Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 15, 1 April - 10 May 1917, Part 18

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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T 10 5pn Generl Hisdword to Generl Howse Reprance recommdition Honors & Awards Was office have poposed C.M.G. H. HCot Lordon, Hayward and Millard. SsCol Millar als proposed fol mention. Als it has been popored by Wee offic Solve Harrley Mackeng Newland & Poate for mention Dd you appove it do you wish any change Saloe Hurley & Mackengie have been noted for the Order of the Hutaish empove per Hlot Whittam Wents a porinty nore i mply
A0. BCCMMAMMEEANEEUDRLLLMDE ELLDDDDULDDDGNUN ArForm. Army Form C.2121 (in pads of 100). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Prefi Moret ChaSS This message is on a/o of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Recd at 100000000 H Bent Dats Der. In AL.LCLCC M From H. Frn T anenden p en ene By JO O Prarte Oea B st T0 H24C Sentors Niber DeS OIMON RTOYWMME AAA 118 9/5 think strongly HURLEY that should get FMG to Mad of CDRDON. Posseb CDRDL & might replice HURL into mention nst and Order I 1I of Gritish Ampire Monun C.N. HOWSE 3 A11J DIVISION Place Time Aet The attvo may be forardd at now crrected. (2) with wooovooveovoovooovcooo m Censor. SMATITOOLSUIERENIOOEeWONES The Ts Mand be Sd HAst ReMEE MAn. WARS- MI. H. W A BlL Oll.
H.L. STAMP. COPY. TLIED AUSTRALLLY DIYISION. 2131/32. Headquarters 10th May, 1917. Reedquerters, A.D.M.S. STAMP. M.50/23. RARS. Could instructions be issued, please, that any disease among rats is to be reported to this Office. The presence of mange among rats should be particularly looked for. Could it also be stated, please, for information:- (1) How many traps are in use in this Division. (2) Distrabution of the traps. (3) Rough estimate of the number of rats aaught. (4) Wnether the rats caught seem healthy, i.c., not mangey or enaciated, etc. (Sed) ARTHUR T. WHITE, COLOHEL A. D. M. S. 2131/32. Divisional Headquarters, May 13th, 1917. D.A.D.O.S. 3rd Australian Division. RATS. Can you please give the information regarding questions 1 and 27 (Sed) C.A.PTKE. Captain. D.A.M.Q.G., 3rd Aust. Division. 3. TETRD AUSTREELAY DIYESIONAE ORDNARCR. Reedyarters. 3rd Australian Division. RATS. (1) 600. (2) 9th Inf. Bde. 150. 10th -do- 150. 11th -do 300. 43 rats have been caught at Ordnance Dump - all in good condi- tion and showing no signs of disease. (Sgd) W.JACK. Captain. 15th May, 1917. D.d.D.O.s. 3rd Australlan Division.
40 MIDAM MTtO Divisional Headquarters, 15th May, 1917. The A. D. V. S. 3rd Australian Division. Minute 1 (4) appears to be a Veterinary question, and that it may be necessary to take the temperatures of doubtful eases. Will you please be so kind as to make a report in dne courses (Sed) C.A.FYKE. Captain. for Lient—Colonel. Acd. 8 Q.M.G., Third Anstralian Division. P.S. In the event of Mangey’ rats being captured, do you consider it advisable, in your capacity as O.C. Dip, to arrange a time-table for the dipping of rats, - also to have their premises sprayed. (Ssd) C.A.PXKE. Capt.
5 Headquarters, Third Australian Division. I will instruct V.0s. of this Division to examins any rats submitted by those who have them, in accordance with minute 1 (4). If temperatures are to be taken in accordance with your suggestion, it will be necessary to have charts. Re Dipping as suggested.— As the Dip is a Corps matter, should this not be referred to Headquarters Corpsf If this is approved it will be necessary before making a time-table to find out what Units have rats. (Sgd) C.D.STRONG. Captain. 19-5-17. AcD. V.S., 3rd Australian Division.
m EMLL DELGRDE. 12th. OBTLLAY] Opon Warfaro Schono For 10th instant. ERui IDEa. (1) a state of tronch warfare has oristed botween our forco (Diu0) and onony frco (Rod) on a genoral lino. GUELY - I0 BULSSON - COULCIBT - CANPAGTE Loz BOULCPFAIS (2) Bluo forco has cubjectod Red forco to continuous attacks and Dombardmonts, and to roliovo ours prossure and to dolay our nain attack, the onory has rotirod Lastwards on frent of Bluo lat arm; (Forth of us) and shows signs of doing likowiso on our front, (3) Enony front lino on Srd Instantian Division frent rune as Folleirs:- BOTS An ELTHE - IC DUISSCY - point 400 yards Tast of HARLETTLS. ETCIAL IDEA. (1) on the night of the 9/10th Lay, the 11th Australian Inf- antry Brigado is holding a frontage of 3000 yards - frontage running from right flank An BOULCGNL - LULBRLS road - Loft fiank 2000 yards S tc il, 1 of this road, Tho front lino tronch runs 1I E S, 200 yards Last of HALLLTIS. (3) The dispositions of the Drigado are as follows:- (a) 42nd & 47rd Sattalions in the line, 42nd on the right c. 45rd on the loft, oach helding a frent of 1000 yards. Juch of those Pattalions is disposod as follows:- Four Gompanies in tho linc, each Company with ono Plateon plus Lowts Gun soctions in front Lino, 1 Platcon in support and 2 Plateons (1vss 2 Lowis Gun Soctions) in Battalion rosorvo. 44th Battalion billottod at LAth C. Alst Sattalions in roserve. UI and alst Dattalion bivouackod and billottod at tho ost odge F SCIE FCETL TALLLL and BULLSCALPS. (c) Jachinc Cun Coy - 5 guns in. the line C ouns in Brigade resorve. (m.) Tronch Mortar Battory, 4 Wortars in linc, 4 in Brigado Roservo. (3) On the morning of tho 10th May, patrole of the 42nd & 6ord Battalions roport onomy tronches on thoir front, have boon vacatod by Similar information comos to hand along tho wholo Corps front onomy. and is further confirmed by acroplano obsorvation at 5 a.m. on morning Aoroplane reports onomy appears to hold line WULLLES instant. of 1Otr D -LUDRES - ELYLS - VAVRAUS, but has a strong outpost position on the Lino DUIOVE - MCRDAI - lo VAL f'ACMUIN - E.D. dos aLDLUIS. MITN (4) st .30 a.m. 3rd aust. Division rocoivos orders to advanco Wm prosent frent lino at H a.m. and to takeshold dofonded lint SELLNGHEE - T? in D do l LGLISE - Cr in ULSTDECOURT (Frontage to 11th Aust, Irfantry Brigado from LULBRES - BOULOGHL Road to 2000 yards North theroof), protoctod by a line of outposts about 1500 yards woot East of main lino doforco 11th aust, Infantry Brigado will advance to now position CPEIUI a8 per Brigade Ordor Ar to bo iosued. (Sed) G.r. OOTTM, Tajor. Brigado Mafor 11th Inf. Bdc. A.l.F.

T 10 5pn
General Birdwood to General Howse
Reference recommendation Honors & Awards
War office have proposed C.M.G. for Lt Col Gordon,
Hayward and Millard.
Lt Col Millard also proposed for mention. Also it 
has been proposed by War office  St Col Hurley 
Mackenzie Newland & Poate for mentions.
Do you approve and do you wish any change
Lt Col Hurley & Mackenzie have been noted for the
Order of the British Empire
per Lt Col Whitham
Wants a priority wire in reply. 


Think strongly that HURLEY should get C.M.G instead of GORDON and possibly GORDON might replace HURLEY in the mention list and in the Order of British Empire.



10th May, 1917.
R A T S.
Could instructions be issued, please, that any disease
among rats is to be reported to this Office. The presence of mange
among rats should be particularly looked for.
Could it also be stated, please, for information:-
(1) How many traps are in use in this Division.
(2) Distribution of the traps.
(3) Rough estimate of the number of rats caught.
(4) Whether the rats caught seem healthy, i.c., not mangey
or emaciated, etc.
A. D. M. S.
Divisional Headquarters,
May 13th, 1917.
3rd Australian Division.
Can you please give the information regarding questions
1 and 2?
(Sgd) C.A.PYKE. Captain.
D.A.M.Q.G., 3rd Aust. Division.
3rd Australian Division.
(1) 600.
(2) 9th Inf. Bde. 150.
10th -do- 150.
11th-do -300.
43 rats have been caught at Ordnance Dump - all in good condi-
tion and showing no signs of disease.
(Sgd) W.JACK. Captain.
15th May, 1917.
D.d.D.O.s. 3rd Australian Division.


Divisional Headquarters,
15th May, 1917.
The A. D. V. S.
3rd Australian Division.
Minute 1 (4) appears to be a Veterinary question,
and that it may be necessary to take the temperatures of doubtful
Will you please be so kind as to make a report
in due course?
(Sgd) C.A.PYKE. Captain.
for Lieunt—Colonel.
A.A. & Q.M.G., Third Australian Division.
In the event of "Mangey" rats being captured, do you
consider it advisable, in your capacity as O.C. Dip, to arrange
a time-table for the dipping of rats, - also to have their
"premises" sprayed.
(Sgd) C.A.PYKE. Capt.


Third Australian Division.
I will instruct V.0s. of this Division
to examine any rats submitted by those who have them, in accordance
with minute 1 (4).
If temperatures are to be taken in
accordance with your suggestion, it will be necessary to have
Re Dipping as suggested.— As the Dip is
a Corps matter, should this not be referred to Headquarters Corps?
If this is approved it will be necessary before making a time-table
to find out what Units have rats.
(Sgd) C.D.STRONG. Captain.
A.D.V.S., 3rd Australian Division.



Open Warfare Scheme for 10th instant.


GENERAL IDEA. (1) A state of trench warfare has existed between our force 

(Blue) and enemy force (Red) on a general line. 


(2) Blue force has subjected Red force to continuous attacks

and bombardmonts, and to relieve our pressure and to delay our main

attack, the enemy has retired Eastwards on front of Blue 1st Army

(North of us) and shows signs of doing likewise on our front.

(3) Enemy front line on 3rd Australian Division front runs

as follows:-

BOIS du THITRE - le BUISSON - point 400 yards East of HARLETTES.


SPECIAL IDEA. (1) On the night of the 9/10th May, the 11th Australian Inf-

antry Brigade is holding a frontage of 2000 yards - frontage running from

S to N, right flank on BOULOGNE - LUMBRES road - Left flank 2000 yards

N of this road. The front line trench runs N to S, 200 yards East of 


(2) The dispositions of the Brigade are as follows:-

(a) 42nd & 43rd Battalions in the line, 42nd on the right & 43rd on the 

left, each holding a front of 1000 yards.

Each of those Battalions is disposed as follows:-

Four companions in the line, each company with one Platoon plus

2 Lowis Gun sections in front line, 1 Platoon in support and 2 Platoons

(less 2 Lewis Gun Sections) in Battalion reserve.

(b) 44th & 41st Battalions in reserve. 44th Battalion billetted at

ALQUINES and 41st Battalion bivouacked and billetted at the West Lodge


(c) Machine Gun Coy - 8 guns in the line

                                           8 guns in Brigade reserve.

(d) Trench Mortar Battery. 4 Mortars in line, 4 in Brigade Reserve, 

(3) On the morning of the 10th May, patrols of the 42nd & 43rd

Battalions report enemy trenches on their front, have been vacated by

enemy. Similar information comes to hand along the whole Corps front

and is further confirmed by aeroplance observation at 5 a.m. on morning

of 10th instant. Aeroplane reports enemy appears to hold line QUELMES

 LUMBRES - ELMES - NAVRANS, but has a strong outpost position on the 


(4) At 2.30 a.m. 3rd Aust. Division receives orders to advance

from present front line at 11 a.m. and to take & hold defended line

SENINGHEM - "E" in B do 1' EGLISE - "C" in WESTBECOURT (frontage to

11th Aust. Infantry Brigade from LUMBRES - BOULOGNE Road to 2000 yards

North thereof), protected by a line of outposts about 1500 yards East

of main line defence


OPERATION. 11th Aust. Infantry Brigade will advance to new postition

as per Brigade Order "A" to be issued. 


(Sgd) G.F. OOTTEN. Major.

Brigade Major 11th Inf. Bde. A.I.F.

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