Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 May - 9 June 1917, Part 17

First World War, 1914–18
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REPORT ON OPERATIONS OF AAth BATTALION FRON V/2 NIGHT UNTIL BATTALION LEPT OFTENSIVE AREA. On the night of thr 6th/7th June 1917 the Battalion was billetted at the CATACOMBS as part of the reserve Brigade. At 9.30 pm on the 7th June 1917 the Battalion passed under the control of the 10th Infantry Brigade for action, and at 10.30 pm received instructions to proceed to the BLACK LIYE near MESSIN from U.9,b.79.55. to U.3.d.49-90. and form up ready to attack the GREEN LINE at 3 a.n. Owing to the late receipt of instructions the Battalionwas not in position for attack until 3.20 am, at which hour it attacked with companies in the following order. B Coy on left flank, C Coy. in centre, and 4 Coy on the right. Before the attack Headquarters was informed that a company of the 40th Battalion held the line from the DOUVE RIVER at U.10.a.05-60. While the attack was in progress information was received that this was not ao, and two platoons from D Coy (reserve company) were sent to take and hold the right flank. The attack was succesful and the GREEN LINE was taken, but as the 12th Brigade had not come up on our left flank, it exposed our flank which had to fall back forming a defensive flank. The line then held stretched from 1.4.a.15.40 to U.4.a-40.40. thence to U.4.a.50.05. thence to U.4.c.50-80. thence along the GXETN LISE to the SRIVER DOUUE. This was the. line held at 3.45 am. At 5 am the 47th Battalion came up on our left and occupied a line running northward from the junction of the OYL TRENCH and HUNS WALK. The left flank of the Battalion then moved forward and connected up with them crossing UNCAYNY TREYCN at U.4.a.45.50. This was completed by 6 am and consolidation rapidly proceeded. At 11 am an intense enemy bombardment cane down and lasted until 8.30 aam. At 3 am on the night 6th/9th June 1917 the 46th Battalion moved ip and occupied ouh support treach. At noon instructions were received from Heaaquarters to 3 and C Companies that they must move forward and occupy the GXEN LIYE connecting up with the 48th Pattn. on their left. Heavy opposition was met with from snipers and machine guns, but this was accomplished by 3 pm and the consolidation of the new lime immediately put in hand. The line now held therefore stretchet from U.4.b.05.72. to 5.4.a.90-15. thence to U.4.0.70-90. thence in a general line to U.4.c.20.05. thenco to the LA DOUVE RIVEE at U.10-8-05-60. At this point we connected up with the 5th Brigade. Throughout the whole of the 5th June 1917 machine guns and snipers were very active and a steady bombardnent was maintained on us by the eneny. A patrol was sent out by B Coy. to examine a hedge running fror HUNS WALK at U. to U.4-6-30.20. at 4 pn, two snipers were found and dealt withl and the patrol after furthersearching the hedge 4 patrol was sent out by D Coy and finding same ail clear returned. at 4 pn to the point U.4.C.90.10. to reconnoitre but wore driven back casualties 1 Killed 5 wounded. 4 Coy sent a patrol to the pointy.46.90 G TRTNCH and if possible to 50. to examine that portion of UNDULATIN establish a standing patrol. At this time the trench was found to be h fairly strongly held by the enemy and it wss estimated that there were about a 100 Germans in this portion of UNDULATING TYTNCH and the format on of a standing patrol not possible. At 4.30.Mm. a S.O.S.barrage was put down by our own artilleryand B Coy and part of C Coy were forced to retire from the Green Lineinto shell holes in rear of our lins owing to short shooting of one of our Patteries. This was reported and afterwar o corrected. Then the barrage ceased at the GRaEN LINE was agai resecupied. Steady shelling by the eneny over the whole of the capture sector continued throughout the night. At on the foth June the the heavy batteries commenced shelling the La Potterie System of trene es where Huns were known to have massed and a counter attack was expec ed from this direction. At 7.5. pm. it was reported that some of the Heavies were firing into and even as much as 50 yards in rear of our line on the right flank from the LA DOUVE BRIDGEat U.10.a.05.60; and D Coy and part of a Coy were forced to retire until the Heavies were turned off at the CREEN LINE was again wholly occupied. The Battalion was relieved at 1o. pm on the night of the loth June 1917 but oving to the enemy putting down a heavy barrage at this hour the relief was not completed until 3. am. on the morning of the 1ith instant. The total casualties for the operations were 9 officers and 249 other ranks.
REMARKS. The whole of the execution of these operations was marked by the devotion to duty of all renks. The C.o. and his Headquarters Staff established them selves in shell holes and despite every offort being made to effe even partial protection such was unavailing; as Hars were forced to seek sholter in no less than 4 separate shell holes - some special detail 1 think should be earmarked to carry forward mater ial for purposes of building cover for the Pattalion Head Cuarter Experience teaches that having to vacate various shell holes does not tend to the most efficient working of the Higher Command, having in view the nature and calibre of the enemys heavy shells. mnantridge. 2 Lt- Col. Commending Aath Battalion A.L.P.
SWM 6/6/17 PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS. Copy Fo.. A P MOU R B1 7 T A I 10 N. Reference Map 28 S.v. 1/10000 INFORMATION in the event of this Battalion becoming H Battalion in the prospective attack on the enemy's position South of MESSINES the following dispositions will apply. INTENTION The portion to be attacyed is that part between the BLACK and 2. GREEN LIFE making good the GREEN LINE as indicated on Wap 1 copies of which are already in the hands of Company Commanders. ARTLLLERY SUPPORT Artillery creeps forward at the rate of 100 yards in three minutes to the line of UNGANNY TRENCHES where it remains for 11 minutes barrage, subsequently it becomes stationary for an indefinite period in front of the GREEN LINE to allow of this line being consolidated. The barrage table for artillery programme from the BLACK to the GREEN LINE and beyond will be issued later. FORNATIONS The Battalion will issue from our trenches in artillery formation upto the assembly position in rear of the BLACK LINE. Waves will be formed as follows:- Coy on the left McCoy centre Dr Coy less two FIRST WAVE platoons on the right opposite their respective objectives SECOND WAVE - Br Coy opposite their objectives. Two platoons of Dr Coy will form Battalion reserve. OSSROTITEE Coy that portion of UACARNY TRENCH from Brigade Boundary U.4.a.35. 55. to U.4.0.70-94.. Ar Coy from U.4.0.70-94. to U.4.c.20-05. r Coy UACAENY SUPPORT, UNDULATING SUPPORT, and UNDULATING TRENCH betwen U.4.b. 05-66. to U.4.c.70-94.. Dr Coy (less 2 platoons) Bridge over LA DOUUE RIVER at U.10.a.05-60. DIRECTING FLANK. The advance from the BLACK LINE to the GREEN LINE will be by the left and in co-operation with the advance of the 47th Battalion which is on our left. ACTION BY COMPANIES. Cr O0Y. after making goodtheir objectivewill establish a strong point in the vicinity of SEPTILME BARN and also consolidate a support trench from the said strong point to U.4.a.44-35. Br COY. will establish blocks in UNDULATING SUPPORT and UNDULATIHG TRENCH Special care is to be taken by this company in changing their direction in passing through Cr Coy. to 35 to reach their objective. ArCOY, on reaching their objective will immediately consolidate Mpr COY (leas two platoons will consolidate their objective) 1B A and D Coys. on reaching their objective will at once push forwardOUTPOSTS, and the utmost vigilance must be displayed to eover the consolidating parties. The two platoons of D Coy forming the Battalion reserve under LT! BIRKS will await further instructions . All companies will adhere to the principles of mutual support and covering fire during the advance. The necessity of digging in quickly must be impressed on all ranks. The picquet line of the ontposts will be the line of resistance until such time as the consolidation of the GREEN LINE is com- pleted when the GREEN LINE becomes the line of resistance. Os.C. Companies will ntilise their Lewis Guns to the best advantage. Tools will be earried as per instructions already issued. 321130 or Coy will detail one NCO to report to Company Headquarters 80 of the company of the 47th Battalion in touch on our left. COLUNICATION TRENCH After GREEY LINR is captured a Communication Trench will be dug by a company of the 39th Battalion from BLACK LINE to GREEN LINE to a peint near the junction of UNCANNY AND UNDULATING TRENC TRRS This communication trench will run back viz ULCER RESERVE, RIVER DOUVE, ULRICA RON, to the nnLx OWLY WAY.
A0 MRS. 10. Line of consolidation will be wired as soon as material is obtained. Strong points must be wired during their construction CONTACT PLANES 11. Contact planes are permanently allotted to Divisional Ares and the hours at which they fly xrs will be. Zero plus 1 H. 5 min. 2ero plus 2 N. 30 M Zero plus 4 N. 30 M Zero plas 6 K. 14 M Zero plus 8 E. Zere plus 10 K. 40 M The eall for flares will be a series of Ars sounded by the plenes on a Klaxon Horn and by the firing of a white very light Troops will be prepared to light flares at any time if thr plane ealls for them. NATCRRS Watches will be synchronised at B.H.. 12. CEKERAL 13 Spedial attention is directed to and read in conjunction with this order (a) jrd A.D.TRENCH STANDIPG ORDERS (D) Standing Orders for War 3rd A.D. (0) S.S.135 (D) s.S.144 TUNN 14. Reports to BB.H.. Issued at 5 pm AC K N 0 F L E D 6 E. Sgd T.C.MANSLRIDGE Lt-Colonel. Commanding ARMOUR Battalion. AIF Copy No.l 6 0 44th Ba 2 A Coy 3 B Coy 4 C C07 5 D Coy 6 Brigade Hars. 7 War Liary AnDENDUH. The 11th French Mortar Battery will detail 2 guns which are allotted to C Coy and so placed in the strong point that it well assist the bombing blocks and resist counter attacks in addition to performing its duties at the strong point.
ArForm. Army Form C,2121 (in pads of 100). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Words Pre Charge This message is on a/o of: eedat Offce of Origin and Service Instructions DDD Sent ate Dervib. tM. From To coo0o (Signature of Franking Officer.1) BS. e T0 C.P. 76. Sentors Mier SOT ASONR DSSWNNNNE S.82. AAA Report from patrol despatched by PDr Company has Just been received aad They peached their position 50 yards of Within ONGODLY AVENUE and were driven in by enem snipers and enemy In UNCODLY AVENUE,aaa Estimated strength From observation 100 aaa enemy were in small parties in rear of UNGODLY AVENUE atn appeared to be working and about 50 Clock they ceased work and hoyed South ir small parties towards LA BOTEERTE Farm gaa The Sergt. in charge became a This casualty Patrol is being again Aespatched 982 From Place Time 9.22 pm. The above may be forwaraed as now corrected, (2) ARMOUR. noessoveosoooooooooosocoverecooo < Censor. Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. The the Mond be Cnd Htsot Regae BAR. WALS-MR. E.W.AFIEL ORA.
MT SONE NMN. 42. PoM. (In pads of 100.1 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Charge. PCodM Words. This message is on alc of ReedstII. OfegoOrisin and Service Instrugtions. ite Sent d Date Service. 46 II wmel From 70 1 87. (Signature of Franking Officer1) By T0 46 - - WreSGtHME AAA IN ANNY Are you 2 and D 4 - me int your ms 8 immass 22 line From 9 t Place am Time to The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (5) me X SMUTEOINSSEONOTOIIOe OICEIVWNAC Comor. & This line should be erased if not required. Giss) Wi. WIASSLMIBSA. 37S.O0 Pads. Mir. H.W.AV. 1d. (E. sis.
ArNS FO C. MMI. J.D. Por (in pads of 100.1 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Words. Charge. Prefix This message is on ale of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Sent Date. ..Service. At. m. From To omenimn (Signature of Franking Officer.1) By By To. Serters Fitsber DeTOl MON MEeSGTONNE AAA wie l 4 44 5 X X 41 AB1AA Araw 4 6 44t 24e - 3 th P 144 Tont A MoNL Place N 11.40 am The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) 2 14 MOON FRed ICCRTAMH WHONANC. Censor. & This line should be crased if not required. G18s.) Wi. WIRBSEMisa. 375,000 Pads. 1i7. H.W.&V.,Ld. (E. sis.)
4 Ar Form CreTEA M C. MM (te Pads of 100). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. ce - Words Charge. Prefix CodeM. Recd. g This message is on a/c of: Office of Ongin and Service instructions a Dett p Sent Service. 000000000ooooooocntibesece HL ELCLLa III. A6 From aooooo 0ooovooooo c C bare of Frinkng Obcer y B T0 14 SeMtOTSNEME MPeNWTMM AAA Mc288 5 Please veriy front your that position 12 de def tel they and you are state dis on OL & ULICANNY II tin SUPPAL 44 This would in the your 22 macgurate 14 - 187 From 621 34 2a00 1-22 Time The above may be forwardedan now corrected. (2) NMC 44 Slenaturaal A Admanor or Person anchorised to tolegraph in his name. Cenvor. Tists shond be ered it Rot Pertel 2328). Ws. WIzpOSMIRIL. Iogn0 Pads, MIT. (E784. H.C. & L., Iid. Forms C/2121/Il.
Cr Form PAmy Form O. 2128. (in books of 100.) -MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ho of Message Ofice Stamp. Sent, or sent out ta oB a p From J. 9 a por Charges to collect BJ my mnen Y mmn n f Sei MAOP hone from it me ant bpe D fote X a 70 SSMSK SBSNS Des SMSON ToNTF SSNS AAA Keller hear 531 to in asno will Fisgre neary aad work TeN Corsolidation interfei and a with war 6 deal great Sr event destoyed aao the 0 attack Leary Cnake will Prsonall eall requi present Sth and of 34th t0 Ie Apsis FRON 30) Wo Mansbridge PLAOEATME 4 XX The The Cand T. CAAA IIS SMAtE 188188) Wt. w. 718s- Mssi 250,000 Pads. 1117 HAS (E488.) Ferms/O 71/2.
M oane ArFarme Frny Form CAIS & (to onds of 100). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS B0. O Menero Nore Dr B. a. .EP OaSE My page t bra of Rad a325 Office of Origin and Service Instructions I 5 Dat 8/6/17 Se Dn tl At D Thop T0 from mott 1 Y (Signature of Franking Officer. $ 23 L Sf ay T0 Batt 44 SOMSSTSMMS DAT ANONR ESSWNMR AAA He dowen are of out Hll trench wirls but 44th Batt From 44th Bat Place PIML The alive may be soneared as now arrected. (3) fe enene Censor. Sisnature of Addressor or person anthorised to telegraph in his name, Thi ths Molt be Cass NCA TMEE AiMNN WSIRS-IMIS. H. W.ATLL OME.




On the night of 6th/7th June 1917 the Battalion was billetted

at the CATACOMBS  as part of the reserve Brigade.

At 9.30 pm on the 7th June 1917 the Battalion paused under the

control of the 10th Infantry Brigade for action, and at 10.30 pm

received instructions to proceed to the BLACK LINE near MESSINES

from U.9.70.55.  to  U.3.d.40.90. and form up ready to attack the

GREEN LINE at 3 a.m.   Owing to the late receipt of instructions the

Battalion was not in position for attack until 
3.20 am. at which hour

it attacked with companies in the following order.

B Coy on left flank, C Coy in centre, and A Coy on the right.

Before the attack Headquarters was informed that a company of

the 40th Battalion held the line from the DOUVE RIVER at  U.10.a.05.60.

While the attack  was in progress information was received that this

was not so, and two platoons from D Coy (reserve company) were sent to

take and hold the right flank.   The attack was succesful and the

GREEN LINE was taken, but as the 12th Brigade had not come up on our

left flank, it exposed our flank which had to fall back forming a 

defensive flank.   The line then held stretched from  U.4.a.15.40  to

U.4.a.40.40. thence to U.4.a.50.05. thence to U.4.a.50.80. thence

along the GREEN LINE  to the RIVER DOUVE. This was the. line held at

3.45 am.   At 5 am the 47th Battalion came up on our left and

occupied a line running northward from the junction of OWL TRENCH

and HUNS WALK.   The left flank of the Battalion then moved forward

and connected up with them crossing UNCANNY TRENCH at U.4.a.45.50.

This was completed by 6 am and consolidation rapidly proceeded.

At 11 am an intense enemy bombardment came down and lasted until 
8.30 a.m.  
At 3 am on the night 8th/9th June 1917 the 40th Battalion

moved in and occupied OWL support trench. 
At noon instructions were

received from Headquarters to B and C Companies that they must move

forward and occupy the GREEN LINE connecting up with the 48th Battn.

on their left.   Heavy opposition was met with from snipers and machine

guns, but this was accomplished by 3 pm and the consolidation of the

new line immediately put in hand.  The line now held therefore stretched

from  U.4.b.05.72.  to  U.4.a.90.15.  thence U.4.a.70.90.  thence in 

a general line to  U.4.c.20.03.  thence to the LA DOUVE RIVER at

U.10.a.05.60.    At this point we connected up with the 9th Brigade. 

Throughout the whole of the 9th June 1917 machine guns and snipers were

very active and a steady bombardment was maintained on us by the 

enemy.   A patrol was sent out by B Coy. to examine a hedge running from 

HUNS WALK at  U.4.b.20.60.  to  U.4.b.30.20.  at 
4 pm, two snipers were

found and dealt with. and the patrol after further searching the hedge

and finding same all clear returned.   A patrol was sent out by D Coy

at 4 pm to the point  to reconnoitre but were driven back

casualties 1 killed 5 wounded.   A Coy sent a patrol to the point  U.4C.90.50. 
to examine that portion of UNDULATING TRENCH and if possible to

establish a standing patrol.   At this time the trench was found to be

fairly strongly held by the enemy and it was estimated that there were 

about a 100 Germans in this portion of UNDULATING TRENCH and the formation 
of a standing patrol not possible.   At a S.O.S. barrage was

put down by our own artillery and B Coy and part of C Coy were forced to 

retire from the Green Line into shell holes in rear of our line owing to

short shooting of one of our Batteries.   This was reported and afterwards

corrected. Then the barrage ceased at the GREEN LINE was again

reoccupied.   Steady shelling by the enemy over the whole of the captured

sector continued throughout the night.   At on the 10th June the

the heavy batteries commenced shelling the La Potterie System of trenches 
where Huns were known to have massed and a counter attack was expected 
from this direction.   At 7.5. pm. it was reported that some of the

Heavies were firing into and even as much as 50 yards in rear of our

line on the right flank from the LA DOUVE BRIDGE at  U.10.a.05.60.  and

D Coy and part of A Coy were forced to retire until the Heavies were t

turned off at when the GREEN LINE was again wholly occupied. 

The Battalion was relieved at 10. pm on the night of the 10th 

June 1917 but owing to the enemy putting down a heavy barrage at this

hour the relief was not completed until 3. am. on the morning of the

11th instant.   The total casualties for the operations were 9 officers

and 249 other ranks.



The whole of the execution of these operations was

marked by the devotion to duty of all ranks. 

The C.o. and his Headquarters Staff established themselves 
in shell holes and despite every effort being made to effe  [[effect]]

even partial protection such was unavailing;  as Hqrs were forced

to seek shelter in no less than 4 separate shell holes - some 

special detail i think should be earmarked to carry forward material 
for purposes of building cover for the Battalion Head Quarters

Experience teaches that having to vacate various shell holes does

not tend to the most efficient working of the Higher Command,

having in view the nature and calibre of the enemys heavy shells. 


W. C. Mansbridge

Lt- Col.

Commanding 44th Battalion A.I.F.


SECRET    6/6/17


A R M O U R      B A T T A L I O N.
Copy No.

Reference Map 28 S.W. 1/10000

1.   In the event of this Battalion becoming H Battalion in the 

prospective attack on the enemy's position South of MESSINES
the following dispositions will apply.


2.  The portion to be attacked is that part
between the BLACK and
GREEN LINE making good the GREEN LINE
as indicated on Map 1
copies of which are already in the hands of
Company Commanders


3.   Artillery creeps forward at the rate of 100
yards in three
minutes to the line of UNCANNY TRENCHES
where it remains for 15
minutes barrage, subsequently it becomes
stationary for an
indefinite period in front of the GREEN LINE
to allow of this
line being consolidated. The barrage table for
programme from the BLACK to the GREEN LINE and beyond will be
issued later.


4.   The Battalion will issue from our trenches in Artillery formation
up to the assembly position in rear of the BLACK LINE.
Waves will be formed as follows: -
FIRST WAVE - "C"Coy on the left 
"A"Coy centre   "D" Coy less two platoons 
on the right opposite their respective 

SECOND WAVE - "B" Coy opposite their objectives.   Two platoons

of "D" Coy will form Battalion reserve. 


5. "C" Coy that portion of UNCANNY TRENCH from Brigade Boundary
U.4.a.35.55.  to  U.4.c.70.94.
 "A" Coy from  U.4.c.70.94.  to  U.4.c.20.05.
TRENCH between  U.4.b.05.66.  to  U.4.c.70.94.
"D" Coy (less 2 platoons)  U.4.c.20.65.  to          Bridge over LA DOUVE
RIVER at  U.10.a.05.60.


6.   The advance from the BLACK LINE to the
GREEN LINE will be by
the left and in co-operation with the advance of the 47th
 Battalion which is on our left. 


7.   "C" Coy. after making good their objective
will establish a strong
point in the vicinity of SEPTIEME BARN and also consolidate a
 support trench from the said strong point to U.4.a.44.35.
"B" Coy. will estbalish blocks in UNDULATING SUPPORT and
UNDULATING TRENCH  Special care is to be taken by this company
in charnging their direction is passing through "C" Coy. to
 reach their objective.
 "A" Coy. on reaching their objective will immediately consolidate
"D" Coy (less two platoons will consolidate their objective)
B A and D Coys. on reaching their objective will at once push
forward OUTPOSTS , and the utmost vigilance must be displayed to
cover the consolidated parties. The two platoons of D Coy
forming the Battalion reserve under LT. BIRKS will await further
instructions. All companies will adhere to the principles of
mutual support and covering fire during the advance.  The necessity
of digging in quickly must be impressed on all ranks.  The
picquet line of the outposts will be the line of resistance
until such time as the consolidation of the GREEN LINE is completed
 when the GREEN LINE becomes the line of resistance.    Os.C.
Companies will utilise their Lewis Guns to the best advantage.
Tools will be carried as per instructions already issued.


8.   "C" Coy will detail one NCO to report to Company Headquarters
of the company of the 47th Battalion in touch on our left.


9.   After GREEN LINE is captured a Communication Trench will be dug by 
a company of the 39th Battalion from BLACK LINE to GREEN LINE
to a point near the junction of UNCANNY AND UNDULATING  TRENCHES.  
This communication trench will run back via ULCER  RESERVE, RIVER DOUVE, ULRICA ROW, to the only  ONLY WAY.




10.  Line of consolidation will be wired as soon as material is
obtained.   Strong points must be wired during
their construction.


11.  Contact planes are permanently allotted to
Divisional Area and
the hours at which they fly xxx will be.

             Zero plus   1 H.      5 min.

             Zero plus   2 H.   30  M

             Zero plus   4 H.   30  M

             Zero plus   6 H.     15  M

             Zero plus   8 H.       -

             Zero plus  10 H.    40   
The call for flares will be a series of "A"s sounded by the
planes on a Klaxon Horn and by the firing of a
white very light
Troops will be prepared to light flares at any time if thr
plane calls for them.


12.  Watches will be synchronised at B.H.Q.


13.  Special attention is directed to and read in conjunction with
this order 
(b) Standing Orders for War 3rd A.D. 
(c) s.s.135 
(D) s.s.144


14.  Reports to bB.H..
Issued at 5 pm

Sgd W,C, MANSBRIDGE Lt-Colonel.

Commanding ARMOUR Battalion. AIF

Copy  No.1   C O 44th Bn

                  2    A Coy

                  3    B Coy

                  4    C Coy

                  5    D Coy

                  6    Brigade Hqrs.

                  7    War Diary




The 11th Trench Mortar Battery will detail 2 guns which are 

allotted to C Coy and so placed in the strong point that it

will assist the bombing blocks and resist counter attacks

in addition to performing its duties at the strong point.


"A" Form                                       Army Form C2121.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words     Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer".)
Recd. at...................m.

TO                        G.F. 76.
Sender's Number.    S.82.
Day of Month.    9
In reply to Number.

Report from patrol despatched by "D" Company has

just been received aaa  They reached their position

within 50 yards of UNGODLY AVENUE and were driven in

by enemy snipers and enemy in UNGODLY AVENUE. aaa

Estimated strength 100 aaa   From observation

enemy were in small parties in rear of UNGODLY AVENUE

AND appeared to be working and about 
5 o'clock they

ceased work and moved South in small parties towards

LA POTTERIE Farm aaa   The Sergt. in charge became a

casualty   .  This patrol is being again despatched.


Time               9.22 p.m.

(Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.


"A" Form.                                     Army Form C 2121.

 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message...

Office of Original and Service Instructions.


Words      Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer".)
Recd. a   A   m.

TO                  44th

Sender's Number.    MC 278
Day of Month.    8
In reply to Number.

Are you on UNCANNY


markings of your new

line on message form map.


From                GE 37
Time                  10.7 am


(Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.



"A" Form                                 Army Form C.2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.              

Words     Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer".)
Recd at        B      m.

TO               44th    37th

Sender's Number.    MC 279
Day of Month.    8
In reply to Number.

Please wire reply to my

MC 278 AAA   It is necessary

that we hold, or include in

our line the Trench junction

at U 4 a 58.18 AAA    Be

prepared to hold Brigade

section of GREEN LINE by

yourself AAA   38th will hold

BLACK LINE AAA    Report the

earliest you can spare

37th for withdrawal AAA

Addressed 44th  repeated







From            GE 37
Time             11.40 am

(Z) [[WRMCll?]]
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.



"A" Form                            C       Army Form C.2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message...
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words     Charge
This message is on a/c of:
Signature of "Franking Officer".)
Recd. at......................m.


TO                  44th

Sender's Number.    MC 283
Day of Month.,    8/6
In reply to Number.

Please verify your front line

position.    12th Bde definitely

state they and you are digging


AAA   This would make your

S 27 inaccurate AAA.



From         GE. 37
Time           1-22 p


Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.



"C" Form                      D             Army Form C. 2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix    SB      Code    FAJ      Words    58

£    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
Priority  Phone from Loft Nieppe
From    GT2
By  Thomas
Sent, or sent out
At     1  m.
Office Stamp.


Handed in at GT2 Office  65 m.  Recd  68 m.

TO                10th  Bde  AIF

 Sender's Number.    
Day of Month.    8
In reply to Number.

No 534 shelling by heavy

HE still in progress and

very heavy aaa   Work of

Consolidation interfered with and a

great deal of the work

destroyed aaa   In the event

of a heavy Counter-attack

will require all present personnel

of 37th and 38th to

assist me.

From                    (SD) W O Mansbridge
Place & Time       C O 44th  Bn  


"A" Form.                                    Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message...

 Prefix    SB      Code  C.E pm. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Priority G.22
from Loft 42nd [[ ? ]]
Words        Charge
This message is on a/c of:
F       ...........................
(Signature of "Franking Officer".)
Recd. at 3.25 pm.
Date  8/6/17
From  42nd  [[ ? ]]
By G. L. Day


TO            44th  Batt
 Sender's Number.    
Day of Month.    8
In reply to Number.

We  are  driven  out  of 

trenches    All  wires  cut

44th  Batt

(* 3/30 *)

Place                     44th  Batt.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.



















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