Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 June - 31 July 1917, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Stat tte Evanty poovmit ininke Gortonur 25 i ignin 29 Nvnkt not fre telt, a. The bomt workt ta oksstenet a hiltte, Hortt g Blanfvostberkk - - She fovstge Nortt g Trin stean ia 1700 aud Satt giit i s2go 6. Thre fomk S. g Blanpovotbarkk aan to talt ig ov a 2 Sattalins toomt, aashs- wik 6 3 Comfaainns imn line v 1 in vesene; aack lomprang taving ontg1 platss in toat lene, v vemender Bark i ganfport, Evoar g Sten velt- back. - hhin svult pranse tho faaa-k eparinget 6 defendet boralsties an at prstsant organget, 2 tr. ensh Pattatras -- Howenr, the altmatio Sog holding dins Büpate fomt ontk ondg 1. Sakkalim in lana, ofaniget ar at Pstsent; posavses thre frart advartage skat-thre otkes 2 Rattaksne og Støs Bripate aan de diepoak in deftt, v 2 og hen aan be velt to veat ont o ste kanilyg stallat aveas. - 2) prrpr ttr lutter dipsaton; forste Cuble bsmmnnieskons sonkt alut ba aavat ty adkaring to fesmt angle (e Sackalim tormt. 7. Tta fomt dt. g lolanpovthaed åd 17oo, og a linte levaj v ran havdtg br taet bog leste 2. Pittalems in lin, ang I Bo Nieg Hamnbake o a700 bont (ieng 2 02), + the othae betøea Hamnbette v tlanfavot- sjeekk. om a lovo bont (aag 3 O0e). - Put Ihr adnst dinpritar Tmnst defenk on versmmerssenal, av atas upan tteizrmnbet aut deskr- bution g løsmmindatien Trenehes atveatg o epistenee o That Poout.-Te pkaent drs pomton-g 27 Diør. niee kardlg de a puinde, avtutens Fvont rilt be na avflond evutskkom atitatrine vor ohall havetitaleet- o ds regarts 3 Døvinese desfodetiona, it areine ineistable Thet-thre bripade trbe detatet far tra ses (Trvetkeon) oaitet åite kevat be trre T0Riple The 9 55 Ripate sok kavat kolt prsant arattt.
tet 2 dag, oken 115 Ddr doee ichr atnt: v Thon, ag avon as aittratm n cleat, anstte Batalin g t 5 Pripate, vodich trok no patte o Se ådvserivn, oott tale over Shr rigkt Ripnte fomt (Rlanfsste beek t Burpnast), sr 9, 1 Rigate bering hitkdsamm for a fard dage t sest t rersgannge. - lhos, at ang vit, in song proveimet. plan, fol Dnose deteilet. cvaaidetatø. 9. To fosfaare far above snoves, it iøh be seesaang at averg easly zt to (a) det Grfunr g flan g epistrig tancher 37 Di0. (4) vlatalet paastventan o tteid jorsent aispvaton + Shins Ashelng aufspott, vo +o (e) 105 Byke t mait skin onster t meke a åtndlg g it, farttalaktg ait meens g asaavs vaffevarka-t tont- (d) 6 t ahndhg probable dens bark atea.; Hrams, Evats, lme g ouffleg, dunfoto te. el back aree bellete it tovselålandeingo frnevaltrg (e) Litg. t dundg batting poatøns oveing zes tort. Toh lee abvve is furetg tatatese v fovisvart, t vo panbgeet tr Ennakr. varmatasns. 11. Sr lvventeo dednove foovard, ome g hos attasnaten holl abae 2 3d. aott csme ombit st o nts borfileilve (4) 2 Bed. Der fr Frortten t farkei thr lanst Govarig: o (6) In ther evint vvr wonkt atteskk om a 30v0 Loat, nrtte 22 Brigatesm lrue 7 om in Bid. Rause Z0n (slale
ROUTINE ORDERS Hajor.General JOHN KOMASH, C.B., V.D., tcommanding 2nd Australian & New Zealand Army Corps. Headquarters. 16th July, 1917. GENERAL STAFF. 1263. AEROPLANE BOMBS - GAS. The possibility of the enemy dropping Gas Bombs from Aero¬ planes should not be overlooked, and all ranks are warned with re- gard to the impertance of keeping Small Box Respirators at hand during bombing raids by enemy aircraft, Votendis 81 KNBOGS. 2nd ANZAC COrps. ADJUTANT & GUARTEENASTER GENERAL'S BRANCH. 1264. MILITARY MEDAL. The Corps Commander, undor authogity delegated ta him, has awarded the Military Medal to the folllwing N.C.Os. and men :- Dated 13th July, 1917. REGTL. RANK AND NAME UNTT NO. 1Ith Aus.Fld. Amb. Private V. A. WHALLIN, 12831 Aus.Army Med.Corps) 12792 Private T. B. WOOD, 17th Bty.,6th Army 8172 Sergeant C. SHEPHERD, Ede.Aus.FId.Arty. Fitter J. R. SMITH, 3136 82nd Sge.Bty.,R.G.A./20892 Smith Gunner (A/Ftr. Sgt)W. WILLETTS, 11th Hvy.Arty.Group 57800 Gunner (A/Bdr.) J. HODGKINSON, 60879 Gunner G. MOFFATT. DISPoSAl Or SArzuuu STaRS 1205. A.R.O.705 is re-published for the information of all con¬ cerned :- "With reference to General Routine Order No.2207, tho following is published:- In the event of any airoraft coming dewn inside our lines, information will be telegraphed to Aeronautics, G.H.G., and steps will at once be taken by the Senior Officer or N.C.0. present to place a guard to protect the machine, in as close pronimity as safety permits owing to possible hostile shelling. Strict orders will be given that after the occupants have been removed, no person is to take away any fittings or any part whatever of the aircraft. This order will be read on three successive parades, and once a nenth subsequently Army Reutine Orders Nos.351 and 484 are cancelled." P.T.0.
"... (2) 1266. LEAVE. Owing to an cutbreak of Measles at TANFCRTH, Staffordshire, England, leave should not be granted to soldiers to proceed to that place until further orders. 1267. AREA COMMANDANT - INSTRUCTIONS TO. Reference Corps Routine Order No.1224 dated 26.6.17. Area Officers will send in on last day of each month to this Head- quarters a list of all Tents and Shelters in their Area, explain- ing in column of remarks any variation with previous return. 1268. REFILLING POINTS. No Refilling Points are to be established on main Roads without sanction from Corps Headquarters. 1269. HAHNESS & SADLIEKY - ISSUES IN REPLACEMENT OF. Units requiring Harness and Saddlery in replacement of worn out items will return the old article to the Ordnance Officer when drawing the new one. 1270. COURT OF ENQUIRY. The Court of Enquiry ordered to assemble in C.R.O.1253 will reassemble at STEENWERCK at 10 a.m. on the 20th, to take such further evidence as may be brought before it. The Court will again record an opinion. Byoranjeltaeor B.A. & C.M.G. 2nd ANZAC Corps. NOTICES. LOST. From Camp Commandant's Office, 4th Australian Division Headquarters, on 7th instant, BICYCLE; No. 18026. Information to Headquarters, 4th Australian Division. From KANDAHAR FARM, Sheet 28 S.W. T.10.b.7.6., on 14th July, Douglas MOTOR CYCLE; No.33420. Information to Headquarters, 3rd Australian Division. An A.B.108 (Salvage Receipt Book) belonging to 554th (Dundee) A.T.Coy.,R.E. (T.F.), on the road between BAILLEUL Railhead and UTERSTEENE Baths, on 10th inst. Information to A.P.M., 2nd ANZAC Corps. FoUND. By 11th King's Liverpool Regt., Light Bay MARE; Height 15.2 hands; F. B. 122-66 on near fore; Saodle Blanket marked 3rd Australian Pioneers. Information to A.P.M., 2nd ANZAC Corps.
THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Precis of Telephonic conversation between G.O.C. Division and G.O.C. 9th Aust. Inf. Bde. 16-7-17. - cin ---------- 11.0 a.m. HEAVY ARTILLERY SHOOTS. G.O.C. 9th Inf. Bde states.- As Infantry action is being taken by Comonel MARTIN against Posts 8,9, and 10 to-night, no Heavy Artillery action is required against these posts to-day. Colonel. MARTIN intends to get his Field Artillery Group to take some action against these posts. Post No. 7 may, or may not, be included in the Operation. Question by G.O.C.Division.- Do you want any Heavy Artillery action against Posts 7, 8, 5 and 10 to-day? 9th Bde.- No. No Artillery wanted against Posts Answer by G.O. 7,8,9, or 10 to-day for reasons given above. Question by G.O.C. Division.- Do you want any Heavy Artillery action agains. Post No. 0 to-day? Answer by G.O.c. 9th Bde.- Yes. Colonel MARTIN and Heavy Artillery Officer in consultation re Post No. 3 now. co-ordinate Question by G.O.C. Division.- Will you the action at your end and I will clinch it here? Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- Yes. Question by G.O.C. Division.- Do you want Heavy Artillery action on Posts Nos. 2, 4, 5 and67 Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- No. No Artillery action required on Posts 2, 4, 5 and 6. Question by G.O.C. Division.- What about Post No.13? Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- I want Heavy Artillery action to-day on Post No. 14. Question by G.O.C. Division.- Do you need any further Heavy Artil¬ lery action against any other posts or are you agreeable to Heavy Artillery action against any other Posts? Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- I require Ertillery action against Posts 3 and 13 provided due notice can be given of such action, but do not require action against any other Posts. G.O.C. Division to G.O.C. Brigade.- There has been some confusion with regard to these targets to-day and you must arrange definitely what is required. Battalion Commanders must not be allowed to arrange these matters as their views are purely local, while yours are necessarily much broader. You are acquainted with our policy and must see that it is carried out. (or forb ol e
: . S a .ROUTINE ORDERS V.D. Hajor-General JOHN MONASH, C.B., (arho Commanding 2nd Australian & New Zealand Army Corps. A: Headquarters.. . 16th July, 1917. STAFF. GENERAL 10. e .' 1263. AEROPLANE BOMBS . GAS. The possibility ef the enemy dropping Gas Bombs from Rerp- planes should not be overlooked, and all ranks are warned with re- gard to the importance of keeping Small Bxx Respirators at hand during bombing raids by enemy aircraft. ohin? 84 BOOS. 2nd ANZAC COrps. ADJUTANT & QUARTEFMASTER GENETAL'S BRANCH. .. 1264. MILITARY MEDAL. under auchority delegated te him, has The Corps Commander, to the following N.C.Os. and men :- awarded the Military Medal Dated 13th July, 1917. REGTL. RANK AND NAME UTT N0. 11th Aus.Fld.Amb. Private V. A. WHALLIN, 12831 Aus.Army Med,Corps) Private T. B. WOOD, 12792 17th Bty.,th Army Sergeant C. SHEHERD, 8172 9 Bde.Aus.Fld.Arty. Fitter J. R. SATTH, 3136 82nd Sge.Bty.,R.G.A. Smith Gunner (A/Ftr. Sgt)W. WILLETTS, 20892 11th Hvy. Arty.Group Gunner (A/Bdr.) J. HoLCKINSON, 57600 Gunner G. MOFFATT. 60879 T26S. DlsroSAl oe SAruuuu SToruS A.R.O.705 is re-published for the information of all con. serned "With reference to General Koutine Order No.2207, tho following is published:- In the event of any airoraft coming down inside Jur lines, information will be telegraphed to Aeronautics, G.H.Q., and steps will at once be taken by the Senior Officer or N.C.0. present to place a guard to protect the machine, in as close prozimity as safety permits owing to possible hostile shelling. Strict orders will be given that after the occupants have been removed, no person is to take away any fittings or any part whatever of the aireraft. This order will be read on three successive parades, and orce a nonth subsequently. Army Reutine Orders Nos.351 and 484 are cancelled." P.3.0. R.E Eg.
12) 1266. LEAVE. Owing to an eutbreak of Measles at TANFCRTH, Staffordshire. England, leave should not be granted to soldiers to proceed to that place until further orders. 1267. AREA COMMANDANT - INSTRUCTIONS TO. Reference Corps Routine Order No.1224 dated 26.6.17. Krea Officers will send in on last day of each month to this Head- quarters a list of all Tents and Shelters in their Area, explain- ing in column of remarks any variation with previous return. REFILLING POINTS. 1268. No Refilling Points are to be established on main Roads without sanction from Corps Headquarters. 1269. HahNESS & SADLLEKY - ISSUES IN REPLACEMENT OF. Units requiring Harness and Saddlery in replacement of worn out items will return the old article to the Ordnance Officer when drawing the new one. 1270. CeURT OF ENQUIRY. The Court of Enquiry ordored to assemble in C.R.O.1253 will TEENWERCK at 10 a.m. on the 20th, to take such reassemble at S further evidence as may be brought before it. The Court will again record an opinion. Boorajlll or B.A. £ 0.M.G. 2nd ANZAC Corps. NOTICES. LD8T. Prom Camp Commandant's Office, Ath Australian Division Headquarters, on 7th instant, BICYCLE; NJ. 18026. Information to Headquarters, eth Australian Division. From KANDAHAR FARM, Sheet 28 S.W. T.10.b.7.6., on l4th July, Douglas MOTOR CYCLE; No.33420. Information to Headquartors, 3rd Australian Division. An A.B.108 (Salvage Receipt Book) belonging to 554th (Dundee) A.T.Coy.,R.E. (T.F.), on the road between BAILLEUL Railhoad and OUTERSTEENE Baths, on 10th inst. Information to A.P.M., 2nd ANZAC Corps. FoUND By 11th King's Liverpool Regt., Light Bay MARE; Height 15.2 hands; F.B.122-66 on near fore; Saddle Blanket marked 3rd Australian Pioneers. Information to A.P.M., 2nd ANZAC Corps.
Gue THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters. 17th. July, 1917. Headquarters, 2nd. A. & N. Z. Army Corps. With reference to the complaint of Major C. B. STORY, 37th. Battalion, dated 15/7/'17, I beg to point out that he has no cause of complaint of a nature suitable for submission to the Army Council, as requested by him. He assumes that he has been superseded in rank; but this is not the case. The short facts are as follows :- On the occasion of the offensive of June 7th., Major STORY commanded a Company of the 37th. Battalion with orders to capture the Green Line. After advancing towards the Green Line, this Company again withdrew to the vicinity of the Black Line. - There is strong reason for believing that this withdrawal was actually ordered by Major STORY. - But, after inquiry, I came to the conclusion that there was not sufficient evidence available on which a definite charge of any specifie impropriety could be laid against this officer. - I found, however, on the report of his Brigadier, and upon his own statement in writing, that he (1).
17/7/1917. (2). had displayed such shortcomings, under the stress of battle, that I ought to convey to him a mark of my displeasure. I, therefore, instructed his Brigadier to inform Major STOR, that I viewed his actions on the date in question so unfavorably, that I would not be prepared hereafter to recommend Major STORY for a higher command than that of a Company, until he had satisfied me that he was able to command a Company in action creditably and efficiently. Inasmuch as appointments to Battalion and higher commands are by selection, and not by seniority, Major STORY has, by this expression of my intention, been deprived of no rights; nor has he been deprived of seniority, and I submit, therefore, that he has no ground of complaint requiring the decision of higher authority. As to the justification of my action in conveying an expression of my displeasure to Major STORY, I do not propose to enter into the reasons for this action unless directed to do so by the Corps Commander. I would, however, point out that the whole tenor of what Major STORY has written on this subject, both in his letter to the Corps Commander of July 15th., and in the annexed copies of correspondence, shows a lamentable; incorrect attitude towards his responsibilities as regards determined leadership and keeping up the moral of the men placed under
17/7/1917. (3). his command. Major-General. Commanding 3rd. Australian Division.

that the swampy ground inside Contour 25 in Square 29 would not be held, &
so the front would be shortened a little, North of Blauportbeck. - The frontage
North of this stream is 1700x and South of it is 1250x
6. The front S. of Blauportbeck can be held by on a 2 Battalion front, each
with x 3 Companies in line & 1 in reserve; each Company having only 1
platoon in front line, & remainder back in support, some of them well
back. - This would preserve the present original 6 defended localities as
at present organized, 3 to each Battalion. - However, the alternative
of holding this Brigade front with only 1 Battalion in line, organized as at
present, possesses the great advantage that the other 3 Battalions of this
Brigade can be disposed in depth, & 2 of them can be well to rear
out of the heavily shelled areas. - I prefer the latter dispositions; fresh
cable communications would also be saved by adhering to present single
(left) Battalion front.
7. The front No. of Blauportbeck is 1700x, or a little less; & can hardly be 
held by less than 2 Battalions in line, say 1 Bn N. of Wambeke on
a 700x front (say 2 Cos); & the other between Wambeke & Blauportbeck
on a 1000x front (say 3 Cos). - But the actual dispositions
must depend on reconnaissance, as also upon the number and 
distribution of Communication Trenches already in existence on that front. - The
present dispositions of 37th Div. will hardly be a guide, as the new
front will be in a fluid condition at the time we shall have to take it
over. -
8. As regards 3rd Division dispositions, it seems inevitable that the
Brigade to be detailed for the new (northern) sector will have to be the
10th Brigade. - The 9th Brigade will have to hold present sector


till Z day, when 11th Bde does its stunt; & then, as soon as 
situation is clear, another Battalion of 11th Brigade, which took no
part in the "Diversion", will take over the right Brigade front (Blauportbeck
at Steignast); the 9th Brigade being withdrawn for a few days
to rest & reorganize. - This, at any rate, is my provisional plan, for
more detailed consideration. -
9. To prepare for above moves, it will be necessary at a very early
date to 
(a) get copies of plans of existing trenches of 37th Div.
(b) detailed particulars of their present dispositions &
of their Artillery support, &c &c
(c) 10th Bgde to visit their sector & make a study of it,
particularly as to means of access & approaches to front.
(d) Q to study probable new back areas; trams,
roads, lines of supply, dumps &c &c, also
back area billets & horse standings generally
(e) Arty. to study battery positions covering new Front.
10. All above is fairly tentative & provisional, & is subject to
much variation. -
11. In event of a move forward, one or two alternatives will arise
(a) 3rd Div. will come out to rest & into Corps Reserve
or (b) 3rd Div. goes for Honthem & makes the Canal Crossing. -
In this event we would attack on a 3000x front, with
2 Brigades in line & one in Div. Reserve. -


Major-General JOHN MONASH, C.B., V.D.,
Commanding 2nd Australian & New Zealand Army Corps.
16th July, 1917.
The possibility of the enemy dropping Gas Bombs from Aeroplanes 
should not be overlooked, and all ranks are warned with regard 
to the importance of keeping Small Box Respirators at hand
during bombing raids by enemy aircraft,
W R Parring
for B.G.G.S.,
2nd ANZAC Corps.
The Corps Commander, under authority delegated to him, has
awarded the Military Medal to the following N.C.Os. and men :-
Dated 13th July, 1917.

11th Aus. Fld Amb. ) Aus. Army Med. Corps )
            "           "          "



Private V.A. WHALLIN,
Private T.B. WOOD,


17th Bty., 6th Army )       Bde.Aus.Fld.Arty )
         "         "




Sergeant C. SHEPHERD,
Fitter J.R. SMITH,


82nd Sge.Bty., R.G.A.  )

11th Hvy.Arty.Group    ) 
        "           "
           "         "









Smith Gunner (A/Ftr.Sgt)W. WILLETS
Gunner (A/Bdr.) J. HODGKINSON,
Gunner G. MOFFATT.


A.R.O.705 is re-published for the information of all concerned:-
"With reference to General Routine Order No.2207, the
following is published:-
In the event of any aircraft coming down inside our lines,
information will be telegraphed to Aeronautics, G.H.G., and steps
will at once be taken by the Senior Officer or N.C.0. present to
place a guard to protect the machine, in as close proximity as
safety permits owing to possible hostile shelling.
Strict orders will be given that after the occupants have
been removed, no person is to take away any fittings or any part
whatever of the aircraft.
This order will be read on three successive parades, and
once a month subsequently
Army Routine Orders Nos.351 and 484 are cancelled."


1266. LEAVE.
Owing to an outbreak of Measles at TAMFORTH, Staffordshire,
England, leave should not be granted to soldiers to proceed to
that place until further orders.
Reference Corps Routine Order No.1224 dated 26.6.17. Area
Officers will send in on last day of each month to this 
Headquarters a list of all Tents and Shelters in their Area, 
explaining in column of remarks any variation with previous return.
No Refilling Points are to be established on main Roads
without sanction from Corps Headquarters.
Units requiring Harness and Saddlery in replacement of worn
out items will return the old article to the Ordnance Officer
when drawing the new one.
The Court of Enquiry ordered to assemble in C.R.O.1253 will
reassemble at STEENWERCK at 10 a.m. on the 20th, to take such
further evidence as may be brought before it.
The Court will again record an opinion.
D.A. & Q.M.G.
2nd ANZAC Corps.
From Camp Commandant's Office, 4th Australian Division
Headquarters, on 7th instant, BICYCLE; No. 18026.
Information to Headquarters, 4th Australian Division.
From KANDAHAR FARM, Sheet 28 S.W. T.10.b.7.6., on 14th
July, Douglas MOTOR CYCLE; No.33420.
Information to Headquarters, 3rd Australian Division.
An A.B.108 (Salvage Receipt Book) belonging to 554th (Dundee)
A.T.Coy.,R.E. (T.F.), on the road between BAILLEUL Railhead and
OUTERSTEENE Baths, on 10th inst.
Information to A.P.M., 2nd ANZAC Corps.
By 11th King's Liverpool Regt., Light Bay MARE; Height
15.2 hands; F. B. 122-66 on near fore; Saddle Blanket marked 3rd
Australian Pioneers.
Information to A.P.M., 2nd ANZAC Corps.


Precis of Telephonic conversation between G.O.C. Division
and G.O.C. 9th Aust. Inf. Bde. 16-7-17. - 11 am

G.O.C. 9th Inf. Bde states.- As Infantry action is being taken
by Colonel MARTIN against Posts 8,9, and 10 to-night, no Heavy
Artillery action is required against these posts to-day. Colonel.
MARTIN intends to get his Field Artillery Group to take some
action against these posts. Post No. 7 may, or may not, be
included in the Operation.
Question by G.O.C.Division.- Do you want any Heavy Artillery
action against Posts 7, 8, 5 and 10 to-day?
Answer by G.O. 9th Bde.- No. No Artillery wanted against Posts
7,8,9, or 10 to-day for reasons given above.
Question by G.O.C. Division.- Do you want any Heavy Artillery
action against Post No. 2 to-day?
Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- Yes. Colonel MARTIN and Heavy Artillery
Officer in consultation re Post No. 3 now.
Question by G.O.C. Division.- Will you xxxxxx co-ordinate the action at
your end and I will clinch it here?
Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- Yes.
Question by G.O.C. Division.- Do you want Heavy Artillery action
on Posts Nos. 2, 4, 5 and 6?
Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- No. No Artillery action required
on Posts 2, 4, 5 and 6.
Question by G.O.C. Division.- What about Post No.13?
Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- I want Heavy Artillery action to-day
on Post No. 13.
Question by G.O.C. Division.- Do you need any further Heavy 
Artillery action against any other posts or are you agreeable to Heavy
Artillery action against any other Posts?
Answer by G.O.C. 9th Bde.- I require Artillery action against
Posts 3 and 13 provided due notice can be given of such action,
but do not require action against any other Posts.
G.O.C. Division to G.O.C. Brigade.- There has been some confusion
with regard to these targets to-day and you must arrange
definitely what is required. Battalion Commanders must not be
allowed to arrange these matters as their views are purely local,
while yours are necessarily much broader. You are acquainted
with our policy and must see that it is carried out.
[[*Copy for GOC


Major-General JOHN MONASH, C.B., V.D.,
Commanding 2nd Australian & New Zealand Army Corps.
16th July, 1917.
The possibility of the enemy dropping Gas Bombs from Aeroplanes 
should not be overlooked, and all ranks are warned with regard 
to the importance of keeping Small Box Respirators at hand
during bombing raids by enemy aircraft,
W R Parring
for B.G.G.S.,
2nd ANZAC Corps.
The Corps Commander, under authority delegated to him, has
awarded the Military Medal to the following N.C.Os. and men :-
Dated 13th July, 1917.

11th Aus. Fld Amb. ) Aus. Army Med. Corps )
            "           "          "



Private V.A. WHALLIN,
Private T.B. WOOD,


17th Bty., 6th Army )       Bde.Aus.Fld.Arty )
         "         "




Sergeant C. SHEPHERD,
Fitter J.R. SMITH,


82nd Sge.Bty., R.G.A.  )

11th Hvy.Arty.Group    ) 
        "           "
           "         "









Smith Gunner (A/Ftr.Sgt)W. WILLETS
Gunner (A/Bdr.) J. HODGKINSON,
Gunner G. MOFFATT.


A.R.O.705 is re-published for the information of all concerned:-
"With reference to General Routine Order No.2207, the
following is published:-
In the event of any aircraft coming down inside our lines,
information will be telegraphed to Aeronautics, G.H.G., and steps
will at once be taken by the Senior Officer or N.C.0. present to
place a guard to protect the machine, in as close proximity as
safety permits owing to possible hostile shelling.
Strict orders will be given that after the occupants have
been removed, no person is to take away any fittings or any part
whatever of the aircraft.
This order will be read on three successive parades, and
once a month subsequently
Army Routine Orders Nos.351 and 484 are cancelled."


1266. LEAVE.
Owing to an outbreak of Measles at TAMFORTH, Staffordshire,
England, leave should not be granted to soldiers to proceed to
that place until further orders.
Reference Corps Routine Order No.1224 dated 26.6.17. Area
Officers will send in on last day of each month to this 
Headquarters a list of all Tents and Shelters in their Area, 
explaining in column of remarks any variation with previous return.
No Refilling Points are to be established on main Roads
without sanction from Corps Headquarters.
Units requiring Harness and Saddlery in replacement of worn
out items will return the old article to the Ordnance Officer
when drawing the new one.
The Court of Enquiry ordered to assemble in C.R.O.1253 will
reassemble at STEENWERCK at 10 a.m. on the 20th, to take such
further evidence as may be brought before it.
The Court will again record an opinion.
D.A. & Q.M.G.
2nd ANZAC Corps.
From Camp Commandant's Office, 4th Australian Division
Headquarters, on 7th instant, BICYCLE; No. 18026.
Information to Headquarters, 4th Australian Division.
From KANDAHAR FARM, Sheet 28 S.W. T.10.b.7.6., on 14th
July, Douglas MOTOR CYCLE; No.33420.
Information to Headquarters, 3rd Australian Division.
An A.B.108 (Salvage Receipt Book) belonging to 554th (Dundee)
A.T.Coy.,R.E. (T.F.), on the road between BAILLEUL Railhead and
OUTERSTEENE Baths, on 10th inst.
Information to A.P.M., 2nd ANZAC Corps.
By 11th King's Liverpool Regt., Light Bay MARE; Height
15.2 hands; F. B. 122-66 on near fore; Saddle Blanket marked 3rd
Australian Pioneers.
Information to A.P.M., 2nd ANZAC Corps.


Divisional Headquarters.
17th. July, 1917.
2nd. A. & N. Z. Army Corps.
With reference to the complaint of Major C. B. STORY,
37th. Battalion, dated 15/7/'17, I beg to point out that he
has no cause of complaint of a nature suitable for submission
to the Army Council, as requested by him.
He assumes that he has been superseded in rank; but
this is not the case.
The short facts are as follows :- On the occasion of
the offensive of June 7th., Major STORY commanded a Company
of the 37th. Battalion with orders to capture the Green Line. -
After advancing towards the Green Line, this Company again
withdrew to the vicinity of the Black Line. - There is strong
reason for believing that this withdrawal was actually ordered
by Major STORY. - But, after inquiry, I came to the conclusion
that there was not sufficient evidence available on which a
definite charge of any specific impropriety could be laid
against this officer. - I found, however, on the report of
his Brigadier, and upon his own statement in writing, that he



had displayed such shortcomings, under the stress of battle,
that I ought to convey to him a mark of my displeasure.
I, therefore, instructed his Brigadier to inform Major
STORY, that I viewed his actions on the date in question so
unfavorably, that I would not be prepared hereafter to recommend
Major STORY for a higher command than that of a Company, until
he had satisfied me that he was able to command a Company in
action creditably and efficiently.
Inasmuch as appointments to Battalion and higher commands
are by selection, and not by seniority, Major STORY has, by this
expression of my intention, been deprived of no rights; nor has
he been deprived of seniority, and I submit, therefore, that
he has no ground of complaint requiring the decision of higher
As to the justification of my action in conveying an
expression of my displeasure to Major STORY, I do not propose
to enter into the reasons for this action unless directed to
do so by the Corps Commander.
I would, however, point out that the whole tenor of
what Major STORY has written on this subject, both in his
letter to the Corps Commander of July 15th., and in the
annexed copies of correspondence, shows a lamentably, incorrect
attitude towards his responsibilities as regards determined
leadership and keeping up the moral of the men placed under


his command.
Commanding 3rd. Australian Division.

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