Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 10 February - 30 March 1917, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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AU. 1 Normal Form of French to -French Attack. Underlying principles (1) Thesty of the limited objective I Inflexible as regards Platoon nearly so - Company -for Battalion. Thoroughly Hexible -a definite formation B Platoon- fixed (6) definite allangement of weapsns (c) definite position of leadets within narred variable Ca) Wontager limits (6) Dlpths or distances. the four plations usually in a B Company normal + regular arrangement. I Battalion - Variable ONumber of objectives depends on O character of do. B Bontage allotted B Nature of Astillery Barrage
Flatoon Hpo (0) New Organization - Effect of new orders re extra-regimental employ 28-44 asvap& Klatun Cr H.Q. ESot, Batman, I m tour Sections, each on under an M.C.O. (a Rifle & Bayonet 2 clarrifications (3 Heapons A. CAbove Ground 16) Bombs. Below Grount Cc Dewis Guns B. Bayonet & Bomb- Shot Tauge Rifles Grenade & Hourtzer (d) Rifle Grenades Lewis Gan a opportunity (3) Arrangement of Heapons – Naturally - A sections Weapon to each Action short range - in bront 1.c. bayonet a bunk O hine - intervals 3, or 4 as 5 yards have - 2 times. Platoon Nave Clask Hill discusaing leaders. (5 Peatoon diagram Lewn Geno & Bombs on onter bank All armed with rifle - except No 19 Lwisg linabl All men with hewir Gun to work it)- (6 Detachment of Newss Guns, For grouping
Moppers-up All-importance of these, real Keynote. somme experience, and this bront also - ve not leaving A captured objective behind - unmopped Dugonts - enemy use of Moppers - clear by boinb & bayonet picket & empty duegonts disan prisoners. Clear Communications forward Specially selected and instructed - under own leader. Never taken from Anit which passes over an objective –why Preferably taken from Unit which has, fos objective, the same objective that they mop up. Always precede the unit for which they mop up Sometimes taken from other Co or Brs even. This in early stages, when objectives highly or- ganized. Moppers-up badges - White band 1/2 wide round left arm. Rifer "Fraining of Divisions &c page 16 para 4. No 9 Moppers 25/0 on trenches 309 to 100/ on Villages, Strongpoint (But sub-pasa II on page 17 now superseded] After work done, (a escost prisoners bs rest heep concolidate tot to a definite objective N.B. Distinct party moving in separate line under own laader defintely instructed
AUE formation for attack. trench lines Objectives:- What they are: Strong points fortified houses or Farms woods, (Numbering – nearest 1st to Furthest. (B) Hlways a complete & separate Wave, for Each separate objective. which govern formations. (on board) Rules 1. Moppers-up always precede the wave for which they are to mop up. 2. If the barrage cannot halt between objectives the leading wave must go to the tusthest objective. 3. If the barrage can halt between objectives, the Cap-trog plan is the best. 4. The wave which assaults the objective nearest to cach halt of the barrage does its own mopping up -O. No wave crosses any objective unters there are Corollary moppers up provided, and following it, told of specially to that objective
A0 The Diagrams 1.- Company Formation Capt 10.3.09 Company H.Q. G. Sgts & Runner gas pesonnel Batman cark. Describe a Battalion Formation 2. (a ordinary oe Ceaptreg Hrrangement of Moppers up Where they come from troutages & oc of objectives. 3. Position of Battalion H.Q. doesst move Sie "Fraining XIIL para 3, p.41 +. Astillery Formations - of rear waves. 5. Distances - closing up during assembly. 6. Variations tor 3 objectives - hereafter - Every Commander (Bm or Byde) must have 7 Reserves (a) either separate - (from another unit perhaps (61 Garrioons of reat Objective 16. Unit Comes to halt on depth. Carrying Partieo – Importance 1. Bombs & rifle prenades. 2. Picks & Shooes Better Provide All 3. LD D.Ammunition Soldica Wanting +. Sandbags Leave with Ration 5. Nater 6. Light Signals 7 were 8. Rations.
actical Applications 200h600 Frontage usually settled by higher Commander Dispositions in Frontage - nature of objectives in depth - number of objectives provision of reserves - provision of carrying parties Moppers-up - where from Aleotment of Objectives O If barrage will halt before reaching turthest objective- then leap- trog. O I barrage cannot halt - leading waves follows to turthent objective N.B. Stands to reason barrage mustnil hall beyond an uncaptured objective 200 yds between objectives is shortest space in which barrage can halt. txcample fo a Battalion Commander:- Fask Frontage 300 yds – three lines of trenches bont line – support 10gdo back - reserve 300 p buil Numeous dugonts towards right hand end o hartep Baorage will hall fo 10 minester on reserve line Soluction. first wave to 2nd objective – own mopping up Moppers up fo 1st objective second wave to 1st objective third wave to 3 objective does own mopping (Ceaptroy) toutage of $300 int left 180 gos right 120 gd HCo on right in 2 plation waves each 6090 n BCc on left in 2 platoon waves eac 809 tut. &pD CCo a in one wave - pplators CMCe - Finds Moppers for rear pletoonsof Ac BC - Finds its own moppers from its veat reatoons pC+ pD Ca - finds cartying parties reat an receive. O
Fraining A. Individual:- 1. Every man a bayonet man except No 1ghewis Gr 2. Every man a bomber 3. Every man in 2nd line litter a Rifle Grenadier or a Lewrs Guinner (nor a mechanis) B. Collective:- Formation of the platoon - in two saulh. 1. 2. Movement of the platoon (as in close order in extended order () in Asty. Formation the Company. 3. Similary +. Battalionstaffo - work out on map - numesons cases - & from up Bn in field. S. Practice actual trench to-teuch attacts on 11 Flagged line (6s dumny truches Conclusion Final point:- (O Impress on plation Commander ah they now have a Self-contained conmand ( Much depends on Skill, resolution & couage of peatoon commander. B We have proved that - with our magnificent Astillery support - we can enter & seize () We must also leavn to hold - against Counterattack, 1c. Consolidate then hold in depth. 601
FULES 1 Moppers upe always precede the wave for which they are to mop up. 2 If the barrage does not halt between - objectives, the leading wave goes to the Furthest objective 3. If the barrage does halt between objectives, the Ceap-Frog plan is the best o the wave which carries the objective nearest to each halt of the barrage does its own mopping up.- A 5. No wave must pass over any objec. tive, unless there are provided and immediately following it, moppers up specially told off for that objective Scale DIMENSIONS RIGAT 4:3 WILThLEFT 4'S- CNRE 66 3:11 HEight - --- 2objection - 1st objecte 2 --- 1st objective 4th ptie 3 objectwve the 3 obfective PLATOON AAAABABDAN0000 A0000 860030800 EBAOAHBA 0000 BBOOHOOgO TO000 B0000 6550 55550 PA000Hog KION
- an ano aa any 180t &120 - -- - TD 12 12 42 C B3n H.E t X 2w 1st 31st 33d
THIRD AUSTRALLAN DITBION. 27-2-17. NOMINAL ROLL OF OFFICERS EMPLOYED ON DTLES OTSIDE THE DITISIO PRESENT EMPLOYKENT. TIT. 3rd Divisional Artillery. General Staff Office. fr Lieut. H.S.MURSE. 3rd D.A.C. II. A.S N.L.ARNT CORES. 2/3/17 Area Officer with Captain. A.V.RICHARDSON. Corps. 2th Infantry Brigade. Lieut. J. SAUNDERS. 33rd Bn. Forest Control Section. 34th Bn. Railway Construction Lieut. T.G.GLLDER. Work, WEST CAPPEL. In charge &Gr Party 35th Bn. Gaptain. R.D.DILON. Railway Construction Work, WEST CAPPEL. 8th Constructional 36th Bn. 2/ssont. A.P.THOMPSON. Railway Company, WEST OAttE. 10th Infantry Brigade. 37th Bn. At School,-Senior Offi- Major C.B.STORY. cers Course, OUDENARDE, Barracks,ALDERSHOT. In charge of Railway 38th Bn. 2/Lient. H.CRISFIELD. Construction Papty from 38th Battalion. Corps Area Officer. Lient. H. SOUTHBY. 39th Bn. 39th Bn. Lient. A.A.BROWNE. Railway Construction. 40th Bn. Lieut. C.W.ROCK. Musketry School, TILQUES. 11th Infantry Brigade. Alst Bn. Railway Construction Lieut. L. WELLINGS. Party. A4thBn. Railway Construction 2(Lieut. E.HOCKING. Party. Instructor of Reinforce- Lient. W.UREN. Aist Bn. ments at ETAPLES. 2(Liert. T.B.MANNING. 43rd Bn. 2nd Army Intelligence Branch. Lieut. J.S.EVERETT. 44th Bn. Instructor 2nd Army School of Musketry. So A. M. Co Captain G.W.SMITH. M.O. at New Zealand 11th Fid.Amb. D.S.C. Captain. W.W.CHAPLIN. 20th BA. 48O. N.O. at 2181A R.P.2.

Normal form of Trench-to-Trench attack.

Underlying principles

(1)  Theory of the limited objective

(2)  Inflexible as regards Platoon

nearly so - Company

Thoroughly flexible - for Battalion.

(3) Platoon -       {   (a) definite formation

                 Fixed   {   (b) definite arrangement of weapons 

                               {  (c) definite position of leaders

(4) Company -  the four platoons usually in a

normal & regular arrangement

(5) Battalion - variable

depends on 

1) Number of objectives

(2) Character of do.

(3) Frontage allotted

(4) Nature of artillery Barrage





Weapons n- rd

(1) New Organization - Effect of new xxx

orders re extra-regimental employment

28-44 average 36

H.Q. - Platoon Cnl

R. Sgt, Batman, [[Z ru??]]

Four Sections, end annds

under an N.C.O.

(2) Weapons.

 (a) Rifle & Bayonet  } 2 classifications:-

  (b) Bombs.               } A.  {Above Ground

                                      }       {Below Ground 

  (c) Lewis Guns         } B.  Bayonet & Bomb 

       short range
  (d) Rifle Grenades }  Rifle Grenades = Howitzers

       Lewis Gun = opportunity                                                                                   

(3) Arrangement of Weapons -

   Naturally - A sections

   1 weapon to each section

   Short range - in front i.e. bayonet & bomb

(4) Line - intervals - 3, or 4 or 5 yards.

    Wave = 2 Lines. - Platoon Wave -(Lark Hill discussions)

(5) Platoon diagram - leaders.

 Lewis Guns & Bombs on outer flank.

 All armed with rifle - except No 1 of Lewis gun

 All men with Lewis gun ^line able to  work it:-                          

(5) Detachment of Lewis Guns , for grouping.






All - importance of these, - real Keynote.

Somme experience, and this front also - re not leaving

a captured objective behind - unmopped

Dugouts - enemy use of
 : . Moppers - clear - by bomb and bayonet

                                     picket and empty dugouts

                                     disarm prisoners.

                                     Clear Communications forward.

Specially selected and instructed - under own leader.

Never taken from Unit which passes over

an objective - why.

Preferably taken from Unit which has, for objective,

the same objective that they mop up.

Always precede the unit for which they mop up.

Sometimes taken from other Co or Bn even.

This in early stages, when objectives highly


Moppers-up badges - White bank 1½" wide

round left arm.

Refer "Training of Divisions &" page 16 para 4.

No of Moppers - 25% on trenches

                                50% to 100% on Villages, strong points.

[But Sub-para VI on page 17 now superseded]

After work done,  (a) escort prisoners

                                  (b) not help consolidate

N.B. Distinct party - xxxxxtold off to a definite objective

moving in separate line

under own leader

definitely instructed.





Formation for attack.

Objectives :-  

1.  What they are:- trench lines

     strong points

     fortified houses or farms


2.  Numbering - nearest 1st  to furthest.

3.  Always a complete  & separate Wave, for 

    each separate objective.

RULES - which govern formations. (on board)

 1.  Moppers-up always precede the wave for which they

 are to mop up.

 2.  If the barrage cannot halt between objectives the

 leading wave must go to the furthest objective.

 3.  If the barrage can halt between objectives, the 

 leap-frog plan is the best.

 4.  The wave which assaults the objective nearest

 to each halt of the barrage does its own

 mopping up.

COROLLARY -5  No wave crosses any objective unless there are

moppers up provided, and following it, hold off

specially for that objective.




The Diagrams

 1. Company formation  

 Company H.Q. - 1 Capt.                                    

1 Capt       
1 C.S.M                             

9 Sgts & Runners                                                            
1 Gas personnel
1 Batman    
1 Clerk                                

2.  Describe a Battalion Formation

.     (a)  ordinary
     (b) leap-frog  

Arrangements of Moppers up
Where they come from

Frontages & No. of objectives.

3.  Position of Battalion H.Q

doesn't move

See "Training XIII para 3, p xx 41

4.  Artillery formations - of new waves

5.  Distances - closing up during assembly.

6.  Variations for 3 objectives - hereafter

7.  Reserves - every Commander (Bn or Bgde) must have (a) either separate - (from another unit perhaps       
  (b) Garrisons of rear objectives

i.e. Unit Comes to halt in depth.

Carrying Parties  - importance

1.  Bombs & rifle grenades  }

2.  Picks & Shovels                 }  Better Provide All

3.  S.A.A. Ammunition          }  Soldiers Wanting

4. Sandbags                            }  Leave with Rations

5.  Water                                   }

6.  Light Signals.                     }

7.  Wire.                                     }

8.  Rations.                               }




    Tactical Operations

     200* to 600*

    Frontage - usually settled by higher Commander

    Dispositions - in frontage - nature of objectives

                               in depth - number of objectives

                               provision of reserves  xxxx

                               provision of carrying parties

                               Moppers-up - where from

    Allotment of objectives -

    1  If barrage will "halt" before

    reaching furthest objective - then leap-frog.

    2  if barrage cannot halt - leading 

    waves to follow to furthest objective

    N.B. Stands to reason barrage mustn't halt beyond an

    uncaptured objective

    200 yds between objectives is shortest space in which

    barrage can halt.

    Example for a Battalion Commander:-

    Task - Frontage 300 yds - Three lines of trenches -

    front line - support 70 yds back - reserve 300 yds back

    Numerous dugouts towards right hand end of party.

    Barrage will halt for 10 minutes on reserve line

    Solution:- First wave to 2nd objective - own mopping up

    Moppers- up for 1st objective

    Second wave to 1st objective

    Third wave to 3rd objective

    (leap-frog)   ) does own mopping

    Frontage of 300* into left 180 yds right 120 yds
    :  A Co on right in 2 platoon waves each 60 yds


    B Co on left in 2 platoon waves each 80 yds gfront

    ½C Co ∧ & ½D in one wave - xxxxx

    CD Co - finds Moppers for rear platoons of

    B Co - finds its own moppers from its rear


    ½C  & ½D Co - finds carrying parties

    rest in reserve





    A. Individual:-

    1.  Every man a bayonet man except No 1  of Lewis Gun

    2.  Every man a bomber

    3.  Every man in 2nd line either a Rifle Grenadier

    or a Lewis Gunner (not a mechanic)

    B.  Collective:-

    1.  Formation of the platoon - in two ranks.

    2.  Movement of the platoon

    (a)  in close order

    (b)  in extended order

    (c)  in Arty. formation

    3.  Similarly - the Company.

    4.  Battalion Staffs - work out on map - numerous

    Cases - & form up Bn in field.

    5.  Practice actual trench-to-trench attacks

    on (a)  flagged lines

    (b)  dummy trenches.


    Final points:- 1  Impress on platoon Commanders & Sgts they now 

    have a "Self-contained command"

    2  Much depends on Skill, resolution & courage

    of platoon Commander.

    3  We have proved that - with our magnificent

    Artillery support - we can enter and seize

    4  We must also learn to hold - against

    Counterattack, i.e. Consolidate

    & [[thin]].

    & hold in depth,





    1. Moppers always precede the wave

     for which they are to mop up   

     2. If the barrage does not halt between

      objectives, the leading wave goes to the

      furtherest objective

     3. If the barrage does halt between objective

      the “leap - frog” plan
      is the best
.    4. The wave which carries the objective
.     nearest to each halt of the barrage
.     does it’s own mopping up -
.     5. No wave must pass over any objective
       unless there are provided and 
.       immediately following it, moppers up
        specially told off for that objective

Diagram, see original document



Diagram, see original document


3rd Divisional Artillery.
Lieut. J, SAUNDERS.       33rd Bn. Forest Control Section
Lieut T.G. GILDER.           34th Bn. Railway Construction

.                                             Work,WEST CAPPEL.
Captain R.D.DIXON.        35th Bn. In charge “G” Party
.                                             Railway Construction
.                                             Work, WEST CAPPEL
                                               36th Bn. 8th Constructional
.                                              Railway Company, WEST
.                                              CAPPEL.


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