Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 10 February - 30 March 1917, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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r 70! Sponpn. THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. dle Divisional Hoadquarters 20th. February, 1914- No.9.. 8/1. DR ANSNTRNA GINIRAL STAFT CIACUL:9 NO. 374. Reference 1/10,000 Map, Sheets 36 N.W.2. N.E.1 (parts of), Edition 7A. Trenches corrected to 5-10-16. --------------- The following Secret Instructions are issued in connection with Third Australian Division Order No. 16 dated 19th. February, 1917: - GAS & SMOKE. 1. If weather conditions are favorable, Gas and Smoke will be released from certain portions of the Divisional Front in conjunction with the Operations taking place on "Z" day. 2. The object of the release of Gas and Smoke is to OBJCOT. confuse the enemy, provide Diversions, and give the impression that the smoke is also gas, thus foroing the enemy to put on his gas masks and thereby reduoing his efficiency. The discharge of cloud gas and cloud smoke will both be carried out by tho personnel of "L" Coy., R.E. GAS 3ZCTORS. 3. Sectors on which preparations will be made to release gas are as follows:- 207 cylinders (A) - I.10.b. to I.11.a. (Looality 98.42. 00.65. 4 and Gap "D"). 98 cylinders (B) - C.23.a. to C.23.a. (Looality 13). 20.00. 20.40. Säoks srppons. The Sectors on which proparations will be made to release smoke are as follows : (c) - 1.5.0. to I.5.a. (Sup ort Line behind Looality 50.50. 50.20. 6). (D) - C.29.0. t0 C.29.c. [Locality 8). 30.00. 10.80. (E) - Mobile, either Locality 12 or a portion of Locality 13, with the object of forming a smoke P.T.0. ADe I30
(2). barrage over the enemy's Salient at C.23.a. 5. However favorable the diroction of the wind may be, MIND. gas will in no case be released if wind velocity is less than 4 miles per hour. Smoke will be discharged irrespective of the velocity of the wind, provided the direction is suitable. The following Gas and Smoke Sections will become operative in the winds as stated below, but not other- wise.- Wind North-West - (A) Cas, (C) Smoke, (D) Smoke, (E) Smoke. (See Fig. I). Wind West-North-West - (A) Cas, (C) Smoke, (D) Smoke, (E) Smcke. (See Fig. II). Wind West -- (4! Cas, (C) Smoke, (D) Smoke, (B) Gas, (E) Smoko. (See Fig. III). Wind West-South-West - (4) Gas, (C) Smoke, (D) Smoke, (B) Gas. (E) Smoke. (See Fig. IV). Wind South-West - (C) Smoke, Half of (D) Smoke, (B) Gue, (E) Smoke. (See Fig. V). PaECAUTIONS. 6. The front line from which Cas is to be discharged, will be cleared to a distance of 250 yards on either flank of the gas - sentries, machine gunners and Infantry Officers alone remaining. These will wear their gas helmets fully adjusted from Zero minus 7 minutes to Zero plus 30 minutes.. The Infantry Officer remaining in a Gas Seotion will keeu in touch throughout the whole operation with the Officer of ".° Coy., R.E. in that Section. In the case of Gas being released from (B) - (Fig. V), P.T.0.
(3). the front line to the North will be oleared as far as C.17.0. To the South it will be cleared the 60.10. normal 250 yards. It is possible that the enemy may attempt to counter- attack through the smoke, in which oase the Infantry garrison of the section of the trench from which smoke is being released will know how to deal with him. The enemy will have to advance through the smoke, whereas the garrison of the trench will be behind it, and should, therefore, obtain a favorable opportunity for coming to grips with the enemy. At Zero minus 5 minutes, gas and smoke commence. ULOUD OAS Shon At Zero plus 15 minutes, gas and snke oease. RlobaukkT. At Zero plus 65 minutes, smeke recommences. At Zero plus 65 minutes, smoke coases. CDGING 8. As an additional precaution, a little smoke will be Suok to GAS CLOUDS. released as an edging to each gas cloud, thus render- ing the area covered by the gas more evident. 9. Patrols must not be allowed to onter NO MAN'S LEND PATROLS. opposite gas seotors (A) and (B) until at least 1i hours after Zero. 10. In addition to the foregoing arrangements, plans are SOUTH- Eu DIV28104. being concerted to project smoke bombs, in order to establish a cloud in I.17.a. and assist the Southern Diversion. This will be done irres,ective of tho direction of the wind. If the wind is suitable, the bombs will be fired so as to land on our side of the enemy's parapet. If the wind is adverse, the bombs will land on the fer side of his parupet. If the wind is from the North, the bombs will be fired somewhat ..T.0.
(4). to our Left. If the wind is from the South, the bombs will be fired a little to our Right. A small party to be detailed by O.C.. "l" Coy., R.E. will also be prepared to emit a smoke cloud in con¬ junction with these bonbs, if the wind is suitable. Arrangements will be made direct between the O.C., "L" Coy., R.D., or his re resentative, and the G.O.C., 11th. Brigade, or an Officer to be üstailed by him. The smoke to be used will be entirely harmless and oan ieorulabvops. II be breathed with perfeot safety in large quantities. The gas on the other hand is very poisonous, and it is important that any men who may by some mischance become casualties throuch gas poisoning shall be kept entirely still. The decision as to whether gas and smoke clouds will be discharged or not, will rest entirely with the Officers of "l" Coy., N.". actually in charge of the operations in the various gas and smoke sections. The decision with regard to the smoke bombs op osite I.17.a. will rest with the O.C., Raid, who will be concucting operations in that area. The non-release of a smoke cloud opposite I.17.a. will not be taken to mean that the smoke bombs cannot be used. Similerly it must not be inferred from the non- release of gas or smoke in one section, that it will not be discharged from the others - (See Figures). The above Circular will be treated as strictly secret, as it is essential that the gas and smoke shall be a surprise. As few as possible should know of the intention. If the rank and file hear P.T.0.
(5). of it, they will undoubtedly disouss the subject, in which case it may quite possibly get through to the enemy. Receipt of this Circular will be acknowledged. e 6 Lieut-Colonel.- General Staff. DISTHIBUTION. Copy No. 1 to A.D.C. for G.O.C. "G" Staff. do. 4 C.R.A. 9th. Aust. Inf. Bde. 10th. 1lth. Lieut-Colonel DAVIS. 42nd. Squadron, R.F.C. 10 A.D.M.S. "L" Coy., R.E. 11 2nd. ANZAC. 13 Left Flank Division. 14 War Diary. File. 1 Spare.
G.9.O. Reason EDWARDES-KER was late and missed dining with G.O.C. ----- About 6.30 p.m., PAIN detailed a car to take BATEMAN told not to BATEMAN to 9th. Brigade Headquarteis. keep the car, but to send it direct to C.R.E's Headquarters. CROKER informed car calling for C.R.E. to bring him home - car not to be kept waiting. At 6.45 EDWARDES-KER informed car would call About 6.50 C.R.E. was asked to pick for him about 7.20. up EDWARDES-KER and another Officer of "L" Coy.At this Car called time car had not reached C.R.E's Headquarters. at C.R.E's Headquarters about 7 p.m. on way through with BATEMAN, to warn C.R.E. Here it seems to have picked up an Officer, and after depositing BATEMAN it took this Officer to the 9th. Field Company at RUE DE FLANDRES, dropped the Officer and went straight back to C.R.E's Headquarters reaching there about 7.25. According to BATEMAN car should have reached GO. 19 about 7.5. Leaving C.R.E's Headquarters about 7.25, car took C.R.E. to Colonel DAVIS at ERQUINGHI It took back the C.R.E. BATHS, where it arrived about 7.40. and someone else to C.R.E's Headquarters in ARMENTIFRES, where it dropped the extra passenger about 8 p.m. It then went with C.R.E. to WATERLANDS to pick up EDWARDES-KER, reaching WATERLANDS about 8.20. The foregoing from statements made by PAIN and the car Driver. There is often trouble and delay through C.R.E. Seeing that his work is not keeping cars in this way. urgent, and that he is provided with two horses, I would recommend in future that he should never have a car, except One can for special work which cannot be done on horseback. ride to ARMENTIERES comfortably in an hour. This sending for the C.R.E. every evening about 8 o'clock, entails a considerable amount of extra work on the car Drivers. This is quite unnecessary, as he could ride back in the evening and feed at one of the messes here, in¬ stead of having to be called for in ARMENTIERES after having The C.R.E., 2nd. Division, lived at CROIX DU BAC dined.- and fed here, thus avoiding all this night work for cars. He also was prepared to ride a horse. 20-2-17. D.C.
AUS 22-2-17. COPY. O.B./1146. Gr.39132 Second Army. It is intended that instruction shall continue at Schools in FRANCE during the coming Summer, although it may be necessary in certain cases to modify the curriculus, All Officers and Other Ranks detailed to attend Schools for instruction, will be reckoned amongst those enumerated in Section XXX, page 58 of S.S. 135 "Instructions for the Training of Divisions for Offensive Action". All personnel other than the above, on extra regimental employment, will, in accordance with G.H.Q. letter O.B./1919, dated 7th. February, 1917, be returned to their units for training by the lst. March, except (a) those for whom an establishment has been authorised, (b) those who are tactically employed for actual fighting purposes. It is considered that all employment other than (b) should be found from P.B. or T.B. men, and further, that the majority of those in category (a) can be similarly found. (sgd). A. SOLLY-FLOOD, Brig-General, for Lieut-General, C.G.S. General Headquarters 16th. February, 1917. (2). d. Astht No. G. 1657-713. Headquarters, New Zealand Division, 3rd. Australian Division. 57th. Division. Znd. ANZAC Corps Schools. Forwarded for information and necessary action. Copies of O.B./1919 of the 7th. instant were for- warded under 2nd. ANZAC G. 165/-/12 dated 20-2-17. (sgd). C. W. Gwynn. B.G.G.S., 2nd. ANZAC Corps. Copy to G.O.C..R.A., 2nd. ANZAC.
14ailternt Pbed Aeitsroriptien 300 Mr 5 4 3 a at An t. 244 20 ulo achen 4 1 rernehr shherten to 4Or 11 - . 14 5 Srer de 11 fror Galte 4 Alnse noid vetusnet ty t Lünt Jrot

Copy No. 1



Divisional Headquarters,

20th. February, 1917
No G. 6/1.


Reference 1/10,000 Map, Sheets 36 N.W.2, N.E.1 (parts of),

Edition 7A. Trenches corrected to 5-10-16.

- - - - - - - 

The following Secret Instructions are issued in

connection with Third Australian Division Order No. 16 dated 19th.

February, 1917 : -

GAS & SMOKE. 1. If weather conditions are favorable, Gas and

Smoke will be released from certain portions of
the Divisional Front in conjunction with the

Operations taking place on "Z" day.

OBJECT. 2. The object of the release of Gas and Smoke is to

confuse the enemy, provide Diversions, and give

the impression that the smoke is also gas, thus

forcing the enemy to put on his gas masks and

thereby reducing his efficiency. The discharge

of cloud gas and cloud smoke will both be

carried out by the personnel of "L" Coy., R.E.

GAS SECTORS. 3. Sectors on which preparations will be made to

release gas are as follows: -

207 cylinders (A) - I.10.b. / 98.42 to I.11.a. / 00.65.  (Locality

4 and Gap "D").

98 cylinders (B) - C.23.a. / 20.00. to C.23.a / 20.40. (Locality 13).

SMOKE SECTORS. 4. The Sectors on which preparations will be

made to release smoke are as follows : -

(C) -   I.5.c. / 50.90. to I.5.a. / 50.20.  (Support Line behind Locality


(D) -  C.29.c / 30.30.  to C.29.c / 10.80. (Locality 8).

(E) - Mobile, either Locality 12 or a portion of

Locality 13, with the  of object of forming a smoke





barrage over the enemy's Salient at C.23.a.

WIND. 5. However favorable the direction of the wind may be,

gas will in no case be released if wind velocity is

less than 4 miles per hour.

Smoke will be discharged irrespective of the velocity

of the wind, provided the direction is suitable.

The following Gas and Smoke Sections will become

operative in the winds as stated below, but otherwise. -

Wind North-West - (A) Gas,  (C) Smoke,  (D)  Smoke,
(E) Smoke. (See Fig. I).

Wind West-North-West - (A) Gas, (C) Smoke, (D) Smoke,

(E) Smoke. (See Fig. II).

Wind West - - (A) Gas, (C) Smoke, (D) Smoke,
(B) Gas, (E) Smoke. (See Fig. III).

Wind West-South-West - (A) Gas, (C) Smoke (D) Smoke,

(B) Gas, (E) Smoke. (See Fig. IV).

Wind South-West - (C) Smoke, Half of (D) Smoke,

(B) Gas, (E) Smoke. (See  Fig. V).

PRECAUTIONS. 6. The front line from which Gas is to be discharged, will

be cleared to a distance of 250 yards on either flank

of the gas - sentries, machine runners and Infantry

Officers alone remaining. These will wear their gas

helmets fully adjusted from Zero minus 7 minutes to

Zero plus 30 minutes..

The Infantry Officer remaining in a Gas Section will

keep in touch throughout the whole operation with the

Officer of "L" Coy., R.E. in that Section.

In the case of Gas being released from (B) - (Fig. V),




the front line to the North will be cleared as far

as C.17.c./ 60.10. To the South it will be cleared the 
normal 250 yards.

It is possible that the enemy may attempt to counterattack 

through the smoke, in which case the Infantry

garrison of the section of the trench from which

smoke is being released will know how to deal with

him. The enemy will have to advance through the

smoke, whereas the garrison of the trench will be

behind it, and should, therefore, obtain a favorable

opportunity for coming to grips with the enemy.



PROGRAMME. 7. At Zero minus 5 minutes, gas and smoke commence.

At Zero plus 15 minutes, gas and smoke cease.

At Zero plus 65 minutes, smoke recommences.

At Zero plus 65 minutes, smoke ceases.


to GAS CLOUDS. 8. As an additional precaution, a little smoke will be

released as an edging to each gas cloud, thus rendering 

the area covered by the gas more evident.

PATROLS. 9. Patrols must not be allowed to enter NO MAN'S LAND

opposite gas sectors (A) and (B) until at least 1½

hours after Zero.


DIVERSION. 10. In addition to the foregoing arrangements, plans are

being concerted to project smoke bombs, in order to

establish a cloud in I.17.a. and assist the Southern

Diversion. This will be done irrespective of the

direction of the wind. If the wind is suitable, the

bombs will be fired so as to land on our side of the

enemy's parapet. If the wind is adverse, the bombs

will land on the far side of his parapet. If the wind

is from the North, the bombs will be fired somewhat




to our Left. If the wind is from the South, the

bombs will be fired a little to our Right.

A small party to be detailed by O.C., "L" Coy., R.E.

will also be prepared to emit a smoke cloud in conjunction 

with these bombs, if the wind is suitable.

Arrangements will be made direct between the O.C.,

"L" Coy., R.E., or his representative, and the G.O.C.,

11th. Brigade, or an Officer to be detailed by him.

MISCELLANEOUS. 11. The smoke to be used will be entirely harmless and can

be breathed with perfect safety in large quantities.

The gas on the other hand is very poisonous, and it 

is important that any men who may by some mischance

become casualties through gas poisoning shall be kept

entirely still.

The decision as to whether gas and smoke clouds will

be discharged or not, will rest entirely with the

Officers of "L" Coy., R.E. actually in charge of the

operations in the various gas and smoke sections.

The decision with regard to the smoke bombs opposite

I.17.a. will rest with the O.C., Raid, who will be

conducting operations in that area.

The non-release of a smoke cloud opposite I.17.a. will

not be taken to mean that the smoke bombs cannot be

used. Similarly it must not be inferred from the non-release 

of gas or smoke in one section, that it will

not be discharged from the others - (See Figures).

The above Circular will be treated as strictly secret, as it

is essential that the gas and smoke shall be a surprise. As few as

possible should know of the intention. If the rank and file hear




of it, they will undoubtedly discuss the subject, in which case

it may be quite possibly get through to the enemy.

Receipt of this Circular will be acknowledged.

G. H. Jackson 


General Staff.


Copy No. 1 to A.D.C. for G.O.C.

2 "G" Staff.

3 do.

4 C.R.A.

5 9th. Aust. Inf. Bde.

6 10th   "       "       "

7 11th    "       "       "

8 Lieut-Colonel DAVIS.

9 42nd. Squadron, R.F.C.

10 A.D.M.S.

11  "L" Coy., R.E.

12  2nd. ANZAC.

13  Left Flank Division

14  War Diary.

15  File.

16  Spare.

17       "

18       " 

19       "  

20      "  

21       "     


G.O.C. –

Reason EDWARDES-KER was late and missed dining

with G.O.C.

- - - - - 

About 6.30 p.m., PAIN detailed a car to take

BATEMAN to 9th. Brigade Headquarters. BATEMAN told not to

keep the car, but to send it direct to C.R.E's Headquarters.

CROKER informed car calling for C.R.E. to bring him home -

car not to be kept waiting.

At 6.45 EDWARDES-KER informed car would call

for him about 7.20. About 6.50 C.R.E. was asked to pick

up EDWARDES-KER and another Officer of "L" Coy. At this

time car had not reached C.R.E.'s Headquarters. Car called

at C.R.E.'s Headquarters about 7 p.m. on way through with

BATEMAN, to warn C.R.E. Here it seems to have picked up an

Officer, and after depositing BATEMAN it took this Officer

to the 9th. Field Company at RUE DE FLANDRES, dropped the

Officer and went straight back to C.R.E.'s Headquarters,

reaching there about 7.25. According to BATEMAN car should

have reached  CO. 19 about 7.5. Leaving C.F.E.'s Headquarters

about 7.25, car took C.R.E. to Colonel DAVIS at ERQUINGHEM

BATHS, where it arrived about 7.40. It took back the C.R.E.

and someone also to C.R.E.'s Headquarters in ARMENTIERES, where

it dropped the extra passenger about 8 p.m. It then went

with C.R.E. to WATERLANDS to pick up EDWARDES-KER, reaching

WATERLANDS about 8.20.

The foregoing from statements made by PAIN

and the car Driver.

There is often trouble and delay through C.R.E

keeping cars in this way. Seeing that his work is not

urgent, and that he is provided with two horses, I would

recommend in future that he should never have a car, except

for special work which cannot be done on horseback. One can

ride to ARMENTIERES comfortably in an hour.

This sending for the C.R.E. every evening about

8 o'clock, entails a considerable amount of extra work on the

car Drivers. This is quite unnecessary, as he could ride

back in the evening and feed at one of the messes here, instead 

of having to be called for in ARMENTIERES after having

dined. - The C.R.E., 2nd. Division, lived at CROIX DU BAC

and fed here, thus avoiding all this night work for cars. He

also was prepared to ride a horse.




COPY 22-2-17.



Second Army. -

It is intended that instruction shall continue at

Schools in FRANCE during the coming Summer, although it may be

necessary in certain cases to modify the curriculum.

All Officers and Other Ranks detailed to attend

Schools for instruction, will be reckoned amongst those

enumerated in Section XXX, page 58 of S.S. 135 "Instructions

for the Training of Divisions for Offensive Action".

All personnel other than the above, on extra

regimental employment, will, in accordance with G.H.Q. letter

O.B./1919, dated 7th. February, 1917, be returned to their units

for training by the 1st. March, except (a) those for whom an

establishment has been authorised, (b) those who are tactically

employed for actual fighting purposes. It is considered that

all employment other than (b) should be found from P.B. or T.B.

men, and further, that the majority of those in category (a)

can be similarly found.



for Lieut-General, C.G.S.

General Headquarters,

16th. February, 1917.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 


2nd. ANZAC.

No. G. 165/-/13.


New Zealand Division,

3rd. Australian Division.

57th Division.

2nd ANZAC Corps Schools.

Forwarded for information and necessary action.

Copies of O.B./1919 of the 7th. instant were forwarded 

under 2nd. ANZAC G. 165/-/12 dated 20-2-17.

(Sgd). C. W. Gwynn.


2nd. ANZAC Corps.

Copy to G.O.C.,R.A., 2nd. ANZAC. 


Bailleul Club      22/2/17


36th Bn  300 frcs

44th B   "       "

11th Machine Gun Co  40 20 frc

11th Trench Mortar Co 40 fr

- - - - - - - - - - -

10th Bde    145 frcs

43rd Battn   87 frcs

Above now returned by A.P.M. to Units

































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