Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 1 April - 10 May 1917, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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Brtag sE O RE T 2. e/4/l7. pRürr Omul. MAGNUM OPUS. ovrLies or PLa. in Frontage - Two Brigades in line - each Brigade 1. DIsPosrrioms on a frontage of two Battalions. BRIGADES:- Each Brigade in two lines - two in Depth - Battalions in each line. in Frontage - Each Battalion attacks with 3 or/4 2. DISPOSITIONS of companies in line -(according to BATTALIONS frontage and nature of objectives). Each Company forming two platoons waves on a two platoon frontage. A line running from the point where ANSCROFT AVENUE ARY BET- 3. B NEEN RICHT joins our front line, through M in CREY FM. and LEF B2192DRS. Leading four Battalions capture lst objective (which 4. OBJECTIVES. is enemy's front line) and 2nd objective (which is enemy's support line; and digs in on the line D. E, F. G. H, J (see plan attached) which is 60 to 100 yards beyond enemy's support line and takes in LA DOUVE FARM MOAT, and AVENUE FARM. Rear Four Battalions pass through leading Four Battalions (during a short halt of the Creeping Barrage) and then follow the barrage to capture ULNA AVENUE and the line of the ULCER RESERVE and ULSTER RESERVE trenches, including SCHNITZAL FARM and GREY FARM. - These four Battalions dig in on the line E, K. L, M. N (sce pland, and also establish anboutpost line with picquets at points T. U, V. W. X, Y, Z marked on map.
5. REFERENCE LETTERS of BaTTAIIONS 6. PROBABLE DISPOS- ITONS of BRIGADES A BATTALIONS 7. RESERVES. e/4/17. -2 The Battalions are lettered from right to left; the leading Battalions being A, B, C and D, the rear Battalions being E, F. G, H. On completion of the operation, the Battalions will ocoupy the relative positions shown thus:- D. C. B. A H. G. F. E) The probable dispositions will be as follows:- A Bn. 9th Inf. Bde. 33rd Bn. (Lt-Col. MORSHEAD) 35th Bn. (Lt-Col. CODDARD) B Bn do. C Bn. 10th Inf. Bde. 39th Bn. (Lt-Col. HENDERSON) 40th Bn. (Lt-Col. LORD) D Bn. do. E Bn. 9th Inf. Bde. 36th Bn. (Lt-Col. MILNE) 34th Bn. (Lt-COl. MARTIN) - Bn. do. c Bn. 10th Inf. Bde. 38th Bn. (Lt.Col. DAVIS) 37th Bn. (Lt-Col. SMITH) H Bn. do. 11th Brigade furnishes Divisional Reserve, Lsdore fre one Battalion to move up,to vicinity of PROWSE POINT and one Battalion to vicinity of FUSILIER Lmoredelelg that kko Gbatahens ore deer, -; remainder of FARMassaulthe odg Reserve Brigade to remain under arms at/CATACOMBS With the exception of C and H Battalions (which owing to Frontages and Objectives allotted will attack adlenel, with all four companies) one Company of each Battalion will be held available as Brigade Reserves and to provide Brigade Carrying Parties. - The moppers up and Battalion carrying parties will be drawn from the Assaulting Companies themselves.
AUS 8. ARTILLERY BARRAGE F 7108 T1R1S 9. MACHINE GUN DUUPIMIRS 10. ENGINEERS AND PlUNRRNS s/4/17. It being understood that "Zero" is the time when the leading Infantry leave our trenches, the following time-table is proposed:- (Here follows the time bable arranged in conference with "G" Staff & B.M., R.A.) One M.G.Co. will be held in reserve at the CATACOMBS. - Prior to and during the assault, the other three M.G. Companies will be employed to barrage objectives, selected in consultation with Corps Machine Gun Officer. - After capture of otaclock bürr all objectives, (and --decided by Divisional Commander) one M.G.Company will passunder orders of each front line Brigade for defence against Counter-attack; the Divisional Machine Gun Co. being held in Reserve in vicinity of ST YVES P.O. near our outer flank, also for defensive employ- ment. One Field Company, and Pioneer Battalion less 2 companies will be held in reserve. - The remsinder will remain under the orders of the C.R.E. One Field Co. and one Company Pioneers will be employed by him with each of the attacking Brigades.- ewill be One hundred Infantry s allotted to each of these two Field Companies. Communications across NO MAN'S LAND. Special Tasks. - Fommation of Strong points in our new lines. Clearing overland routes in cap¬ tured territory. Bridging LA DOUVE RIVER. Defensive wiring (if ordered) in front of right Brigade.
- 9/4/17. These will be employed in cutting wire prior to 11. MEDIUM TRENCH NOrfa9S. Zero; during the "time table" they will participate in the barrage of enemy front line from Zero to Zero plus five minutes. One Battery is held in reserve. - One Battery 12. LIGHT TRENCH Norda9S. remains at disposal of each attacking Brieade, to move forward, under Brigadier's orders, into captured territory, for employment defensively, and to engage any suitasle targets within range. - particularly on the new front of the right Brigade. ("G" to draft) H MARCH 13. APPRO D. BSB21811 14. METHOD OF ISSUING ("G" to draft? rOH TRuNCHIR The following is a brief outline of proposed 15. ADMINISTRATIVE. arrangements: - (a) Traffie Control (b) Dumps,- t their replenishment Extracts from A.Q. Scheme to (c) Medical arrangements be inserted. (d) Water Supply (c) Concentration Camp (f) Tramway construction and operation. ac. 40.
16. POSITION Or A1dD)uarfidS. 17. ARTILLERY PuurhluTlons 18. DISPOSITIONS BTBI OrBälIlOR -5 9/4/17. snnsswngok Division U.20.a.8.9. 9th Inf. Brigade U. 10th 40. CATACOMBS 11thdo. U. A Bn. Prowse Point B Bn. U.14.b. 12.94. C Bn. U. 8.0.34. 4. D Bn. U. E Bn. U. 15.a.67.14. F Bn. U.s.d.27.14. e Bn. (not yet reconnoîtred) H Bn. Note:- E, F. G, and H Battalion Headquarters will move forward, after assault, to suitable dug outs in captured territory.- The whole of the Gun positions, Group H.C.. O.Ps., Communications, liaison, dumps and tramways have been settled in accordance with the orders of B.G., R.A. In accordance with the situation, and at times to be determined by the Divisional Commander, the captured ground will be organized for defence in depth, on the basis of a single Brigade front, with two Battahons in the line and two in close support. - If not otherwise employed, the 1lth Brigade, with Headquarters at the CATACOMBS, with its associated Machine Gun Co., Light Trench Mortar Battery, Field Co, and one Company of Pioneers, will be allotted to this duty, the troops of the assaulting Brigades being withdrawn in stages to billets and camps within the concen¬ tration area, to rest and reorganize;
19. DEFENSIVE FRONT Sr Itnd to BIINd LIS. 20. MISGELLANEOUS -6 e/4/17. those in the most forward positions being the first to be relieved. - Inasmuch as two Battalions of the Reserve Brigade are proposed to be pushed forward in immediate support of the operation, as per para. 7, and 200 of the remaining two Battalions will be attached to Field Companies, it will be seen that the total of unallotted troops remaining at the disposal of the Divisional Commander will be less than two Battalions. It is hoped, therefore, that the garrison of the Defensive front - estimated to require two Battalions and a Brigade of Artillery, can be supplied from another formation, as foreshadowed in Corps Provisional Plan, para. 6. - The left flank of this Garrison will be available for defensive measures covering the ground south of the line of ULTIMO AVENUE (inclusive), and lisison will be established, for this purpose, between this garrison and our right assaulting Brigade. - The following measures have still to be considered:- (a) Arrangements for signalling our progress by light signals. (b) Arrangements for s.O.S. action upon new front, by day and by night (c) Preparation of timed barrage maps for guidance of Infantry.
AUS 9u7 S E CR E T MAGNUM OPUS Helimmarg Outtme 10M R.1. B. 1. THE DISPOSI TIOES OF THE PRIGADE .Objective - ULRICA trench from the ist Rignt Bank of LA DOUVE to Brigade Right 39th.Pattalion boundar y, a frontage of 55 0 yds. 2nd. Objective - ULRICA support from LA DOUVE to Brigade Right Boundary, a frontage of 550 yds. Objective - ULRICA trench from U.8.b.00.40. (1st. to RIVER DOUVE, frontage 400 yds. Objective - ULNA Switch incluave from 2nd. ULNA Support to the RIVER, frontage 300 yds. 4odth.Battalion It is desired to extend the frontage to (U.8.b.00.40. on the left) rd.Objective - Portion of ULSTER RESERVE. Strong point at GREY FARM,and line of ULSTERR RLEERVE to the RIVER DOUVE, 38th. Battalion frontage 350 yds. less 2 Coys. (The desirability of a strong point to the EAST of Road at U.10.a.15.50 is suggested.) popre 3rd. Objective - ULCER RESERVE from Brigade Left Boundary to the RIVER, frontage 500 yde 37th.Battalion Ath. Objective - UPSEr (new) TRENCH from Brigade Left Boundary to RIVER, frontage 500 yds; and two strongpoints one at BETHLEAN FARM and the other at HUT. BRIGADE RESERVE. 2 Coys. 38th. Battalion INTERUAL DISPOSITIONS OF THE BATTALIONS. Four Companiesin line, each company with two platoons in line, making eight platoons in the FIRST WAVE. 39th.Battalion First Wave to take SECOND OBJECTIVE, and D F consolidate the new line SecondWave to take FIRSTOBJECTIVE, to supply Moppers Up. 2. 3.
(2) INTERNAL DISPOSITIONS THE BATTALIONS (Continuedl: Two Companies to assemble in our front and support trenches immediately NORTH of the DOUVE - the First Wave to advance in line with the First Wave of the Brigade on 40th. Battalion our Left, and to push on to ULNA SUPPORT and ULNA swiTcCH. The Second Wave to provide Moppers Up for the front line trench, and to cooperste with the ThirdWave, in constructing cross ings over the RIVER DOUVE in NO MAN'S LAND. The remaining two Companies in two Waves - Third and Fourth Waves. The Third Wave cooperates with thesecond Wave in construetingthe crossings. The Fourth Wave completes the takingof the First Objective, and ultimately sends forward help towards the digging of the new line "D F Two Companies in two Waves. The Third Wave goes through to the furthermost edge of GREY FARM Strong Point and theline of 38th. Battalion trenches prolonging it towards the RIVER. th Waveprovides Moppers Up and The Fou takes ULSTER RESERVE. Crosses the DOUVE RIVER by crossings placed in position by the 40th. Battalion. Fifth Wave goes to UPSET TRENCH and the two Strong Point positions. 37th.Battalion The Sixth Wave supplies Moppers Up, and takes ULCER RESERVE, 4. DISTRIBUTION OF LEWIS GUNS MULING CONSOLIDATION Four LewisGuns garrisoning the suggested strong point and guarding the Road running NORTH EAST from it. 38th. Battalion The other four in the hands of Company Officers in the consolidated line. Four Lewis Guns in each StrongPoint. One 37th.Battalion gun in U.10.a.0.7. The remainder of Lewis Guns in the new lines. 5. EPLOYEENT OF VICKERS GUNS. There does not seem to be much chance of using Viekers Guns on the actual Brigade Sector during the Assault, and a first-hand knowledge of the ground is necessary before adequate tasks could be allotted.
3. 6." RESERVES IN OUFLIME. Two Companies of the 38th. Battalion, will form the Brigade Reserve. 7. STRENGTH ANDORGANIZATION OF CARRYITG PAHIIES - Frombrigade to Battalion - One Officer and 40 men to each of the 37th. and 38th. Battalions. Company carriers, from Battalion to Company, t wo sectionsper Company. SUPPLIES OF TOOLS WIRE, and ATUNITION - 8. A Brigade Dump,and Battalion Dumps for the 39th. and 40th. Battalions will be established in or near our front line trench, and well stocked beforehand. Company carrying parties of the 39th, and 40th. Battalions will carry the required stores direct from their Battalion Dumps. Company carrying prties of the 37th. and 38th. Battaligns will be assembled at BrigadeDump before ZERO hour, andload with supplies in anticipation of requirements. They will follow the last wave of their battalions. Battalion carrying parties of 40 menper battalion of the 37th, and 38th. Battalions under an Officer will carry forward material to establish battalion dumps in rear of the third objective. 9 . METHOD OF ASSEMBLY Ec. The 39th. and 40th. Battalions in our front line trench with sally ports at the rate of at least one per platoon. The 37th. and 38th. Battalions - The preliminary assembly is to be provided for in the support trenches and avenues as close to the front line as possible. This cannot be arranged in detail without further knowledge of the locality. DTP? KEEPING DIRECTION DULIFG ADVANCE. 10. It is not anticipated that the matter of ficulty in this case. The direction will give any great First and Second Objectives of the 40th. Battalion offer some ty, but it isproposed to attack them at first slight difficul a TERLY direction, which will bring the first Wave in a due EA! to the southern half ofULNA SUPPORT. This faet eoupled with the barrage should make ULNA swiTCH untenable. A slight change of direction to the left will be necess ary for this Wave toreach its final objective. CROSSING LA DOUVE- 11. The suggested method has been indicated in the above " Dispositions of Battalions ", viz. for two Companies of the 40th. Bat talion to assemble in our front o trenches NORTH of the D OUVE, andto attack in an EASTERLY direction. OneCompany will make good the trenches between the BEAK and the southern half of ULNA SUPPORT, Parties detailed from the Second Company will ties from the Third Company in placing cooperate with otherpa across theRIVER in several places between the BEAK and ULRICA TRENCH light bridges previously constructed by the Engineers and carried out before ZER0 hour. 68 Afeintshed 9.4.7 t
S E C R E T. 2nd ANZAC. No. S.d./00 10/4/n. Major General J. Monash, C.B.,V.D., Commanding 3rd Australian Div ision. --------------------- The attached notes have been received from G.H.d. regarding the policy which governs the employment of the R.F.C.,during the present operations. The Commander-in-Chief has directed that the notes should be made known to Divisional Commanders, and that the paper is not to be reproduced. o B.G.,.G.S., 2nd ANZAC Corps. Jhkd Ticke too goms proronel fannset. -de not peyfoa k oae trin dvanmnad, ovasft t met arkainn of om eipshag akråd mag be vaaad ty om doklkng a oko nuk. Plav petato. TaT..

(Copy)                                                                SECRET

DRAFT ONLY.                                       9/4/17.



  1. DISPOSITIONS  of BRIGADES :-      in Frontage - Two Brigades in line - each Brigade                                         on a frontage of two Battalions.  -

    in Depth -       Each Brigade in two lines - two

    Battalions in each line.

2.  DISPOSITIONS  of  BATTALIONS     in Frontage -  Each Battalion attacks with 3 or /^with 4 

companies in line - (according to

frontage and nature of objectives.).

Each Company forming two platoon

waves on a two platoon frontage.

3. BOUNDARY BETWEEN  RIGHT AND LEFT BRIGADES.     A line running from the point where ANSCROFT AVENUE

joins our front line, through M in GREY FM. -

4. OBJECTIVES           Leading four Battalions capture 1st objective (which

is the enemy's front line) and 2nd objective (which is 

enemy's support line; and digs in on the line

D, E, F, G, H, J (see plan attached) which is 60

to 100 yards beyond enemy's support line and takes


Rear Four Battalions pass through leading Four Battalions

(During a short halt of the Creeping Barrage) and 

then follow the barrage to capture ULNA AVENUE and 


trenches, including SCHNITZAL FARM and GREY FARM. - 

These four Battalions dig in on the line E, K, L,

M, N (see plan), and also establish an/outpost line

with picquets at points T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z marked

on map.




-2-     9/4/17.

5. REFERENCE LETTERS OF BATTALIONS   The Battalions are lettered from right to left;

the leading Battalions being A, B, C and D, the

rear Battalions being E, F, G, H.  On completion

 of the operation, the Battalions will occupy the 

relative positions shown thus :-

D, C, B, A )
H, G, F, E )

6. PROBABLE  DISPOSITIONS OF BRIGADES & BATTALIONS.   The probable dispositions will be as follows:-

A Bn. 9th Inf. Bde.     33rd Bn  (Lt-Col. MORSHEAD)

B Bn          do.              35th Bn  (Lt-Col. GODDARD)

C Bn. 10th Inf. Bde.   39th Bn  (Lt-Col. HENDERSON)

D Bn.         do.              40th Bn. (Lt-Col. LORD)

E Bn.  9th Inf. Bde.     36th Bn. (Lt-Col. MILNE)

F Bn.          do.              34th Bn. (Lt-Col. MARTIN)

G Bn.  10th Inf.  Bde.  38th Bn. (Lt.-Col. DAVIS)

H Bn.           do.             37th Bn.  (Lt.-Col. SMITH)

7. RESERVES          11th Brigade furnishes Divisional Reserve,

one Battalion to move up ^before zero to vicinity of PROWSE

POINT and one Battalion to vicinity of FUSILIER

FARM, ^immediately that the assult^ing is launched ^Battalions are clear; remainder of 
Reserve Brigade to remain under arms at ^the CATACOMBS

With the exception of C and H Battalions (whish owing

to Frontages and Objectives allotted will attack

with all four companies) ^at least one Company of each

Battalion will be held available as Brigade Reserves

and to provide Brigade Carrying Parties.  -  The

moppers up and Battalion carrying parties will be 

drawn from the Assaulting Companies themselves. -




- 3 -     9/4/17

8. ARTILLERY BARRAGE  & TIME TABLE        It being understood that "Zero" is the time

when the leading Infantry leave our trenches, the 

following time-table is proposed :-

(Here follows the time table arranged in 

conference with "G" Staff & B.M., R.A.)

9.  MACHINE GUN COMPANIES.        One M.G.Co. will be held in reserve at the 

CATACOMBS.  -  Prior to and during the assault,

the other three M.G. Companies will be employed to

barrage objectives, selected in consultation with

Corps Machine Gun Officer.  -  After capture of

all objectives, (and when ^at a clock time decided by Divisional

Commander) one M.G.Company will pass/under orders

of each front line Brigade for defence against

Counter-attack; the Divisional Machine Gun Co.

being held in Reserve in vicinity of ST YVES P.O.

near our outer flank, also for defensive employment.

10. ENGINEERS AND PIONEERS    One Field Company, and Pioneer Battalion less 2

companies will be held in reserve.  The remainder

will remain under the orders of the C.R.E.  One

Field Co. and one Company Pioneers will be employed

by him with each of the attacking Brigades.  -

One hundred Infantry from 11th Brigade will be

allotted to each of these two Field Companies.

Special Tasks.  -  Communications across NO MAN'S LAND

Formation of Strong points in our

new lines.

Clearing overland routes in captured



Defensive wiring (if ordered) in 

front of right Brigade.



-4-      9/4/17.

11. MEDIUM TRENCH  MORTARS.   These will be employed in cutting wire prior to

Zero; during the "time table" they will participate

in the barrage of enemy front lines from Zero to

Zero plus five minutes.

12.  LIGHT TRENCH MORTARS.      One Battery is held in reserve.  -  One Battery

remains at disposal of each attacking Brigade, to 

move forward, under Brigadier's orders, into

captured territory, for employment defensively,

and to engage any suitable targets within range,  -

particularly on the new front of the right Brigade.

13.  APPROACH MARCH & ASSEMBLY       ("G" to draft)

14.  METHOD OF ISSUING   FROM TRENCHES.    ("G" to draft)

15.  ADMINISTRATIVE.       The following is a brief outline of proposed


(a)  Traffic Control                                      )

(b)  Dumps, - & their replenishment    ) Extracts from

(c)  Medical arrangements                      )  A.Q. Scheme to 

(d) Water Supply                                        ) be inserted.

(e) Concentration Camp                          )

(f) Tramway construction and                )    

operation.                                                    )

&c.   &c.                                                         )




-5-     9/4/17.

Division                   STEENWERCK

9th Inf. Brigade     U.20.a.8.9.

10th  do.                   U.14.c.5.2.

11th    do.                  CATACOMBS

A Bn.                         U.15.c.6.6½

B Bn.                         Prowse Point

C Bn.                         U.14.b.1½.9½

D BN.                        U.8.c.3½.4.

E Bn.                         U.15.c.9½.5.

F Bn.                         U.15.a.6½.1½.

G Bn.                        U.8.d.2½.1½.

H Bn.                        (not yet reconnoitred)

Note:-  E, F, G, and H Battalion Headquarters will

move forward, after assault, to suitable dug-outs

in captured territory.  -

17.  ARTILLERY   PREPARATIONS     The whole of the Gun positions, Group H.Q., O.P's.,

Communications, liaison, dumps and tramways have

been settled in accordance with the orders of 

B.G., and R.A.


18. DISPOSITIONS  AFTER OPERATION      In accordance with the situation, and at times

to be determined by the Divisional Commander,

the captured ground will be organized for defence

in depth, on the basis of a single Brigade front,

with two Battalions in the line and two in close

support.  -  If not otherwise employed, the 11th

Brigade, with Headquarters at the CATACOMBS, with

its associated Machine Gun Co., Light Trench

Mortar Battery, Field Co , and one Company of

Pioneers, will be allotted to this duty, the

troops of the assaulting Brigades being withdrawn

in stages to billets and camps within the concentration

area, to rest and reorganize; -



-6-     9/4/17.

those in the most forward positions being the 

first to be relived.  -


19. DEFENSIVE FRONT STE YVES TO RIVER LYS.     Inasmuch as two Battalions of the Reserve Brigade

are proposed to be pushed forward in immediate

support of the operations, as per para. 7, and

200 of the remaining two Battalions will be

attached to Field Companies, it will be seen that

the total of unallotted troops remaining at the 

disposal of the Divisional Commander will be less

than two Battalions.  It is hoped, therefore,

that the garrison of the Defensive front -

estimated to require two Battalions and a Brigade

of Artillery, can be supplied form another

formation, as foreshadowed in Corps Provisional

Plan, para. 6. - The left flank of this Garrison

will be available for defensive measure covering

the ground south of the line of ULTIMO AVENUE

(inclusive), and liaison will be established,

for this purpose, between this garrison and our

right assaulting Brigade.  -

20.  MISCELLANEOUS     The following measures have still to be considered: -

(a) Arrangements for signalling our progress by

light signals.

(b) Arrangements for S.O.S action upon new front, 

by day and by night

(c) Preparations of timed barrage maps for

guidance of Infantry.



SECRET                              9.4.17


Preliminary Outline

10th A.I.B



    1ST. Objective - ULRICA trench from the 

    Right Bank of La DOUVE to Brigade Right

    boundar y, a frontage of 55 0 yds.

    2nd. Objective - ULRICA support from LA DOUVE

    to Brigade Right boundary, a frontage of

    550 yds.

    400th. Battalion

    1st. Objective - ULRICA trench U.8.b.00.40.

    to RIVER DOUVE, frontage 400 yds.

    2nd. Objective - ULNA Switch inclusive from

    ULNA support to the RIVER, frontage 300 yds.

    (It is desired to extend the frontage to

    (U.8.b.00.40. on the left)

    38th. Battalion less 2 Coys.

    3rd Objective - Portion of ULSTER RESERVE.

    Strong point at GREY FARM, and line of


     frontage 350 yds.

    (The desirability of a strong point to

    ( the EAST of Road at U.10.a.15.50 is

    ( suggested.)

    37th. Battalion

    (3rd. Objective - ULCER RESERVE from Brigade

    Left Boundary to the RIVER, frontage 500 yds

    4th Objective - UPSET (new) TRENCH from 

    Brigade Left Boundary to RIVER,

    frontage 500 yds; and two strongpoints,

    one at BETHLEAN FARM and the other at 


    2 Coys. 38th.   Battalion  (BRIGADE RESERVE.



    Four Companiesin line, each company with

    two platoons in line, making eight platoons

    in the FIRST WAVE.

    First Wave to take SECOND OBJECTIVE, and 

    consolidate the new line "D F ".

    SecondWave to take FIRSTOBJECTIVE,&to

    supply Moppers Up.






    40th. Battalion 
    Two Companies to assemble in our front

    and support trenches immediately NORTH of

    the DOUVE - the First Wave to advance in

     line with the First Wave of the Brigade on

    Our left, and to push on to ULNA SUPPORT and

    ULNA SWITCH.  The Second Wave to Provide

    Moppers Up for the front line trench, and to 

    cooperate with the ThirdWave in constructing

    cross ings over the RIVER DOUVE in NO MAN'S

    LAND.  The remaining two Companies in two

    Waves - Third and Fourth Waves.  The Third

    Wave cooperates with thesecond Wave in

    constructingthe crossings.  The Fourth Wave
    completes the takingof the First Objective,

    and ultimately sends forward help towards

    the digging of the new line "D F ".

    38th.  Battalion
    Two Companies in two Waves. The Third

    Wave goes through to the furthermost edge

    of GREY FARM Strong Point and theline of

    trenches prolonging it towards the RIVER.

    The Forth Waveprovides Moppers Up and


    37th. Battalion

    Drosses the DOUVE RIVER by crossings

    placed in position by the 40th. Battalion.

    Fifth Wave goes to UPSET TRENCH and the

    two Strong Point positions.

    The Sixth Wave supplies Moppers Up, and 

    takes ULCER RESERVE.


    38th.  Battalion
    Four LewisGuns garrisoning the suggested 

    Strong point and guarding the Road running

    NORTH EAST from it.

    The other four in the hands of Company

    Officers in the consolidated line.

    37th.  Battalion
    Four Lewis Guns in each StrongPoint.  One

    gun in U.10.a.0.7.

    The remainder of Lewis Guns in the new



    There does not seem to be much chance of

    using Vickers Guns on the actual Brigade Sector during the 

    Assault, and a first-hand knowledge of the ground is necessary

    before adequate tasks could be allotted.







    Two Companies of the 38th. Battalion, will

    form the Brigade Reserve.


    FromBridge to Battalion - One Officer and

    40 men to each of the 37th. and 38th. Battalions.

    Company carriers, from Battalion to Company,

    t wo sections/per Company.


    A Brigade Dump, and Battalion Dumps for the

    39th. and 40th. Battalions will be established in or near our

    front line trench, and well stocked beforehand.

    Company carrying parties of the 39th. and 40th. 

    Battalions will carry the required stores direct from their

    Battalion Dumps.  Company carrying parties of the 37th. and

    38th. Battalions will be assembled at BrigadeDump before ZERO

    hour, andloaded/with supplies in anticipation of requirements.

    Battalion carrying parties of 40 menper

    battalion of the 37th. and 38th. Battalions under an Officer

    will carry forward material to establish battalion dumps in

    rear of the third objective.

    9.  METHOD OF ASSEMBLY,  &c.

    The 39th. and 40th. Battalions in our front

    line trench will sally ports at the rate of at least one per


    The 37th. and 38th. Battalions - The 

    preliminary assembly is to be provided for in the support

    trenches and avenues as close to the front line as possible.

    This cannot be arranged in detail without further knowledge

    of the locality.


    It is not anticipated that the matter of

    direction will give any great difficulty in this case.  The

    First and Second Objectives of the 40th. Battalion offer some

    slight difficulty, but it isproposed to attack them at first

    in a due EASTERLY direction, which will bring the first Wave

    to the southern half ofULNA SUPPORT.  This fact coupled with

    the barrage should make ULNA SWITCH untenable.  A slight

    change of direction to the left will be necess ary for this 

    Wave toreach its final objective.


    The suggested method has been indicated in

    the above "Dispositions of Battalions", viz, for two

    Companies of the 40th. Battalion to assemble in our front

    trenches NORTH of the D OUVE, andto attack in an EASTERLY

    direction, OneCompany will make good the trenches between the

    BEAK and the southern half of ULNA SUPPORT.

    Parties detailed from Second Company will

    cooperate with otherparties from the Third Company in placing

    across theRIVER in several places between the BEAK and ULRICA

    TRENCH light bridges previously constructed by the Engineers

    and carried out before ZERO hour.

    WRamsay McNicoll B.G.

    10th A.I.B  9.4.17




    2nd ANZAC.

    No. S.G. 109


    Major General J. Monash, C.B., V.D., 

    Commanding 3rd Australian Div ision

    The attached notes have been received from

    G.H.Q. regarding the policy which governs the employment

    of the R.F.C.,during the present operations.

    The Commander-in-Chief has directed that the

    notes should be made known to Divisional Commanders, and

    that the paper is not to be reproduced.

    CW Cwyman


    2nd ANZAC Corps.


    Lt Col. Jackson.

    For your personal perusal - I do not

    propose to use this document, except to meet

    criticisms of our air policy which may be

    varied by our Artillery or other units.  Please

    return to me -














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