Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 10 May - 9 June 1917, Part 2
12/5/17At on
tp On Friday 11th/17, at 3 o'clock, one
Artillery offcr & one Infty. officr, accompanied
by 2 soldiers with fixed bayonet. - Say
interpretation in his estiment near
La Clef de la Belgique - rifle went off
accidentally. -
Ultimately saw Sr Dixon 9th Bgde.-
R Pirmez . 1st N.Z. Infty. Bgde.
3?th Bn. Sr.Pellers -
Notes for Conference with 9th & 10th Brigades, 13/5/17.
1. Extension of scope of attack
Object - to exploit success
capture guns
improve hold on ridge.
Blue line pushed out - we take in Bethlehem farm
Black line pushed out - to Hun's Walk.
2. Involves increase of task set to Division.
3. Objections to using Reserve Brigade - No Bde H.Q. ) & Signal arrangement.
No Bn H.Q. )
destroys unity of Command.
destroys reserves in hand.
will cause confusion
4. No hesitation about enlargement of tasks
(a) Visit to Vimy - Nature of ground.
extent of Canadian tasks
(b) efficiency of our destructive bombardment, & increase
9c) probable disorganization of enemy.
5. Former dispositions wash-out ; but must adapt to existing Assembly arrangements.
6. Alteration of (a) new positions of final front
final support lines
(b) new Brigade boundaries
(c) increase of task of 9th Bgde
10th "
7. Details :- 9th Bde with 3 Bn ; A for night flank trough
B for front line system } 450x front
E for Ulster Reserve system
F Reserve
10th Bde C All ground bet. La Douve & Bgde Boundary
D Douve Crossing & Salient
G North of Douve to [ungodly?] trenches
H Subsequent operation.
9th Bde to take on all consolidation & defence South of Douve this frees C Bn
N.Z. to take over consolidation & defence of line N. of Hun's Walk.
Positions just N. of Gray Farm during the 2 hour halt.
'Blue' line must be consolidated.
10th Bde re line of xxxxx ^strong points between Uncanny Trench & Douve, to be connected later.
8. System of previous strong outposts - no further need - only covering parties
Line of Resistance to be "black" line - wiring in front. -
9th but 9th Bde to seize new crater, if blown.
9. Observation from Septieme Barn.
10. - Consequential measures : - 1. Destructive Bombardment.
2. Field gun barrages
3. M.G. Barrages
4. S.O.S. action.
11. Meeting Counterattacks :- Douve breaks up dine & defines direction
Army Boundary.
If. South of Douve - note flank action of 10th Bgde.
If. North of Douve - enfilade fire from Ash Avenue spur.
& Artillery enfilade action
12. 10th Bde - ^ enemy guns at Steignast Fm.
13. Trenches to be consolidated
9th Bde 10th Bde
Front line 850 610
Support line 700 360
Total 1550 970
i.e. 9th Bde 1500 yds = 750 men in 12 hrs.
10th Bde 1000 yds = 500 men in 12 hrs.
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