Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 May - 9 June 1917, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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1US B1ll DIVISIOI (.(AC11250 SAüre Divisional Hoadguarfr 23rd May 1917. C.R.A. C.R.E. 9th Aust. Inf. Brigade -do- 10th -d0- 1th Div. Sig. Co. 2nd ANZAC Corps (for information). Herowith M.O.Circular No. 29. The following aro not attached and will be forwarded subsequently :- Map No. 2 4.5 Howitzer Barrage. Diagram No. 4 - Signal Communications. Mahine Gun action. Appendix II It will be noticed that the positionsof Battalion Heades quarters have not yet been entered on Map No.l as the final dispositions of Battalians has not yot been received from Brigades. Se Lieut-Colonel, obbe yny General Staff.
AU SADAAIS SB CRET 3 1 THIRD AUSTRALLAN DIVISTOR Divisional Readguarters. Srhättar U 23/5/17. General JENOUR called at 11.45 a.m. on 23rd inst, and stated that exclusive of wire-cutting, and exclusive of counter-battery work, he had the following allotment of ammunition to be expended up to and including the 3lst inst. 3.500 8" and s.2" Most of which are 8" 8,000 6" 80 12" He stated that there would be big counter-battery shoots on the 26th and 27th, and therefore it is probable that the same number of hours destructive bombardment as usual could not take place on these dates. It will be necessary, therefore, to allot a large smount of ammnnition on other days. He guaranteed that targets within the Black Line would be suitably dealt with before the Division went over the top, and suggested that targets up to the 31st should be selected, which, xx owing to their position, were difficult, and requiring aeroplane observation. The G.O.C. ruled that the ammnnition above referred to should be expended.- (a) On important targets (b) On Difficult targets. It was agreed at the meeting that SCHNITZEL farm and GREY Ffam systems, BETLHEEM Farm system, and UNCANNY Trench up to the Trench junction, LA POTTERIE system, and UNBEARABLE Trench from the second "E" in MESSINES to the junction eastward, should be engaged amongst other targets. The 12" should be put down for LA POxTERIE system on account of the heavy dugouts there. Divisional Intelligence Officer with B.M., R.A. will forthwith make out a plan to be submitted to General JENOUR by 2 p.m. to-day by Special D.R. Plan will show Date, Target, Number of Rounds, Distinction of Gun, from to-morrow (inclusive) to the 31st (inclusive). Thus, the Heavy Artillery will have nothing to do but suhmit the scheme direct to Army who have asked for it. We shall arbitrarily allot the dates, the targets, type of ammunition, and the numbers of rounds. Lieut-Colonel, General Staff. DisralsunIok G.0.V. B.M.. R.A. D.I.0.
RT G.0.C. 23-6-17.. NS/257/366 - Polmis otrsraupine asduranwe Armmmrron vnuig I. Light signals, especially signal to stop machine gun barrage.- Suggestions. S.O.S., Rea Very Light. Lengthen, Green Very Light. ) For Artillery. S.O.S., Red Very Light. Stop, White Very Light by day only, as it Machine would not do for use at night owing to enemy's lights, - or some form of rocket Guns. for day and night. 2. Signals to indicate positions of F.O.Os. 3. Approach march, and getting into position of Machine Gun Coys., prior to Zero. Special letter to all concerned re exact position and action of mines, and policy with regard to Russian Saps. 5. Flares not to be lit by rear waves. - Aircraft to be informed. 6. Exact positions of all Battalion Headquarters. Places of assembly for "E" and "H" Battalions, and one Engineer 7. Coy., and one Pioneer Coy., working with the 10th. Brigade. 8. Details re Pioneer Coys. to work for the artillery after Zero hour. 9. Fix staff for GEDDES and two Battalions of the 57th. - Go into details with them at personal interview. Points for Discussion. Method of holding line. Method of control. Signal communications.. Billets. tillery. Machine Guns." Trench Mortars. How relief to be conducted. How supply. der dirt Stiens. Hernd 10. Mark all approach routes. 11. Detailed orders for 2nd. June move to be made out by G. II, i.e. the taking over of the Offensive front by the 11th. Bde., and the handing over of the Defensive front by them to the 57th. Allotment of billets and a certain amount of "dry nursing" for 12. the 57th., as they are new to the line. Definite orders re move of Brigade Headquarters to Fighting 13. positions on or about "X" day. Definite orders re whole Division moving into its Offensive area 14. on a date to be notified later. Report from 11th. Bde., re exact distribution of their Battalions 15. "W/x" and "X/Y" nights. on "Q" Staff to work this up, e.g.- On "W/X" night they have two Battalions in Back Billets. On "X/Y" night they have one Battalion Back Billets, one Battalion Forward Defensive Area ready to side step. These Back Battalions and Forward Areas will require to be finally settled. P.T.0.
(2). Get decision from Corps re necessity of blowing birdcage group, 16. as well as FACTORY FARM.. Instructions in case they don't go up. G. I to have a final look at the approach routes and assembly 17. renches with C.R.E. Get from Brigades (9th. and 10th) nominations of Battalions to 18. "A", "B", "C" etc. Send into Corps alteration in plan to suit new conditions as soon 19. as they give us definite information in regard to GREEN line. 20. Warn 10th. Brigade re alteration of Dirisjónan boundary on to HUNS WALK, as py most yecenx Corys plan. Get from Brigades positions selected for strong points and for 21. Battalion Headquarters in enemy's territory. Get from Brigades their scheme for protective detachments in 22. addition to the crater post pushed out by the 9th. Bde. Wiring of BLACK line South of the DOUVE at once. - North of the 23. DOUVE not till ordered. 9th. Bde., to have an O.P. near SEPTIE BARN. 24. 25. Details to all concerned re pushing forward our batteries. 26. 10th. Bde., action against STEIGNAST FARM battery. 27. Destructive bombardment to be extended in scope owing to capture of GREET line.- D.I.0. to notify those concerned. 28. Query necessity for signal to quicken up or slacken down barrage. 29. Corps to decide on general question of all signals. 30. Special order re gas, smoke and 4" Stokes Mortars. Artillery details.- Are 106 fuze to be used in barrage work, as 31. it affects distance ahead of 18-pr. barrage? Prevention of wire repair in back areas by machine guns. In forward areas by Lewis Guns. Query How to deal with machine guns, and snipers in trees? shrapnel burst high, or better to leave to the Infantry to deal with, and not interferew pddnald programe. at it is proposed to move after Zero. Forward ammunition dumps.. How will guns knocked out be replaced? G.S.O. I study times of daylight and moon from lst. to 15th. June. 32. 33. 9th. Bde., re their extra water. 34. G.S.O. I draft - (a) Approach March Orders. (b) Attack Orders. Have them ready by the 27th. 35. Re-distribution of guns for "S.O.S". 36. Special action re wire cutting in back areas. G.S.O. I make sure O.K. Masked guns of the Reserve Corps. - Query their being used to 37. help capture MESSINES RIDGE, and after that to help capture GREEN line. - Query positions for these masked guns. P.T.0.
(3). Corps conference on l6th. referred to this matter. Control and supply, and general tactical handling of the Squadron 38. in PLOEGSTEERT WOOD. All references now to hours and minutes - not merely to minutes 39. of time. - All concerned to be notified. Pioneers have 5 Companies. - This must be remembered in handling 40. them. Question of destruction of guns captured. 41. G.S.O. I to work out how "S.O.S" rockets are going to be seen from the GREEN line and information conveyed to batteries, if 42. F.O.Os communications do not hold. Take advantage of good weather for wire cutting. 43. 44. Divisions to give definite statement with reference to numbers of Officers, N.C.Os and men to go to MORBECQUE. Balance can be used In the numbers for MORBECQUE we are allowed to count in the by Divisions.. numbers away at Schools. - G. II was asked to take action re this. When "K" gas is to be carried out, and up to when other gas can be 45. let go. WILSON re practising visual D.D. messages, and daylight signalling 46. lamps. G. III re numbers sausage signalling panels. 47. Get from Brigades their extra requirements for destination patches¬ BLACK, WHITE, PINK, YELLOW - in order of objectives. 48. G. I speak A.Q. re extra carriers for stretcher bearers. 49. Encyclopedia Fositions other than BUNHILL ROW, available for troops, affording a certain amount of protection. 50. G.S.O. I to get. Instructions re use of Naval Code Position Calls and ciphering 51. generally. 52. Issue of flares to be carried by men. 53. Orders a Battalion Headquarters are to go forward. foy Scrutinise this in Brigade Orders.
NOTES FROM CORPS COMMANDER'S CONFERENCE, HELD ON 23rd. MaY. ------- Third Division to make plans with the New Zealanders to go forward as soon as possible and as far as possible. Don't blow birdcage group, and don't put letter up re this. G.S.O. I to notify DAVIS. G.S.O. I to make absolutely certain that our artillery is co¬ ordinated with New Zealanders up to the BLACK line. Fourth Division to make plan for assembly and counter-attack on any of the three Divisional fronts. G.S.O. I to pick assembly position for them in our area. G.O.C., R.A. stated guns would only fire 3 rounds per gun per minute during the creeping barrage, and 1 round during protective action. S.O.S. barrage rate not stated: presumed 4 rounds. - During the advance to the GREEN line 1 or 2 rounds per gun per minute. On G.O.C., R.A's shewing each gun would fire 600 rounds in the day. 24-5-17. Ahlng am Antiang g. Got a Gad U et +3.10. 47 (Lutsll Gov dong hnbeerdlte Tpunde as for os hevng der efid i bravg Ning desen Sür daltg denrep utiche uden rmnan Auslannng undus. oud ar der out en durcho ko Ajt pefosfur Tam. 32 Ei Corftoren e edelheded frdi hüd 2. 3. 4. 5.
Tet ti tegan ie du Gast 1. (Vot. om brnanond Ofpnane Rlan 1. Brelating frise h ders 2. Beutmetive bombardkonent 3. Holdeng line frünsk 2en- 3 Rt 4. Orpfevast harhe 5 Asannttg &. mjetkot og wone 7 ønfatg dusponkom v tak- 8. Detit g Hatkalim orfanegakan (fripannapafra) g Aettielen Borpoutins 154a o. BavagpatTomeTable Søttp- 5 Drachene Gum Haneg-. 12. Befannne baregee + S.d.S. asts fy Ennglogaatg Heker vdtskka pama oa ta ltvanet it. Befenane Organegeton- tommetåntetg aftar den Sikepeantt I5 Løpstlammidstas Sk. Akninntratise -densst. 35. 3000
Ay a THIRD AUSTRALLAN DIVISION, Divisional Headquarters, 25/5/I7. Brig-Goneral A. Jobson Brig-General W.R.McNicoll, D.S.O., I forward you herewith an advance copy of the list of questions which I propcse to discuss with Battalien Com¬ manders. My conferences with then will not commence before June l or 2 at earliest, so that there will be adequate time to have them fully instructed on all points. Prior to the date named, I propose to go through this list with Brigadiers personally, in a general and not minutely detailed way. - I shall fix appointments for this purpose within the next week. 30) 8 Majer-General Commanding Third Australian Division. St
25/5/17. Nomus opos Questions for discussion with Infantry Commanders. 1. Reconnaissances (a) by Commander (b) by Subord- inates. 35 2. Visits to Model at BRUNE CAYE (a) by Officers (b) by Platoons. 3. Personnel selected to be kept out and sent to MORBECQUE. 4. Raiding prior to Zero day. 3. Mape and Plane:- what reeeived, what required. 4 6. Study of Air Photos. 7. Arrangements as te Dumps, Supply, Medieal, Prisoners. 8. Carrying arrangements; - Yukon Packs. Pherte. 9. Circular No. 30 re "Final Training". r Met 10. File of M.O. Circulars and Orders. 11. Resting all ranke pfner te Zere day. 12. Billeting arrangements prior te zero day. 13. Reconnaissance of approach routes, and by whom; erection of stops to prevent taking wrong turnings. 14. Reconnaissance of Assembly places. 15. Manhandling troops into their places, and over the top. 16. Arrangements for issue, - Stepe, bridges, clearing our wire. i 17. Reconnaissanee of enemy vire and gaps. i 18. Arrangements for olosing up lines under our barrage to get our tail clear rapialy. 4 19. Action re Mines opposite ANTon's (a) if blown (b) if net blown. 20. Aotion re Mines at and near FACTORY FARM. 21. Organization of the Unit for the operation. 22. Aotual dispositions for the attack. 23. Moppers-up, telling off to objectives and special instruction i 24. Discussion of tasks allotted to Companios and i Platoons. 25. Measures taken to secure proper direction. De 2. 4 J . V . .
20/13/17. "26. Measures taken to identify on ground lines to be consolidated. 27. Measures taken to deal with special objec- tives, or anticipated difficulties during the advance. 28. Artillery Barrages - if fully known and understood. 29. M.G.Barrages - if fully known and understood. 30. Arrangements for Effective siting of our new lines. Employment of attached sappers. Selection of Strong Points. Covering troops during consol- idation. Orders to covering troops, if counter-attacked. Rapid consolidation of new front line Rapid consolidation of new support line Consolidation of Crater near our right flank. Adequate supply of digging tools. Wiring in front of our new line. 31. Crossing the DOUVE, in NO MAN'S LAND. 32. Arrangements for opening Communications to new lines. 33. Arrangements for forming bombing blocks, and their defence. 34. S.O.S. messages by Infantry (a) by day (b) by night. 35. Forward Signalling arrangements. 36. Timing of all messages. 37. Reconnaissance of all runner routes - use of guide tapes. 38. Forward position of H.Q. - if moved. 39. Liaison - to front, flanks, and rear. 40. Employment of Smoke Barrage on right. 41. Any questions, or difficulties. 42. Preparation and use of Agenda lists. 83 4 hetting trtine 14 ! 5 . 2 . .



Divisional Headquarters,

23rd May 1917.



9th Aust. Inf. Brigade

10th         -do-

11th           -do-

Div. Sig. Co.

2nd ANZAC Corps (for information).

Herewith M.G.Circular No. 29.  The  following are

not attached and will be forwarded subsequently:-

Map No. 2 -           4.5 Howitzer Barrage.

Diagram No. 4. -  Signal Communications.

Diagram No. 6.  )  Machine Gun action.

Appendix II         )

It will be noticed that the positionsof Battalion 
Headqequarters have not yet been entered on Map No. 1 as the final

dispositions of Battalions has not yet been received from


G. H. Jackson


General Staff.



No G1/258/351



Divisional Headquarters.

General JENOUR called at 11.45 a.m. on 23rd inst. and stated

that exclusive of wire-cutting, and exclusive of counter-battery

work, he had the following allotment of ammunition to be

expended up to and including the 31st inst.

3,500    8" and  9.2"   Most of which are 8"

8,000   6" 

      80   12"

He stated that there would be big counter-battery shoots on the

26th and 27th, and therefore it is probable that the same

number of hours destructive bombardment as usual could not take

place on these dates.   It will be necessary, therefore, to allot

a large amount of ammunition on other days.

He guaranteed that targets within the Black Line would be

suitably dealt with before the Division went over the top, and

suggested that targets up to the 31st should be selected, which xxxx 
owing to their position, were difficult and requiring aeroplane 

The G.O.C. ruled that the ammunition above referred to

should be expended. -

(a)   On important targets

(b)   On Difficult targets.

It was agreed at the meeting just SCHNITZEL farm and GREY

Farm systems, BETLHEEM Farm system, and UNCANNY Trench up to the 
Trench junction, LA POTTERIE system, and UNBEARABLE Trench from

the second "E" in MESSINES  to  the junction eastward, should be

engaged amongst other targets.  The 12" should be put down for

LA POTTERIE system on account of the heavy dugouts there.

Divisional Intelligence Officer with B.M., R.A. will

forthwith make out a plan to be submitted to General JENOUR by

2 p.m. to-day by Special D.R.   Plan will show Date. Target.

Number of Rounds. Distinction of Gun, from to-morrow (inclusive)

to the 31st (inclusive).

Thus, the Heavy Artillery will have nothing to do but

submit the scheme direct to Army who have asked for it.

We shall arbitrarily allot the dates, the targets, type of

ammunition, and the number of rounds.



General Staff.



B.M., R.A.



No. G1/258/366


  1. Light signals, especially signal to stop machine gun barrage.-


S.O.S., Red Very Light.                   )

Lengthen, Green Very Light.       )  For Artillery.

S.O.S., Red Very Light.

Stop, White Very Light by day only, as it       )

would not do for use at night owing to        )  Machine

enemy's lights, - or some form of rocket      )  Guns.

for day and night.                                                ) 

2.  Signals to indicate positions of F.O.Os.

3.  Approach march, and getting into position of Machine Guns Coys.,

prior to Zero.

4.  Special letter to all concerned re exact position and action of

mines, and policy with regard to Russian Saps.

5.  Flares not to be lit by rear waves. - Aircraft to be informed.

6.  Exact positions of all Battalion Headquarters.

7.  Places of assembly for "E" and "H" Battalions, and one Engineer

Coy., and one Pioneer Coy., working with the 10th. Brigade.

8.  Details re Pioneer Coys. to work for the artillery after Zero hour.

9.  Fix staff for GEDDES and two Battalions of the 57th. - Go into

details with them at personal interview.

Points for Discussion

Method of holding line. √

Method of control.√

Signal communications. √

Billets. √

Artillery. √

Machine Guns. √

Trench Mortars. √

How relief to be conducted.√

New Supply.√

Medical Officers. Medical.

10.  Mark all approach routes.

11.  Detailed orders for 2nd. June move to be made out by G. II, i.e.

the taking over of the Offensive front by the 11th. Bde., and

the handing over of the Defensive front by them to the 57th.

12.  Allotment of billets and a certain amount of "dry nursing" for

the 57th., as they are new to the line.

13.  Definite orders re move of Brigade Headquarters to Fighting

positions on or about "X" day.

14.  Definite orders re whole Division moving into its Offensive area

on a date to be notified later.

15.  Report from 11th. Bde., re exact distribution of their Battalions

on "W/X" and "X/Y" nights. -

"Q" Staff to work this up, e.g. - On "W/X" night they have two

Battalions in Back Billets.

On "X/Y" night they have one Battalion Back Billets, one Battalion

Forward Defensive Area ready to side step.

These Back Battalions and Forward Areas will require to be finally





16.  Get decision rom Corps re necessity of blowing birdcage group,

as well as FACTORY FARM. - Instructions in case they don't go up.

17.  G. I to have final look at the approach routes and assembly

trenches with C.R.E.

18.  Get from Brigades (9th. and 10th) nominations of Battalions to

"A", "B", "C"  etc.

19.   Send into Corps alteration in plan to suit new conditions as soon

as they give us definite information in regard to GREEN line.

20.  Warn 10th. Brigade re alteration of Divisional boundary on to

HUES WALK, as by most recent Corps plan.

21.   Get from Brigades positions selected for strong points and for

Battalion Headquarters in enemy's territory.

22.  Get from Brigades their scheme for protective detachments in

addition to the crater post pushed out by the 9th Bde.

23.  Wiring of BLACK line South of the DOUVE at once. - North of the

DOUVE not till ordered.

24.  9th. Bde., to have an O.P. near SEPTIME BARN.

25.  Details to all concerned re pushing forward our batteries.

26.  10th. Bde., action against STEIGNAST FARM battery.

27.  Destructive bombardment to be extended in scope owing to capture
of GREEN line. -

D.I.O. to notify those concerned.

28. Query necessity for signal to quicken up or slacken down barrage.

29.  Corps to decide on general question of all signals.

30.  Special order re gas, smoke and 4" Stokes Mortars.

31.   Artillery details. - Are 106 fuze to be used in barrage work, as

it affects distance ahead of 18-pr. barrage?

Prevention of wire repair in back areas by machine guns.

In forward areas by Lewis Guns.

How to deal with machine guns, and snipers in trees? Query

shrapnel burst high, or better to leave to the Infantry to deal

with, and not interfere with gun programme.

Forward ammunition dumps for guns that it is proposed to move after Zero.

How will guns knocked out be replaced?

32.  G.S.O. I study times of daylight and moon from 1st. to 15th. June.

33.   9th. Bde., re their extra water.

34.   G.S.O. I draft -

(a)  Approach March Orders.

(b)  Attack Orders.

Have them ready by the 27th.

35.  Re-distribution of guns for "S.O.s".

36.  Special action re wire cutting in back areas.   G.S.O. I make sure


37.  Masked guns of the Reserve Corps. - Query their being used to

help capture MESSINES RIDGE, and after that to help capture GREEN line. - Query positions for these masked guns.




Corps conference on 16th. referred to this matter.

38.  Control and supply, and general tactical handling of the Squadron


39.   All references now to hours and minutes - not merely to minutes

of time. - All concerned to be notified.

40.   Pioneers have 5 Companies. - This must be remembered in handling 

41.    Question of destruction of guns captured.

42.   G.S.O. I to work out how "S.O.S." rockets are going to be seen

from the GREEN line and information conveyed to batteries, if

F.O.Os communications do not hold.

43.   Take advantage of good weather for wire cutting.

44.   Divisions to give definite statement with reference to numbers of

 Officers, N.C.Os and men to go to MORBECQUE.   Balance can be used 
by Divisions. .

In the numbers for MORBECQUE  we are allowed to count  in the

numbers away at Schools. - G. II was asked to take action re this.

45.   When "K" gas is to be carried out, and up to when other gas can be

let go.

46.  WILSON re practising visual D.D. messages, and daylight signalling


47.  G. III re numbers sausage signalling panels.

48.  Get from Brigades their extra requirements for destination patches -

BLACK, WHITE, PINK, YELLOW - in order of objectives.

49.  G. I speak A.Q. re extra carriers for stretcher bearers.

50.  Encyclopedia Positions other than BUNHILL ROW, available for

troops, affording a certain amount of protection.

G.S.O. I to get.

51.   Instructions re use of Naval Code Position Calls and ciphering


52.  Issue of flares to be carried by men.

53.   Orders are that for Battalion Headquarters are to go forward. 
Scrutinise this in Brigade Orders.




HELD ON 23rd. MAY.

  1.  Third Division to make plans with the New Zealanders to

forward as soon as possible and as far as possible.

2.  Don't blow birdcage group, and don't put letter up re this.

G.S.O. I to notify DAVIS.

3.  G.S.O. I to make absolutely certain that our artillery is 
coordinated with New Zealanders up to the BLACK line.

4.  Fourth Division to make plan for assembly and counter-attack

on any of the three Divisional fronts. -

G.S.O. I to pick assembly position for them in our area.

5.  G.O.C., R.A. stated guns would only fire 3 rounds per gun per

minute during the creeping barrage, and 1 round during

protective action.   S.O.S. barrage rate not stated:  presumed

4 rounds. - During the advance to the GREEN line 1 or 2 rounds

per gun per minute.

On G.O.C., R.A's showing each gun would fire 600 rounds in the 



(*Ruling at Meeting of GOC & Genl

Russell on 24th - at +3.10. [[wh?]]

move along Unbearable Trench as far as 

they [[dare/can?]], having due regard to [[Heavy.?]]

& [[his/their?]] Arty Barrage which will remain

on OWL & Unbearing Trenches.

In [[his?]] left will be out in direction

of [[Porcupine?]] Farm.   3rd Div. conform to

a time of posts is to be  established.

(*11.20 a.m.*)





Notes for Conference into Army Commander 15/5/17

& C. in C. on 24/5/17

Notes on Divisional Offensive Plan

  1. Billeting prior to Zero.
  2. Distinctive Bombardment.
  3. Holding line prior to Zero - 3 Bns.
  4. Approach March.
  5. Assembly.
  6. Method of issue.
  7. Infantry dispositions & tasks.
  8. Details of Battalion Organization ( Brigadiers papers).
  9. Artillery Dispositions.
  10. Barrages & Time  Table     18 pdrs
  11. Machine Gun Barrages.
  12. Defensive Barrages & S.O.S. action.
  13. Employment of Vickers & Stokes guns in the Advance.
  14. Defensive Organization - immediately after Zero 
  15. Signal Communications
  16. Administrative - General.




Divisional Headquarters,


Brig-General A.Jobson,

Brig-General W.R.McNicoll, D.S.O.

I forward you herewith an advance copy of the list

of questions which I propose to discuss with Battalion 

My conferences with them will not commence before

June 1 or 2 at earliest, so that there will be adequate time

to have them fully instructed on all points.

Prior to the date named, I propose to go through

this list with Brigadiers personally, in a general and not

minutely detailed way. - I shall fix appointments for this

purpose within the next week.

(Sgd) JM.


Commanding Third Australian Division.

[*Bank to GOC*)

[*G. I

To note action taken 

& return to me





-- JM




Questions for discussion with Infantry Commanders.

  1. Reconnaissances (a) by Commander (b) Subordinates.
35√ 38√ 39√

2.  Visits to Model at BRUNE GAYE (a) by Officers

(b) by Platoons.

3.  Personnel selected to be kept out and sent to


4.  Raiding prior to Zero day.
5  .Maps and Plans :- what received, what required. v
6.  Study of Air Photos.
7.  Arrangements as to Dumps, Supply, Medical, Prisoners Dump
not full
8. Carrying arrangements ;- Yukon Packs. No ropes ?
9.  Circular No. 30 re "Final Training". Circular
10.  File of M.O. Circulars and Orders.
11. Resting all ranks on day prior to Zero day.
12. Billeting arrangements prior to Zero day.

13.  Reconnaissance of approach routes, and by whom;
erection of stops to prevent taking wrong


14. Reconnaissance of Assembly places.

15.  Manhandling . . troops into their places, and over 

the top.

16.  Arrangements for issue, - Steps, bridges, clearing

our wire.

17.  Reconnaissance of enemy wire and gaps.

18.  Arrangements for closing up lines under out

barrage to get our tail clear rapidly.

19.  Action re Mines opposite ANTON'S (a) if blown (b)

if not blown.

20. Action re Mines at end near FACTORY FARM.
21.  Organisation of the Unit for the operation.      
22.  Actual dispositions for the attack.      

23.  Moppers-up, telling off to objectives and special



24.  Discussion of tasks allotted to Companies and


(* [[? ]]    
25.  Measures taken to ensure proper direction. (*mature*)    

-2-                 25/5/17.        

26.  Measures taken to identify on ground lines                      

to be consolidated.

45 38 39

27.  Measures taken to deal with special objectives, 
or anticipated difficulties

during the advance.


28.  Artillery Barrages -  if fully known and


29.  M.G.Barrages - if fully known and understood.

30.  Arrangements for Effective siting of our new


Employment of attached sappers.      
Selection of Strong Points.      
Covering troops during consolidation      

Orders to covering troops, if



Rapid consolidation of new front



Rapid consolidation of new

support line


Consolidation of Crater near

our right flank. 

Adequate supply of digging tools.      
Firing in front or our new line.      
31.  Crossing the DOUVE, in NO MAN'S LAND. 

32.  Arrangements for opening Communications to

new lines.

33.  Arrangements for forming bombing blocks, and

their defence.

34.  S.O.S. messages by Infantry 
(a) by day 
(b) by night.
? ? ?
35.  Forward Signalling arrangements.
36.  Timing of all messages.
37.  Reconnaissance of all runner routes - use of guide tapes.
38.  Forward position of H.Q. - if moved.
39.  Liaison - to front, flanks, and rear.
40.  Employment of Smoke Barrage on right. Nothing known of it
41.   Any questions, or difficulties.      
42.  Preparation and use of Agenda lists.      


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