Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 1 August - 3 September 1917, Part 16

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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D. Geagt. E r THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters 30th. August, 1917. Brigadier-General DELAVOYE, 2nd. A. & N. Z. Army Corps. My dear General. - In reply to your personal letter No. 2864/50A of August 29th., reference accounts of canteens, cinemas, éc.. with copy of letter from A.A.G., Second Army attached, I think that the Corps Commander could with confidence report that every¬ thing in regard to this Division is in order. - All monies of every kind received by any Unit of the Division in connection with any canteens, entertainments, cinema, or from any other source must under A.I.F. regulations be paid at once into the hands of the Field Cashier. - Such a thing as C.O's or Secretaries holding funds in their own custody is not permitted. The whole of the expenditure out of these funds is controlled by regulations under the authority of Administrative Headquarters, A.I.F., LONDON, which authority also carries out regular audits through the staff of the Chief Paymaster, A.I.F. Apart from this I enforce throughout the Division, under Kings Regulations, para. 104, the usual quarterly audit boards for trust funds of every description, whether from canteens, gifts from public funds or otherwise. Whenever it is desired to expend any money from any of these funds, application must be made to A.I.F. Headquarters, P.T.0.
(2). LONDON, and the purposes for which the money is expended are clossly controlled and limiteà by the regulations in force. Yours faithfully. -
9Rorh 10 da 15 d. Ca conudderadle epferinee kos hrom bean pamet im ttre Svstrrlnkon g Bute- among Shr oppaan g am defanteg pettahsn, aut asict in desiralte t Kave- mnifoom oegpatem thronghgat ste flimeion, Sha anesvat dvoft og am order ov ske anbpat ie foomarkat kogon f gome vernarkat enggratan, uokich irk be coneideret frod t wane- The primerfaat oltkr ato prfopoaat in to nrkksoav thr dutir g duteligenee ofrenr tom sh dennss hragod, otr allot thann tr a ofeeit ppeet. Sha okene alksto detis £ 36 at g to å2 Combetent gpiensg tn ttatvaliin, ku lanng å) fpås avaitable to eytvavepementet engptog- LJnt,. 2 per Brpad Prapeltenret t t
Sr fh Bustahntin g drte b offans g a dnfantg (Rital She foekaving dusttibetin g dutties to vor gpisis g a Bittation ardk ha foken Fute ure fom tir dat, t roll anparaete faa avangenent brttat in foorei- e bSerralim bralgpatte 1. Cømmandng fffert. 2. Sanivd tagod -reskomeike fit kågamentel hoalikntena, Ganten, Spesanng, Stkind ervavvng, Lønking ffaadeng avangtmnent, v ael trrat feifanne t Itr gvonfeot o sker heravomnlt. (Tnag har gm opraat osko n am desmtanrt vatsmnitte 5o avunt) Sefaviene efneston g gmin gprana, v reamite. Enfarinra füring g elsting, boot, vanpelin g sresevanne- Sufenses epfvomet g disaptine t prminkmat tglønpang Cømankers kpank, 1 det hn sflrif g løsanlng fpar 3. Remtant. det a. dryg grar t lio.g reskannike hott o G IS ovet å poa Bittaline. Srast not fa fervuttat t bersne a Iadse gfide sman t. Coavtat Okptantf. - Avat adpetast t velave. kun avfar as koable g paesa vontene, brit smmet ba pven eveng offaitnnintg t fam epfarenee g ovokk om dtre fredt v ompavate. 5 pality Cloting, egruifment, faading, eonfost, Koning S.duartermastet and fvrage. fl ckergag velidhag, anat v Trangfantfer. 6. Transferst fpeet-- - te is, koneved, ot merlg a raneee fol tka -domel v lmner dret smmate thand akaak v esnatnetvaleg oa dke dasletnede Entaresta, te Battahon, egdeaialkg uken in Ihr Trallle gene anl hn tke line. 7. Sipnsdeng gfäs tkpmide tr r gfanng v avdkigg tr ohsle g ki Battakeon lørmnnnantnna, inatnling kagsmantetv Conpaang rigneldfe, d alt arpaalleng eganfoment, te mint bvsk in etvse tonah uetr Bripade fipast peston- Romdring offed. Rasponaber for fruning g Rfe Sranatees and for generat bombrng oratmotan, also for fomiavsn g somanttme v egenfment, o fot astathokmant stvmantenanee g tattato Domonkis dnnnk-
3. Srtelligene offart. Lllast vesllisttee ol inpoommstin, tork ty peronet esst obaersata, andldog alvan tansk rett forpa o toont lnne, oomfan,å netvole, t obaerdeta.- Ste smet kanfe oalt an fat nstk kke zuli- rehrte) tng sitnatis ske fa bataeligenan(poomdgetet foopm abova; znet alndeg enenng ddettod. v ackon.- dmnet ba om lianava nodt an Artillag I vtk veingktondilg mort in vor lude 4 Prachine (øuns tapt destihting wat avr t otelligenea thonghant ta Hittaton. b. denis Gun oprad. let astachmienl v taat aul ofeeichat as repaste Sraning egenfoment st dnamtananen g alt dane (un dasts d tke klattaleon; het dore note salere Platome løonantld Shr dereat avmtoot g tii dine (und vkasomnet. gjn 1. Leleatom, vanfernan vomantnaner 7 Skend egeigament. - o KApos of akann porarg Srast be m somstant tonst irtt Ruteet dofug applegnans v smettada, t omet la anterfornanng om domin Satng anenng ogg effrent pmfing astiitg, umstanttg daamtanet-- 12. Sesntig fpase Sppesvne demet frainng, amde anfereaee tartali ant Coomparng Seonts; larse fol prvuting saittiat. t Osach nikt 6gfren 24 sfre Lonksnud. Tole bestaho stsfpe Tempnlegteske Potes i dalømfranng offesse okvalk te allevrt tr deførit -ypant hhangike ar varelg av osable. ovpglnad 6, Tre ddulin g Soifing t Sedpling offrare tagfbe evoabønet- (5 Uondet sang eisensastatare, dre dutin g Svifing ofpees avt of danis Gm språn cmet fo amil on by sprias astnallg avmmant- Fingfeston. (d) Thre Slerligener ofprars okooat fr Ihe gorfteg sutdnnkjand. krlleg malpd Tsstalgee ottdrfet. eg oa foe tas sufrostant deteiåt g fo drarg be a npk- dagod od laftan, faos toidek dkak ansdker laglådr ot panb ålkerne vr avartadte tå nanng ot Contang duntg in tur plåg. (ed The Rovating, SawinGan, Singung t Sevnting offradr ohomet be ottacket 5 defomite platson gaadad dtkenever, ski katkakonv is omt g oke lene od sen slale egferenee om plaksom avvmand ot o teaakse od vest, sheg t so av t be spralifat t avidpnand apletton at- ang tøne (fj eteeialrat offrasre ave vot fo speerae lpeentve evmmande, eperpt as prvribet toyg skr £ o.- stitk dring okonde be anfloget os avtren- Sdet all porasble avanstener to bvomfang offprara, Trrg rainot velråre sha ladket ofraf skert vasfsnaibrlitg tter she franing faffrdrneng of str bovfang ad Platvon.
Bå. nnla0 Ausrnatlis DIvisjos 1/9/17. SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES FOR WEEX ENDING Sth SEPTEMBER, 1917. HOHRs Or mupx S U B J E C T R E M A R K S 9th Bde. 10th Bd.. 11th Bd. Training of Special- Daily Daily Daily Divisional Gas ist Reserves School continues with new class. Physical Training & Bayonet Fighting Map Reading School in progress. Musketry 2 Tactical Handling of 12 otictt 14 Platoons othen heer. Company Tactical 12 Training Battalion Tactical Training Route Marching X 12 t Y Moves to train- ing grounds under Close Order Drill. 6 Route March con¬ Inspection ditions. Night Operations 3 itn onlig 3 X 7 Aunage Gas Drill 2 2 TOTAL HOURS 35 35 33 Aheridugflinge
TTTTT Grut Hrarre Sospornele fol affontanste t achons Aftegele Renst tr pa t Arteng Trrmn 6. 07 Bripaka to rrommate a vegimentet offrars Cømnteso pralmete porrfavsak burt sot avantl) 5 betekkan om ar unoffiand Tramen, panleng Li baing smate "sppråid" Trumee liter o- te Laft. Enter m.d. Cahatg opputi) (Rag Trrimn 52 00. 1 Hamdle fo br vresmmendet av Tainse B.m. wer Rat. 1 Bundsp t be Fransfaset tr 1SBuipte. 5 Wolskecholune tr trke og trin dentg ate r Se vetum tom Hengg Gurae i Englant Hedle fr rrengst t rsjntel dnty Ii Rrtee Frn 2. m. 11. Zudste - Franfaoet foom 105 Pipte Hreinee S.C.1' Bemnett - alrealg unkk H SRen, her t change aver fom bost. Pioge tr ba asts Hraineng iott Butit Brnnsn: pe Gap t bogas a 335 2 lo a I lyt daber 15 de 1 hänk.b.Gy. Fraeher +a g--Mptto aileigangakt Avasi Mkavrle aktsgsksge der tus t rsmnen -Hertre Aito Sro Tohe retmnnd t Gos ohn esen tl 718ITI

re Canteen Trust a/s
Divisional Headquarters,
30th. August, 1917.
Brigadier-General DELAVOYE,
2nd. A. & N. Z. Army Corps. -
My dear General. -
In reply to your personal letter No. 2864/50A
of August 29th., reference accounts of canteens, cinemas, &c.,
with copy of letter from A.A.G., Second Army attached, I think
that the Corps Commander could with confidence report that everything 
in regard to this Division is in order. -
All monies of every kind received by any Unit
of the Division in connection with any canteens, entertainments,
cinema, or from any other source, must under A.I.F. regulations be
paid at once into the hands of the Field Cashier. - Such a thing
as C.O's or Secretaries holding funds in their own custody is not
permitted. The whole of the expenditure out of these funds is
controlled by regulations under the authority of Administrative
Headquarters, A.I.F., LONDON, which authority also carries out
regular audits through the staff of the Chief Paymaster, A.I.F. -
Apart from this I enforce throughout the
Division, under Kings Regulations, para. 104, the usual quarterly
audit boards for trust funds of every description, whether from
canteens, gifts from public funds or otherwise.
Whenever it is desired to expend any money from
any of these funds, application must be made to A.I.F. Headquarters,


LONDON, and the purposes for which the money is expended are
closely controlled and limited by the regulations in force.
Yours faithfully. -


9th Brigade
10th   do
11th    do
As considerable experience has now been gained in the Distribution of Duties
among the officers of an Infantry Battalion, and as it is desirable to have a
uniform system throughout the Division, the annexed draft of an order on
the subject is forwarded to you for your remarks & suggestions, which will
be considered prior to issue. -
The principal alteration proposed is to withdraw the duties of Intelligence
Officer from the Senior Major, & to allot them to a special officer.
The scheme allots duties to 36 out of the 38 Combatant Officers for of
the Battalion, thus leaving 2 officers available for extra regimental employment,
i.e. 8 per Brigade. -
Major General

      &c     &c.  


Distribution of Duties to Officers of an Infantry Battalion. -
The following distribution of duties to the officers of a Battalion will be taken
into use from this date, & will supersede prev arrangements hitherto in force:-
Battalion Headquarters   L Gen
1. Commanding Officer.
2. Senior Major - responsible for Regimental Institutions, Canteens,
Messing, Interior economy, Cooking & feeding arrangements, &
^all that pertains to the comfort of the personnel. 
(may have an officer who is an accountant & a Committee to assist)
Supervises education of junior officers, & recruits. -

Supervises fitting of clothing, boots, & supplies of necessaries.

Supervises enforcement of discipline & punishments by Company 

^Commanders. -

Supervises Marches, from the rear.
Acts in relief of Commanding officer. -

3. Adjutant. Acts as Staff officer to C.O., responsible both for 'G' &

'A' work in the Battalion. Must not be permitted to become a
mere 'office man'. -

4. Assistant Adjutant. - Assists Adjutant & relieves him as far as

possible of mere routine, but must be given every opportunity

to qualify & gain experience of work in the field & on parade.

5. Quartermaster. - Clothing, equipment, feeding, comfort, housing

and forage. -

6. Transport Officer. - In charge of vehicles, animals & transport personnel 
& lines. - He is, however, not merely a carrier for the

Quartermaster, but must think ahead & constructively in the

interests of the Battalion, especially when in the battle zone and

in the line. -

7. Signalling Officer. Responsible for the efficiency & working of the

whole of the Battalion Communications, including Regimental &

Company Signallers, & all signalling equipment; he must

work in close touch with Brigade Signal section.

8. Bombing Officer. Responsible for training of Rifle Grenadiers and for

general bombing instruction, also for provision of munitions &

equipment, & for establishment & maintenance of Battalion

munition dumps.


9. Intelligence Officer. Collects & collates all information, both by personal 

observation, and by close touch with troops in front line, snipers, and  ^scouts 
patrols, & observers. - He must keep in close to  au fait with the military 
situation, & the for intelligence ^reports promulgated from above; must 
study enemy methods & action; - must be in liaison with our Artillery 
& Machine Guns ^& with neighbouring units in the line. must He in the  supervises the distribution of war 
news & intelligence throughout the Battalion. -

10. Lewis Gun Officer. Acts as technical & tactical specialist as

regards training, equipment & maintenance of all Lewis Gun

sections in the Battalion; but does not relieve Platoon Commanders

of the direct control of their Lewis Guns & personnel.

11. Scouting  ^Sniping Officer. Supervises Selection, supervision & maintenance 
[*of the snipers*] of ^the Battalion snipers ^& their equipment. - Must be in constant touch with latest

sniping appliances & methods, & must be enterprising in dominating

enemy by efficient sniping activity, constantly maintained. -

12. Scouting Officer. Supervises scout training, and supervises Battalion

and Company Scouts; cares for scouting material.

Companies.  4 Cos each with 6 officers = 24 officers

Total Battalion                                                  36 officers


Notes:- (a) Company officers should be allotted to definite units ^Companies & platoons and changed 
as rarely as possible.

(b) The duties of Sniping & Scouting officers may ^sometimes be combined.

(c) Under many circumstances, the duties of Sniping officer and of

Lewis Gun officer could be carried out by officers actually commanding


(d) The Intelligence officer should be carefully selected and fully qualified 
for his important duties. ^If no competent subaltern is available - he may be a Capt Major or Captain, provided 

that another Captain or subaltern is available to carry out 
Company duty in his place.-

(e) The Bombing, Lewis Gun, Sniping & Scouting officers should be attached 
to definite platoons; so that Whenever the Battalion is out of the line 
or in reserve or rest, they may have ^should be given experience in platoon command 
so as to be qualified to command a platoon at any time.

(f) Specialist officers are not to exercise executive commands, except as

prescribed by the C.O. - While they should be employed so as to render

all possible assistance to Company officers, they cannot relieve

the latter of respons their responsibility for the training & efficiency

of the Company or Platoon. -






  9th Bde. 10th Bde. 11th Bde.  

Training of Specialist





Divisional Gas

School continues with new class.

Physical Training & 

Bayonet Fighting




Map Reading School in progress.





Tactical Handling of





∅ 41st Bn 

Others less.

Company Tactical






Battalion Tactical





Route Marching




X Moves to training

grounds under 

Route March conditions.

Close Order Drill.





Night Operations




1 Bn only 

+ Average

Gas Drill









Chartwell Klempe


Staff Training   1/9/17

Proposals for appointments & action

9th Brigade    Trainee B.M.   Peart to go to Artillery.

Brigade to nominate a regimental officer 

(Duntroon graduate preferred but not essential) 

to be taken on as "unofficial" Trainer, pending 

his being made "official" Trainee later on. -

√ Trainee S.C.     Capt. Suter M.C. (already appointed)

10th Brigade   Trainee B.M. Lamble to be recommended as Trainee

B.M. vice Peart.

Dunlop to be transferred to 11th Brigade.

Trainee S.C. Wolstenholme to take up this duty on his 

return from Staff Course in England.

Wells  to revert to regimental duty. -

11th Brigade     Trainee B.M. Dunlop - transferred from 10th Bgde.

Trainee S.C. Bennett - already with 11th Bde, but to 

change over from Asst. B.M. to be 

Asst. S.C. -

Training with British Division :-

9th Brigade √ Capt. W.H. Douglas 33d Bn √

10th   di         √ Capt Lambden     37th    "    √

11th     di        √ Lieut. W.G.Fisher    42d    "  √


I propose to give Lambden the choice of going on as "Unofficial Trainee B.M" 

of 10th Brigade, in him in going to a British Division.-

Should he elect do this, 10th Bgde will have to nominate another officer for a British Division .  Settled


To be returned to G.O.C. when action taken ← JM.




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