Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 June - 31 July 1917, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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A OACON. SISSIS. Conversation with BrigaGen. C.N.CKTHH, 11 pem. 10/6/17. 1. The Corps Commander decides against the proposed operation of blowing mines at BRIDCAGE and assaulting trenches in that vicinity. 2. Corps Commander suggests that relief of 9th Bde. by 10th should be postponed because it is probable that the whole Division will be relieved by the New Zealand Division by 13th inst. 3. It is possible that the 11th Bde. may have to remain in the line north of the DOUVE for 2 or 3 days, under command of General HOLMES, until the situation further north has been cleared up. to In view of one Brigade of this Division being in Reserve, the G.O.C., R.A. is to have a call upon it for carrying parties in connection with handling large further supplies of ammunition which are expected. m 1 discussed with B.G.. G.S., the S.O.S. signal. Related the contre-temps of this evening, and strongly urged was that some signal should be adopted which (distinct from enemy signals. Ooo
From Casualhia Actual than Other ^ Killed thnt Rounided off OA of Ok H. ABde 12 C if Bde o. 3.A. J. moty Ioe 2 JD.A.C. 12 o Engrs if4 10 71 gre Dio Sigloy d G Amib 10 18 No Ams Ho Ao 3 Dw Frai 62147 16 166 1/69 7/6/7 to 11617 infantry Bde Misund Off 1 aefrs
Estimated Casualties 11/6/17 to noon off or 3308 249 6: 8100 235 34th Br 358 35 Bir 156 26th Bor 19 9rM.C. Co 430 8 Kor 10 250 38th Bir 420 16 9 Bor 460 11 0 for 4 80 10 M.G. Cosp 1 14 Bor 209 no 6 Br o 1300 4 10 Bn 225 42 Bor 28 if M. C Coy 10 2 142. Twneer Dir 112 3551 £ 112 166 11/6/ 382 totett In 1
Men en en en e e SO For tenpto onW. MMESSAdES ANB, SIANALS. No. A Nisssf-.E.S I. po at O Sot Oo. Ce 810 mmenn C mmmmun Hol mnn Isha FroL MIIRSIEEENNNR " Dtenaanenser Oberger to coloot By inimennenenmmen Duagnnomme t 4 1a canmngngn nen orngn f Bpenten Danded ammmn in mnenvmman t fngngnmnuntrmn M o pr prnny ernwgn tls RollPOA munnunumummenth C To a o JS to AM AAA The corps commander wshes congratitate the Devisin or castire the villiant the endown tie system as D who about Leferre t POTTERIE as acd He nigh las thinks tnl t tect way in that r openon the 2 4 rt 4 2 tocer And anar dit CH ea ck Sconc 4 + Knga FRON 5 a FELAOEATIE
Dy Pore O. Hitl. E3.PONA No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Horte Charge RCAEA COREI2 Recd. At 1. This message is on a/c of: Ouice of Origin an i service Instructions. mnnormu Sent Date Service mm At.MM M. From mmamin immim mununm Bn (Signature of Franking Officer. By T0 Shipper G 75 AtoKe SESOINONN LITKFFHHNNE AAA A.22 1 I I wish to convry to you and your twam my congratutations lon whole Brigadl las nights operation te sacan of climes if a continued which as the five days success reflects greattest credit upon yory and your command your Brigad as and ptanpe of the righest fighting delue being General Monaser From Place 24 count Time The Ate MIYbO Crtetet at NoW Cttecten Sisimonson Capt m erhn Comr. Srntag of LIVEROTOMRETTMISIRT O/ WPWNONAND This line should be crased if not required. (A1) O. Ltd, London- W.14942/ M.44. 150,000 Pads, 12/1s. Form O,2121.
RSTAT FSA DS. S No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Worte Charge PrCRE.A CO617 Recd. at This message is on a/c of: Ofice of Origin ani Service Instructions. Date Sett Service. A t nn M. iunannu From mmmuminni T mm (Signature of Franking Officer. BT IBY T0 6F.76. Shiper T. MIS W Hi SASSSN MIMFSTNNNE AAA t.223 11 I congratulate you and your troops upon the unqualified kuccers of last nights operations which reflect the concerned upon all greates credit Generl Monast From Place 14 n Time The Cate MY S TSe C. NEW CAMICSet 2 enen en nenene endrn LExnature of Laner Ex Parse n MnteFIEL TAN I MA MAMS. CoMM Thie line should be crased it not required. (A4 OLtd, London— W.14042 M.4l. 150,000 Pads, 191s. Ferm O.2121.
80 banr 1847 8/6/17 9/6/17 10/647 11/6/17 12/6/ Prisoners and Mar Maseriae Captured to noon 11/6/7 Antorati Small Guns kifle OR. Hlo Gens. MGuns. J. Mortan, Names Uorknown Oro. 13 4 161 2 2 5 86 54 11 310 4 10 252 27 al but not yet to Gun Captured by 9t Lof Ede. brought in, not incuided in above. t Ammunitions for sime
2p for Caman says about onr dud 50 with a Lewis Lem Sn ary lying ovcenty put H9 it Stigmnan From fcan Actually seen ther one 43 Mr patrols.
14/91 N6 Actial Casualtes Infantay Period Noon 6th to noon officers other rank killed Guigade. Amade Mssing ^ " w 85 545 109 Inf Grigade 5 18 85 1071 166 10th Laf Gugade 38 2 16 144 23 11th Saf grgade 186 1760 398 10 61 Total casualtes 71 officers 2244 OR A Rapr 14/0/12 A number will no doubt proveto have been evacnater. RONS rolls not yes received by nots.
Propr STATELENT OF DEATHS. reported as actual KILLED Casualties (10th. Brigade only, 9th. MISSING Brigade report that all missing have practically been accounted for, A1l reports from Field Amb- ulances not yet complete. 2 days required.) DIED OF WOUNDs Pent d'Achelles Main Dressing Station Charing Cross Cemetery Sor Cemeteries U.14.d.98.1. U.14.d.65-45. Number buried in No Man’s Land. Records with Units not yet sent to Burials Officer. Buried at Pont d’'Achelles Cemeteries being inspected by D.B.O. to-day and a clearing party sent over the ppund. Officers 16 16 14/6/2927. O.Ranks. 395 95 31 521 78 90 25 31 224

Major-Gen. J. MONASH
Conversation with Brig-Gen. C.W. GWYNN, 11 p.m. 10/6/17.
1. The Corps Commander decides against the proposed operation
of blowing mines at BRIDCAGE and assaulting trenches in that
2. Corps Commander suggests that relief of 9th Bde. by 10th
should be postponed because it is probable that the whole
Division will be relieved by the New Zealand Division by 13th
3. It is possible that the 11th Bde. may have to remain
in the line north of the DOUVE for 2 or 3 days, under command
of General HOLMES, until the situation further north has been
cleared up.
4. In view of one Brigade of this Division being in
Reserve, the G.O.C., R.A. is to have a call upon it for carrying
parties in connection with handling large further supplies of
ammunition which are expected.
5. I discussed with B.G., G.S., the S.O.S. signal.
Related the contre-temps of of this evening, and strongly urged
that some signal should be adopted which ^ was distinct from enemy




Actual Casualties From 7/6/17 to 11/6/17
Other than infantry Bdes
Unit Killed Wounded Missing
  Off  OR Off OR Off OR
7th F.A. Bde - 3 - 12 - 1
8th FA Bde - - 1 4 - -
L.3.A.2. M Bty - - - 1 - -
3rd D.A.C. - - - 2 - -
9th Fld Engrs - - - 12 - -
10th  '        ' - 1 - 44 - -
11th   '        ' - 7 - 11 - -
3rd Div Sig Coy - 2 - 9 - -
9th Fld Amb - - - 10 - -
10th Fld Amb - 1 1 15 - -
11th Fld Amb. - 2 - 25 - -
3rd Div Train - - - 2 - -
  - 16 2 147 - 1




Estimated Casualties
to noon 1st to 11/6/17
  Off OR
33rd Bn 6. 249.
34th Bn 9 235.
35th Bn 9 358.
36th Bn 3 156.
9th M.G.Coy 1 19.
37th Bn 10 430.
38th Bn 9 250.
39th Bn 16 420.
40th Bn 11 460.
10th M.G. Coy 4 80.
41st Bn 11 187.
42nd Bn 6 209.
43rd Bn 4 103.
44th Bn 7 225.
11th M.G Coy 4 28.
3rd Pioneer Bn 2 142.
  112 3551

Total to June 11


Army Form C 2123.
(In books of 100.)
"C" Form
No. of Message
Prefix SM
Code ICX
Words 57
£ s. d.
Charges to collect
From BUO
By Osborne
Sent, or sent out
By 9.19 a
Office Stamp
Service Instructions. BUO
Handed in at 3rd Aust Divn Office...m. Received...m.
*Sender's Number G895
Day of Month 11.6.17
In reply to Number
The corps commander wishes to
congratulate the Division on
the brilliant capture of the
whole of the enemy's system
of defences about LA POTTER
last night aaa He thinks
that the way in which
the operation was planned
and executed reflects the
greatest credit on all concerned
9 & 11
FROM 2nd Anzac 
PLACE & TIME 9.5am


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121
No. of Message
Prefix... Code...m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer."
Recd. at...m.
TO Skipper GF75
Senders Number G.222
Day of Month 11 
In reply to Number 
I wish to convey to you and your
whole Brigade my ^ warm congratulations upon
the success of last nights operations
which as the climax of a continued
five days success reflects greatest
credit upon you and your command
and stamps upon your Brigade as
being of the highest fighting value.
From General Monash
Time 7.45am
the above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z) EL Simonson Capt.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121
No. of Message
Prefix... Code...m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer."
Recd. at...m.
TO Skipper G.F.76.
Senders Number G.223
Day of Month 11 
In reply to Number 
I congratulate you and your troops
upon the unqualified success of last
nights operations which reflect the
greatest credit upon all concerned.
From General Monash
Time 7.45am
the above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z) EL Simonson Capt.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.


Prisoners and War Material


Captured to noon 11/6/17


Fld Guns.


T. Mortars

Small Guns
Names Unknown
To 6pm 7/6/17 4 161 2 13 1 - -
 "   " 8/6/17 - 86 - 5 - 2 1
 "   " 9/6/17 - 52 - 7 9 - -
 "   " 10/6/17 - - - - - - -
 "   " 11/6/17 - 11 - 1 - - -
    4 310 2 3 26 10 2 * 1
1^ additional Fld Gun captured by 9th Inf Bde, but not yet
brought in, not included in above.
    * Ammunition for same

REF Major


Carmran says about 50 of our dead, with a
Lewis Gun, of 37th Bn are lying in vicinity of
Stignast Farm ^ just W. of it Actually seen there by one
of 43rd Bn patrols. -



Actual casualties infantry Period noon 6th to noon 8th
Brigade. Officers Other Ranks
  Killed Wounded Missing K W M
9th Inf Brigade 5 18 - 109 545 85
10th Inf Brigade 2 38 - 166 1071 85
11th Inf Brigade 3 5 - 23 144 16
  10 61 - 298 1760 186
Total casualties
71 Officers 2244 O.R.

REF Major
* A number will no doubt prove to have been
evacuates. RDMS rolls not yet received by units.



    Officers O. Ranks.
reported as actual

(10th. Brigade only, 9th.
Brigade report that all
missing have practically
been accounted for. All
reports from Field Ambulances
not yet complete.
2 days required.)

Pont d'Achelles
Main Dressing Station
    16 521 [*537*]
[*Progressive report*]
Charing Cross Cemetery   78
  Cemeteries U.14.d.98.1.   90
             "          U.14.d.65.45.   25
  Number buried in No Man's
Land. Records with Units
not yer sent to Burials
  Buried at Pont d'Achelles 1 31
    1 224
Cemeteries being inspected by D.B.O.
to-day and a clearing party sent over
the ground.




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