Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 10 February - 30 March 1917, Part 14

First World War, 1914–18
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Divisional Headquarterss March 22nd, 1917.- STATELENT SHOWING O. R. EMELOYED ON DUTY OUTSIDE THE DIVISIONAL AREA. as at As per Letter to 20-32027 Corps 23-2-1917 LUEANTRI. Less 20th Brigade. 192. 200. At Railway Works.. 192. 214. Tunnelling Company. 23. 23. Corps Duties . 36. 36. Borest Control 240 14. End Army Purchase Board.. 6. At Schools (Not as Students]. Field Supply Depot. (Caestre). 472. 502. ELONEERS. 32 At Corps Dip. 102. At Railway Party. 134
23/17 Cop. Canteane Defensive arrangments Mea of March I1 gave detats of bronts X No queation of fighting a returing action Xtaking of part your line by enemy – we can pocket him. L Frimetiat Counterattachs upon local snccisses. Hill 63 is as important because it is the proot on which the holding of Rennnel Hill depends. Wet develon Aomentions defences- especially as regards Mushine Couns, XX Coops keeps a call on one Reserve Higade (74th) & they are not to be employed tho Countyyattact without Corps sanction 19th He 25th Dis to pupure with me schemes for Countwathaak, in case enevy gets a footing cast of Armentreres. XX Spreak it about that all and work is ffensnce, with a view to drive enemy out of the counitry tfir spring XX Have Knife rsts ready to close all roaks. 6 yea attack at dawn - due to difficutties Bombardment 4 days of assembly. 1st day. - To cap 2 Red 2 1st Count in first day Blne 2 dut of 10 day. Cop Cs affearto fout of 3 Din with I Dis in reserve Rt & Centon Duvnion most seach Mea ther final objective (beck in one day. XI With a specially to labour to bings a ting. Me aulnn 7 1y19 C
27 XXX Fix soon Hhe fighting H.A. Consider meying of Drv. School & Remprsement Camps
Unit. Name of C.O. 11th, Lanes. Fuliers. Col. MARTIN. (8th. Loyal N. Lanes. CoL. CRAIGIE- HALKETT. 13th. Cheshire Rgt. Col. FINCH. and. Rogel Irieh CoL. GOODMAN. Rifles. 05th 1 60 Major LYNAN. -72th. N.C. C0Y. Capt. MARRIORY. b ten Bethers OMITS OF Tath. TUTANTRY BRIGADE. Billeted at. Working under. ARMENTIERES. G.O.C. 11th. A.I. Bde. Amentiens d C.R.E. from MIEPPE.- C.R.A. Oostove Farm (B11 apentrel) Drerrstgenpt. Co R. (5000 youl hhemont AAM M G23 25/3/17 253-20. Nature of Work. 1 Co. Cable burying, 3 Coys. repairs to subsid? lary line. Armentieres Defences. Camouflaging of gun positions. Building Battery Control posts. Constructing cover for amn- unition. Construction of Trench Tram- ways for supply of Ammunition & Supplies, if material is made available. Construction of Roads and approaches. Cover for Personnel. Seaforth, St. Ives area.
27/3/1 Maguine Hent Formation Io Attack. Two Brigades in line; each two Battalions in two lines; each Battation with4 Companies in line; each Company in two plation waves 1.2. Frontage, 16 Companies; depth, 8 lines & 4 waves (not counting moppers up &c 9th Bgde on right; 16th Brigade on left; 11th Bode in Reseive Dupositions First bound - Enemy Front and support lines & 2 objectives Objectives Second bound - Enemy resewve line, and strong points on line of road + 2 objectives Right defensive Flank. Propose to make a front to South, on line of road running from Westmindter Avenue to Hattened Farm - ultimately re fusing same to left along enemy switch trench. Each Brigade & Battation on its own frontage. Surveys being made. Assembly. Frenches to be rerovated and made anew - to permit of definite allotent in Frontage and depth, down to peatoons. at Catacombo Division original:- Hdquarter. Brigades in Floegoteest wood first bound in support line Battalions in our front line second do at Catacombo Division Subsyuent:- Brgades in onr old front line first bound, remains in onr support line Battalion second bound, to be established in enemy support line. Improvements to Communication Frenches through Wood &c & Approach March by ontans & only way - different vortes for the different Brs. Counteattack At Catacombs, - Importance of Full Brigade Reserve Brignde Relief Cover piliation wit N.2 Warking parties Can administer two Bns if sent me. Communications forward, & Russian Saps; - additional trenches. Io calling Arrangements. Present & Advanced Ferminals: - Atternative Stations. Dispositions. - Works. - Amunition Supply. - O.PS. - Mortars.- Astillery.- Were cutting -bont System. Read Systems. Hedges. One Pd Company to each Front Brigade - One Cl in Reseive at Catacomb) Engineers One Cs to each bont Brignde - two Cos in Reserve at Catacomby I Fionees mines to be blown if possible diaison with Division on one left. large- painted - faling rear - in hand Sipboarts Recomnainances. OP. at Chatean Ruins - Alidade Chart - Camoplage Advanced Depot:- Bombs, Tools, S.A.A, Sandbags, Water, Lights, Wive, Rations. Drawn from Front line Brigades - not reserve Brigade. Carrying parties: Pack Hransport. Trainways, - Medical - Concentration Camp Administrative M.G. Cos & L.T.M. 13t Roles not yet settled
Dering leave Tobson leave Camman d Arn Comt visit the Porthone visit to 10th Bydo Fresent Stage N5750 56150 1300
28 MR. 1817 125/216 LSIO THE ROLE OF THE INFRNTRY IN CONSOLLATING A CAPTURED POSITION AND HOF TO DEAL NITH CRATERS. The accompanying dirgrums show the Role of the Infantry in consoiidation. The technical troops dutles He for the most part behind - comstructing or improving communications, erecting supporting points, on Foads etc. With reference to the diagram showing the first stage it will be noticed that the flanks of each little post are refused to allow of protection to ench post by its neighbours. It will also be noticed that the old German trenches have not been used. However tempting these may be, experience hes taught that old German trenches, accurately marked on their maps, are things to be carefully avoided. In course of time, after the third stage, the outposts will be provided with covered ways back to the new line and still later may be joined up to provide an advanced new line. Gobco
Distribulion of Advanced Troops on Captuire of Position To begin with Avoid holding ald GermanTrench Geferward S0t to 100? Reference O Scouls in 00 ooo Craters 013 08 Groupsfor 00000l 0000 00 0 Small Posts 1t556o 00000.00 0 0 0 0 to be made 00 0 500 p OCRDS 000.00 in Creters 0 0C23032 6ed 0 . 000. . gorman. Bili 00 ob GeTM 51 . o of s 0000 6/20 Emell circles 000000 Direction of Represent Shell craters OUr AFFAck 57 State Small Posts Completed. Oupost Line SCoUtsandlewis Guns about 100 infrent of af line of Small Post & 4 84 244 Line of Small Poote for Croups of AOBMN m pomon agag 56T010i front of od n 1014 + German Support line 33 X as gormen peere t Direction Our Attack
CFatETS. OrIRInAL E M 5 Section of Crater Plan of Ordlers Stage (2 Rifle Pits, each (or 2mer) Sandbads NMr + 3 + 2 1t Pit. Section [FioOr F10O (OF.P.V.4) (OIPIE-4 Plan of Pits Stake (Rifle Pits improved to dive cover abainst ShEIl-Fire) Section 37F Sandhag 5 C sonnd 4 12)36 Plan of P113 Ftire Stop firepe MAnGEET FiooroFit 20
A0. 279 Stage. Small posts formed into Continuouslins. Dutnost line ScoUTS and Lewis Gune 9 & a + a6ut 100 in from of liae of Small posts. py parmin Speraer 1 24 Small Posts aen rar te 58 Cennected to forr COATInUOUS line Cirecten of Our AMlack 3rd S1O3E Communication Trenines completed back to old (German SuppOrT LIne FOurpoSt line SCOUPSandLewis Lond A TUAS aie Newline connected SUpPOrE Od Gorman to od supperf line 2:n By Communication 1- Franches f 2 ue Direction of Our AHaCk

Divisional Headquarters:
March 22nd, 1917.-

INFANTRY. As per Letter to
Corps 23-2-1917
less 10th Brigade.

As at


At Railway Works.           . . .      . .  200. 192.
Tunnelling Company.     . . .      . .  214. 192.
Corps Duties.           . . .     . . .    . .   23. 23.
Forest Control.         . . .     . . .    . .   36. 36.
2nd Army Purchase Board. .  . .  14. 14.
At Schools (Not as Students). 6. 6.
Field Supply Depot. (Caestre). 9. 9.
  502. 472.
At Corps Dip.    32.
At Railway Party.   102.



Corps Conference
Defensive Arrangements
Memo of March 11 gave details of fronts.
X  No question of fighting a retiring action.
X Taking of part of our line by enemy - we can pocket him.
X  Immediate Counterattacks upon local successes.
Hill 63 is as important because it is the pivot on which the
holding of Kemmel Hill depends.
We to develop Armentieres defences - especially as regards Machine Guns.  XX
Corps Keeps a call on our Reserve Brigade (74th) & they are not to be employed for
Counterattack without Corps sanction.
XX 25th Div. 74th Bde to prepare with me schemes for Counterattack, in case
enemy gets a footing east of Armentieres.
XX Spread it about that all our work is offensive, with a view to drive
enemy out of the country this spring. - √

XX Have Knife rests ready to close all roads.
Bombardment 4 days, - attack at dawn - due to difficulties
of assembly.
1st day. - X Corps.
                 IX    "
                 2nd Anzac
Red   =   1st bomb on first day
Blue  =   end of 1st day.
Corps Cm Appreciation front of 3 Divs. with 1 Div. in reserve
Rt & centre Division must reach near their final objective (black)
in one day.
XXX Write in specially for labour from Railways & Mining.
We shall have 17 Bts of 18 prs & 5 Bts of Hows.


XXX Fix soon Bde fighting H.Q.
X Consider merging of Div. School & Reinforcement Camps



Unit. Name of C.O. Billeted at. Working under. Nature of Work.
11th. Lancs. Fuliers. Col. MARTIN. ARMENTIERES. G.O.C. 11th A.I. Bde 1 Co. Cable burying,
3 Coys. repairs to subsidiary
9th. Loyal N. Lancs. Col. CARIGIE-HALKETT. \ Armentieres
C.R.E. Armentieres Defences.
13th. Cheshire Rgt. Col. FINCH NIEPPE. - C.R.A.   (3500X) Camouflaging of gun positions.
Building Battery Control posts.
Constructing cover for ammunition.
Construction of Trench Tramways
for supply of Ammunition
& Supplies, if material is
made available.
Construction of Roads and
Cover for Personnel.
2nd. Royal Irish
Col. GOODMAN. Oostove Farm (B11d) Central)
NIEPPE (Temp).
wants them out.
C.R.E.   (5200x) Seaforth, St. Ives area.
105th. Field Co. RE. Major LYNAN ARMENTIERES.              "  
74th. M.G. Coy. Capt. MARRIOTT
Mj Gen Beltrill (G.I.3.)
             "              "  



Magnum Opus.

Formation for Attack.

Two Brigades in line; each two Battalions in two lines; each Battalion
with 4 Companies in line; each Company in two platoon waves
i.e. Frontage, 16 Companies; depth, 8 lines = 4 waves.
(not counting moppers-up & &c)
9th Bgde on right; 10th Brigade on left; 11th Bgde in Reserve

First bound = Enemy front and support lines = 2 objectives
Second bound = Enemy reserve line, and strong points on line
of road = 2 objectives.
Right defensive flank.

Propose to make a front to South, on line of road running from
Westminster Avenue to Flattened Farm - ultimately refusing 
same to left along enemy switch trench.

Each Brigade & Battalion on its own frontage. Surveys being made.
Trenches to be renovated and made anew - to permit of definite
allotment in frontage and depth, down to platoons.

Original:- Division at Catacombs
Brigades in Ploegsteert wood
Battalions - first bound in Support line
second  do.  in our front line
Subsequent:- Division at Catacombs
Brigades in our old front line
Battalions - first bound, remains in our support line
second bound, to be established in enemy
support line. 
Approach March.

Improvements to Commnication Trenches through Wood to &
by Ontario & only way - different routes for the different Bns.
Reserve Brigade

At Catacombs. - Importance of full Brigade - Counterattack
Cover junction with N.Z
Working parties
Can administer two Bns if lent me.
Communications forward. -  Russian saps; - additional trenches 
Signalling Arrangements. Present & Advanced Terminals. - Alternative Stations.
Artillery. -
Dispositions. - Works. - Ammunition Supply. - O.P's. - Mortars. -
Wire cutting. - Front System. Rear Systems. Hedges.
Engineers. -

One Fd Company to each front Brigade - One Co in Reserve at Catacombs}
Pioneers. -

One Co to each front Brigade - two Cos in Reserve at Catacombs                                               }under C.R.E.
Mines to be blown if possible.
Liaison with Division on our left.
Signboards - large - painted - facing rear - in hand.
O.P. at Chateau Ruins - Alidade Chart - Camoflage
Advance Depots:-
Bombs, Tools, S.A.A., Sandbags, Water, Lights, Wire, Rations.
Carrying parties. -
Drawn from front line Brigades - not reserve Brigade. -
Administrative. -
Pack transport. Tramways. - Medical - Concentration Camps
M.G.Cos & L.T.M.Bts Rôles not yet settled

Dering leave
Jobson leave
Cannan  do.
Army Comdr visits Th
Postpone visit to 10th Bgde
Present frontages N 5150
                                    S 6150



28 MAR. 1917
No G25/216



The accompanying diagrams show the Role of the
Infantry in consolidation.  The technical troops'
duties lie for the most part behind - constructing or
improving communications, erecting supporting points,
on roads etc.
With reference to the diagram showing the first
stage it will be noticed that the flanks of each
little post are refused to allow of protection to
each post by its neighbours.
It will also be noticed that the old German
trenches have not been used.   However tempting these
may be, experience has taught us that old
German trenches, accurately marked on their maps, are
things to be carefully avoided.
In course of time, after the third stage, the
"outposts" will be provided with covered ways back to
the 'new line' and still later may be joined up to
provide an 'advanced new line'. 

 GOC's copy



Distribution of Advanced Troops on Capture of Position
To begin with Avoid holding old German Trench   Go Forward 50x to 100x
① Scouts in 

② Groups for
Small Posts
to be made
in Craters

Diagram. See original document

Small circles
Represent Shell craters

1st Stage
Small Posts Completed.

Diagram. See original document
Outpost Line
Scouts and Lewis Guns
about 100x in front of
line of Small Post
Line of Small Posts for
Groups of 4 to 8m n
50 to 100 in front of old
German Support line


Original Craters
Diagram. See original document


2nd Stage

Small posts formed into continuous line. 

Diagram. See original document

Outpost Line
Scouts and Lewis
about 100x in front of
line of Small posts.
Small Posts
connected to form
continuous line

Diagram. See original document

3rd Stage
Communication Trenches completed back to old 
German Support Line

Diagram. See original document

Outpost line
Scouts and Lewis

New line connected
to old support line
By communication



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