Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 1 August - 3 September 1917, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open for review
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8/8/17 Eqnipment. Necessity for energy in ref equipping. Depender on Kit & Ant Inspections. Peatoon inspections - Thoroughness genda liasts. Clothing - repairs, - buttons - greasy collars Color patches & badges I Breeches, Hats. Identity Droes. Dren of Offcer. Transfort Inspections Complete Assit Inspections, - if time perwnts Distinction between Immediate & Despitch Honors & Awards no powractions Methods of expression Anomalies. Brigadieats act as seeves. To0 much glopfied Q.Ms & clerks. Staff Captains More touch with troops No Watertigh Compartments - help B.M. know Tactical pituation. Liaison with other Stoff Captains teeding of men - especially in the line - sugjest Confidences by Bigndiers with S.Co, Q.M, & Adjts & R.M.Os. Trumpets & Bugles. Sundly. Bands Burrals & Identifications Salving stores after a fight Field officer for works. Distribation of Cinem pofitr x Responsibility of Ternior officers (20 Fraining & future confirence. Sports _ Imprompti, it athlede conteats, ht ammn nent -MORI 00C
Vadical the hoter Obsiner dugentin toton Cooperationof te, Comitadattery & Retastation Sanlted cellee perteaseo reporte Importance of Coheon & trann lhl uf Papid londny in firing Framing Seralty handing handing Taction Semptio te Lighting heading plation honsig et Citlack paperr Meny's Counterattact doctimnes & organization Army Commenders letter Good rsults of party- necensity he maintaining it Dovidung lamette Elliy cntilitue in tye
GRAPH SHEWING. Strength of Bottalions by Platoons, of menectualy with Unit, 95 et nomn. 3.8.17. of menoctualy on strength but detached on 101 necessary duties (o Sick (o leave Deticiency from C.HQ manimum strength as laid in SS.135 Irding a Division For OenSIVE Action 42 33 34 35 37 32 45 CHENE
247 Batt 1sane Parch- Gormen of the King talse Destin Seliction Bris-a- Brac Trombone Solo. Perfect Day Selection mpireland there Cornel sole. s reatid March Good bye Summer Th n
MID MASNSERR BTISOL. Divisional Headquarters, 9th August, 1917.- Headguarters. deE Infantry Brigate. 9th Aust: Infantry Brigade. 10th Aust: 9416 1917 r2824 11th Aust: Infant, 48713t Gr Sta L:- MIONOTK A.D.C. to Army Commander. A.D.G. to Divisianal Commander. Reference Neps. Sheet 28 S. N.1. Sheet 56 N. W.). The Army Commander will inspect Battalions of the Third Australian Division on parade on SATURDAY, l1th instant, commenc- ing 10-45 a.m., according to the following programme:- w DD m TEE. PNT LOCATTON OF UIIL UIL - LLLDDD 10-45 a.m. B.20.D. Ta2. 44th Battalion. 43rd Battalion). Bo D.19.9.33 11-10 a.m. 42nd 12-6O A.N. Bo 206.300 Alst Battalion. 37th Battalion.) 12-20 P.M. S. 120a.8.0. 38th 5.28.a.1.5 39th Battalion.) 12-50 p.M. S1280. 40th 1-45 p.m. M.35.d. 7-9. 33rd Battalion. 2-10 p.m. Mo 2906.8.5. 36th Battalion. 2-40 p.M. So 30d04060 35th Battalion. LLLLLD M ------- Brigadiers will meet the Army Commander at the first parade of their Units. DRESS: Fighting Order. g3 yur Major.- D.A.A.G.; Third Australian Division. (R.E.J(R.M).-
DAM reams to consist of one nornal detaalment. Mtries to be Ilnited to one par Battery. Fean to be formed up 300 yurds from a target represented by concentrie circles with a Hiag in the cantre. os the dgnal Advance the tean will advance, and on arrival at about 250 yards from the target, will receive the order istient.- The su will be set up and 6 rounds fired. Karks will be allotted as under.- 4. 3or 0 marks, asserding to prerisity to the RAC Fine. - Smarks If task completed in exastly 5 minnters 1 mark added or dsducted for every half minnte below or above this time. Satupe. S marks for cerrest sot up dedustiens for Faults. Jaclfoulde Captain.. Hon. Sec., Divisional Sports Tomittee.
10/41 LTRTRD AUSTRAELLN DIVISION. Dr visional Headcuarters, 10th. August, 1917. TRIRD AUSTRAEIAN DIVISTONAE SPONPS. PROVISTONAY PROGRNEN. 100 yards Rece. 1 entry per Unit. Athletic costue. 200 Wards Race. d0. do. 1 mile Rree. do. d0. Bemb Throing. 1 team of 4 men per U4t. Bach man to throw two Grenedes for Distance, and two grenades for Accuracy, at 50 yards. Relay Rce.- 4 mea per Uoit without arms or equipment. - Dress. Sarvice Dress. Each man runs 100 yurds. Lewis Cun Assem- 1 team consisting of 1 N.G.0. and 2 Privates per bling Competition. Urit- (Pirts will be laid out on sheet and team runs 100 Fards to gun, assembles it, and runs 50 rards into action). Bevonet Fighting. 1 Section of 8 O.R. Details of this competition will be notified later on separate sheet. Obstaole R.ce. Individual - 1 entry per Uit. TMGof-War.- Team of 10 ree and a captain (ho will not pull) per formation. Limits 6 feet pull or 2 minutes. (No holes to be made for feet till word "Heave 1s siven). Sack Race. - 1 entry per Uit - distance 75 yards. Sack Bumpiny 6 men per Urit (details will be issued on separate Corpetition. sheet). Platoon Llanoeuvre 1 Platoon per Formation (F mioutes manoenvre allow- and Turnout. ed). Mahine Orn and 1 fighting Limber per Mcchine Grn team. Limber Competitioo. (Detiils issued on separate sheet). Light Stokes Mortar 1 Scetion per L. T. M. Bttery. Competition. Asrobatic Coupet- 1 entry per Formation. Tean not to consist of more ition. than 12 men and leader. 5 minutes allowed to each team. Treasure Hunt. Prticulars notified on day of sports. Officers R-lay Rice, 1 team per Formation. 4 Officers in each team. Most Original 1 per Unit and Divisional Plerrots. Humorous Group. Eest Sustained Ourn to all. - Time 2 pem. to 5 pam. Claraeter. P.T.O.
(2). For purposes of this Sports iceting - A Urit shall be - Divisional Headquarters. Brigade Headquarters and T. M. Bty. Machine Cun Company. A Battalior. A Bettery, F.A. A Sction, D.A.C. A Cowpany, A.S.C. E Field Abulance. A Field Company. Veterinary Services. A Formation shall be - Ar Irfantry Brirade. Ar Artillery Brigade. The D.A.C. The A.S.C. The Ensineers. The A. M. C. The Pioneers. The 207th. L. C. Coy. The Veterinary Services. asat Cambden Optaia.- Hon. Sec., Divisional Sports Committee. ECULEAUBRAEMLDDY
2O NACKITE GUN CONETTITION. One fighting limber per Company to drive into the Fing and unpack limbers. From this position the order Actiony will be given, when two guns per Company will come into action. The order will then be given out of Actionr, when limbers will gallep up, sections will pack limbers and go back to a spot to be indicated, where Sections will be inspected. JasYanbden Captain.- Hon. Sec., Divisional Sports Committee.
Divisional Headquarters, 10th. August, 1917. Mt for G.S.O. (11. Reference attached paper on Machine Guns. - This should be circulated to D.M.G.O. and Machine Gun Companies for their informa- tion and remarks. If we intend to develop the action of massed machine guns, it will be necessary to fully consider the whole question of special communications for this Arm. It is clear that, in a general engagement, when the whole resources of the Division in telephones, buszers and wires are taxed to the utmast; no resources are available for machine gun communications.. However, to perfect the manipulation of massed machine guns, we require communications from the D.M.G.0. to the Machine Gun batteries, and, also, from the Infantry; either direct to the Batteries or to the D.M.G.O. At the present juneture, it would probably be quite useless to ask for such an ample signalling equipment and personnel to handle it, as the Machine Gun Commanders would, themselves, desire; but if the question were approached in a moderate spirit, and reasonable requests were put forward for an increase in such equipment, some good result might follow. 1 think this is a matter on which G.S.O. (2), D.M.G.0. and O.C., Dinnl.Signal Coy. might well closely confer with a view to drawing up a moderate list of additional equipment supplementary to existing Divisional resources, which would make it possible to establish the necessary communications during offensive operations which would enable the action of the massed machine guns to be controlled with much greater freedom than is at present the case. Under present conditions, we are compelled to have a fixed time table programme with fixed and pre-determined dispositions and programme; for action in expected eventualities. - With a proper sustem of communications, however, much more lattitude would be allowed, and it is likely that the action of the massed machine guns



Necessity for energy in re-equipping. √

Dependent on Kit & Unit Inspections.  √

Platoon inspections - thoroughness -   √

Agenda lists.           √

Clothing-repairs,-buttons-greasy collars. √

Color patches & badges    √

Breeches,      √

Hats.   √

Identity Discs.   √

Dress of Officers. - 

Transport Inspections

Complete Unit Inspections, - if time permits. 

Honors & Awards. - Distinction between "Immediate" & Dispatch

 no prior actions

Methods of expression


Brigadiers to act as sieves.


Staff Captains. Too much glorified Q. M's & clerks.

More touch with troops

No Watertight compartments - help B.M.

 Know Tactical situation.

Liaison with other Staff Captains.

Feeding of men - especially in the line - suggest Conferences

by Brigadiers with S.G., Q.M's & Adjts & R.M.O's. -


Sunday.  Trumpets & Bugles.    √

Bands.      √

Burials  & Identifications.    √

Salving stores after a fight

Field Officer for works

 Distribution of Cinema profitor

Responsibility of Junior officers

Goddard, - re Hawkins -

no billeting parties at Hill Farm  

Training - & future conference.

Sports - impromptu, not athletic contests, but amusement



Observe dugouts in Shell holes

Cooperation of M.Gs, & L.Gs & T.M.

Counterbattery & Retaliation

Vaulted cellars

Importance of reporting

Importance of cohesion & training

Sniping's shell hole system not successful

Rapid loading & firing

Training Severally heading

Taction  "     heading

Organisation for fighting & heading

Training in platoon handling

Enemy's counterattack doctrines & organisation - get attack papers

Army Commander's letter.

Good results of party - necessity for maintaining it

Avoidance of casualties

Always substitute in eye.



1. Strength of Battalions by Platoons, of men with Unit, as at noon. 9.8.17. (b)

2. - of men actually on strength, but detached, on (a) necessary duties (b) sick (c) leave. (sg)

3. Deficiency from G.H.Q. maximum strength as laid in SS. 135 'Training a Division for offensive action. (p)

  33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
43 p p p p p p p p p p p p
42 p p p p p p p p p p p p
41 p p p p p p p p p p p p
40 p p p p p p p p p p p p
39 p p p p p p p p p p p p
38 p p p p p p p p p p p p
37 p p p p p p p p p p p p
36 p p p p p p p sg sg p p p
35 sg p p p p p p sg sg sg p p
34 sg p p p p p p sg sg sg p p
33 sg sg p p p p p sg sg sg p p
32 sg sg p sg p p sg sg b sg p sg
30 sg sg p sg p p sg sg b b p sg
29 sg sg sg sg p p sg sg b b p sg
28 sg sg sg sg p p sg b b b p sg
27 b sg sg sg sg sg sg b b b p b
26 b sg sg sg sg sg sg b b b sg b
25 b sg sg sg sg sg sg b b b sg b
24 b b sg b sg sg sg b b b sg b
23 b b sg b sg sg sg b b b sg b
22 b b sg b b sg b b b b sg b
21 b b sg b b b b b b b b b
20 b b b b b b b b b b b b
19 b b b b b b b b b b b b
18 b b b b b b b b b b b b
17 b b b b b b b b b b b b
16 b b b b b b b b b b b b
15 b b b b b b b b b b b b
14 b b b b b b b b b b b b
13 b b b b b b b b b b b b
12 b b b b b b b b b b b b
11 b b b b b b b b b b b b
10 b b b b b b b b b b b b
9 b b b b b b b b b b b b
8 b b b b b b b b b b b b
7 b b b b b b b b b b b b
6 b b b b b b b b b b b b
5 b b b b b b b b b b b b
4 b b b b b b b b b b b b
3 b b b b b b b b b b b b
2 b b b b b b b b b b b b
1 b b b b b b b b b b b b

[[*GHQ Missing*]]




39. Batt. Band

March - Yeomen of the King

Valse - Destiny ___


Trombone Solo. Perfect Day.

Selection Empireland

Cornet Solo. Where my Caravan has rested"

March Good bye Summer

 The King



Divisional Headquarters,                                         

9th August, 1917.- 
9 AUG. 1917         
No Q87/34              

THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION                                  

9th Aust:  Infantry Brigade.                               

10th Aust:  Infantry Brigade.

11th Aust: Infantry Brigade.

"G" Staff:-

A.D.C. to Army commander.

A.D.C. to Divisional commander.-


Reference Maps  -  Sheet  28 S. W. J.

                                    Sheet  36 N. W. J.

The Army Commander will inspect Battalions of The Third 

Australian Division on parade on SATURDAY, 11th instant, commencing 
10-45 a.m., according to the following programme:-

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                UNIT.                                 LOCATION OF UNIT.                               TIME.       


44th Battalion.                         B.20.b.7.2.                                         10-45 a.m.

43rd Battalion).                                              

                           )                         B.20.a.l.8  B.                        11-10 a.m.

 42nd      "         ).

41st Battalion.                           B. 1.a.9.2                                            11.-50 p.m.

37th Battalion.)

38th        "          ).                       S.12.a.8.0 )                                         12.-20 p.m.

39th Battalion.)                                           ) S.28.a.1.5

40th        "          ).                       S.12.a.8.0  )                                        12-.50p.m.

33rd Battalion.                          M.35.d.7.9.                                           1.-45p.m.

36th Battalion.                          M.29.c.8.5.                                           2.-10p.m.

35th Battalion.                           S. 3.d.4.6.                                            2-40 p.m.


Brigadiers will meet the Army Commander at the first parade 

of their Units.

DRESS:   Fighting Order

Rob S Jackson      

D.A.A.G., Third Australian Division
(R.E.J/R.M)/ -                                                           




Teams to consist of one normal detachment.

Entries to be limited to one per Battery.



Team to be formed up 300 yards from a target 

represented by concentric circles with a flag in the centre.

On the signal "Advance" the team will advance, 

and on arrival at about 250 yards from the target, will receive

the order "Action". - The gun will be set up and 6 rounds fired.

Marks will be allotted as under. -

Hits. - 5,4,3 or 0 marks, according to proximity to the flag.

Time. - 5 marks if task completed inexactly 5 minutes:

1 mark added or deducted for every half minute

below or above this time.

Set up. - 5 marks for correct set up: deductions for faults.

Jas A Lambden        
Captain. -

Hon. Sec., Divisional Sports Committee.


G.O.C    10/8/17


Divisional Headquarters,

10th, August, 1917.



100 yards Race. -  1 entry per Unit.  Athletic costume.
200 yards Race. -               do.                          do.
1 mile Race. - -                 do.                          do.
Bomb Throwing. - 

1 team of 4 men per Unit.  Each man to throw two 

grenades for Distance, and two grenades 
for Accuracy, at 30 yards.

Relay Race. - -       4 men per Unit without arms or equipment. - Dress - 
Service Dress. Each man runs 100 yards.
Lewis Gun 
|Assembling Competition.  

1 team consisting of 1 N.C.O. and 2 Privates per 

Unit - 
(Parts will be laid out on sheet and team runs 100 
yards to gun, assembles it, and runs 50 yards into 

Bayonet Fighting.   1 Section of 8 O.R.   Details of this competition |
will be notified later on separate sheet.
Obstacle Race. -   Individual - 1 entry per Unit.
Tug-of-War. - -      Team of 10 men and a captain (who will not pull) 
per formation.  Limits 6 feet pull or 2 minutes.
(No holes to be made for feet till word "heave" is given).
Sack Race. - -     1 entry per Unit - distance 75 yards.
Sack Bumping
Competition   - 
6 men per Unit (details will be issued on separate
Platoon Manoeuvre
and Turnout.  
1  Platoon per Formation (8 minutes manoeuvre 
Machine Gun and
Limber Competition.   
1 fighting limber per Machine Gun team.
(Details issued on separate sheet).
Light Stokes Mortar  
1 Section per L.T.M. Battery.
Acrobatic Competition 1 entry per Formation. Teams not to consist of more
 than 12 men and leader.  5 minutes allowed to each       
Treasure Hunt. -   Particulars notified on day of sports.
Officers Relay Race.  1 team per Formation.  4 Officers in each team.
Most Original
Humorous Group.
1 per Unit and Divisional Pierrots.

Best Sustained 


Open to all. - Time 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.




For purposes of this Sports listing -

A Unit shall be - Divisional Headquarters.

Brigade Headquarters and T. M. Bty.

Machine Gun Company.

A Battalion.

A Battery, D.A.

A Section, D.A.C.

A Company, A.S.C.

A Field Ambulance.

A field company.

Veterinary Services.

A Formation shall be - 

An Infantry Brigade.

An Artillery Brigade.

The D.A.C.

The A.S.C.

The Engineers.

The A. M. C.

The Pioneers.

The 207th. M.G. Coy.

The Veterinary Services.

Jas A  Lambden

Captain. - 

Hon. Sec., Divisional sports committee.




One fighting limber per Company to drive into 
the ring and unpack limbers.

From this position the order "Action" will be given, 
when two guns per company will come into action.

The order will then be given "Out of Action", when

limber will gallop up. Sections will pack limbers and go back 
to a spot to be indicated, where Sections will be inspected.

Jas A Lambden

Captain. - 

Hon. Sec., Divisional sports Committee.


Divisional Headquarters,

10th, August, 1917.


for G.S.O. (1).

Reference attached paper on Machine Guns. - This should

be circulated to D.M.G.O. and Machine Gun companies for their information 
and remarks.

If we intend to develop the action of massed machine guns, 
it will be necessary to fully consider the whole question of special 
communications for this Arm.

It is clear that, in a general engagement, when the whole 

resources of the Division in telephones, buzzers and wires are taxed to

 the utmost; no resources are available for machine gun communications.- 

However, to perfect the manipulation of massed machine guns, we require communications from the DM.G.O. to the Machine Gun batteries, and, 
also, from the Infantry; either direct to the Batteries or to the  

At the present juncture, it would probably be quite useless

to ask for such an ample signalling equipment and personnel to handle 

it, as the Machine Gun commanders would, themselves, desire; but if

the question were approached in a moderate spirit, and reasonable 

requests were put forward for an increase in such equipment, some good

result might follow.

I think this is a matter on which G.S.O.(2), D.M.G.0. and 

O.C., Divnl.signal Coy. might well closely confer with a view to

drawing up a moderate list of additional equipment supplementary to 
existing Divisional resources, which would make it possible to establish

the necessary communications during offensive operations which would

enable the action of the massed machine guns to be controlled with

much greater freedom than is at present the case.

Under present condition, we are compelled to have a fixed 
time table programme with fixed and pre-determined dispositions and 
programme for action is expected eventualities. - With a proper

system of communications, however, much more lattitude would be 

allowed, and it is likely that the action of the massed machine guns


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