Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 10 February - 30 March 1917, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
Accession number:

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1133 Agny FörnC.1123. "C" Form. 7JUg06 No of Yogetr MESSAGES AND SIGNALS, n p Sent of ant ot Received. M544 1665 62 42 1107 At Charges to collect o To Service Instruchions By ------ Hasinst 8100 ond.1122 Bamai2i2 Fot Busot 2105 TO -ernschr i0 chn0r Ders6 Eruchers Han0he AAA edd a 1t 3 o 6 eu Hon Flleune aaa Begns O.O.0. god 701 Auchabgag Auwane Hatt CAnpot aads ar Sonfanding aou Gtsdralog h of T Gonde offeerd 7 38T5 ad 3 Badod o Lorni Ire Sttilfel Grechnalzan Bartadiøn3 2 naud c Stu of Berndbuct Ahe maht On Gzed Gu 2 Fetrarg O05. 267 Ladå kuef 5. 0. ad FRON Aooo Børo PLACERTHIE 3. 15 .Ihis hne should be erased 1 nof regutred oad rtuguen, sueatag, ue Sbgd gen kantene
kavnto og Bngade Cmandes Date optd Dat Dak of HE anp ankt ap Have Antkoito, Bart Tenp 8.C Col AIE dake AF ?.15 Gradat 1-5. 16 10. 2. 16 1o.2.16 4. 70050N Soh. PKaf. Bug, dun) 713 Løat e Ais Gradaton W.RoeN.ce 2: £. . 1.5 16 Lrat Col Geng Brfend) 10.2.4 9.12 12 neat anoe D. SO. Gen Jt Dehen Cable Cot. 10.716 wsa 10.716 26-£. 15 H. W. GRITNAOE (oh. fanp Gug Gedt 16 5.70 91F USt US A 2517146 Difenee latte l 30.£ .46 Cl frup Big dad) T.H.CANNaN 30 8 46 23. 9.14 e3o 9.s... Air ser oo Twl Ca. ogi g ägs kr 3121-7.
JIT Resh oub Luggage us Cavage ar ttens in hunet tine Lat un cannatom o namet uv Tars. dvrine af Ljare der hond Sars, Lake Laui 65 Gars de Lyon (i) gor avene u farn ley aflansmn tran) Ham dugner af Cafl at ljere de dågans, ustiit u food v eomement- 6 tråm Jaks train from ljars de dyone af abort 5 30aa. for T Evroy, Panung thringt Caunes, Ane, Honade Sronlø Carle. derne Henton Sr take Cannegeto HOTEL RECINA PALRCK TrEvron ( She manager ? dervants sfeat Enngliat Trnet, Ljemmans) Gou wolt frotaltg und a ust for the remannder if Ihe darg at shes tietet is Stagugg Hadane KENE KOREAN, Ihr doung urdas og a Trmnek offurer, a fruundd of mene, udar omgang gon zunglt- jund pleasant,i if jon are lonelg. Ste omtg spraats Dunet. Shr Prumenade at AEvroru guet v denrat Restale generallg Set kkee m iIhr aflinsm Shes wrlt und gom foret dang at jnentom. Tvesdan) Eronnrg a walke to the Stalan Trontin lakes okat jr am hone, one in not fermitted 6 Se fast ther Ludge. Oleain Tls u Sratg? dend thim tkunngk Slatg iShe womau can be sehred om b nund then. efuneen Takke iidler stastrin tram ov tnetov lar bo Staatre Snonke lanls, go lantg uts thrate liø aee workmar dhif. Ballit kepme at abont i jeoa vends at em. D ia mtenstug to åit itte tall at Ga ttie Canns. Date atterasm ta af- Gafl un Ceins Grounds v tatee a walk romnd Ihe tonaen. Sken otmn Trentom. Wednerdarg ihon. Dakee Inshov lar to fa Iunbre(LA TUREIE) de the brerfur zear tte Statson, Ike Coutmne 6 tolf dinks, poot denner av clute
Ge korm kin t zunch trnde hun fenn. Shr nag be a fnål dango trif, hat ronpang ivonld be Retnm hrenton. an rmfronemedt. Shuradag io som. Sake, mstoo cav 6 NICS Dy lle Lonen evad kave lenste af Horst RUHL. Rest om kromenade from 3 Pa- kde o po ute the Cafe okkonle thr Hote Wadl for ted vunere vease Riee at sro (ar lalin; vrhern ly trot nrad 6 Thenton Walk (å Caf hasten Hotet (Shin n the Tundan Iachilhan Comaleseint Hone for bffrerss, Imenred hy dond Inschelhan) fon ngkt call om the Commandant. Hen Ihne an Aols jih (u Chr Kall) of ale Ihe Shots b driit, uut Sded ust go b tho. ithe Balllt at the Carno es wordkg ot mang vrata, different oferas buung flagedlttne atusss dashy I zu ar tostg ga Frngtt ast Tradane Korfan 65 Po damenskee mit gom Dake hram (elutree) b5 Hronke larte, ten Satendan takeer Rack Hartwway t5 LA TERSIE Ihnre es o inotov brs ttat meti tram at dar tulil I mns 6 lrolf dinks. Wheet v a mer Plarg for a fiener. Tars. Metorlar. Mowron tü des 30 Taanes. - Auonte lale Tak- 30 -- ga durbåe - 40 Cenneges about s fransg pu zile
AUS 7731 3-3-27 Cotrg Zutvon lpradnates AAG AIKS6/IS dist of lenns dluntvon lradnatge (Khonnng Ragal Arletavns bollege denvoehg browvrst idand z Angar Gorfo (At deva notenelnded) Gasske rVanne Hhout afsfeorntonert Prksdlle- Sattaskoad Staff (aft Goc les. Art Caft Cones. N. MC Angar erebed dot, Bot au der tot- Felert Capt Cowes mat A1 85 Hagot brovvD m 3r18 Aot it f de 3 Magot WashtevGof ot Malled. Aot alt mMan Cafat Horbes Hinhm sled adt Staff laktain. Caft: Lnnven Jnt. S 2 o Bot. St u ae Nagot Boare 3 2 2v10 3 GSom iheg Magst Pars Ihr att ao btrt hragnee sled a 3 Magot Porles El glanddddes Or Batteng 6 4og Caft Hongav PT. 78. Ada atineg Adgertavt Z'Anzßc Laht ZunlobWAS. Boat. sü Zaf Bde Hagos slock illei attegoodan A rr Nagert Tialton Ea Marnee age Att- sordasdar toane Caft dlegge RGnc Stlhs 4520 Adtligodertd. aud e foans Mapiele h 4t Auf 5318 attiDd tides Cafst Rlennedt M.S. 2beidot Adgetant og ode Cafat bbeavs ht I. Rir attaDaobsd bvan 2 dlei dos Catot Hortton A ølert lnd ad ca o ar Brat 2de e I o des astattd ddettd -sc hane Pafat Bessugmnavv to sTalled Aot Cafst Peast WAR atig bdettb as ees asd Capl Croobre Idt Balk Skafaltvamne sler e ed a Cafsd Tanag G.A. a lafat skossfaon Rog auadd oo 5 Capt Chapman h 32-72 apt laflen CA AltiA hage asta G vamar Capt leü Call o 20.8 a Beronded Detached hennt I Hobe leronded. i Selunded- Statt Gomse lnsland
Sonsipzolzl THIRD AUSTHALLAN DIVISION Divisional Headquarters. 6/3/17. Headquarters, 2nd A. & N.Z. Army Corps. In reply to your confidential letter of 1/3/17 re the suitability of T/Lieut-Col. H.O.CL00STOUN as C.R.E. of this Division, having regard to prospective active operations, I beg to state that, in view of this definite enquiry I have been at some pains to consider from every point of view the question put to me. - As regards professional and technical knowledge and (1) capacity I am of opinion that he possesses these in a high degree. - He wasan instructor at WOOLWICH, and was specially selected for service in AUSTRALLA as an instructor. 2) His command of Headquarters and three Field Companies is, throughout, most efficient, and will bear close inspection. The Companies have been well trained, and the work which they have carried out in the line during the last 3 months has been excel¬ lently well performed. The Liaison between the Infantry and the Engineers is (3) thoroughly satisfactory. Each Infantry Brigadier has personally assured me that both the C.R.E. and the attached Field Company have rendered them most satisfactory assistance throughout, and that their personal relations with the C.R.E. are, and have been, uniformly excellent.
e 6/3/17. 14) The relations between the C.R.E. and his Field Companies are also satisfactory. He is regarded as strict, but just. demanding the best performance but asking for nothing unreason- able. The work which the C.R.E. has carried out for me, as (5) Divisional work, with working parties drawn from the Divisional reserve has always been energetically pushed on and well done.- The drawing office, dumps and workshops which he has established are in thoroughly satisfactory working order.- He has made numerous personal reconnaissances in the (6) forward areas, and has given me and my "C" staff much valuable advice regarding works, wiring, Machine gun and Mortar emplace- ments, drainage and communications.- The work for the Artillery has been particularly (7! well done. - The Corps Commander recently inspected some of the work on gun pits, old and new, observation posts, and on cabins and telephone stations, performed within the last 8 weeks, which would not have been possible if the supply of Engineering materials and labour had not been carefully organized and energetically pushed. In his personal characteristics, I find him pains¬ 18) taking, and knowledgable, with plenty of initiative and resource. - In my earlier experience of him I found him somewhat inclined to be a stickler for routine and red tape,- but after having had my objections to such methods pointed out to him his department has worked in most smoothly with the Staff and the Units. - On all above grounds I see no reason to express any (9)
-3 6/3/17. doubt whatever as to his suitability to control the engineering services of the Division during active operations. His age is 35 and he is active and industrious. Major-Genera Commanding Third Australian Division.
COPY. 7-3-17. CONFIDENTIAL. at 2nd. ANZAC. With reference to the minute of A.A.G. Second Army numbered A/2384 dated 2/3/17, it is unfortunately true that care¬ lessness has been shewn as regards lights in billets in 3rd. Australian Division, notwithstanding my efforts to prevent it, and I feel compelled to furnish the following report: - I regret to be obliged to bring to notice the in- efficiency of the Provost department of 3rd. Australian Division. I complain of:- (a). Perfunctory performance of the duties. (b). Inattention to ordrs. (c). Lack of interest. It is difficult to give specifie instances, where the duties are unsatisfactorily performed generally, but I cite the following incidents as examples merely:- (1). Soon after the arrival of the Division, the Provost Marshal, Second Army, inspected the Police. They were not ready for inspection at the hour fixed; and the inspection was otherwise unsatisfactory. Upon the order of the Provost Marshal, Second Army, another inspection was carried out a few days later. It was then satisfactory. (2). A suspicious man, wearing a British soldier's uniform, was captured in the font line trenches. He was handed over to A.P.M., 3rd. Australian Division, and allowed to escape under cir¬ cumstances which shewed grave lack of supervision. The blame was placed upon Lieut. Craze and two N.C.O's of the M.F.P., and while they were undoubtedly culpable, it is submitted that the A.P.M. himself was responsible for failing to exercise proper supervision at a time when his Field Punishment Compound was being moved. (3). Lights were permitted to be shewn at night at ARMENTIERES and RUE MARLE to such an extent as to call for protest by an Army unit. I myself saw lights being shewn without any apparent effort to prevent it. The A.P.M. informed me that Corps Order No. 940
(2). had not been promulgated in the Division. It is submitted that it was his duty to call the attention of his "A" Branch to the question of lights. (4). Damage having been done at the ARMENTIERES Railway Station, a report was called for by the Provost Marshal, Second Army. The report furnished attributed blame for the damage to a part- icular unit. On sending the papers back for further investigation, the original report was adhered to, though a few minutes examin- ation of the papers would have shewn that the dates made it im- possivle that the particular damage complained of, was in fact done by that unit. This small incident is cited merely as an illustration of perfunctoriness. (5). At a time when the Division was ordered to keep to its own area on account of mumps, the A.P.M. visited HAZEBROUCK, thus placing himself in a false position with reference to a breach of the order by any other Officer. (6). The returns of cases reported by the Military Police of the Division compare unfavourably with those of other Divisions. (7). The A.P.M. himself informed me on the 11th. February that he had never seen the Maire of ARMENTIERES. Co-operation with the civil authorities is one of the principal duties of an A.P.M. (8). On the issue of "Thaw Restrictions" Order on 17th. February I sent the following telegram to A.P.M. 3rd. Australian Division. "Please station police to prevent use of road from STEEN- WERCK Station to B.1.Central except on pass from Corps or Division¬ al Headquarters." The A.P.M. informed my subordinate, Capt. Herman, on the telephone, that he declined to carry out the order as "Traffic Control is a Corps job" and that my order was "utterly ridiculous". I have no traffic men available for the duty - but in any case the enforcement of Thaw Restriction Orders I have treated as a police matter as well as traffic matter, for they apply to many roads upon which there are no traffic posts. (9). On the 23rd. February the following telegram was sent to


"C" Form.


Prefix SM   Code CCS  Words 62

From BUO

By Fletcher

Handed in at BUO   Office 3.17 pm.  Received 3.23pm.

TO  3rd Aust. Divn

Sender's Number   Ga 137  Day of Month  2nd  

Following received from C. in

C aaa Begins aaa

congratulate 3rd Australian Division 10th

Australian Infantry Brigade and the

officers and men of the

Composite Battalion 37th and 38th

Australian Battalions on the skilful

conduct of the successful raid

carried out on the night

of 26th/27th February aaa

Chief  aaa Ends

FROM  2nd Anzac

PLACE & TIME  3.18 pm


Seniority of Brigade Commanders.

Rank  Name

Date of


Col. A.I.F.

Date of


Temp B.Gs


Date of pt




rank &


Col. (temp Brig.Genl) A.JOBSON 10.2.16 1.5.16

A.I.F. Graduation 



Lt Col.


Col. (temp Brig Genl)



10.2.16 1.5.16



Shown next senior
to B Genl. Jobson




Col. (temp Brig Genl) H.W.GRIMWADE 10.7.16 10.7.16

Defence Cable


A.I.F. List 68 of 25/7/16


Lt Col.


Col (temp. Brig Genl)



30.8.16 30.8.16

Defence Cable

W.V. 130

A.I.F. List 109 of 7/11/16


Lt Col



Robt.E.Jackson Major




Keep all luggage in carriage as there is much time lost

in examination of same in Paris.

Arrive at Gare du Nord Paris, take taxi to Gare de Lyons

(if you arrive in Paris by afternoon train) have dinner at

café at Gare de Lyons, which is good & convenient to train.

Take train from Gare de Lyons at about 8.30 P.M.

for MENTON, passing through Cannes, Nice, Monaco,

Monte Carlo.

Arrive Menton Stn take carriage to HOTEL REGINA PALACE -

MENTON (The manager & servants speak English, French,

German) You will probably need a rest for the

remainder of the day.

At this hotel is staying Madame RÉNÉ KORFAN, the

young widow of a French officer, a friend of mine, whose

company you might find pleasant, if you are lonely.

She only speaks French.

The Promenade at MENTON is quiet & several

people generally sit there in the afternoon.

This will end your first day at Menton.

Tuesday Morning  A walk to the Italian Frontier takes

about ½ an hour, one is not permitted to

go past the bridge. Obtain P.C's in Italy &

send them through Italy, the woman can be

relied on to send them.

Afternoon Take either electric tram or Motor Car to Theatre

Monte Carlo, go early into theatre to see workmanship.

Ballét begins at about 2.30 PM & ends at

4 P.M. It is interesting to sit in the hall at

xx the Casino. Take afternoon tea at Café in

Casino Grounds & take a walk round the

terraces. Then return Menton.

Wednesday 10 A.M. Take Motor Car to La Turbie (LA TURBIE)

see the precipice near the station, then

continue to Golf Links, good dinner a club


& good place to walk towards mountains. This

may be a full days trip, but company would be

an improvement. Return Menton.

Thursday 10 A.M. Take Motor car to NICE by the

lower road have lunch at HOTEL RUHL. 

Rest on promenade from 3 PM - 4PM & go into the

Cafe opposite the Hotel Ruhl for tea & music.

Leave NICE at 5 P.M. (or later) & return by High

road to Menton.

Friday. Walk to Cap Martin Hotel (This is the

Michelham Convalescent Home for Officers)

Financed by Lord Michelham) You might call

on the Commandant.

Here there are lists of (in the hall) of all

the spots to visit, but I did not go to them.

The Ballét at the Casino is worthy of many

visits, different operas being played there almost


If you are lonely you might ask Madame Korfan

to go somewhere with you.

Saturday. Take tram (electric) to Monte Carlo, then

take Rack Railway to LA TURBIE. There

is a motor bus that meets trains at La Turbie

& runs to Golf Links. Which is a nice place

for a picnic.

Fares.  Motor Car. MENTON to NICE                            80 Francs.

                                           -          --  Monte Carlo Bank " 30   "

                                                 - - - -  La Turbie                  " 40  "

Carriages about 3 francs per mile






A.A.G.A.I.E. 36/151        

Duntroon Graduates

List of Senior Duntroon Graduates (Showing Royal

Military College Seniority (now with 1st and 2nd Anzac

Corps (Mrd Divn not included)"

Corps or Divn Rank & Name Unit  Appointment
or Attachment
1st Anzac Capt Clowes. N. 


1st Div. Art. Staff/Capt G.O.C
2n Divn Capt Clowes C.A


2nd Div Art. B.M. 2nd Div Art.
1st     " Major Brown D.R.


4th Bn
3rd    " Major Woollen G.F

3rd Bn  B.M. IInd Inf Bde
1st     " Capt Forbes A.M.


1st Div Art attd 1st D.A.M.Q. as B.M. trainee
3rd    " Capt. Irwin J.M.


3rd Div Art Staff Captain.
2nd   " Major Boase A.J.

12th Bn  B.M. 5th Inf Bde
3rd    " Major Paen J.H.F


2nd Bn G.S.O III 3rd Divn
2nd   " Major Vowles E.L.

5th Div Art. Attd as B.M. trainee
3rd Aust Divn
2nd   " Capt Morgan P.J.


6 Army O.C. 17 Battery
F.P. Bde
2n A.N.Z.A.C.. Capt Dunlop W.A.S.


4th LH Regt.  Adjutant
1st Divn Major Locke W.J.M..


13th Bn  B.M. 3rd Inf Bde
4th Divn Major Wilton E.A


4th M.G.Coy. Attd 4th D.H.Q. as BM trainee
5th Divn Capt Legge R.G.


59th Bn  Attd 5th D.H.Q. as BM trainee
4th Divn Major Lee JE


45th Bn  Attd 12th Bde H.Q. as S.C. trainee
4th Divn Capt Kennedy M.S.


52nd Bn  Attd 1st D.H.Q.
2nd Divn Capt Beavis LE.


2nd Div Art.  Adjutant of Bde
2nd Divn Capt Hatton A.T.

2nd Div Art  Attd 2nd D.H.Q. as GSOs trainee
1st Divn Capt Milford EJ

2nd Div Art. S.C. trainee  3rd Inf Bde
2nd Divn Capt Berryman FH

2nd Div Art  Attd 6th Bde H.Q. as SC trainee
3rd    " Capt Peart W.A.R.


3rd Div Art
5th     " Capt Crombie J.H.

5 Div Art  Attd 14th Bde H.Q. as SC trainee
(5th TM Batt)
3rd    " Capt Vasey G.A.

2nd Div Art  Attd S/Capt  trainee  3rd Divn
2nd   " Capt Thompson RM


2nd Div Art.
5th     " Caot Chapman J.A.


30th Bn
5th     " Capt Taplin C.Q.


32nd Div Attd 1st Anzac
2nd  " Capt McCall J.J.L.


20 Bn Attd G 1st Anzac

* Detached Temp
‡ to be Seconded
x Seconded - Staff Course England


Divisional Headquarters,
2nd A. & N.Z. Army Corps.
In reply to your confidential letter of 1/3/17 re the
suitability of T/Lieut-Col. H.O. CLOGSTOUN as C.R.E. of this
Division, having regard to prospective active operations, I beg

to state that, in view of this definite enquiry I have been at
some pains to consider from every point of view the question put
to me. -
(1) As regards professional and technical knowledge and
capacity I am of opinion that he possesses these in a high degree.
- He was an instructor at WOOLWICH, and was specially selected for
service in AUSTRALIA as an instructor. -
(2) His command of Headquarters and three field Companies
is, throughout, most efficient, and will bear close inspection.
The Companies have been well trained, and the work which they have
carried out in the line during the last 3 months has been excellently 
well performed.
(3) The Liaison between the Infantry and the Engineers is
thoroughly satisfactory. Each Infantry Brigadier has personally
assured me that both the C.R.E. and the attached Field Company 
have rendered them most satisfactory assistance throughout, and
that their personal relations with the C.R.E. are, and have been
uniformly excellent.


(4) The relations between the C.R.E. and his Field Companies
are also satisfactory. He is regard as strict, but just,
demanding the best performance but asking for north 
(5) The work which the C.R.E. has carried out for me, as
Divisional work, with working parties drawn from the Divisional
reserve has always been energetically pushed on and well done. -
The drawing office, dumps and workshops which he has established
are in thoroughly satisfactory working order.-
(6) He has made numerous personal reconnaissances in the
forward areas, and has given me and my "G" staff much valuable
advice regarding works, wiring, Machine gun and Mortar emplacements,
drainage and communications. -
(7) The work xxxx for the Artillery has been particularly
well done. - The Corps Commander recently inspected some of
the work on gun pits, old and new, observation posts, and on
cabins and telephone stations, performed within the last 6 weeks
which would not have been possible if the supply of Engineering
materials and labour had not been carefully organised and
energetically pushed.
(8) In his personal characteristics, I find him painstaking,
and knowledgeable, with plenty of initiative and resource.
- In my earlier experience of him I found him somewhat inclined 
to be a stickler for routine and red tape. - but after having had
my objections to such methods pointed out to him his department
has worked in most smoothly with the Staff and the Units. -
(9) On all above grounds I see no reason to express any


doubt whatever as to his suitability to control the engineering
services of the Division during active operations. His age is
35 and he is active and industrious.
Major General,
Commanding Third Australian Division.


COPY 7/3/17.
2nd. ANZAC.
With reference to the minute of A.A.G. Second Army
numbered A/2384 dated 2/3/17, it is unfortunately true that
carelessness has been shown as regards lights in billets in 3rd.
Australian Division, notwithstanding my efforts to prevent it,
and I feel compelled to furnish the following report:-
I regret to be obliged to bring to notice the inefficiency
of the Provost department of 3rd Australian Division.
I complain of:-
(a). Perfunctory performance of the duties.
(b). Inattention to orders.
(c). Lack of interest.
It is difficult to give specific instances, where the
duties are unsatisfactorily performed generally, but I cite the
following incidents as examples merely:-
(1). Soon after the arrival of the Division, the Provost
Marshal, Second Army inspected the Police. They were not ready
for inspection at the hour fixed, and the inspection was otherwise
unsatisfactory. Upon the order of the Provost Marshal, Second
Army, another inspection was carried out a few days later. It
was then satisfactory.
(2). A suspicious man, wearing a British soldier's uniform,
was captured in the front line trenches. He was handed over to
A.P.M., 3rd. Australian Division, and allowed to escape under
circumstances which showed grave lack of supervision. The blame was
placed upon Lieut. Craze and two N.C.O's of the M.F.P., and while
they were undoubtedly culpable, it is submitted that the A.P.M.
himself was responsible for failing to exercise proper supervision
at a time when his Field Punishment Compound was being moved.
(3). Lights were permitted to be shewn at night at ARMENTIERES
and RUE MARLE to such an extent as to call for protest by an Army
unit. I myself saw lights being shewn without any apparent effort
to prevent it. The A.P.M. informed me that Corps Order no. 940


had not been promulgated in the Division. It is submitted that
it was his duty to call the attention of his "A" Branch to the
question of lights.
(4). Damage having been done at the ARMENTIERES Railway Station,
a report was called for by the Provost Marshall, Second Army.
The report furnished attributed blame for the damage to a 
particular unit. On sending the papers back for further investigation,
the original report was adhered to, though a few minutes examination
of the papers would have shewn that the dates made it impossible
that the particular damage complained of, was in fact
done by that unit. This small incident is cited merely as an
illustration of perfunctoriness.
(5). At a time when the Division was ordered to keep to its own
area on account of mumps, the A.P.M. visited HAZEBROUK, thus
placing himself in a false position with reference to a breach
of the order by any other officer.
(6). The returns of cases reported by the Military Police of
the Division compare unfavourably with those of other Divisions.
(7). The A.P.M. himself informed me on the 11th. February that
he had never seen the Maire of ARMENTIERES. Co-operation with
the civil authorities is one of the principal duties of an A.P.M.
(8). On the issue of "Thaw Restrictions" Order of 17th. February
I sent the following telegram to the A.P.M. 3rd Australian Division. -
"Please station police to prevent use of road from STEENWERCK
Station to B.1. Central except on pass from Corps or Divisional
The A.P.M. informed my subordinate, Capt. Herman, on the

telephone, that he declined to carry out the order as "Traffic
Control is a Corps job" and that my order was "utterly ridiculous".
I have no traffic men available for the duty - but in any case the
enforcement of the Thaw Restriction Orders I have treated as a police
matter as well as traffic matter, for they apply to many roads
upon which there are no traffic posts.
(9).  On the 23rd February the following telegram was sent to 



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