Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 1 April - 10 May 1917, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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10 X 82 A 15 15 14 o WAGNin OPUE SCALF 1.10,000 1 pe DAFC 15/4/P NoTES:-, Th15 shelch sispusedes and cancels all similar spetches or earlies dates, or undated ( Line A9 is boundary between Brigades, BB is boundaly between Dirisione the green lines are the approsimate lines on which consolidation will takle peace ( the red and blue lines show the proposed positions of the creeping hiid gun barrage as various times; the tigures set against cach line represent the number of mianter, after Lers, at which the Barrage lefte from the line, repessed to, to the next line on the right.- On the line BB, between $15.x x46, the rate of orech s100 yards every 3 minutes. The barrage halt on the line marked & 25 tos 34 Minutes, Ce temes & 676 to 725 The Standing Barrages & the Howitzer Barrages are not shown on this Chetch Vrin 6p 161 10 4 1 o
to use If men count a lopte 16/4/11 afanthy due L waittenc of Hadleon 65 Semorth Status o Feonger W. 1. Stati mor like Sapper than 4 other Drrsin Enpiee 2 Confirance Beny attended depate Law told not to attend. thin became out of towcd. but Company If haave since been attending Conferences at A.R.E.& office t Fmerty aring Linden Hark men all otte to him C.R.E came & pfainted annd the 3 platoon Yee Sr Dr. Phillips C.K.C. Wes Sector save direct pratinations Br AQ know Teghmaal Detarl exactly all that feing on Compptire arca 6 C thing A. said affecting poestife of this Company & is resented by this Company: 7. Lart Mestin 72 in Laws presence. 2 Caft. cant death with Companys direct Br 8 supplie foodmen & draughteon for ae C.o 2 Oly 40 prones in Hopsphin Ehinett not Enough t the cre. 1 D
16/4/1 humbayged defender at sme 10 about C hat then B because Lado. CP.E. has to ask Co Ro Morta complacements 22 11 disgrams want 4 Comr Maps & in Should be drawny 11 Adams made D.0 12 Most Howeoful (awen officc the to Wh ony f C.0 has right tsa 15. witing work No Sntati i 14

MAP:  see original document.


SCALE 1:10,000

Date 15/4/1915

NOTES : -  
(1) This sketch supersedes and cancels all similar sketches of earlier dates, or undated.
(2) Line AA is boundary between Brigades; BB is boundary between Divisions.

(3) The green lines are the approximate lines on which consolidation will take place.

4) The red and blue lines show the proposed position of the Creeping field gun barrage 
 at various times; the figures set against each line represent the number of 
minutes, after Zero, at which the Barrage lifts from the line, referred to, to the 
next line on the right. - On the line BB, between +15 & +46, the rate of Creep 
 is 100 yards every 3 minutes. The barrage halts on the line marked "+25" for 7½ 

 minutes, i.e. from +17½ to 25

 #  The Standing Barrage & the Howitzer Barrages are not shewn on this sketch.

  ↑ Margin


Seniority               Status of C.R.E.                16/4/17
No use - if men won't work together. Difficulties due to excellence of Battalions
1. Status of Pioneer Bn         more like Sappers than in 
                                            other Divisions.
2. Engineer Conference -     Berry attended regularly
                                            Law told not to attend
                                   thus became out of touch. -
           but Company Cr have since been attending
                          Conferences at C.R.E.'S. 
3. Officer for Train & Ry. Work - Linden – wrong
                         men allotted to him. -
4. C.R.E. came & wanted another platoon & 2 
5. St. Yves Sector - Capt. Phillips - C.R.E. gave
                direct instructions
   [2 Technical Details - ^Bn H.Q. know exactly all that is
     going on]
6. A. Co. (Armentières area) - things said affecting
             prestige of this Company; - & is resented by 
             this Company.
7. Last Th. - Meeting of Compy Comrs. - in Law's presence
     - dealt with Company's direct
8.   Bn Supplying foremen & draughtsmen for use by
9. Only 40 Pioneers in Hopkins Spinette – not
         enough for the work. -




10. As to inner defence -humbuffed about -
      first C Co., then B Co. - became of 
       fads. -
11. Re Mortar emplacements -  has to as Co re

    diagrams. -

     Maps & drawing should be in hands of Bn Comrs-.

12. ' I made Adams D.O" 

           "most powerful (engineer) Officer"

13. C.O. has right to say who goes over the top.

14.  No instructions in writing re work.














































































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