Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 10 February - 30 March 1917, Part 15

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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3ve Stage Rille Pitsconneched fomake Firebay for 600 8men 2013 Sechon shewing Freneh wire outupat thie siegeitwiring isoree eSep4 rerchtoorS6 ----- oo Plam 4Stage (Communkaton Trench and SlIsmade) --- -- fie Sep 7-- 2---7 96 Tec 7 -5 5TI 31I
5" STage (Eonplacementfor lewis Gur made) ----- ewis Gun Emplacerpert e 44 --- -- fresep-4 - FFerch Tas S6 --- --- h
MAGNUK OPUs SEORET HIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Divisional Headquarters, 29/3/17. 6.O.C "G" Staff. C.R.E. 3rd Canadian Tunnelling Co. 3rd Aust. Div. Signal co. PREPARATIONS FOR OFFENSIVE - CONSTRUCTION OF HEADQUARTERS. This memo is not intended to convey absolutely final decisions, but to lay down the principles upon which the Headquarters are to be selected and prepared. 2.DATA. The attack will be made by 8 Battalions, in two lines, i.e. 4 Battalions in the first line, for the first "bound"; 4 Battal¬ ions in the second line, for the second "bound”. - These Battal¬ ions are to be numbered as follows, from right to left, viz:- Second line E, F, G, H. First line A, B, C, D. During the assembly, the first line Battalions will form up in front of, i.e. to the north-east of the second line Battalions; but at the conclusion of the operation, the second line Battalions will finish in front of, i.e. to the north-east of the first line Battalions.- Thus the actual relative positions of the Battalions will be as follows, (taking the top of this sheet of paper as the NORTH- EAST) viz:- During Assembly DC B A ) Figure 1 H G F E, ---- After Advance H G F E ) Figure 2 D C BA) Each of these 8 Battalions will require a convenient and reasonably safe headquarters, within our own lines, and as close as possible to our present front line, from which to superintend the assembly, and from which to control the advance.- It may be assumed that the whole 8 stations will require to be occupied for at least four days. It is proposed that the relative positions of the eight headquarters shall be as per figure 2, in para. 2 above, and not as per figure 1, that is to say, the Headquarters will be arranged to correspond with the relative positions of the eight Battalions after the advance, and not of those during assembly. - The objects of this arrangement are:- (a) So that the Headquarters of A, B, C, and D Battalions will not have to move forward, after the advance. So that the Headquarters of E, F, G, and H Battalions (b) may, on vacation - when the personnel moves forward to new positions within the captured territory - be available for other purposes - inter alia for advanced Brigade report centre.- Each Headquarters should be behind the area in which its Battalion is to operate, and as centrally placed as possible, so as to reduce to a minimum the distance to be traversed by runners &c.-
SBCRET 2973717. -2- Our country N.E. of ST YVES Post Office near our front line is much demolished, and there would be great difficulty in carrying out underground construction therein. There exist in our front line, two stations, respectively at 14.b.93.4. and at 8.d.23.12. which are the adits to mining operations. These two stations will also be the terminals of buried cables. - It is very probable that the former will be untenable until at least 24 hours after zero hour, on account of gas fumes, but the latter will be tenable throughout. - Both stations will therefore be available as advanced Brigade Report Centres, - after the advance is completed; - but only the latter, or northern, statioh will be available as a Battalion Headquarters. As regards the front line (i.e. north-eastern line) of Battalion Headquarters, it is uncertain how soon they may be moved forward into captured enemy territory; whether immediately after, or some 2 or 3 days after the advance depends on whether suitable undamaged dugouts can be speedily found and prepared in the captured ground. - But as regards the rear line of Battalion Headquarters, it may be assumed that these will be vacated very soon after the advance, (if same is completely successful and the consolidation of our new line proceeds satisfactorily), by the withdrawal of the A, B, C, and D Battalions to positions in rear where these Battalions will reorganize and provide working parties to help the garrison of our new front lines.- The above considerations point to the following approximate positions as the most suitable for the eight Battalion Headquarters, and the two Advanced Brigade Report Centres:- (The reference letters correspond to the numbering of the Battalions as per para. 2 above):- ST YVES Post Office. £ 6? TORONTO AVENUE 15.a.63.1½ 8. d.23.1½ Adit to Mine - Cable Head - Available for Left Brigade Report Centre after advance. Near point where the LA HUTTE- MESSINES Road crosses our front line. 15.0. 6.6- PROWSE POINT 14.b.12.93 8.c.33.4 DX 14.b.95.4 Cable Head - Available for Right Brigade report centre after advance. Of the above locations A, B, ; and are at points where 10. underground accommodation already exists, which will require to be adapted for occupation by Battalion Headquarters and Signal Staff; but at the remaining 3 points entirely new shell-proof accommodation will have to be constructed. "G" Staff, in consultation with C.R.E., will now submit final 11. proposals in the light of above considerations. - After approval by me, all at present concerned (i.e. C.R.E., Div. Signal Co., and Tunnelling Co.) to be notified. otvotvronest Major-General, Commanding Third Australian Division.
e i Kette:! Guhangteg am Bgränd Rr 0 6 Brusn sc. Ia Brrttte wonld Gor Bayg Garrg on Aruerral writte Ourr Gouforts derfs lliis Gon bord mr to Eaurg outo Mch 311 Kranl Ovlr (ovd Cares Oter defot Rre
20 th Sue Aes S.S. 133. ausdheih h n00 1. In the preparation of maps illustrating Artillery bombardment schomes the following colors will be used to indicate the various natures of ordnance employed. 18-pdr. UTTTIII 4.S-in. Now. 8888888 18-pdr. £ 4.6-in. How. combined. s0-pdr. VIIITh 4.7-in.) 6-in. gun. 888888 9.2-in. er 12-in. gun. é-in. How. VTIIIII e-in. How. 9.2-in. How.) 8888888 12-in. How. Row. Light Trench Mortar. WIIIIII Medium Trench Mortar. Heavy Trench Mortar. The number of guns or howitzers firing on each objective should be shown by a numeral. Chalks or coloured pencils must be used for maps illustrating artillery bombardment schemes; NOT coloured inks sol ses/7. r v0 sporor FusLloanjoN. o ooy S.S. 133.- "Colours to be used in preparation of Maps illustrating Artillery Bombardment Schemes to indicate various oende. natures of Ordnance employed". Te edleung ae swred te danste Frned Nerare edhoruld he Bäowm instead of YaLlo..
. 10. THEATRE DE MONTE CARLO nrnESzvrArxors porxs Sous le Haut Patronage de S. A S. LE PRINCE DE MONACO er ere Dimanche 18 Mars 1917, à 2 h. 19 REPRESENTATION Au beneiee des Turres Militaires de In Guerre AVIS.-- Le lever du rideau aura Heu a 2 h. 172 très précises. — Le public est prié darriver bien eraclemen! à Theure, car, pendant Pexécution, Jes portes de la sale resteroùt rigoureusement fermees jusqu'à la ün de Tacte. — Les mémes disposinions seront prises pour les actes suivants. Irix des Places. 20 francs Ls1italles 3e Rang - Fauteuil d Orchestre Ne 70 Côté Droit THEATRE DE MONTE CARLO nrsxAurors porxAs Sous le Haut Patronage de S. A. S. LE PRINCE DE MONACO Dimanche 18 Mars 1917, à 2 h. 19 REPRESENTATION Au böneüce des Tuvres Militaires de la Guerre AVIS- Le lever du rideau aura Heu à 2 h. 172 très précises. — Le public est prié d'arriver bien exactement à Theure, car, pendant Pexécution, les portes de la salle resteront rigoureusement fermées jusqu'à la in de Pacte.— Les mèmes dispositions seront prises pour les actes suivants. Prix des Places: 20 francs Les tnvttsstons sont Figetreusennenet Wersornelies 3e Rang - Fauteuil dOrchestre No 72 Côté Droit
TEA-ROOM RESTAURANT DU GOLF DE MONTE CARLO ser None Caroje 19- 197 -1 Tabl 10 8 defennerd, 3 4 1O2. Blia 2 a filbie 3 2. 1å Hamies 20 Bial 3 Tõäl
Se re
mo Note pour Th 4.nna Ponast Hötels Regina Palace &e Balmoral MENTON A PAUL ULRICH, Propnétcire 18 13 14 45 19 Mois -Kar: 17 1917 10 101- 11 1e- 10 10 Avvangement..... Omnibus et Bagages Appartement.. ir 1125 2t 1t Iaa Bain ... Blanchissage Déjeunev sahle Déjenner Appartement CEwfs. Lunch. Dinev. Note Restauvant. eRAAE A SAmOTAI HOGE Zo43// 26 Monan Do Reon de mt Skthat oas, lar momme de .o4 Hanr Bieve Eaur Minévales. Liqugers...... Mehrgram- Qwittance.. Note du jouv.... 13 I Report de la veille. 7) fy 38 ToTAL. Pdiements........ Repovt. r 65. 17 149 7'8 r .24 9157 94.

3rd Stage Rifle Pits connected to make Firebay for 6 to 8 men

Diagram - see original

4th Stage (Communication Trench and Slits made)

Diagram - see original document


5th Stage (Emplacement for Lewis Gun made)

Diagram - see original document




Divisional Headquarters,



"G" Staff.


3rd Canadian Tunnelling Co.

3rd Aust. Div. Signal Co.

1. This memo is not intended to convey absolutely final decisions,

but to lay down the principles upon which the Headquarters are

to be selected and prepared.

2. DATA. The attack will be made by 8 Battalions, in two lines, i.e.

4 Battalions in the first line, for the first "bound"; 4 Battalions

in the second line, for the second "bound". – These Battalions

are to be numbered as follows, from right to left, viz: –

First line A, B, C, D. Second line E, F, G, H.

During the assembly, the first line Battalions will form up in

front of, i.e. to the north-east of the second line Battalions;

but at the conclusion of the operation, the second line Battalions

will finish in front of, i.e. to the north-east of the first line

Battalions. –

Thus the actual relative positions of the Battalions will be

as follows , (taking the top of this sheet of paper as the NORTH-EAST viz:–

During assembly D C B A } Figure 1
                                  H G F E }             
After advance        H G F E } Figure 2
                                  D C B A }
3. Each of these 8  Battalions will require a convenient and

reasonably safe headquarters, within our own lines, and as close

as possible to our present front line, from which to superintend

the assembly, and from which to control the advance. – It may be

assumed that the whole 8 stations will require to be occupied

for at least four days. –

4. It is proposed that the relative positions of the eight

headquarters shall be per figure 2, in para. 2 above, and not

as per figure 1, that is to say, the Headquarters will be arranged

to correspond with the relative positions of the eight Battalions

after the advance, and not of those during assembly. – The objects

of  this arrangement are: –

(a) So that the Headquarters of A, B, C, and D Battalions

will not have to move forward, after the advance.

(b) So that the Headquarters of E, F, G, and H Battalions

may, on vacation – when the personnel moves forward

to new positions within the captured territory – be

available for other purposes – inter alia for

advanced Brigade report centre. –

5. Each Headquarters should be behind the area in which its

Battalion is to operate, and as centrally placed as possible, – so as to reduce to a minimum the distance to be traversed by runners &c. –




– 2 –

6. Our country N.E. of ST YVES Post Office near our front line is

much demolished, and there would be great difficulty in carrying

out underground construction therein.

7. There exist in our front line, two stations, respectively at

14. b. 9½. 4. and at 8.d.2½.1½. which are the adits to mining

operations . These two stations will also be the terminals of

buried cables. – It is very probable that the former will be

untenable until at least 24 hours after zero hour, on account

of gas fumes, but the latter will be tenable throughout. – Both

stations will therefore be available as advanced Brigade Report

Centres, – after the advance is completed; – but only the latter,

or northern, station will be available as a Battalion Headquarters.

8. As regards the front line (i.e. north-eastern line) of Battalion

Headquarters, it is uncertain how soon they may be moved forward

into captured enemy territory; whether immediately after, or some

2 or 3 days after the advance depends on whether suitable

undamaged dugouts can be speedily found and prepared in the

captured ground. – 

But as regards the rear line of Battalion Headquarters, it may

be assumed that these will be vacated very soon after the advance,

(if same is completely successful and the consolidation of our

new line proceeds satisfactorily), by the withdrawal of the

A, B, C, and D Battalions to positions in rear where these

Battalions will reorganize and provide working parties to help

the garrison of our new front lines. –

9. The above considerations  point to the following approximate

positions as the most suitable for the eight Battalion Headquarters,

and the two Advanced Brigade Headquarters Report Centres: – (The

reference letters correspond to the numbering of the Battalions

as per para. 2 above) : –

E 15.c.9 1/2. 5. ST IVES Post Office
F  15.a.6 1/2.1 1/2. TORONTO AVE
G 8.d.2 1/2, 1 1/2 Adit to mine Cable Head - advance for
right Brigade Report Centre after advance.
H Near point where the LA - HUTTE - MESSINESS
Road crosses our front line.
A 15.c.6.6 1/2
C 14-b. 1 1/2. 9 1/2

D. 8.c.3 1/2.4
14.b.9 1/2.4 Cable Head for Right Brigade Report advance

10. Of the above locations A, B, E, F, and G are at points where

undergound accommodation already exists, which will require to

be adapted for occupation by Battalion Headquarters and Signal

Staff; but at the remaining 3 points entirely new shell-proof

accommodation will have to be constructed.

11. "G" Staff, in conjunction with C.R.E., will now submit final

proposals in the light of above considerations. - After approval

by me, all at present concerned (i.e. C.R.E., Div. Signal Co., and

Tunnelling Co.) will be notified. –

John Monash


Commanding Third Australian Division.


[*An example of an "Official" letter*]

March 30/17



Are we

Would you say carry on

as usual with our

Comfort Supplies, you

told me to carry on to Mch 31st

we leave over 1000 cases

in our depot.

H.Q. Clerke
[*Replies to
‘Adj’ Major*]


S.S. 133.
30 MAR. 1917
No. G19/50

1. In the preparation of maps illustrating Artillery bombardment schemes the following colors will be used to 

indicate the various natures of ordnance employed.

Diagram, see original document

4.5-in. How. 

Diagram, see original document

18-pdr. & 4.5-in. How. combined. 
Diagram, see original document


4.7-in.  ) 

Diagram, see original document

6-in.. gun. 
Diagram, see original document

9.2-in. or 12-in. gun. 
Diagram, see original document

6-in. How. 

Diagram, - see original document

8-in.. How.   )

9.2-in. How. ) 

Diagram, see original document

12-in. How.)

15-in. How.) 

Diagram, see original document

Light Trench Mortar

Diagram, see original document

Medium Trench Mortar. 
Diagram,  see original document

Heavy Trench Mortar. 
Diagram, see original document

The number of guns or howitzers firing on each 

objective should be shown by a numeral.

Chalks or coloured pencils must be used for maps

illustrating artillery bombardment schemes; NOT coloured




[*Above copy amended.*]

S.S. 133.- Colours to be used in preparation of Maps

illustrating Artillery Bombardment Schemes to indicate various

natures of Ordnance employed".

The colour as used to denote Trench Mortars should be

BROWN instead of YELLOW.







Sous le Haut Patronage


Dimanche 18 Mars 1917, a 2 h. ½


Au bénéfice des Œuvres Militaires de la Guerre

AVIS. - Le lever du rideau aura lieu a 2h. ½ très précises. - Le

public est prié d'arriver bien exactement à l'heure, car, pendant l'exécution, 

les portes de la salle  resteront rigoureusement fermees jusqu'à la fin de

l'acte. - Les mêmes dispostion seront prises pour les actes suivants.

Prix des Places: 20 francs

Le invitations sont rigoureusement personnelles.

3e Rang - Fauteuil d'Orchestre No 70

Côté Droit



Sous le Haut Patronage


Dimanche 18 Mars 1917, a 2 h. ½


Au bénéfice des Œuvres Militaires de la Guerre

AVIS. - Le lever du rideau aura lieu a 2h. ½ très précises. - Le

public est prié d'arriver bien exactement à l'heure, car, pendant l'exécution, 

les portes de la salle  resteront rigoureusement fermees jusqu'à la fin de

l'acte. - Les mêmes dispostion seront prises pour les actes suivants.

Prix des Places: 20 francs

Le invitations sont rigoureusement personnelles.

3e Rang - Fauteuil d'Orchestre No 72

Côté Droit






Monte Carlo, le 19 - Mars 1917        

Table...................... No..............

2 déjeuners  10 -
1 Chablis  5 -
2 filtres  2 -
2 Gd Marnier  3 -
Total. 20  





No 6

Note pour M General Monash

Hôtels Regina Palace & Balmoral


PAUL ULRICH, Propriétaire

Mois Mars 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Arrangement.... 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00  
Omnibus et Bagages 2.00              
Bain........................     1.25











Déjeuner salle...                
Déjeuner Apartment                
Note Restaurant.......                
18 MARS 1917
Regina Palace & Balmoral Hôtel
1389    29/3/17
No 6
Reçu de M General Monash
la somme de              [[?}}
v. 94.10
VINS} Macon...... 1.50 2.50   2.50     1.50  
Bière........................   1.25       1.25    
Eaux Minérales                
Telegrams       1.80     1.30 1.00
Note du jour...... 13.50 13.75 11.25 15.55 11.25 12.50 14.05 2.25
Report de la veille....   13.50 27.25 38.50 54.05 65.30 77.80 91.85
TOTAL......   27.25 38.50 54.05 65.30 77.80 91.85 94.10


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