Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 16, 1 August - 3 September 1917, Part 15

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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26194. Aeusing kad üue folowing ken tablet io scn odikestied as military exigency may dictate) has been selected from the Officers of the 3rd. AUSTRALIAN PIONEER BATTALION A.I.F., to play a team of Officers, 2nd ANZAC CORPS, at Cricket, Sunday, 26th. August 1917, at 2.p.m., at the grounds on flat opposite VAUXHALL CAMP, (Sheet 28 S.W., S.18.d.2-1):- Lieut. LINDON J.H. Slip - change over to Bowler. Wicket-keeper. Lieut. JAMES J.H., M.C. Chap-Cpt.CUTTRISS G.P. Cover slip - change over to long on. nieut. RUSSELL A.R.E. Mid-wicket - change over to point. Major ADAMS W.A., D.S.O. Long off - change over to square leg. Captain NANKERVIS A.W. Long field - change over to long leg. Long on - change over to cover slip. Captain TOONE J.A.E. Captain STEPHENSON A.G. Bowler - change over to slip. Lieut. BARNDEN V.G. Point - change over to mid wicket. Square leg - change over to long off. Captain DIKE E.H. Dong leg - change over to long field. 2/Dieut. FOOTE R.J.V. Captain P. FENNELLY, UMPIRE Capt. A.G.STEPHENSON - CAPTAIN.
Second Army NO.A/2238/9. Headquarters, II ANZAC CORPS. As it appears that the profits of Divisional Canteens or other Canteens not run by the Expeditionary Force Canteen, are very considerable, it is very necessary that the accounts of such Canteens should be scrutinized periodically to ensure that proper accounts are kept and that the profits are properly disposed of. Will you, therefore, please arrange for a Staff Officer of the "Q" Branch to examine the Books of all such Canteens and also of any Cinemas, and forward a report to this office, giving a list of the Canteens and Cinemas, the balance credit of each, and a statement showing briefly how the profits are used and if the books are properly kept. (Sd.) E. S. Burder, Lieut. Colonel, R.R.9. A.A.G., Second Army. 27.8.1917.
i. derine 5reond zg effreeinseo Gste berg able merner in urlerct Hre erenpatten hy 3 Aust Buss ote Reuleg organnged Bt. SOU IN arca eæs aransed lyg dile E..Marses LANZA (Ihre smnttar op defäel, wlich tig Kies Gffrüeh Wras made avuitatle in Räradzuttag Aeto And dene baring enerfe Handered Wohret zughet otkervråg have taua Taakts - d metter ofr Comparestoe Adie, Wlüuck zuy Staff has not hän alads 5 Reer gurge Pür .n. Wattss eta
AUS THIRD AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters, 29-8-17. c. 0. C." A. aff. A.9. Staff C. R. A. C. R. B. Div. Sig. Coy. oth Aust. enf. Bde. 10th -do- 11th -do- 207th M.G.Coy. A.D.M.S. Div. Train. L.D.V.S. PRECIS OF MECTING HELD BY SPORTS COMMITTEE 28-8-17. ..----- ----------------------------------------8 Arrangoments have been made with the Owners for the loan of fielde North-West of THIERRRONNE, between the forked roeds Enet of ECUIRE. The date fixed, with the G.O.C's consent, is the Oth September. Last day for entries to be received at Divisional Headquarters is 6 p.m. 3rd September. It has been decided that afternoon tea shall be provided for visitore by formations. Tente will probably be provided for the following formations:- Divisional Staff. Div. Artillery. Div. Engineere including Signal Coy. 9th, l0th and 11th Infantry Brigades. The following Sub-Committee have been formed to run the various events:- GROUND COMIITTEZ. Lieut. MURRAY 9th Fld. Engrs. and other Engineer Officers. ATHLETIO EVENTS, inolusing Capt. WEBSTER 10th Field Ambulanoe 100 yis.,220 yds..1 mile and Lieut. TArLon l0th Bd.. aces, Relay races, Sack race and Obstaele Race. Bomb Throwing a Stokee Divisional Bombing Officer a other Bombing Mortar Competition. and Stokes Mortar Officere. Le wie Gun Competition. Capt. PEART,9th Bde. Bayonet Fighting. Lieut. WILLs and B.F. Instructors. Tug of War and Acrobatio Major NICHOLS. Div. Artillery. Competition. Sack Bumping Competition. Lieut. O'BRXEN, 11th Bde. Platoon Manecuvre. Major WIncK a Major WOOTTEM. Machine Gun Competition. Div. Machine Gun Offioer. Treseure Runt. Captain MOLESWORTH. Humorous Group and Best Lieut. DYKE, 3rd Pioneer Bn. Sustained Character. Boxing Ring. Sgt-Major YOUDALE. Dvr. MEHEGAN. Aunt Sally i Kaiser Bill. Lieut. LAERY, 207th M.G.Coy.
AUS -2-. Clerk of Course and Marshal. Lieut-Col. DERHAK, D.A.C. The following is the scale of Prizes agreed upon:- Firet 30 Fr.,Second 15 Fr., Third 5 Fr. 100 yards Raoe. -do- 220 " " -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- 1 Mile First 40 Fr. Bomb Throwing. First 40 Fr. Relay Rac.. Second 15 Fr. Firet 30 Fr., Lewis Gun Assembling Second 45 Fr. First 90 Fr., Beyonot Fighting. Second 10 Fr., 3rd 5 Fr. First 20 Fr., Obstable Race. First 00 Fr. Tug of War. First 15 Fr.. Recond 10 Fr.. shird 5 Fr. Sack Race. First 30 Fr. Sack Bumping. First. Trophy donated by Y.M.C.A. Platoon Manoeuvre. Machine Gun Compe Ation. First 100 Fr. First 30 Fr. Light Stokes Mortar 3 Fr. per man with a limit of 30 Fr. for the Team. Aorobatie Competition. 6 prises of 5 Fr. each. Treasure Runt. Trophies. Officers Rolay Race. Moet original humorous First 30 Fr., Second 13 Fr. Group. Best Susteined Character. First 20 Fr..Scoond 10 Fr. Detailed arrangements will be issued for the march to and from the ground, bivouscing of mon, and parking of vehieles. Unite should bring travelling kitchens to provide tee for their men. staff Offioere of other Corpe and Divisions are being asked to act as Judges. Will recipiente plasescepy the prize list to Unite of their formations. (Sgd) 3.A. Lakspræs. Capt. Hon. Sec. Div. Sports Committee. T.C.
vor Ihr Lravsre EA Bebe sagtater Adm alto rankon
9 60 FGd.-Tankskone aut Mt 105Rgg. Tartg trr Arnslt.- Trask g Tr norch egr br tr Terd keg 7 20 Men born Angkt f fade ber dorne bog toreskpnng, Lefän eb tigt. - sih htten tr Sdug Reptig frint - dekargt 1 Dans Kkun Satvag not dundet by sin bot. Par fostg wrktet tr 3 diy at lanst. Keir furhr Trft tiht ong Pths vetons.- Trilts lpp samm ptading, ovmr strratg avme rolal.- 3 days rskåi
HEADAUARTERS, Headquarters, II ANZAC. 2ND ANZAC CORPS. "22 6 4 50A omm 20. S. "1 29th August, 1917. My dear General, The Corps Commander would be glad to know how the Accounts of your Canteens and Institutions are supervised, to enable him to come to a decision as to the course of action to be pursued in connection with the attached letter. Yours sincerely, Uberddt kebore Major-General J. MONASH, C.B., V.D.

Advising that the following team tablet to such modification
as military exigency may dictate) has been selected from the Officers of
the 3rd. AUSTRALIAN PIONEER BATTALION A.I.F., to play a team of Officers,
2nd ANZAC CORPS, at Cricket, Sunday, 26th. August 1917, at 2.p.m., at
the grounds on flat opposite VAUXHALL CAMP, (Sheet 28 S.W., S.18.d.2-1):-
Lieut. LINDON J.H                 Slip - change over to Bowler..
Lieut. JAMES J.H., M.C.         Wicket-keeper.
Chap-Cpt. CUTTRISS G.P.    Cover slip - change over to long on.
Lieut. RUSSELL A.R.E.           Mid-wicket - change over to point.
Major ADAMS W.A., D.S.O.   Long off - change over to square leg.
Captain NANKERVIS A.W.    Long field - change over to long leg.
Captain TOONE J.A.E.           Long on - change over to cover slip
Captain STEPHENSON A.G. Bowler - change over to slip.
Lieut. BARNDEN V.G.             Point - change over to mid wicket.
Captain DIKE E.H.                   Square leg - change over to long off
2/Lieut. FOOTE R.J.V.              Long leg - change over to long field

UMPIRE                                     Captain P. FENNELLY


Second Army NO. A/2238/9.
As it appears that the profits of Divisional
Canteens or other Canteens not run by the Expeditionary
Force Canteen, are very considerable, it is very necessary
that the accounts of such Canteens should be scrutinized
periodically to ensure that proper accounts are kept and
that the profits are properly disposed of.
Will you, therefore, please arrange for a Staff
Officer of the "Q" Branch to examine the Books of all such
Canteens and also of any Cinemas, and forward a report to
this office, giving a list of the Canteens and Cinemas,
the balance credit of each, and a statement showing
briefly how the profits are used and if the books are
properly kept.
(Sd.) E. S. Burder, Lieut. Colonel,

A.A.G., Second Army.


I desire to record my appreciation

of the very able manner in which the
occupation by 3rd Aust Divn of the

newly organized BLEQUIN area was

arranged by Lt Col E. N. Waters  1 ANZAC

The minutiae of detail which

was made available by This officer

and his energy unsparing in re-adjusting Areas rendered

what might otherwise have been a

task - a matter of comparative ease,

which my Staff has not been slow

to recognize.

Per E. N. Waters




Divisional Headquarters,


G. O. C. ✓

A. Q.
"G" Staff

A. Q. Staff

C. R. E. 

Div. Sig. Coy

9th Aus. Inf. Bde.

10th    -do-

11th     -do-

207th M.G.Coy


Div. Train.




Arrangements have been made with the Owners for the loan
of fields North-West of THIEMBRONNE, between the forked roads East
The date fixed, with the G.O.C's consent, is the 8th
September. Last day for entries to be received at Divisional Headquarters
is 6 p.m. 3rd September.
It has been decided that afternoon tea shall be provided
for visitors by formations. Tents will probably be provided for the
following formations:-
Divisional Staff. Div. Artillery. Div. Engineers including
Signal Coy., 9th, l0th and 11th Infantry Brigades.
The following Sub-Committee have been formed to run the
various events:-
GROUND COMMITTEE              Lieut. MURRAY 9th Fld. Engrs. and other
                                                         Engineer Officers.
 ATHLETIC EVENTS, inclusing   Capt. WEBSTER 10th Field Ambulance

100 yds., 220 yds., 1 mile              and Lieut. TAYLOR l0th Bde.
races, Relay races, Sack race
and Obstacle Race.

Bomb Throwing & Stokes         Divisional Bombing Officer & other Bombing
Mortar Competiton.                     and Stokes Mortar Officers.     

Le wis Gun Competition.           Capt. PEART, 9th Bde.
Bayonet Fighting.                        Lieut. WILLS and B.F. Instructors.
Tug of War and Acrobatic         Major NICHOLS. Div. Artillery.
Sack Bumping Competition.   Lieut. O'BRYEN, 11th Bde.
Platoon Manoeuvre.                   Major WIECK & Major WOOTTEN.
Machine Gun Competition.      Div. Machine Gun Officer.
Treasure Hunt.                             Captain MOLESWORTH.
Humorous Group and Best      Lieut. DYKE, 3rd Pioneer Bn.

Sustained Character.

Boxing Ring.                                 Sgt-Major YOUDALE. Dvr. MEHEGAN.
Aunt Sally & Kaiser Bill.              Lieut. LAERY, 207th M.G.Coy.


Clerk of Course and Marshal. Lieut-Col. DERHAM D.A.C.
The following is the scale of Prizes agreed upon:-
100 yards Race.                      First 30 Fr.,  Second 15 Fr., Third 5 Fr

220    "          "                             -do-              -do-                -do-
1 Mile            "                             -do-              -do-                -do-

Bomb Throwing.                    First 40 Fr  

Relay Race.                              First 40 Fr.

Lewis Gun Assembling.        First 30 Fr. Second 15 Fr.

Bayonet Fighting.                  First 90 Fr. Second 45 Fr

Obstacle Race.                        First 20 Fr. Second 10 Fr    3rd 5 Fr

Tug of War.                               First 80 Fr

Sack Race.                                First 15 Fr. Second 10 Fr  Third 5 Fr

Sack Bumping.                       First 30 Fr 

Platoon Manoeuvre.              First Trophy donated by Y.M.C.A.

Machine Gun Competition. First 100 Fr.

Light Stokes Mortar  "            First 30 Fr

Acrobatic Competition         5 Fr per man with a limit of 30 Fr. for the Team

Treasure Hunt                        6 prises of 5 Fr. each

 Officers Relay race               Trophies.

Most original humorous     First 30 Fr., Second 15 Fr.


Best Sustained Character.   First 20 Fr., Second 10 Fr.

Detailed arrangements will be issued for the march to
and from the ground, bivouacing of mon, and parking of vehicles.
Units should bring travelling kitchens to provide tea
for their men.
Staff Officers of other Corps and Divisions are being
asked to act as Judges.
Will recipients pleases copy the prize list to Units
of their formations.
(Sgd) J.A.LAMBDEN. Capt.
Hon. Sec.
Div. Sports Committee.


Under K. R. 1084 the usual

Quarterly Audit Boards
have been held in all

formations and Units through

out the Division since its
All moneys and credits are

paid into the hands of 
the Field Cashier, and are

drawn upon by cheque.

Expenditure is controlled

by regulations published by  
Admn H.Q. A.I.F. London, who

also have the final audit

of all regimental and 


Divisional Accounts,

Cinema, Canteen Etc.


10th Bde. − Tankodrome

Camp Complaints
10th Bgde.
Party too small. –
much of the work left for the rear party to do
aught to have been done by the rear party main body. –
Latrines all left. – still untouched for 3 days. 
Refilling points – destroyed [I saw them]

Salvage not dumped by main body.

Rear party worked for 3 days at least.-
Rear party left with on 24 hrs rations.-

Tents left some standing, some spread, some rolled. –
3 days notice

[*First unit left Camp 7 a.m.
Much of Salvage at Midland Farm*]



[* Headquarters,
N. 22864/50A
Date 29-8-17*]



29th August, 1917.
My dear General,
The Corps Commander would be glad to know
how the Accounts of your Canteens and Institutions are
supervised, to enable him to come to a decision as to
the course of action to be pursued in connection with
the attached letter.
Yours sincerely,
Alec. De la Voye
Major-General J. MONASH,
C.B., V.D. 

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