Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 June - 31 July 1917, Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters. 17th. July, 1917. Brig.-General A. E. DELAVOYE, C.M.G., D.S.O. 2nd. A. 4 N. Z. Army Corps. I return herewith the communication of 15/7/'17 addressed by Major C.B. STORY to the Corps Commander. - After full inquiry, I find that, concurrently with having addressed the Corps Commander direct, he has, also, forwarded for transmission to me, a complete copy of his letter, and this copy has since reached me through his Brigadier. Although his action was quite irregular, I am of opinion, under all the circumstances, that he acted quite bona fide in the belief that he was carrying out the usual service procedure, and I do not, therefore, as Divisional Commander, propose to take exception to his action, and will take no further steps beyond pointing out to him that an appeal of this nature should have been forwarded through his Brigadier, and not direct. As regards the merits of Major STORY's complaint, as same is directed against a decision of my own, I would prefer not to deal with it, but to leave it for the Corps Commander, himself, to consider. (1).
(2). 17/7/1917. In view of this, and in order to short circuit the matter, I am attaching to Major STORY's complaint a statement for the guidance of the Corps Commander. Yours faithfully,
8 Average of Platoons when Battal- ions are of various strengths. Blat- Battalion Burplns to re¬ Strength. oon. place Cas ualties. 44. 971. 61. A 910. 43 894. 42 878. 41 862. 40 846. 830. 39 814. 38 37 798. 782. 36 766. 35 750. 34 734. 33 718. 32 702. 31 686. 30 29 370. 654. 28 27 638. 622. 26 25 606. 24 590. 574. 23 22 558. 2. 542. 20 526, 19 510. 494. 18 478. 17.
Copy 12/8/1917. es U.S.M.S. "NEW YORK". Thursday, 19th. July, 1917. At Sea. Lieut.-Colonel J.H.Peck, General Staff, 3rd. Australian Divn., British Army. My dear Colonel Peck, Colonel ELY, Major SIMONDS and myself are all greatly indebted to you for your valuable contributions supplementary to our observations along your front. We found them awaiting us on our return from the French Front, but our hurried days of work and travel have given me no opportunity to acknowledge your kindness hitherto. Giving full credit to the serious side of our work and conversation with you on the Anzac Front, I think none of us will forget your description of an infantry soldier fully equipped as "A Christmas tree gone wrong". That which stands out most prominent probably of our day with you is the recollection of our conversation with your Chief, Major-General MONASH, his ability to say much in a few words and our very complete notes relative thereto. Please give him our kindest regards and accept the same for yourself. Your Corps Commander, General GODLEY, we were fortunate enough to meet at BOULOGNE on our return to ENGLAND, but for him we might have sat on that dock many hours longer than we did.
Copy 12/8/'17. (2). 19/71'17. We found that our credentials were not sufficient to take us across the Channel on a British transport. His kind offices put us through. Sincerely yours. MARK L. HERSEY. (Sgd.) COLONEL. U.S. ARMY.
Advising that the following team has beon selected from the JRD AUSTRALIAN PIONEER BATTALION, A.I.F. to play tho Offi- cers from DIVISIONAL HEADQDARTERS, at Cricket, SUNDAY: 19th Abchst. 1917, 3 p.m., and will occury the positions indicated below:- Captain A.C.SIEIHENSON (Captain). Bowler - chango over to slip. Slip - change over to Bowler. Licut. J.H.LINDON Long on - change over to cover Captain J.A.E.T0ONE slip. Long field - change over to Lieut. L.F. ANDRLWS long leg. Long off - change over to Major W.A.ADANS square log. Mid-wickot - change over to Lieut. A.R.E.RUSSELL. roint. Point - change over to mid- Lieut' V.O.BARNDEE wicket. Square leg - chango ovor to Captain E.H.DIHE long off. Cover slip - change over to Chap.-Capt.O.P.CUFTRISS. long on. Long leg - change over to and/Lt. R.J.V.FoOTE. long fiold. Wicket-kecper. Lieut. J.H. JAuEs Captain P. FERNELLY. UMPIRE:- Capt.A.O.STEFHENSON, CAPTAIN.
aat k Frnge Chrnn eg he Shn A. Rümnnin g last nggtte oferstem:- tar Ar e Skn tn d Liekinen, Pasten t ensenet Ca H. Os far din as 7r. Faktskun, - tit -k. 8. Frepaskine Pr l1 S Be spnin 4 i. 9 S Ra tr eigg at Hrellingten Surle Grrm tont? t li 1 c. Tauiki. A Re hash, i einging at elenning it g Sngpidk Sii, dikeen Gefand hoem s Halifafike 4- () Sngpig a treltig pasty g 200 men tr Tnnke an dosenkg Frensh, foh 1S Pde. - und, C Srld, Bepan fope otee lethr Gunde talg) hr Waktäak om kork 77 10- C5.t Eurglint 4 le, fteog tomtarddgt - nn 222. fusfatennstum O Bact-Rasga v LtT EEEEF Gt
B (22.717 Hist of Lwvitatons derchted 404 32 Anatrahas Diwiaissd ore shon magor Sen bür ettl. Ruodeld Kb.mG. b.8 Rajon Len. B M.RR Bannes 6.9300 8o Brug Hen 90. Niirgg Blig Hen 20. Bnunshal 6.8 Bbaff Bltieers Heu geninner Buion Btagt Bees s Anchaan diesion en h) zute ty belter. Ars


Divisional Headquarters.

17th. July, 1917.


Brig.-General A.E. DELAVOYE, C.M.G., D.S.O.

2nd. A. & N. Z. Army Corps.

I return herewith the communication of 15/7/'17 addressed

by Major C.B. STORY to the Corps Commander. -

After full inquiry, I find that,concurrently with having

addressed the Corps Commander direct, he has, also, forwarded

for transmission to me, a complete copy of his letter, and this

copy has since reached me through his Brigadier.

Although his action was quite irregular, I am of opinion,

under all the circumstances, that he acted quite bona fide in

the belief that he was carrying out the usual service procedure,

and I do not, therefore, as Divisional Commander, propose to

take exception to his action, and will take no further steps

beyond pointing out to him that an appeal of this nature should

have been forwarded through his Brigadier, and not direct.

As regards the merits of Major STORY's complaint, as 

same is directed against a decision of my own, I would prefer

not to deal with it, but to leave it for the Corps Commander,

himself, to consider.



(2).  17/7/1917.

In view of this, and in order to short circuit the

matter, I am attaching to Major STORY's complaint a statement

for the guidance of the Corps Commander.

Yours faithfully,





Average Strength of

Platoons when Battalions

are of various strengths.

Platoon. Battalion Surplus
  Strength. to replace
44. 971. 61.
44 910. --
43 894.  
42 878.  
41 862.  
40 846.  
39 830.  
38 814.  
37 798.  
36 782.  
35 766.  
34 750.  
33 734.  
32 718.  
31 702.  
30 686.  
29 670.  
28 654.  
27 638.  
26 622.  
25 606.  
24 590.  
23 574.  
22 558.  
21 542.  
20 526.  
19 510.  
18 494.  
17. 478.  

Copy 12/8/1917.



Thursday, 19th. July, 1917.

At Sea.

Lieut.-Colonel J.H. Peck,

General Staff, 3rd. Australian Divn.,

British Army.

My dear Colonel Peck,

Colonel ELY, Major SIMONDS and myself are all

greatly indebted to you for your valuable contributions supplementary

to our observations along your front. We found them awaiting us

on our return from the French Front, but our hurried days of work 

and travel have given me no opportunity to acknowledge your kindness

hitherto. Giving full credit to the serious side of our work and

conversation with you on the Anzac Front, I think none of us will

forget your description of an infantry soldier fully equipped as

"A Christmas tree gone wrong". That which stands out most

prominent probably of our day with you is the recollection of our 

conversation with your Chief, Major-General MONASH, his ability to 

say much in a few words and our very complete notes relative

thereto. Please give him our kindest regards and accept the same

for yourself.

Your Corps Commander, General GODLEY, we were 

fortunate enough to meet at BOULOGNE on our return to ENGLAND, but

for him we might have sat on that dock many hours longer that we did.



Copy 12/8/'17.



We found that our credentials were not sufficient to take us across

the Channel on a British transport. His kind offices put us


Sincerely yours,





Advising that the following team has been selected from

the 3RD AUSTRALIAN PIONEER BATTALION, A.I.F., to play the Officers 


AUGUST. 1917, 2 p.m., and will occupy the positions indicated


Captain A.G.STEPHENSON (Captain). Bowler - change over to slip.
Lieut. J.H.LINDON Slip - change over to Bowler.
Captain J.A.E.TOONE Long on - change over to cover slip.
Lieut. L.F.ANDREWS Long field - change over to long leg.
Major W.A.ADAMS Long off - change over to square leg.
Lieut. A.R.E.RUSSELL. Mid-wicket - change over to point.
Lieut. V.G.BARNDEN Point - change over to mid-wicket.
Captain E.H.DIKE Square leg - change over to long off.
Chap.-Capt.G.P.GUTTRISS. Cover slip - change over to long on.
2nd/Lt. R.J.V.FOOTE. Long leg - change over to long field.
Lieut. J.H.JAMES Wicket-keeper.





9th Brigade.

Conference with Gen. Jobson

A. Discussion of last nights' operation : -



(c) What progress of digging - B to A; C to D √

(d) Stickiness, parties to construct Co H. Q in front line on

rt. Battalion, - held up. √

B. Preparations for 11th Bde offensive

√ (a) 9th Bde to carry out Wellington Switch between Front &

Support line.

√ (b) Facilitate a 10th Bde party in carrying out cleaning up 

of Support Line, between Gapaard Avenue and Wellington Switch.

√ (c) Supply a working party of 200 men to make an Assembly

Trench, for 11th Bde. — under C.R.E.

√ (d) Prepare proper Mortar beds (under Varley) for a L.T.M.

attack on posts 7 to 10 — C.R.E. to coordinate.

√ (e) Heavy bombardment — on 22nd - five parties & times.

C. Practice Barrages & daylight attack. -

G.1 Report to Corps in our L.G. getting 20




No 22.7.17

List of Invitations Accepted


3rd Australian Division Horse show.

Major Gen Sir A.H. Russell K.C.M.G. C.B.

Major Gen. R.W.R.R. Barnes C.B. D.S.O

Brig Gen J.C. Wray C.M.G

Brig Gen C Rosenthal C.B

Staff Officers New Zealand Division

Staff Officers 4th Australian Division

Gen White by letter.






















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