping Soomds nea Dirrown 15 (Hankliarson Flank weves 16 Hour Wasty wet patch neat Kames Wood. On G41Q of our to stay 18

Moves of Units into Battle



Oct 1 (day)




Oct 2


Oct 2/3

Oct 3/4
Oct 4
9th Bde D.26.c.1.3 nil nil nil nil nil nil
33 in line in support support support support to South support
34 in support in support di di di of Ypres rest
35 in line in line line line line Support}



36 in line line line line line Support}  
9M G Co in line do do do in position in action in action
10th Bde Wimezele   to Ypres S.        
A 37  di  } bus to        
B 38 di }Himezele

Ypres S


C 39 di } Vlamertinghe }March to E. of Ypres. rest at E. Ypres Appch march & relieve 9th  
D 40 di } 2 trips }support E

March to

E. Ypres

Appch march  
10 M.G. Co. do  

March to E


'E. of


In position

½ E of

½ in position
½ E of Ypres.
11th Bde Poperinghe   of Ypres        
A43 Brandhoek 3   }bus, rail or   rest at



B42 do   }march to
E of Ypres
see last col. E. Ypres

& relieve


C44 do   } rest rest train or bus march to E. Yopres  
D41 do   }   to E of Ypres

& appch


11 M.G.Co, do     E of Ypres in position in position action.
23 M. G. Co Line Line Line moving in position in position action
10th Bde
Cable party
Wimezele by 'bus

Ypres S &

Vlamertinghe 3.

not A or B Bn.

 _   _   _  
11th Bde
Cable party


No. 3

bus to work work bus back to 
[[? Morbesque]]




A.I.F. Depots in U.K.,

Bhurtpore Barracks,
Tidworth. Wilts.

1st October, 1917.
My dear Monash,
As I promised I have been making inquiries
about the men in the 23rd Machine Gun Company reported
I have not confined my inquiries to getting
an official report from the O. C., Australian Machine Gun
Training Battalion at Grantham, but have made private 
inquiries in other and absolutely reliable quarters.  The
result is that I think the adverse report must be an
exaggerated one. The men in question passed the standard
tests at least twice and also qualified on the range.  They were passed with others
in the usual course, & not specially for this Co. They
were tested by officers who are confidentially reported to 
me as both excellent and reliable.  I also have confidential
report on the British N.C.O's. attached to the Battalion and
the report is most satisfactory.
I do not know what tests the men were put
through, but if they were other than standard tests they

might not perhaps be regarded as reliable.

I am also told that there is not a very good 
feeling between WELLS and SEXTON which may account for 
something.  There is also the possibility of men who are not very 
keen to go into the firing line not trying very hard at tests.
We have known such cases here though naturally we cannot prove

I feel on the whole that these particular
devils are not nearly as black as were painted to you.

I need hardly say that this letter is entirely

Yours sincerely,
J. W. McCay

TO: Major-Gen. J. Monash, C.B., V.D.,
Commanding 3rd Aust. Division,




Corps Conference
1. Have we sufficient guns for Counter attack. -
2. Counterbattery work - from zero till after we reach final objective.
3. Gas shell attack on Hostile Asrty - at Zero hour.
Half of the Copr. to go onto Counterbattery work
& half on to back barrage. X
4. Arty performance for^ the  last night. - everything normal, -
just ordinary harassing fire. -
5. S.O.S. not answered for the last 10 minute X
6. Attacks 10 - 13-16 – provided weather. -
7. Set up all possible ammunition while weather lasts  X
Provide 200 men (from 11th Bde B. teams) for
heavy Armament in 11 or after.
allay direct between Jenour & Us.

[* Washed out*]
8. Future possibilities:-
Oct 10 49 & 66 attack - [[? Bs}} & N.Z. in reserve
& 13. - Reserve Bgdes of 49 & 66 g0 forward to take
Pasahendale. - supported by a mobile
group of Artillery.-
[* ↑ As an 

to 10th.*]  Corps Mounted Troops will be collected
& Tanks, & hidden in N. of Ypres. - [* Burying

 Honors. *]
following enemy off Paschendale ridge. -
Reserve Divisions ready to entrain on morning of Oct 10
at 3 hrs notice - & train to [[? Hooge Corner]] &  Zonnebeke
Entrain at Abeile] ( 1st Anzac al Zillebeke)
On night of 5/6 we start to go back about Vlamertine.-
We prefer & go back to Wimmezele - rathe than stay
in the  Vlamertine zone-  Even if we have to march
up for two days.
2 Cavalry Div lie N of Ypres on 10th


9. M.G. pool
10. M.G. Barrages-
11. Compasses
12. Flares. -
13. Pigeons - resources less.
14. [See about Dropping bombs near Division}
15. [Flank liaison Flank wires} X
16. Hour
17. Nasty wet patch near Thames Wood. -
18. On G & 1 Q of ours to stay. -

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