Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 May - 9 June 1917, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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o Au Idih so- -Soe brum 2/. Ir os Aurallig Hnopon or relt Askfrichd, uuüct Bimehheusf iyrll triffpen Lufore 15 gumn Po bifss Wag hit seher bach o Stnons Wus drs wor essore In hers Hend is, Ljantid bte tryfor b boste for es, I bunth, a han irs 2oa govd spfanneger hes fod udees disafhenr +s 4 froudene +o ba fotness 3 kungs fots of Enerpg a God ds prfound G Pufo a Uborse Hrerster a bollte nifsrfonler Griff ufsforr difo. Her kas hot lacheng en hech talt: Kronner ber Honld frot be aubehino as ues a batr udir ohe hans brch hypest- huinsdes ar a all god bet brodt Mresse 2es e Gomard + Lødee Russelt Gsated for dles work PKanblorf Inigest- Bovret Lenden Blighe Aull Erorsk fudlestes 47-Ph estidt Arts Ikont Puors h Mrer 610
Budt 5. 4 Pesvurs fenll Stannsford Hunlle G3nssenden- Ardbung d Gunnen urs u dent 65 nforwet G.Ak. eran stoo Enggedt le: Ihv Sjie lSienbil eed eisgen Jeth Fh donbttel Pomlle pouhefis: Hard Qnts Lnows) o Wdrs. Guttg for dj +. ht lehut Lus fora3 Lnetlal ler olle Aa Dheik 31
(o OPI) s0/S/I7. From A.P.M. 3rd Australian Division. To Officer-in-charge, French Mission, 3rd Aust. Division. 23/5/17. I am instructed by Major General MONASH, Commanding 3rd Australian Division, to forward a request that all estaminets, farms, and private houses situated in NIEPPE, PONT DE NIEPPE and Otff de HOLLANDE may be forbidden to sell or supply any liquor to British Troops from June lst to June lOth inclusive. This is oonsidered necessary for the good of the troops in view of certain important operations during which it is essential that the troops should have no chance of obtaining too much drink. I trust you will be able to obtain the necessary authority from your Chief. (Sd) HENRY E. DERING, Major Assistant Provost Marshal, 3rd Australian Division. -2 MISSION MLLITAIRE FRANCIISE, 3e Don Australienne, 23/5/17. Transmis a Monsieur l'officier interprete attache an 24 ANZAC. L'officier Interprete 3 ol DE GAIL. S.D.S. 2 Armee No. 974 AL/4 -3- : May, 1917 MISSLON MLLITAIRE FRANCAISE, attachee a No. 975/AL/4 L'Armee Brtiannique, Sous-Direction de la 2e Armee. to P.M. 2nd Army. The French regulations do not permit to put out of bounds the estaminets of a whole area as long as there is nothing to reprove. - The only way to meet your A.P.M's wishes, would be to issue an order prohibiting to all ranks the entrance in the estaminets - But no notices will have to be posted on the
Page 2. (Copy) 30/5/17. estaminets, neither any sanction taken against the owners of the estaminets. - Men only can be punished for trespassing a military order. (Sd) ? MILLAND. - CONFLDENTIAL SE CRET Sec. Army No. A.P.19 28/5/17. A. 1. The attached memo signed by Major Sir HENRY DERING, A.P.M. 3rd Australian Division, has been handed to me by French Mission Second Army. 2. I beg to draw attention to the mention of dates in connection with operations and to the fact that the memo is not marked secret. 3. I have at different times received verbal reports from A.P.M. II ANZAC commenting adversely on Major Sir H. DERING's suitability for the appointment he holds. 4. I am of opinion that an officer who can commit such an indiscretion at the present time is unsuited for employment in the forward area. ace (d) W.A. otoch P.M. Second Army. 27/5/17. -5 Second Army SE OR ET A.P. 23. Headquarters 2nd ANZAC Corps. Forwarded for your information. The memorandum of the A.P.M. 3rd Australian Division was a most indiscrete one to have written. The Army Commander would be glad of your opinion as to whether it is considered desirable to retain this officerin his appointment. (Sd) G.S.BURDET, Lieut-Colonel, 28/5/17. A.A.G., Second Army.
3/3 Gnpan i HGOR t tlire Auding (a) Tront dine;- Lte 4t-BT. perstand not doig wild to tta mar omlg 27 d. HBetfarst Finnd- tent her sfor far hr Srorf- dve wvand umsdante- to haenate tnges iidt Trvrs! o. vnfneonble Lech 2. Bedinstien Rurdet lrenesal vmeesfanlg va Sunt aveilakte Llgezmindie Afoeinten avigbler) t zpe Reskomidig, fo raging sjutmetins omfpriint anenf t sut aas Sgfiunt Hragf borg. atge ss tin ifkegandnttg. 3. Grriente e Ga shu - ierd, t ot gultsturk. Ransfo atparigg menfpant ffr ditaton. 6) Fuff ig sovs icf dhet . Plaid-. L Hiaft Zsov Lütveite afti trlg (a, Butiehta g Befmin Htein 1a.nng f eme ov of funt, afte gahtng PSliett hin
Furtitu Tl Dal 1 2. 2 378 17? 371 28 Gut 25 29 iit! 5. Zu Ao 26uf S60 30 30 23 0
A 3 o0 o ------------- 67 Sne ids Irtsth: oe 1 3 a - a Brrsrtzre OOFLGHI CHHRI FEM. 3TRuS OW. 215.7 To 9 o;


This which you spoke once

of. It is generally known or rather

expected that someting will happen

before 15th June so Corps may [[?]]

taken  back a serious view as you expect.

If a new man is wanted the type to

look for is, I think, a man who

is a good organizer has good ideas of

discipline & procedure & the fitness

of things lots of energy a good

[[?]] maker. & prepared to keep a

stiff upper lip. a little unpopular

hes not lacking in xxx salt.

Moreover he [[?]] [[?]] ambitious

as it is a [[?]] job.

Names that suggest themselves are 

as follows,


Cok Russell




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