Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 May - 9 June 1917, Part 14
June 5/17
Corps Conference
Final - Clearing up doubts.
Contract Patrol Work - (Kinnear) - Quesnay counterbattery. -
Flares - all quite understood - times all laid down. -
(Lewis) Counterbattery work. -
(1) Get rid of counterbattery positions - a great many positions destroyed
but guns move 100 yds or so
(2) tackling new positions discovered day before.
(3) yesterday we had 8 successful shoots.
proposals - not all out yet -
All Quesnay positions searched all day to day
Have never yet disclosed all our guns -
12" & 8" guns are in Armentieres.
Today & tomorrow are Counterbattery days.
Other Corps have suffered in their own guns.
(Powell) Today, we shall go on with the 6" on the trenches.
There are only about 20 batteries come in against us on whole Army front
Lewis thinks there are more - from the photographs.
Lewis will see XI Corps today
Zero hour is not settled. - About dawn on June 7 Thursday. -
Engagement of batteries that may open prior to Zero will be automatic.
Our trouble will come from the right flank, enfilading the new line; - this
is particularly so on N.Z & 4th Austr. Div.
(Powell) We are gassing by heavies now every night, & we shall have enough for
Z day, & at Zero hour. -
Jenson will look after wirecutting in front of support line, while we shall take on
the wire in front of front line with 4.5" Hows with 106 fuzes.
If we want more 106 fuzes we have only got to ask for them (Powell)
Six motor machine guns for our reserve. - X
There will be 11,000,000 rounds S.A.A. in reserve.
Projector & 4" stokes guns - 1200 projectors for Messines - wind not favorable
but if favorable, 3 a.m. tomorrow morning. -
Ensure men to be fresh, and rested on Y day. -
Hot food, last thing. -
Shiny helmets, & bayonets, - fixing of bayonets.
carrying bayonets at the old "advance" or shoulder. XX
Zero + 10 has disappeared. A "New Zero" will be notified. -
Work to the probability of new Zero being old Zero + 10. -
Mounted Troops - only 1 squadron. - moves to 0.32 central at
Zero + 5 hrs. - 3 detachments go out & work N.E. -
Tanks - we should have his new orders.
We meet serious Counterattacks on the green line
The two new Companies to be employed to do any carrying for L Company.
Mines - does everybody Know. -
Time - Action on Corps watch only. -
Dropping of situation maps
Reports - importance of constant reports; negative as well as positive.
Divisional Staff officers - especially Q - go up to see what is going on. -
Employment 4th N.Z. Brigade - 3 Bns to Tanet, 1 Bn for sundries.
Signpost for forward roads.
Infantry to help guns up.
Employment of pack animals.
Gas masks for pack animals - 1500 per Division - on the brow bands.
Water - likely to be shortage - men not to touch bottles till they reach
their final objective. - Troops to dig shallow wells to get washing
water. -
Keeping back sappers - Keep a good reserve.
We need not use of small surplus of tramway material for guns.
If a division is relieved in the line, we leave a small personal to guard our
tramways. -
Nobody out of Morbecque without Corps Authority
SECRET. - 1 - B.M. 38
6 JUN 1917
Detachment Headquarters,
5. 6. 1917.
1. INFORMATION. Information has been received that there has
been considerable re-distribution of the enemies'
forces opposing us and that the 9th Bavarian
Regiment which was South of the River LYS is now
astride it. The 5th Bavarian Regiment having been
withdrawn owing to the severe casualties it has
suffered from our Artillery.
2. INTENTION. The Defensive Battalions will hold the line from
the River LYS to WESTMINSTER AVENUE, exclusive,
thereby securing the right of the Attack and
forming a REFUSED flank to the enemy.
xx Heavy retaliation by the enemy's artillery may be
expected not only on our Front Line with supporting
points but in the back areas. The Defensive Force
will, without any further assistance, maintain the
(a) On Z Day the front line will be thinned of
Lewis Guns and Posts, forming an outpost line whose
duties will be that of observation and resistance.
On no account will a retrograde movement be made.
The line will be held at all costs and in case of
a serious attack by the enemy, so break up his
attack that the line of resistance will shatter all
hopes of the enemy obtaining his object. The line
[*latter*] AVENUE – the latter itself – with SMYTHE AVENUE,
BREASTWORKS – HUNTERS AVENUE and the supporting points
to WESTMINSTER AVENUE forming the Main Line of
Resistance which will never be given up.
(b) Owing to the extended front and the limited number
of troops available for the same, it is necessary that
the benefit of the careful reconnaissance that has
been made be profited by. Battalion Commanders must
so dispose of their Battalions that strong posts are
formed covering vulnerable points, and the best points
for mutual support of the one with the other be
(c) The ^ Sectors Sectors between TOOL COTTAGE and BUTCHERS
especially where the LEGHEER - PLOKGSTEERT Road
cuts our line – and DEAD HORSE CORNER, require especial
4. Battalion Commanders will therefore have schemes
drawn up to meet any tactical situation, which may
arise – To meet viz:-
(a) The enemy having failed in his counter-attacks
on the Offensive front, may, as an alternative,
attempt to threaten the Defensive front by counter-attacks.
(b) Heavy retaliation by the enemy, is only
naturally to be expected from the enemy and troops
must be so disposed that casualties are minimised
if possible, by careful distribution.
? | (c) Should the enemy gain a temporary footing in our
line, a party especially earmarked for the local
counter attack - which must come at once - will be
launched to restore the situation. The use and employment
of Rifle Grenadiers, Bombers and the Lewis Gun
being thought of, in the composition of the counter
attacking unit.
(d) Battalions will mutually co-operate in assisting
each other and Battalion Commanders will confer with
each other on this matter.
(e) Battalions will arise to this special occasion
in the strengthening of the line by an extra effort -
[*wiring*] which being is of paramount importance xxx the localities alone [*above*] mentioned requiring special attention.
(f) Battalion Commanders will formulate schemes to
push forward reconnoitring patrols into the enemy's
lines xxx on the first suspicion of the enemy
evacuating his defensive line opposite their respective
units, and establish an outpost line - but - on no
account must the defensive line be jeopardised.
(g) At night the front line must be held as under normal
strength conditions.
[*X now + 5*] (h) At 30 minutes zero a percentage of each Battalion
will fix bayonets, and make them conspicuous at various
points along the whole of the Sector in the Front -
Support - and main Defensive Lines, in order to if
possible deceive the enemy into believing that an attack
will be made from the Defensive Front.
From zero to zero + 15 - vigorous fire action with
Lewis Guns and rifles - together with a rifle grenade
barrage will be maintained on the enemy's lines.
(j) The O.C. 15th Machine Gun Batteries [*know which is this GM*] will sweep
the enemies lines as far as U.22.c central by
enfilade fire - together will all his C.Ts. and lines
of approach opposite the Sector. At the same time the
Vickers Guns will be so disposed of that the localities
referred to in para. 3 (c) are swept by the Fire Action
of his guns - and assist the Infantry in theirs, should
the enemy attempt an offensive movement.
(k) O.C. Medium Trench Mortars and 4th New Zealand
L.T.M.B's will so dispose of their mortars, that
offensive action and defensive action may be assimulated
on the localities enumerated in para.3 (c) paying
especially attention to FACTORY FARM and its vicinity -
From zero to zero +15, Batteries will open at a rapid
rate of fire on the enemies lines - after which in
spasmodic bursts along the whole line.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thomas Fairly
Brigade Major,
57th Divisional Detached Force.
Copy No.
1. O.C.
2. G.Staff.
3. A.G.Staff
4. M.Group R.A.
5. 10th Australian Inf.Bde.
6. 11th " " "
7. 3rd Australian Division.
8. 33rd Bn. A.I.F.
9. O.C., Medium T.M.s.
10. Sigs.Dept. Battalions.
11. 171st Inf. Bde.
12. 4th N.E. T.M. Battery.
13. 15th Motor M/Gun. Coy.
14. c.c. "B" Battalion.
15. "C" Battalion.
16. War Diary.
17. " "
18. File.
19. Spare.
20. Spare.
Goddard 9th
Not in yet 10th
Mainsbridge 11th
Have been
Am asking again
Davis is
substitution for
GOC 10th Bde
SECRET. 6/6/17
Messines Offensive
Time table
pm 11 - 1 am |
Moon Rises | |
2 - 10 | Assembly complete. | |
3 - 0 | Moon at its highest altitude 19 degrees. | |
3 - 10 | Zero. Mines blown. Barrage begins. | |
3 - 12 | Barrage all on front Line | |
3 - 15 | 33rd & 35th enter front Line | |
3 - 17 | 39th enters front Line. | |
3 - 19 | Support line captured all along. | |
3 - 26 | Barrage halts, E. of La Douve moat | |
Rear Battalions leap frog. - | ||
3 - 37 | Advance resumed on left of 10th Brigade | |
3 - 49 | Barrage reaches Ulcer Reserve & Schnitzel - | |
3 - 52 | Capture of Schnitzel & Ulcer Reserve. - | |
3 - 55 | Barrage now straightens - on Ungodly Trench | |
and Ulster Reserve and Grey Farm; 33rd Bn. | ||
reach their objective on their right. | ||
3 - 56 | Morning Twilight begins:- | |
4 - 51 | Sun Rises. - | |
5 - 03 | Capture of Ungodly & Ulster Reserve | |
5 - 12 | Black Line, South of Douve all captured. | |
5 - 20 | Capture of Bethlehem, & Black Line N. of Douve | |
Long Halt of Barrage | ||
8 - 40 | N.Z. patrols advance to Black Dotted Line | |
9 - 55 |
Our Barrage stops, - and guns seek opportunity targets |
___________________________ | ||
Consolidation Proceeds | ||
Reorganisation Proceeds | ||
Pioneers on Communications & Messines Road | ||
p.m 3 - 10 |
Probable "New Zero". - |
SECRET . 6-6-17
PM 11 - 1. |
Moon rises | √ |
A.M. 2 - 10. |
Assembly complete. | √ |
3 - 0. | Moon at its highest altitude, 19 degrees. | √ |
3 - 10 | ZERO. Mines blown. Barrage begins. | √ |
3 - 12 | Barrage all on Front Line. | √ |
3 - 15 | 33rd & 35th enter front line. | √ √ |
3 - 17 | 39th enters front line. | |
3 - 19 | Support line captured all along. | |
3 - 26 | Barrage halts, E. of LA DOUVE Moat. | |
Rear Battalions leap frog. - | ||
3 - 37 | Advance resumed on left of 10th Brigade. | |
3 - 49 | Barrage reaches ULCER RESERVE and SCHNITZEL. | |
3 - 52 | Capture of SCHNITZEL & ULCER RESERVE. | |
3 - 55 | Barrage now straightens - on UNGODLY TRENCH, | |
and ULSTER RESERVE and GREY FARM; 33rd Battalion. | ||
reach their objective on their right. | ||
3 - 56 | Morning. twilight begins. | |
4 - 51 | Sun Rises. | |
5 - 03 | Capture of UNGODLY & ULSTER RESERVE. | |
5 - 12 | BLACK LINE, South of DOUVE all captured. | |
5 - 20 | Capture of BETHLEHEM, & BLACK LINE N. of DOUVE. | |
Long halt of barrage. | ||
8 - 40 | N.Z. patrols advance to BLACK DOTTED LINE. | |
9 - 55 |
Our Barrage stops, - and guns seek opportunity targets. |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | ||
Consolidation Proceeds | ||
Reorganisation Proceeds | ||
Pioneers on communications and MESSINES Road. | ||
P.M. 1 -10 |
Probable "New Zero". - |
At m.
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at m.
From 7-6-17
TO I J K. L. M Groups
9th 10th 11th Infantry Brigades
* Senders Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number AAA
See confirmation of telephone
message artillery Protective and
O O S Barrage will be
put down as follows aaa
U.4.b 70 58 to U.4 b. 3.0 to
U.4.d 54. 60 to U 4 d 64 16
to U. 10 b 60 22. to U. 10 d 80 38
to U.16 b 62 88 ^to U16 b 12 30 thence along
ULTIMO LANE to original
protective barrage line aaa
No shooting will take place
west of this line without sanction
of DAHO aaa Acknowledge
From C R A
Place 3rd Aust Divisl Hqr
[*with map 33.*]
Divisional Headquarters,
7th June, 1917.
"G" Staff. A.D.V.S.
A.Q. " 2nd Anzac Corps R.A.
Div. Sig. Coy.
9th Aust. Inf. Bde.
10th -do-
11th -do-
3rd Aust. Pioneer Bn.
Lieut-Col. GELDES, O.C. Defensive Battalions.
Div. Train.
Liaison Officer.
"B" Bn. Heavy Branch, M.G.C.
O.C., No. 2 Special Coy., R.E.
O.C. "L" Special Coy., R.E.
Corps Heavy Artillery.
I desire to convey my gratitude to all Commanders
and all Troops of the Division for the magnificent valour and splendid
co-operation, as well as the high technical skill which all ranks and
all arms and departments have displayed in the achievement of this
day's great victory. - It now only remains to show that the Division
is just as well able to hold on to what it has won, and is more
than a match for the enemy in the hastily improvised defensive.
John Monash
Commanding Third Australian Division.
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