Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 10 February - 30 March 1917, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(3). the A.P.M. by me:- "Following Corps Order issued AAA Except in cases of necessity thaw precautions will be continued until the 27th. inst. AAA Where it is found necessary to depart from instruct- ions issued the orders regarding loads on vehicles will be adhered to AAA Depleted Supply Columns will however be re¬ filled from Railhead without delay AAA". So little impression did this telegram make in his mind that in his weekly report dated 24th. February he reported that "Thaw Restrictions had been removed". On his attention being called to it, he said "Put your pen through that part". I have not attempted an exhaustive list of instances but merely refer to these as evidence in support of the view that the duties are not being satisfactorily performed. (sgd). F.S. TATHAM. Lieut-Colonel. A.P.M. 2nd. A. & N. Z. Army Corps. 4-3-17.
THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISTON. Divisional Headquarters, 7th. March, 1917. My dear General.- I return you herewith TATHAM'S letter. - As you have expressed the wish that I should not enter into a detail- ed discussion of the points raised, I refrain from doing so. - But perhaps you will permit me to say, briefly, that I had previous knowledge of most of the specific allegations, and am in a position to assure you that nearly all of them are a tissue of inaccuracies. To one paragraph indeed, viz. - para 6, I am bound to take very strong exception. - TATHAM did not hesitate to insinuate to me in conversation that the apparently good discipline of my Division was due to crime going unreported and unpunished. - That is a most unjust calumny, and I told him so. - He now reiterates it, without the smallest justification. - I have, from the first, employ- ed my police to prevent crime, and they have succeeded. After all, the main question is as to the efficiency of my A.P.M., his command, his police and his work. - Applying, for the time being, only the tost of the efficiency of the police personnel, as such, I shall, on my return, ask you to be so kind as to let me parade them before you. They P.T.0.
(2). are a very fine body of men, and I am very proud of them. As to other aspects, I shall, as I promised, give same careful consideration. Yours sincerely.- Lt-Cen. Sir A.J. Godley, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. 2nd. A. £ N. Z. Army Corps.
Teh "C" Form. Uapekronvrt MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No oNEa Sent, or umt od L Regnt Lwordstt Wtce v 0 ZIN? A Charges io collect söh Gohorn Te Serwice Instruchions¬ 611 g St- 1 Fanved Ohes Wandednat Gas Nak 32 Ir reo Jo Rumdbe Dershrt Banufe Has0hre aaå 212 Aersrctn Aofored for 100 GAo 4 Comebile ar FRON a PLACRATTIE rlne hne shond be aused i nof reauned i DIonms
V/1 Gort-Gafen Lir Cnnand Gung duet Fenntinn tr ottack on Trru Hytshitendst- ne Ohprekie - Aptn, mm Oaevatig, bitp o t ündekeS. (ora ame - uist enettt Spesstrin ty t luspa t om Rane Cop- th Ih Igr et frrmrni, 27155.15 CE s Skast amd die so 2 FFars Hantdgnins ot Hrdge Sensai Shuet dmetausban. or ahåko S dis.- ou pratå rZno Trt. Gr o estäns met -Fine ufate a Raungh- dast ir Ranne g iwt h Sreklike oer Offanid Tot. o a Artg. " Stm at onise felks E fued gan per 15 3 fort. Hnle mg tiyj onake --knsk - Di. g donng dikes - ktr mut tg t wim Somkeladr. . Ih. Pralle ome g at defenenne arbangenentr om ond nån frrnk. PEnsink Consnter thrt ia vis g unenng bring fask borf- om attack zmt to mvor detstasale Training - g7. 2 v å Di, - ach kas a tyle ont. ( Reinand fr arer ) NansLyunse t hoanbdg amt trigade kiTilguer. nerr Hoske Moves oute Ripo b Atür g toh, ia sng lept tide te tikoren Ploptraet tiord o St. ddre- paniart od. e. Kanfr St. dori getert 1. 2. tikes vad akkaskling fant g 2 øinsns-doldung st uist 2 Kripate. Ramelbagks sisten din Dr.HR. Hhrtrg dard N.2 y fr ttr skack. Llenmeoste 3 SA Natpe Agnwstten teli - gar t Tr de Rieppe (.12A) LHrattehe anstut Fri krpant vit i Wirpräne
Hrut Kreesterct zmnsteit he tror Trun, Tir mn te fiant, gudn hr Kir Fout line Pres rst he ar prissen g tr ening fr Tr Triprthis stih an poart kolding thr tin og.2 Trigak foorts Srfosmiten av kackomstaten sund be aeansite 105 Dee ktr at thy 10 v Brk Bbasde var to Baulland 11.Di Ble tole ont and k kave aonglittg tidhen ar iy midngft m 15 45 25 Dåe ktanr trken on 1125 Drdr Gort ty riidngtg io
TMENT MILITAIE DE FARIS FTAT- MAJAR PARIS 16/15 1917 88ab?. -------- Duresl 12MARS47I7.- IMTLLIGENCE ANGLALSE. e PLN Le Lt.Colonol The Hon.M.Brett Commandant Militaire de la Place Anglaise a aris prie Mele Commissaire Militaire de la Gare d. ri-- de faire delivrer å l'Officer anglais Zenereh Horgeh--- un billot å de place de Farisar/A. - 16/5 4/7 e e sg L'Officier de Servico. 2./6 Hoaninbet chel
THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters, 14th. March, 1917. NOTES FROM CONVERSATION AT 5.45 p.m. BETWEEN A.D.C., SECOND ARMY, Amp Gamandl Monkon. 1,100 reinforcements at Base made up as follows :¬ 122 Dental cases. 209 sick. 107 temporary base. 97 permanent base. 654 under training. 1, 189 Total. Of the 654, 460 have been ordered up. --------------------- ------------------ NOTES OF CONVERSATION ABOUT SAME TIMS AS ABOVE (5.45 p.m.) Hwnal BETWEEN DIVISIONAL COMKANDER AND B.G.G.S., SECOND ARKT No cancellation of 9th. Field Coy. going down to Training Area to be ordered until B.G.G.3. has seen Corps Commander again and informed us. ------- --------------

the A.P.M. by me:-
"Following Corps Order issued  AAA  Except in cases of
necessity thaw precautions will be continued until the 27th.
inst.  AAA  Where it is found necessary to depart from instructions 
issued the orders regarding loads on vehicles will be
adhered  to  AAA  Depleted Supply Columns will however be refilled 
from Railhead without delay  AAA".
So little impression did this telegram make in his
mind that in his weekly report dated 24th.  February he reported
that "Thaw Restrictions had been removed".   On his attention
being called to it, he said "Put your pen through that part".
I have not attempted an exhaustive list of instances,
but merely refer to these as evidence in support of the view
that the duties are not being satisfactorily performed.
(Sgd). F.S. TATHAM.
A.P.M. 2nd. A. & N. Z.  Army Corps. 


Divisional Headquarters,
7th. March, 1917.
My dear General.-
I return you herewith TATHAM'S letter. - As you
have expressed the wish that I should not enter into a detailed 
discussion of the points raised, I refrain from doing so. - 
But perhaps you will permit me to say, briefly, that I had
previous knowledge of most of the specific allegations, and
am in a position to assure you that nearly all of them are a
tissue of inaccuracies.  To one paragraph indeed, viz. - 
para 6, I am bound to take very strong exception. - TATHAM
did not hesitate to insinuate to me in conversation that the
apparently good discipline of my Division was due to crime
going unreported and unpunished. - That is a most unjust
calumny, and I told him so. - He now reiterates it, without
the smallest justification. - I have, from the first, employed 
my police to prevent crime, and they have succeeded. - 
After all, the main question is as to the
efficiency of my A.P.M., his command, his police and his work. - 
Applying, for the time being, only the test of the efficiency
of the police personnel, as such, I shall, on my return, ask
you to be so kind as to let me parade them before you.  They


are a very fine body of men, and I am very proud of them.
As to other aspects, I shall, as I promised,
give some careful consideration.
Yours sincerely.-
Lt-Gen. Sir A.J. Godley, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.
2nd. A. & N. Z. Army Corps.


124  7/3/17

"C" Form.                     Army Form C. 2132.                 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message...
AY 7.11.17

Prefix    Sm    Code    HAR    Words    16
Charges to collect 
₤    s.    d.
Service Instructions.
From  Buo
By  Martin
Sent, or sent out
Office Stamp.
Handed in at .......... Office  8.6 pm  Recd.  8.10 pm
TO           H Q    3rd  Aust  Div

Sender's Number.    A 192
Day of Month    7th
In reply to Number
Leave  for  GOC  division  approved
from  tomorrow
(*  R 8.20 pm *) 
FROM                      2nd  Anzac


Corps Conference                                  7/3/17
Corps Commander.
Strictly Secret.
Preparations for Attack on Messines Wytschaete ridge.
Objective - Capture of this ridge from Observatory Ridge on N to St Ives on the S.
(on a curve -  with convexity to W.
Operation by 4 Corps & one Reserve Corps

From N to S.    xiii  with 1 Div  39 Bn
  x Menin Rd to Observatory Ridge 41.47.23 x 2 bns 
  16 & 36
Attack each
with 4 Divns
ii Angus Wulvergum- Wytschaete  St to St Ives
(but we continue & hold down to Bois [[Grennie?]])
We shall have 5 Divns. - our present 3
+ 2 more
  viii Corps on extreme north - 2 Divs. No as far
as Bassingham
  A corps in Peronne of 3 or 4 Div.

We to take over offensive Front.
Arty are to have (306/ 18pr 102 4.5, 180 heavy per Corps.)
= field guns per 15x of front.
Bosch may try & make an attack on W of Army Sectors - to be met by Divisions
from the South.
※ Make some of our Defensive arrangements on our new fronts.
[Zero + 3 weeks
Consider that in view of enemy being fresh troops our attack must be
more deliberate
Training - of N.Z. & 3rd Div. - each have a Bgde out.
two areas (1) Bailleul
(2) Neuve Eglise
& possible send Brigades to Tilques
Moves onto new front -
Refer to letter of Feby 20
My left will be between Ploegsteert Wood & St. Ives 

provided N.Z. keeps St. Ives salient.
N.Z. takes over attacking front of 2 Divisions - holding it with 2 Brigades.

Div. H.Q. Ramelsburgh     Northern Div
                  Westropp Farm N.Z.

                  Steenwerck       )
                  Nieppe                ) 3 Aust.
My northern Bde - goes to Pt de Nieppe (i.e. 11th Bde)
X We to take over from N.Z their proposed raid in Nieppe Sector.


Front Breastwork mustn't be too thin; there must be plenty of men
in the front line. —
X  There must be no question of training for the Brigades which are
holding the line of ^(present) 2 Brigade fronts. -
Information as to accommodation must be accurate.
10th Bde to be out by 10th & go into La Greche, & with H.Q. in
11th Bde to be out and to have completely taken over by midnight on 

9th Bde to have taken over 11th Bde front by midnight of 10th. —


PARIS 10/3/ 1917
12 MARS 17. TR--6
Le Lt. Colonel The Hon. M.Brett
Commandant Militaire de la Place Anglaise a Paris
prie M.le Commissaire Militaire de la Gare de Lyon
de faire delivrer a l'Officer anglais General Monash
un billet ¼ de place de Paris á Turnton et whois
20 [[?]] RS TR 1917




L'Officier de Service.
Maurice W Hurst/Lt. Colonel


Divisional Headquarters
14th. March, 1917
1,100 reinforcements at Base made up as follows:-
               122  Dental cases.
               209   sick.
               107  temporary base.
                 97  permanent base.
               654  under training
Total.   1,189
Of the 654, 460 have been ordered up.
No cancellation of 9th Field Coy. going down to 
Training Area to be ordered until B.G.G.S. has seen Corps
Commander again and informed us.
(* G.O.C.
GHJ *)



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