Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 1 April - 10 May 1917, Part 8
needs of this Battalion . —
The total length of new trench to be dug & consolidated is about 1500 yds.
This would require the continuous labour of 300 men for 48 hrs . — Thus 250
shovels & 100 picks should be available for this Battalion.
B Battalion
35th Battalion (Lt Col. Goddard)
Mines will be blown at Zero in the flat salient opposite Anton's Farm . -These will
materially shorten the length of enemy ^front & support trenches likely to be effectively held against the
advance of this Battalion .-
The objectives of the Battalion are the capture Front and Support Lines ^inclusive of the Craters. - The
direction of the advance will be on a bearing of (approx) 24° E of true North. — Care
must xxxxx be taken to keep touch with ^the left of A Battalion on the right ^so as to avoid any gap. - Owing to
a change of direction of enemy trenches at the before mentioned salient there will probably
be some overlapping between ^at the xxxx ^meeting flanks of B & C Battalions; but this does not
the least matter .
The troops must not advance beyond the line of the ULSTER SUPPORT, until all
the waves of F Battalion have passed through . - They will then follow the rear wave of
F Battalion, as far as the line of consolidation FG . - The junction ^for consolidation with A Battalion ^on the right
should be made just E ^at F on Ash Avenue, just east of the bend in that road, and
with C Battalion on the left ^at G about xxx the point where the Brigade Boundary is
crossed by the hedge - (see photos.)- There will be ample time to choose the
line FG carefully, as it will take some time for tools to be brought up. Particular
attention must be given to securing a good field of fire. This should be easy, as
the line FG runs transversely across a spur which has a 1 in 120 fall towards the
North east, and a 1 in 50 fall towards the North.
B Battalion will be xxx responsible for the defence of the line FG against counter
attack in the event of our forward line being driven in .
The total length of trench to be captured by each wave as about 500 yards . - This can
be adequately dealt with by 6 platoons in line, in each wave . - The density of the attack
of the left platoons need not be great, because the mine explosions will have thoroughly
disorganized the defences of this part of the objective of this Battalion. - Thus, one
Company of the Battalion is available for carrying parties and xxxxx Reserve; the
remaining Companies finding their own Moppers up. - The furthest distance to be
transversed by carrying parties from our ^ present front line to the line FG is only 400 yards, so
that small carrying parties can make frequent journeys.
The total length of new fire & Communication Trenches to be dug is about 1100 yds.
This would require the continuous labour of 220 men for 48 hours . - Thus
about 180 shovels & 80 picks should be available for this Battalion. -
C Battalion
39th Bn (Lt Col Henderson)
In view of the extended frontage and number of objectives of this Battalion , it will be
desirable to employ all its four Companies in the attack, dispensing them in line. - In
view, however, of the blowing of the Mines in U.9.C, the defence at the right or southern end
of the objectives of this Battalion will be much disorganized, for a distance of at least 150 yards
from the Mines . - The right of the attack need not therefore be very ^so dense ^as the remainder- - On the other
hand the left of the attack will have to be designed with special xxx ^attention , and with a careful
allocation of mopping-up parties to each of the several defined objectives. -
The direction of advance of this Battalion will be 54° East of true North.
The objectives of this Battalion are the ULRICA TRENCH , the ULRICA SUPPORT ^(which is a double line) the
^ halt of the Artillery barrage will xxx ^be east of all these objectives, so that the whole ground area containing
all these objectives can be taken in one continuous advance. - But the troops
must not advance East of a line which skirts the Eastern edge of the Moat and Avenue
Farm, xxx ^or east of the Ulrica Support, until G Battalion has passed through. - They will
then advance to the line GH and dig in. - ^If, as can be may be inferred from the photos, there is a hedge along the East margin of the moat, the leading wave of C Battalion would assist to clear x passages for G Battalion though it
The junction with B Battalion on the South will be made at G, where the Brigade
boundary crosses the line of the hedge; and with D Battalion on the North ^at H on the La
DOUVE river at the near the North East Corner of the MOAT. - The River Douve will be
inclusive to C Battalion. -
The Battalion will be responsible for the defence of the line GH against counter attack, in
the event of our forward line driven in . -
La DOUVE FARM and Avenue Farm may be expected to be a harbor for enemy snipers
and Machine guns ; the mopping up parties allotted to these objectives must therefore act
very promptly, the moment the creeping barrage has lifted off them . -
A special party, not less than 30 strong, should be told off ^from D Battalion to follow close behind the
left leading platoon wave ^of C Battalion to make straight for the point where the enemy's front line
crosses the DOUVE, to leap the enemy front trench, & effect a crossing of the DOUVE within
enemy territory. This party to then work westerly, along & behind Ulrica trench in
the stretch between the DOUVE and ULNA BEAK, so as to meet the ^other party of D
Battalion which is to work East from the BEAK along & behind the enemy front
trench . - The special task of these two parties is to faciliate ^for D Battalion the crossing of the DOUVE
by D Battalion , — by overcoming enemy opposition at the earliest possible moment . —
Carrying parties for this Battalion should be found from within the Battalion . The
length of the journey from our front line always averages 600 yards — say, a xxxx trip out
& back every 30 minutes . —
The length of main & communication trench to be dug in about 1100 yds , the
220 men working continuously for 48 hours . — Tools required 200 shovels ,
100 picks . —
D Battalion
40th Bn (Lt Col. Lord)
The special task of this Battalion is to seize & make good the crossing of the Douve
& to make good ^capture all the country between it, the Divisional boundary BB, and the
line HJ .-
In order to ^rapidly overcome the opposition to the crossing of the Douve, by the seizure of the enemy
trench extending between the ULNA BEAK and the point where Ulrica Trench crosses the
Douve, it is proposed ^suggested to launch ^to the attack a special party from this Battalion, ^as from a position of ^ four platoons xxxx in depth in
Assembly within our lines, just north of the River - comprising one Company, - Of this Company
the leading platoon wave, extended on a front of 100 yards will ^would make for & seize
ULNA SUPPORT trench , the next wave will ^would seize the front line between the LA PETIT DOUVE
FARM and the BEAK. ^Of the The remaining two ^The third platoons will advancing ^preferably in section columns,
^close to the river bank & will ^I would ^leap the front trench &attack, in rear, the enemy East & West ^front trench which faces the DOUVE, working towards
& meeting the special party of ^accompanying C Battalion, told off to attack the same trench from
its Eastern end ; -^while the The fourth platoon ^crossing the Ulna Support, would attack the Ulna Switch from the north-west,
with a view to diverting any garrison left in it from interference with the crossing
of the DOUVE. -
Two other Companies of D Battalion to make a frontal attack on the line of the
Douve , placing bridging material , at not less than 6 points , bridging material ,
carried out , under cover of darkness , some hours before Zero , to the right bank of the
River ; crossing the river by such bridges & advancing to the line HJ to complete the
capture of its objectives . —
This leaves one Company of D Battalion available for disposal as the Brigadier may decide. - On his ^decision on this ^point will defend the organsition of ^carrying parties for this Bn
The dispositions of this Battalion will necessarily be complicated, owing to the convergence of the two lines of attack, and the complex location of the xxxxxx objective
trench system. This difficulty can only be met by a careful allocation of objectives to
the various platoons, and full instructions as to the employment of the ^various means of offence
available to the troops.
ULNA SNITCH will be distinctively bombarded prior to Zero. - Therefore All that part of
ULNA AVENUE which lies East of the line HJ will remain under a heavy artillery
barrage until Zero plus 30 minutes, so that little interference to D Battalion, from
this direction need be anticipated -
The troops must not move East of line moving North & South the eastern extremity
of ULNA SNITCH until H Battalion has passed through. They will then follow the
last wave of H Battalion, to the line HJ and dig in thereon. - D Battalion is
responsible for the defence of the line HJ against counter-attack, in the event of our
front line being driven in -
Contact with C Battalion on the south will be established at H, on the DOUVE, near
the North East Corner of the MOAT, and with the right Battalion of the New Zealand
Division, at J, on the Ulna Avenue at a point the ^exact position of which has not yet
been definitely decided, but approximately where shown on the plan.
The C.O. of D Bn will be responsible for the establishing liaison with the N.Z.
Battalion on his left. - The ^route & timing of this approach march of the Company of D Battalion which
will operate North of the DOUVE, must will be arranged between Div. Staff of this & the
N.Z. Division.
D Battalion will have to dig about 300 yards of fire trench & about 400 yards of
Communication trench. - This will take 140 men 48 hours. - Battalion requires
110 shovels & 60 picks. -
E Battalion
36th Bn (Lt. Col Milne)
The objectives of this Battalion are the capture of the triangular sloped country
between the lines EF & EK, the establishment of Outpost positions at T & U
& the clean mopping up of the country between the line of consolidation EK and
the outpost line TU. -
It is thought that these objectives can be adequately dealt with by two Companies
advancing on a ^total frontage of 250 yards with the left resting on Ash Avenue, i.e.
4 platoons in line; the leading platoon wave halting on the line EK, This line
can be very simply described as a line running ^North & South just west of ^& within 50 yds of the Moat ^in U.16.a - in the front& South direction . - The second wave of four platoons would ^pass through the first wave & be allocated thus:-
right platoon to change direction to South passing to the right of the Moat towards T &
establishing a post at T, with sentries out in front of it, next platoon to mop
up the Moat & its vicinity, working around the North of the Moat; next platoon to
make for & establish post at U with sentries to the East, left platoon to act
in support ^of letter & to mop up the country as far as line UV. - As soon as ^the posts are
established, the two spare platoons to withdraw behind the line of consolidation.
A Bombing block must be established in Ultimo Point, East of line EK
This Battalion dispositions leave available two Companies, one as a Brigade Reserve,
and one as a Battalion reserve & for supply of Battalion carrying parties.
The line of Battalion digs in on the line E ^to K, & is responsible for the defence
of this line against Counterattack. - It must establish a junction with A
Battalion at E, opposite the North West Corner of the Moat, & with F Battalion on
its left at K, on Ash Avenue. - Ash Avenue will be inclusive to E
Battalion, - E Battalion will be responsible for the establishment (with sniper
assistance) of a "Strongpoint" at E.
Ultimo Reserve Trench and Knoll Thatched Cottage Knoll are points from
which trouble may be expected, but our Standing barrage will assist to keep
this down. -
The length of trench & communications to be dug does not exceed 600 yds.
representing the continuous labour of 120 men for 48 hours. - Required
say 100 shovels and 60 picks. -
34th Battalion (Lt Col Martin)
The principal difficulty which confronts this Battalion is the execution of
the tasks allotted to it is in the unavoidable change of direction which it will have
to make during its advance. - Its tasks are to clear the country between
the ULSTER SUPPORT and the ULSTER RESERVE, to capture the latter, and
to establish Outpost Picquets at V & W. -
The Battalion must advance (either in waves or in lines of Section columns)
immediately behind B Battalion, its right being directed on the bend of the road
in Ash Avenue, near the point F. - .During the few minutes halt of the barrage
the platoons will have time to deploy and swing up their left so as to face their
new direction ^keeping parallel with the barrage, as it swings round. - Both Ash Avenue and ULSTER RESERVE AVENUE will
afford useful guides for direction. - If attacking on a 3 Company frontage
one company would move between Ulster Avenue on its left, and Ash Avenue
on its right. - The two left Companies would advance by the right, with the right
of the advance resting on ULSTER AVENUE. - Moreover, the lines of the ditches
and hedges encountered are fairly square to the direction of the advance, and
this fact will assist in indicating direction. - The tendency will, however, be to crowd
^towards the right, which tendency must be checked, particularly by the left Company. -
Behind the leading platoon waves, moppers up must be provided to deal specially
with ULSTER SWITCH, and to drop into and clear any dugouts on ULSTER
ULSTER RESERVE (so far as some lies within the ground allotted to this Battalion
- about 225 yards) may prove a difficult objective, even although previously heavily
bombarded. The derelict trenches behind the main trench may be found occupied. For
these reasons the formation which suggests itself is four platoons in line, leading
wave to be followed by 2 xxxxx lines of moppers up; leading wave to advance
to line KL - simultaneously with leading platoon wave of the Company operating
South of the ULSTER AVENUE. - Rear platoon waves to complete the capture of
When the Battalion has reached the limits of its advance, the dispositions which
suggest themselves are as follows :- One platoon of right Company to establish a picquet
at V, with one platoon in support until situation is established. One platoon
of Centre Company to establish a picquet at W, with one platoon acting in support. One
platoon of left Company to be prepared to assist, by action from South to North, to
assist G Battalion in the capture of Grey Farm trench system. - The remainder
of the Battalion (less Reserve Company) proceeds with the consolidation. on the
line F L K L. -
The junction, for consolidation, with E Battalion, on the South, is at K on Ash
Avenue, at Long Ruin, and with G Battalion, at the north, is at L, which is on
ULSTER DRIVE, just East of Grey Fram system.
ULSTER DRIVE at point of junction in inclusive to F Battalion, which must
also establish bombing blocks in it & ULSTER AVENUE, East of the line KL.-
This Battalion is responsible for the defence, against counterattack, of the new
line KL, from Ash Avenue (exclusive) to ULSTER DRIVE (inclusive). - This line
has a good field of fire towards the north, but the field of view to the East & South
East is limited by the Knolls at Fuze Cottage & Thatched Cottage. - It is from
behind these Knolls that a ^local counter-attack may be expected to develop. - The ruins
of Tillent Farm, and the farm 150 yds to the South of it afford harbour for enemy snipers
until occupied by our own snipers until occupied by our own snipers.
In above suggested dispositions only 3 Companies have been absorbed. -- This leaves
one Company for Battalion reserve. - In view of the length of journey for carrying parties,
(nearly 1000 yds from our front trench) it would be well to leave the whole of this Company
under the hands of the Battalion Commander. -
The hedges ^& drains encountered in the advance from ULSTER SUPPORT to ULSTER RESERVE
may be expected to be wired. - A good supply of heavy wire cutters should therefore be
carried by the leading waves. Men carrying wire cutters should be labelled on laid down
in S.S.135 XXXII para 3. -
This Battalion will have to dig about 1200 yards of fire & communication trenches,
which will require 240 men for 48 hours. Tools required 200 shovels, 100 picks. -
38th Bn (Lt Col Davis)
The objectives of this Battalion are the country between the lines GH and LM
and the GREY FARM trench system; - all to the South of LA DOUVE River.
The country between lines GH & LM appears to be ^fairly clear of hedges, wire or other
obstacles. - The ultimate objectives cover a frontage of not more than 350 yards.
The maximum depth, of the advance, from ULRICA SUPPORT to the line LM is nearly 800 yards.
Two Companies, deployed on a four platoon frontage, in two platoon waves should be
sufficient for the tasks allotted. - This will leave 2 Companies, one for Brigade
reserve, and one to provide Battalion carrying parties. - The double journey for
the carrying parties will, to & from ^from and back to our front trenches, will be nearly 1½ miles; - so that
numerous parties are required in the early stages of the consolidation of the line M LM.
The main objective is GREY FARM. - It is most important for the success of the
whole operation that this objective, & the trenches surrounding it, shall be made good. -
Assistance from ^This locality will be heavily bombarded ^by us prior to Zero. - Also, assistance from F
Battalion, by a platoon attacking from the South, ins being provided. - Nevertheless the
attack on this objective ^by G Battalion both from the West and ^by envelopment from the North must be carefully
worked out. - The provision of sufficient mopping up parties for the several lines of trenches
surrounding Grey Farm must not be overlooked. -
The Battalion consolidation on the line LM, for the defence of which line against counterattack
it is also responsible. It also established a picquet post in vicinity of point
X. - Its junction with F Battalion ^on the South is at L, on Ulster Drive, just East of Grey
Farm, and with H Battalion, on the North, is at M, on The Douve, which point must
be at least as far East as a line joining Schnitzel Farm and Grey Farm. -
↑There are no apparent dangerous strong points to the east of the line LM as far as the
↑UNCERTAIN trench system.
↑The length of main trench to be dug from L to M is about 400 yds; also Ulrica
↑Avenue will have to cleared repaired as a main communication. - This will
↑involve the continuous labour of, say, 150 men for 48 hours. - Tools required 120
↑shovels, 60 picks. -
↑(Bombing blocks must be established in Communication trench ^Ulrica Lane leading East
(beyond line LM.
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