Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 May - 9 June 1917, Part 16

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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716/17 Army Fbrm'C, 2128. &C. Form fewite of wi MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message. AAAAmm. Receed Pet, OF Cant Of S. Prefz Cod Words FOMMMMSIMIIMIMI. Aernmn one Ohargos to colet Dommmummne Berpes Cseor samnen omn f n n n fen f meng en nenmnmnmn fome Hn o Hendel 18 at n n nenen ty menenmnenen henmng he O n en nte . Rll mmme menthin £12 ters 2 T0 S D A LeuS t D AAA commander Poofe has The Wle a fore0d sue in wc om 9t TaR tyl forlow ammand the rn far you 22 416 5 lease 122 0l2 C to 404 124 AcF.ev condiaurtat so and nocy. 5 5 && yrer 1 a eat My ap Co ehtended we 44 2 and don & fa 1 FBER t exid HEK e er comn ad landing tec Arar t Dr FROM Anve PLAOEATIME Ths Thie the Miit bo Chiast HRet Veglited (38188) Wt. v. 7496-Mssj 260,000 Pads. 1117 HAS (E48S.) Forms/O.21293.
7/6/17 10 POM Army Form C. 2128. (in books of 100.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Messase Resered Rerty 1 g 8 Cy Bam Ane ele e o e Frem e n en +S Mny rnnntle Charges to collect 176 B n en on 7 Domninn henmn SetSS PASSSOS < Dycommmminand t ee a t mon the T0 Seneral Monash 0 sain in LAKeBMSB Sender’'s Number DOl Sp AAA the receive Delightet t excellent Your convey heartied please Nens Egntel You everyone and Know 1 heartils wish You how further possit every to Success all the 28 9 FROM eneral Birdwood PLACESTIME The the Cistt Bo Casst HRst Vegtitee (38188) Wt. v. 7438-Mssj 280,000 Pads. 1117 HAS (E4Sd.) Forms / O.2123/s.
frt his pecanse he pasn weont to Dwoo N puere pall Ant ques
ORDER OF THE DAY. ie So THE complete success of the attack made yesterday by the Second Army under the command of General Sir Herbert Plumer is an earnest of the eventual final victory of the Allied cause. The position assaulted was one of very great natural strength, on the defences of which the enemy had laboured incessantly for nearly three years. Its possession overlooking the whole of the Ypres Salient was of the greatest tactical and strategical value to the enemy. The excellent observation which he had from this position added enormously to the difficulty of our preparations for the attack and ensured to him ample warning of our intentions. He was therefore fully prepared for our assault and had brought up reinforcements of men and suns to meet it. He had the further advantage of the experience gained by him from many previous defeats in battles such as the Somme, the Ancre, Arras and Vimy Ridge. On the lessons to be drawn from these he had issued carefully thought out instructions. Despite all these advantages the enemy has been completely defeated. Within the space of a few hours all our objectives were gained, with undoubtedly very severe loss to the Germans. Our own casualties were, for a battle of such magnitude, most gratifyingly light. The full effect of this victory cannot be estimated yet, but that it will be very great is certain. Following on the great successes already gained it affords final and conclusive proof that neither strength of position nor knowledge of and timely preparation to meet impending assault can save the enemy from complete defeat, and that, brave and tenacious as the German troops are, it is only a question of how much longer they can endure the repetition of such blows. Yesterday's victory was due to causes which always have given and always will give success, viz: the utmost skill, valour and determination in the execution of the lttack following on the greatest forethought and thoroughness in preparation for it. I desire to place on record here my deep appreciation of the splendid work done, above and below ground as well as in the air, by all Arms, Services, and Departments, and by the Commanders and Staffs by whom, under Sir Herbert Plumer’s orders, all means at our disposal were combined, both in preparation and in execution, with a skill, devotion and bravery beyond all praise. The great success gained has brought us a long step nearer to the final, victorious, end of the War, and the Empire will be justly proud of the troops who have added such fresh lustre to its arms. D. HAIG, Field Marshal, Adv. G.H.Q. Commanding in- Chief, 8th June, 1917. British Armies in France. 1nd P.8. Co.-2110 2 0017 Fr Millouone
1 AE Divisional Rogdmarters ASY MIS LMInS IN TEE LLYT SEC oth AUs. Li. F 1ith Ausr. AWt The situation senerally Idatisfactory both Notisally and o an administrative peint of vies. This Brigade holds from the MYER NUYS on the Right, where 14 is in tonn with the last Battaiton of the 9th Inf. Bis., to MnS EAIK on the left where it is in touch with the 40th m. of the 12th Inf. Mc.., 4th Aust. Division. (both places insinsive) Meresitions are as follow.— 30 MLE MROR 28 .-& EE Tateme. support Line.- 2 to 3 flatoons strong reint.- 80 1 plateon. 2. Line of 1ll Gratars, V.9.a. 75-8S.. 1 plateon. Dt MAFIIM companies of the sath pa. Flateens of the 37th Ma, under Majer Nr Wnt -Vodohel.Y. (apprex.) - & Compony. to The troope are tired, and have, from my personal Moviodge. been iubjected to a barrnge of heary oune of the following calltree.- 608r. SoDr, O, an Mr From 12 moan to E.15 pen. The enfilade Hire which cones from MULEME, and Mish is Airested by a term obearver, has enfiladed the troops in the 10tt sector of our a Mas turing the whole of the afternoon., about 4 pom. a reguies Barrage of Reary gns whe institated. L, personally, son the eneny mading for attack opgests the last of our lest M., experently expectte the funation of the 3nd and 4th Anstrallan Divisions. I neveage from Cart. BCLELLPER re this attemted counteratta h bean sent through by the tm I renaned the 44th M. Readquarters, miah and shifted lat yahall hole in the visisity of MMIEERE PA. our barrage opened as a lakly as pessible untor the ciruunstances as far as I could Judge, but 1t appeared to ne that the counter-hattery work of our artillary was bed; although under the Hire of the enery arMilery ryself, I foel that I retained a my sense of proportion; and had the counteshattery was of our Beary artillary been good;
M1O the entimad bearrent by the enws Beories wat not hore been reasible. 4 detatled account of the conditions obtaining in the foft Seste of the a Mna, held by the 19th anst Aud On 14s. Be. (vili be civen in part II of this report. MostGMlrl Com S.
Ary FOM CAIM 14. Pon (in pads of 100.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. O. of MeARE WOrDS Charge PrCLX Cod m Reed. at m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. This message is on a/c of: Date - Service. n 12. FEOm 110 To. 00nmmun mum y (Signature of Franking Officer) the R T0 BH SeylGSTbe Dey of Mont WleSYTHM AAA Aday 8 We touch with are en 48 1on They are De Ow L7 RENCH consolidating at are going to them You functon of AUNS WAR aaa GWL TKENEN and SEPTIEME BARN Cross ONCANN will We X below the TRENEH 26 first OVCEANNY in - (0) Wimansbodge Dotol o 845aw Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. < communimmt m memo'…-… 4✓$✓Q4Q✓ZQũ✓ďħQ ꝰ §Q§Z¾Q§Q §Q < Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name Censor. + This line should be crased if not required. (710)) Wi. Wizo0,(Mrar7 50,000 pads. 1/17. D.D. &L. (E764.) Forms C/2izuir.
M. Army Form C.2121 A Form. (in pads of 100.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. of MCSSARE PrCLX Code my Words CASO Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Reed. at This message is on a/c of: ✓1 Date mm DeVVICC. 48t AM. From To. m BY (Signature of Franking Officer.) Dy T0 t0 PHG SenersHimber Dey OfMont WleSYBMSME AAA 16 31 4 Josition Sketch New shewing felewith of Cey they formed have up with A Coy left 13 att of t GENT to FON OM I am Place t TITE 244 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 2 < mmmmum Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his na Censor +This line should be crased if not required. (TTo)) Wi. WizoOYMIRr7 50,000 pads. 1/17. D.D. &L. (E764.) Forms C/2IzMir.
A. FONM Army Form CDilI (in pads of 100.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. O. Of MeAR Words Charge Recd. at M. Office of Origin and Service Instructions. This message is on a/c of: mm Date Service. p cmmm AIII. £ From Cof /70 ] (Signature of Franking Officer.1) By To boy 2 $ 2 STMEISTE Dey AMon TrerYTME AAA 8th A Ao Following fom 10 Iigade Best can gratulationsaaa Have 7N detailed neep saa My X Green die original t0 get nt ONCANNY KEKIEH ana OWE UPPORTS aaa Company Commander will carry on concolidation ra fidly in ther lines thoroughl present until a supply of Sandd 6 sane eable be ava shortly will sends best uiohon 6.0 21 From Fillary 76 am Place TIIE 1d The above may be forwarded as now corrected. < mmum comummmum Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name Censor. This line should be crased if not required. (7r0,) Wt. WizooyMrar7 50,000 pads. 1/17. D.D. &L. (E764) Forms C/zizMIr.
Kay FoNM CMRI .A. PONN (in pads of 100.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. o. Of MCSSARO Words Charge Recd. at m. Office of Origin and Service Instructions This message is on a/c of: from Cent Date Service. J S Jomn mmem At m EEOM To mmm (Signature of Franking Officer.7) nd m t 50 BH t SepttoNnte 9 a Wrert to Nmbee AAA $527 Your NO2 I replied to by runnor Osketch at 9.30 sent and sheing uncaring support present line anot held begause 4th Di. do not OWLSt hold PPORT We are forned them at to OWL IRANCH Which 7th Bat they hold. should 8th not be withdrawn untl Arrive rrelief could. ak This tonight. The place point 18 could be 4 a.S8. mentioned. Explaited and regaireed after Trench Morta prepar tion and fire COMansbordfe DCot FoN H.T0p Place tB t Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 2 << comcumm conm Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name Censor. +This line should be crased if not required. (9r0,) Wt. Wizooy/Miar7 50,000 pads. 1/17. D.D. &L. (E764.) Forms C/zizir.

"C" Form
Army Form C. 2123.
(In books of 100.)
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message... 
Prefix ...... Code ....... Words ...... 
Received                      Sent, or sent out 
From .........                     At ..............m. 
By   Voner                     To .............. 
                                         By .............. 
Office Stamp.
AY - 7.VI.17 C -
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the BnO at 8.49 pm .  Received 8.31 pm. 
TO                  3rd Aust Division
*Sender's          Day of          In reply            AAA 
Number           Month         to Number 
G.336                   7th        
The Corps commander has
much pleasure in forwarding
the following message from
the Army Commander AAA
Begins "Will you please
accept my warmest
congratulations and convey
to all troops of your
corps my appreciation
of the splendid work
they have done today"
Genl Commanding Second
8.40 pm
FROM 2nd Anzac
PLACE & TIME 8.50 pm


"C" Form
Army Form C. 2123.
(In books of 100.)
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message... 
Prefix SM   Code LBl Words 35 
Received                      Sent, or sent out 
From Genl                     At ..............m. 
By   Roon                       To .............. 
                                         By .............. 
Office Stamp.
AY - 7.VI.17 C -
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the Aus.  Office 11 12w....m  Received 2.54 pm. 
TO                  General Monash
                        3rd Aus Divn
*Sender's          Day of          In reply            AAA 
Number           Month         to Number 
Delighted to receive your excellent
news please convey heartiest congratulations
to everyone and you know
how heartily I wish you
all every further possible success

FROM  General Birdwood


GOC has received the
following message from
General Birdwood begins
X  /X     /
ends AAA


THE complete success of the attack made yesterday by the Second Army under the command of
General Sir Herbert Plumer is an earnest of the eventual final victory of the Allied cause.
The position assaulted was one of very great natural strength, on the defences of which the
enemy had laboured incessantly for nearly three years. Its possession overlooking the whole of

Ypres Salient was of the greatest tactical and strategical value to the enemy.
The excellent observation which he had from this position added enormously to the
difficulty of our preparations for the attack and ensured to him ample warning of our intentions.
He as therefore fully prepared for our assault ad had brought up reinforcements of men and
guns to meet it.
He had the further advantage of the experience gained by him from many previous defeats
in battles such as the Somme, the Ancre, Arras and Vimy Ridge. On the lessons to be drawn
from these he had issued carefully thought-out instructions.
Despite all these advantages the enemy has been completely defeated. Within the space of
a few hours all our objectives were gained, with undoubtedly very severe loss to the Germans.
Our own casualties were, for a battle of such magnitude, most gratifyingly light.
Th full effect of this victory cannot be estimated yet, but that it will be very great is
Following on the great successes already gained it affords final and conclusive proof that
neither strength of position nor knowledge of and timely preparation to meet impending assault
can save the enemy from compete defeat, and that, brave and tenacious as the German troops
are, it is only a question of how much longer they can endure the repetition of such blows.
Yesterday's victory was due to causes which always have given and always will give success,
viz : the utmost skill, valour and determination in the execution of the attack following on the
greatest forethought and thoroughness in preparation for it.
I desire to place on record here my deep appreciation of the splendid work done, above and 
below ground as well as in the air, by all Arms, Services and Departments, and by the
Commanders and Staffs, by whom, under Sir Herbert Plumer's orders, all means at our disposal
were combined, both in preparation and in execution, with a skill, devotion and bravery beyond
all praise.
The great success gained has brought us a long step nearer to the final, victorious, end of
the War, and the Empire will be justly proud of the troops who have added such fresh lustre
to its arms.

[this page has been transcribed fully]


Divisional Headquarters
The situation generally is/satisfactory both tactically and
from an Administrative point of view.
This Brigade holds from the RIVER DOUVE on the Right, where
it is in touch with the left Battalion of the 9th Inf. Bde., to
HUNS WALK on the left where it is in touch with the 48th Bn. of
the 12th Inf. Bde., 4th Aust. Division. (both places inclusive)
Dispositions are as follows. -
RIGHT SECTOR. 38th Battalion. Commander Major MAUDSLEY.
Front Line. - 8 to 10 Platoons.
Support Line - 2 to 3 Platoons.
Strong point - SCHNITZEL FARM.-- 1 platoon.
Line of Shell Craters. U.9.s.75.95.- 1 platoon.
LEFT SECTOR, 44th Bn. Lt--Col. W.O.MANSBRIDGE, and 37th Bn.
Lieut -Colonel W.J. SMITH.
Front Line.- 3½ Companies of the 44th Bn.
Support Line.- 3 Platoons of the 37th Bn. under Major STOREY.
RESERVE TRENCH.- U.9.s.1.7. (approx.) - ½ Company.
2. The troops are tired, and have, from my personal knowledge,
been subjected to a barrage of heavy guns of the following calibres.-
4.2". 5.9". 8". and 11" from 12 noon to 5.15 p.m. The enfilade
fire which comes from DEULEMONT, and which is directed by a German
observer, has enfiladed the troops in the left sector of our GREEN
LINE during the whole of the afternoon. About 4p.m. a regular
barrage of heavy guns was instituted. I, personally, saw the enemy
massing for attack opposite the left of our left Bn., apparently
opposite the junction of the 3rd and 4th Australian Divisions. A
message from Capt. ROCKCLIFFE re this attempted counter-attack had
been sent through by the time I reached the 44th Bn. headquarters,
which had shifted into ^a shell hole in the vicinity of SCHNITZEL FARM.
Our barrage opened as quickly as possible under the circumstances as
far as I could judge, but it appeared to me that the counter-battery
work of our artillery was bad; although under the fire of the enemy
artillery myself, I feel that I retained xxx my sense of proportion;
and had the counter-battery work of our heavy artillery been good,


- 2 -
the continued bombardment by the enemy's heavies would not have
been possible. A detailed account of the conditions obtaining
in the Left Sector of the GREEN LINE, held by the 10th Aust
Inf. Bde. ^3rd Aust Div will be given in part II of this report.

General Staff.


"A" Form
Army Form C. 2121.
(In pads of 100.)
No. of Message ..........
Prefix ...... Code .......m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words     Charge
At ...........m.

To ............
By ............
This message is on a/c of:
....................... Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at ............m.
Date ....................
From ...................
By ..........................
TO 10th BHQ

Sender's Number        Day of Month          In reply to Number            AAA 
*       S26                              A day 8th 
We are in touch with
48th Bn. They are
consolidating OWL TRENCH. We
are going to join them at
junction of HUNS WALK AAA OWL
We will cross UNCANNY
TRENCH just below the "C"

From 8.45 am
Sgd W O Mansbridge Lt Col


"A" Form
Army Form C. 2121.
(In pads of 100.)
No. of Message ..........
Prefix ...... Code .......m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words     Charge
At ...........m.

To ............
By ............
This message is on a/c of:
....................... Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at ............m.
Date ....................
From ...................
By ..........................
Sender's Number        Day of Month          In reply to Number            AAA 
*       S31                              A 8th 
sketch shewing new position
of "C" Coy herewith. They
have joined up with "A" Coy
of the left Batt.

From 9.30 am
Sgd W O M Lt Col
CO 44th Bn


"A" Form
Army Form C. 2121.
(In pads of 100.)
No. of Message ..........
Prefix ...... Code .......m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words     Charge
At ...........m.

To ............
By ............
This message is on a/c of:
....................... Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at ............m.
Date ....................
From ...................
By ..........................
Sender's Number        Day of Month          In reply to Number            AAA 
*       S32                              A 8th 
Following from 10th Brigade HQ
"Best congratulations AAA. Have
detailed 37th to help AAA Try &
get to original Green Line at
Company Commanders will carry
on consolidations rapidly in their
present lines until thoroughly
secure. A supply of sandbags
will be available shortly.
C.O. sends best wishes

From 10/6 am
Sgd CC Hillary Capt


"A" Form
Army Form C. 2121.
(In pads of 100.)
No. of Message ..........
Prefix ...... Code .......m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words     Charge
At ...........m.

To ............
By ............
This message is on a/c of:
....................... Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at ............m.
Date ....................
From ...................
By ..........................
Sender's Number        Day of Month          In reply to Number            AAA 
*       S27                              A 8th 
Your MC 278 replied to by runner
G. Sketch sent at 9.30 am shewing
present time. Uncanny support
not held because 4th Div do not
hold OWL SUPPORT. We are joined
to them at OWL TRENCH which
they hold. 37th Batt. should
not be withdrawn until 38th 
arrive. This relief could take
place tonight. The point
mentioned B.4.a.58.18 could be
exploited and retained after
preparation and Trench Mortar fire

From 12.20 pm
Sd W O Mansbridge Lt Col
CO 44th Bn AIF.


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