Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 May - 9 June 1917, Part 18

First World War, 1914–18
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Army Korm C. 2121 Ar Form 1n Pas of 1001. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. M Worde Charge. Prefix M. Reed, atM This message is on a/e of Ofnice of Ousmand Service Instructions S.1117 t Dae s Set -Service. Plli aessessuso At O Donnn fe CRA Csantire of Franking Officer) By 3 th 4 T0 1X Penters Ditttbe - LreWMAM AAA + 7C300 WII on 1 214 WR we 16 2 C t 4 pr LXI 6 BI Mmadatil 11 CALE 076 hl C B WL the EX C t at a6 Eefonce 22 t 11815 ✓2N Sf C 1 AHoWl N MAr Rct 5 124 15 X 12 i From 2r Place TIIE The above may by forwarded as now corrected. 14 1144 A e o d ennoooOOOODOoooo CensorE Signature of Addresser or person anthorseed to tolegraph in his name, This ts SSEN No Teel (2328). Wt. WIZOOSMIRIT. 150,000 Pads. 1117. (E764. H.C. &L., Ltd. Forms C/212UIl.
Army Farm C. 2121 Ar Form (in Pads of 100). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Words Charge. Prefix Code m. Recdat This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service instructions Date Sent -Service. D2< AL-ena III. From 00 ADDGDODOOOO (Sirnature of Franking Officer) By T0 AICG A100 Semors Kittr Day of Month. MReSSWTM MCSO AAA that small reported solatpates from are fallin back 44 444 NI G1E4 of accou 1 of shelling They ear week be sport forward agad a sim 444 all possed a de and are actailed 44 44 A1 7REE WE. he the 60 ed pho Bin de 1 fou and touat will sta closel 1 tion and up me - informed of the A4 tat fort to ad An y inc trench impove the LINE CREE ight during D E Mace 8t Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) Wwill CoOMAOOAAODODboo $00000000000000 eneaboaaooA Censor. Signature of Addressor or person anthorised to telegraph in his name. This ts should be Srsed Hnot Peyel. (2328). Wz. W12003MIZIT. 150,000 Pads. 1/17. (E764). H.C. &L., Ltd. Forms C/2I2UIl.
Army Form C. 2121 Ar Form (in Pads of 100). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Charge. Words PrefxCode M. This message is on Ce OtS SSY MSETRS SAMMSEINIS D a Sent -f ALCCCCDDDDoo III. O on ig h avevouse OGADDOOOODOOOODo (Sirnature of Franking Officer) Dn 44 and T0 SenerS MIE LAreSWTS AAA MC 302 Reported that th supports of Bn DrC neof 46 ase then must A 8B 1 taken be collected and oxpect forward - 2 e Roposito 1a repost showne abong Battalions of these tert 1 W 1440 INE 1E ocation of the ICKEK. S1 WIS and OKES gans LE Wports the ofcction of m and Officers. A4 Communding and t6 CE From PARD 7 Time 0 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) W1 uch oeg 0000000000000000000000000 auoAboBBEOOAODEAOOAUOUlo aoaoooouuao Censor. Signature of AddressorurpersoHauthorised to telegraph in his name. Thists Silt be Cneed it Rot tegted Forms C/212UIl. (2328). Wt. WI2003MIZIT. 150,000 Pads. 1/17. (E764). H.C. &L.,
09 L Werte Carist to tonger weare Sheng Wanel seak c Besrantn a can OKane
9-6-17. ROTD 1. Distribution of 11th Brigade at 6.0 a.m. 44th Bn. GREEN LINE, 42nd Bn., BLACK LINE, 43rd Bn., ST. ANDRENIS DRIVE, 4lst Bn., CATACOMBS. 2. Qr Trench Mortar activity required on FACTORY FARM Crater whence the German ahnoys us. 3o 20th Brigade took in their own Stokes Mortars and Machine Guns, but they changed over ammunition. adws te The DoUVE Brigades require strengthening in order to carry Mule Traffie which goes up the Valley of the DoUvE during the night practically to BETLHEEM FARM. S. Rumour says 39th Bn. were not collected quickly anough Gen Camnan and so lost some 500 men. 6. There are no communication trenches in the 10th Brigade Area, though there is one partially across No MANtS LAND. This northern communication trench is being dug by Pioneers, helped by 2 Companies of the 43rd Battalion. Gun canan T. General CANNAN reguires photographs showing positions of our troops. 8. 40th Bn. did not come out of the line as early as they should this morning because they expected to be relieved. General CANNAN on the other hand had no intention of putting 3 Battalions into the Area. J. General CANNAN made it quite clear to the Brigade Major of the 10th. Bde., according to his own statement, but the Brigade Major states 40th. were waiting to be relieved - as there was no Bn. to relieve them delay ensued. 10. G.S.0. 1 found 37th. Bn. somewhat crowded on the road near LA HUTTE, and so gave instructions that they should continue the movement West by small parties, wished of hanp allont 11. 38th. Bn. were all out of the line at 6.15 a.m. 39th. Bn. mostly out. and 37th. Bn. just moving, 40th. Bn. awaiting orders. (See above). 12. 10th. Bde. complained about the work of Lieut- FERGUSON They say work that he failed in of the Divisional Signal Company. was finally put through by Lieut. TUCKETT. TUCKETT is their own man. NOTE. 13. General JOBSONS intentions with regard to internal reliefs - 33rd. Bn. to remain in the line until the night of 10th(llth. then to be relieved by the 35th. 36th. Bn. relieve the 34th. on night 9thfloth. 35th. Bn. now have two Companies in the BLACK dotted line - balance still in our own lines. General JOBSONS idea is to put the 34th. back into the line after being out 60 hours. 14. The following are General JOBSONS proposals with regard to rest places for his Battalions not actually in the line - 1 Battalion BUNHLLL ROW. Other Battalion, 1 Coy. near ST. VVES, 1 Coy. near DEAD HORSE CORNER. 1 Coy. ONTARIO TUNNELS near PRoWSE POINT. 1 Coy. near PROWSE POINT in Breatworks. P.T.O.
C o 12). In addition to this the HE TOUQUET BERTHE area that General CANNAN formerly occupied with a Battalion, is available. 15. The plans I told WELLS of were explained verbally to the G.O. Co 16. 9th. Brigade complained about the Divisional Burying There are still a considerable number of our dead left Officer. unburied, and men now have to wear their gas helmets while bury- ing. A.Qr Staff might perhaps go round and fix this up. 17. Trench tramways and mule tracks required in order to save man power at present used in carrying. 18. 9th. Bde. complain of the R.E. work with regard to the ANTONS FARM communication trench. They say that the R.E. in- sisted on starting this trench from our front line, but the barrage was such that this was impossible and so they did not start at all, for a very long time. - The G.O.C. that Bde. says they might quite well have started work further along. 9th. Bde. carriers were able to get across with their loads through the barrage, though the Engineer personnel, or Pioneer personnel, detailed to dig the trench appeared to have been unable to do s0. 19. The following C. Os were seen :- MILNE. MORSHEAD. BLACKLOY, MARTIN. 43rd. Bn. Hars. were also visited, but the C.O. was away at Brigade Headquarters. Captain FRELMAN, O.C. Ar Coy. was seen and found to be quite happy about everything, except, that a shell this morning had blown up all his cooks and defchies, the result being that he urgently requires 22 more deschies, some big and some small. 20. 35rd. Bn. casualties - Killed 61 O.R. Wounded 6 Officers, 155 O.R. Missing, unaccounted for, 21 O.R. Gassed a shell Shocked 12 O.R. 21. 337d. Bn. suffer from shell fire from the direction of t2 FRELINGHIEN and DEULELONT. 22. Generally understood TORONTO and ONTARIO AVENUES urgently require R.E. and Pioneer attention. 83. Battalions require rope for WUKON packs. I noticed many fA(with no rope, and some with bits of wire. 24. Corps Commander emphatic on necessity of keeping plenty of Lewis Guns, Vickers and amnunition forward owing to our Reserve Brigade (10th) being so far back. - 9-6-170
228 D2C COS 9/6/27. Corps Front from 9 a.m. -------- ---- -------- Brd AUSERAELAN DIVISION From River LYS Right 7,000 yards U.4.b.0.7. Sector ( Ath AUSTRATLAN DIYISTON From U.4.b.0. 7 Centre ( 1,000 yards Sector O.34.b.3.6. ------- 25th DIYISION From O.34.b.3.6. Left 800 Yards. Seotor O. 28.b.402. - -- ----- ----- Al 116/17

"A" Form Army Form C. 2121
(In Pads of 100).

AY 8 VI 17.
 Prefix    Code   m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.

Words     Charge.

At   44th   m.
To   9 pm
By SC  
This message is on a/c of:

(Signature of "Franking Officer")  m.
TO  AICG   44th
* Sender's Number.  Day of Month  In reply to Number.  AAA
MC 300                               8/6
Col SMITH and Col
proceed to vicinity of
BLACK LINE immediately to
command their respective 
Battalions which are garrisoning
the GREEN LINE AAA  xxxx
Tactical responsibility for defence
of GREEN LINE rests upon
SMITH will act under his
orders and Report action on act.

From         GE 37     EJH     8.2pm
Time          8 pm
(Z)   WRMcM
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
(in Pads of 100).
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
MC 301                                8
Reported that small isolated parties
of 44th are falling back from
GREEN LINE on account of
heavy shelling  AAA  They will
be sent forward again as
soon as possible AAA  All
37th and 44th are detailed
C O's phoned keep in close
touch with Bde. Forward
station and keep me closely
informed of the situation  AAA
An effort should be made to
improve the GREEN LINE trench
during the night.
EJH   8.18pm 
From GE 37
Time 8.40  00X/10


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
(in Pads of 100).
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
AY 8 VI 17
TO   37th and 44th
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
MC 302                              8
Reported that the supports of
44th Bn are in vicinity of
V8 b   AAA They must
be collected and taken
forward. AAA I expect
a report showing the dispositions
of these two Battalions along
the location of VICKERS,
and the location of supports
and Commanding Officers.  AAA
EJH   8.30p
From   GE 37
Time    8.30 p
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.


14074, 44TH
Cannot Hold Mulch
longer More Strength
Wanted to Pick up
Casualties Heavy
Col Mansbridge


5.87. E2
Cannot Hold
C.O.  44th


NOTES.   9-6-17.
1. Distribution of 11th Brigade at 6.0 a.m. 44th Bn.
4lst Bn., CATACOMBS.
[*CRA *] 2.  2" Trench Mortar activity required on FACTORY FARM
Crater whence the German annoys us.
3. 10th Brigade took in their own Stokes Mortars and
Machine Guns, but they changed over ammunition.
4. The DOUVE Brigades ^Bridges require strengthening in order to
carry Mule Traffic which goes up the Valley of the DOUVE during
the night practically to BETLHEEM FARM.
5. Rumour says 39th Bn. were not collected quickly enough
and so lost some 500 men. [*Genl Cannan*]
6. There are no communication trenches in the 10th
Brigade Area, though there is one partially across NO MAN'S LAND.
This northern communication trench is being dug by Pioneers, helped
by 2 Companies of the 43rd Battalion.  [*Genl Cannan*]
[*3*] 7.   General CANNAN requires photographs showing positions 
of our troops.     
8. 40th Bn. did not come out of the line as early as
they should this morning because they expected to be relieved.
General CANNAN on the other hand had no intention of putting 3
Battalions into the Area.
9. General CANNAN made it quite clear to the Brigade
Major of the 10th. Bde., according to his own statement, but the
Brigade Major states 40th. were waiting to be relieved - as there
was no Bn. to relieve them delay ensued.
10. G.S.0. I found 37th. Bn. somewhat crowded on the road
near LA HUTTE, and so gave instructions that they should continue
the movement West by small parties, instead of hanging about-
11. 38th. Bn. were all out of the line at 6.15 a.m.
39th. Bn. mostly out.
37th. Bn. just moving, and
40th. Bn. awaiting orders. (See above).
12. 10th. Bde. complained about the work of Lieut- FERGUSON
of the Divisional Signal Company.  They say work that he failed in
was finally put through by Lieut. TUCKETT. -
NOTE. - TUCKETT is their own man. -
13. General JOBSONS intentions with regard to internal
reliefs -
33rd. Bn. to remain in the line until the night of 10th/11th.
then to be relieved by the 35th.
36th. Bn. relieve the 34th. on night 9th/10th.
35th. Bn. now have two Companies in the BLACK dotted line -
balance still in our own lines.
General JOBSON'S idea is to put the 34th. back into the
line after being out 60 hours.
14. The following are General JOBSON'S proposals with regard
to rest places for his Battalions not actually in the line -
1 Battalion BUNHLLL ROW.
Other Battalion, 1 Coy. near ST. YVES,
1 Coy. near PROWSE POINT in Breastworks. P.T.O. 



In addition to this the LE TOUQUET BERTHE area that
General CANNAN formerly occupied with a Battalion, is available.

15.  The plans I told WELLS of were explained verbally to the

[*AQ*] 16. 9th. Brigade complained about the Divisional Burying                 
Officer. There are still a considerable number of our dead left
unburied, and men now have to wear their gas helmets while burying.   
"A.Q" Staff might perhaps go round and fix this up.
[*AQ CRE*]  17. Trench tramways and mule tracks required in order to save 
man power at present used in carrying. 
[*CRE*] 18. 9th. Bde. complain of the R.E. work with regard to the
ANTON'S FARM communication trench. They say that the R.E. insisted   
on starting this trench from our front line, but the barrage                           
was such that this was impossible and so they did not start at all,               
for a very long time. - The G.O.C. that Bde. says they might quite                
well have started work further along. 
9th. Bde. carriers were able to get across with their loads                             
through the barrage, though the Engineer personnel, or Pioneer               
personnel, detailed to dig the trench appeared to have been unable         
to do so.                                                                
19. The following C.Os were seen :-
43rd. Bn. Hqrs. were also visited, but the C.O. was away
at Brigade Headquarters.
Captain FREEMAN, O.C. "A" Coy. was seen and found to be                             
quite happy about everything, except, that a shell this morning                 
[*X *]had blown up all his cooks and desch^sies, the result being that              
he urgently requires 22 more deschies, some big and some small.             
20. 33rd. Bn. casualties -
Killed 61 O.R.
Wounded 6 Officers, 155 O.R.
Missing, unaccounted for, 21 O.R.
Gassed & shell Shocked 12 O.R.
[*RA*] 21.  33rd. Bn. suffer from shell fire from the direction of                     
[*CRE*] 22.  Generally understood TORONTO and ONTARIO AVENUES urgently
require R.E. and Pioneer attention.   
[*AR*] 23.  Battalions require rope for YUKON packs. I noticed many           
with no rope, and some with bits of wire. 
24. Corps Commander emphatic on necessity of keeping plenty of
Lewis Guns, Vickers and ammunition forward owing to our Reserve
Brigade (10th) being so far back.



Corps Front from 9 a.m.  9/6/17.


Right   ( From River LYS
              ( to                  7,000 yards 
Sector  ( U.4.b.0.7.         
Centre  ( From U.4.b.0. 7
               ( to                 1,000 yards
Sector   ( O.34.b.3.6.
Left        ( From O.34.b.3.6.
                ( to                 800 yards.
Sector    ( O. 28.b.4.2.



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