Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 1 December 1916 - 10 February 1917, Part 8
The classification of men at Etaples
as trained or untrained is largely
artificial, and in the case of
this Division I would wish to
waive it altogether.
The final training of reinforcements
will be carried out in the Divisional
I am assured by the Authorities
at Etaples that they will raise
no difficulties to this proposal -
They only wish to protect themselves
from any assertion that inadequately
trained men are sent to take
their places in the line. If I take
the responsibility, they are quite
agreeable to the course suggested
and I am very much in favour of
The O.C. 3rd Australian Infy Base Depot can
be trusted to send forward the
right men, and Keep for courses
only those who are manifestl[y]
in need of the training.
Col Jackson's notes on the case. -
CORPORAL WYKE, M.F.B. had prisoner handed over
to him; therefore responsible until he handed him on.
Should be able to state to whom he passed on prisoner.
LIEUT. CRAZE - neglect of duty in not making
special provision for 3 prisoners left when guard and
remainder of prisoners were moved.
SERGEANT MASON - neglect of duty because he saw
L/CORPORAL RICHMOND in his room and prisoners at large in
yard, from which they could easily escape. At the time he
knew that RICHMOND was the man who should be in charge.
RICHMOND appears to have a clear case of guilt
against him.
General want of system and lack of knowledge of
their duties displayed by the Police.
Lt Craze will be returned to his unit; - by the direct order of A.P.M. Corps
Richmond is under arrest.
A.P.M. about to take the investigation. - Intervention before dealt with
Divisionally hamful subsequent Divisional action.
Board of Enquiry.
Col Tatham : - 3/1/17
Col Trevor inspection not satisfactory
- men not ready -
COPY. 4-1-17
Provost Marshal,
Second Army.-
On the evening of 27th. December last, a man
was captured by 11th. Brigade, 3rd. Australian Division in a
gap in their front line. The man was wearing the badges of
South African Infantry, and gave the name ROLFS, and said he
belonged to list. S.A.I. He was sent to A.P.M., 3rd. Australian
Division with the attached note.
Lieut. CRAZE, assists A.P.M., 3rd. Australian
Division in Provost work at ARMENTIERES. Lieut. CRAZE handed
the prisoner over that night to Military Foot Police at ARMENTIERES,
who are under the orders of the A.P.M., 3rd Australian
The A.P.M., 3rd Australian Division, reported
the matter verbally to me, and informed me that he was communicating
with A.P.M., 9th. Division, to which the South African Bde.
is attached.
Last night it was verbally reported to me that
the prisoner had escaped. This morning I proceeded to ARMENTIERES
to enquire into the circumstance.
I attach copies of the statements made to me by
Lieut. CRAZE, Sergt. MASON and L/Cpl. RICHMOND.
The last named was placed under arrest by A.P.M.,
3rd Australian Division.
I await orders as to further action to be taken
in the case of Sergt. MASON and L/Cpl. RICHMOND.
3-1-17 (Sgd). F.T. Tathan, Lt-Col.
A.P.M. 2nd. A. & N. Z. Army Corps.
COPY 4-1-17
Lieut. CRAZE, W.J., 58th. Battalion, A.I.F.
I am assisting A.P.M. 3rd. Australian Division.
He has his office at Divisional Headquarters, STEENWERCK.
I stay at ARMENTIERES. ROLFS was handed over to me on the
night of 27th. December with note on pink paper signed J.A.
MILNE from 11th. Bde. in ARMENTIERES. I placed him that
night in M.F.P. billet at about 8.30 p.m. He had an
identity disc on his neck showing 409, Pte A. ROLFS, 1st.
S.A.I. He said he belonged to "A" Coy. of 1st. Reserve
Battalion, S.A.I. attached Seaforth Highlanders, 9th. Division.
at ARRAS. He said he was returning from England on leave.
He gave me details of his movements. He said he found himself
at STEENWERCK on morning of 27th. December, and walked about
making enquiries, and went into front line expecting to find
South Africans there. He was found in a gap between 3rd.
Australian Division right and 34th. Division left.
I handed
him over to Corpl. WYE at M.F.P. billet and notified A.P.M. 3rd.
Australian Division, who came down on 28th. and saw the man, and
ordered me to keep the man in custody and write to A.P.M., 9th.
Division, enquiring about the man, which I did. No reply has
come. I did not telegraph. I saw ROLFS every day until 31st.
December, the day before he escaped. There used to be a guard
of 1 N.C.O. and 5 men of 36th. Battalion, A.I.F., in addition to
M.F.P., at the billet. That guard was removed on morning of
31st. December to F. P. Compound, leaving no guard except the
M.F.P. at the billet. I ordered that all the prisoners, except
ROLFS, MATTHEWS and WEBSTER were to be sent to F. P. Compound
with the guard. I gave no special orders about the guarding of
the three prisoners who were left at M.F.P. billet, but took it
for granted that the M.F.P. would guard them. There were no
written orders and none were issued. No new guard was asked
for to take the place of the guard that was removed. I thought
the M.F.P. were sufficient guard. I wrote full description of
ROLFS to A.P.M. 9th DIV.
COPY 4-1-17.
No. 1189, Sergt. MASON, W. M.F.P.
A prisoner named ROLFS was handed to this billet while
I was away on leave, and I found him here on 28th. December.
Record shows his number was 409, his rank Corpl. and his unit
1st. S.A.I. (A. Coy) - (Reserve Battalion). He had identity disc.
He was here at 3 p.m. yesterday in the detention yard at M.F.P.
billet. At 4.30 p.m. I returned from my visiting patrol, and found
the soldier was missing. He was confined in the yard when I left
at about 3 p.m. having exercise. There was no sentry over him.
The door leading into the street was not locked, but closed.
It could be opened from the inside and there was no sentry. There
was nothing to prevent the prisoner walking out. The prisoner was
under the charge of L/Cpl. RICHMOND ( No. P.2306 ) who was detailed
by me for the week to act as Cells custodian.
My duty roster shows
duties as follows :-
L/Cpl. CHEESEMORE - Cells.
L/Cpl. RICHMOND - Gasman and cells.
Corpl. CHEESEMORE was at the F.P. Compound (elsewhere)
for the day. Corpl. RICHMOND was in charge of Cells at M.F.P.
billet where ROLFS was. The reason I did not have a sentry in
charge of the prisoner while exercising in the yard, was that I
expected Cpl. RICHMOND to be with the prisoner. There were two
other prisoners ( Cpl. WEBSTER, R.E. and Pte. MATTHEWS, R.E.
awaiting trial and sentence). All three of these prisoners were in
the yard when I went out at 3 p.m. Cpl. RICHMOND was in his room
when I left, and there was no one with the three prisoners in the
yard. At 4.30 p.m. I made the discovery that ROLFS had gone. It
was not reported to me. I went to warn prisoner MATTHEWS he was
wanted in the office. He was in the cellar with two policemen
(L/Cpl. PARTRIDGE and L/Cpl. COOK). I asked them where the third
prisoner was, and they replied they did not know. When I returned
at 4.30 this occurred. When I returned at 4.30 L/Cpl. RICHMOND was
having his tea in his room. I at once asked him where the prisoner
ROLFS was, and he set off to look for him.
There used to be a guard
here supplied by 36th. Bn. A.I.F. of 5 men and 1 N.C.O. This guard
was removed on 31-12-16. There was no guard here since, and there
is none now.
COPY. 4-1-17.
Cpl. RICHMOND (P. 2306).
Yesterday (1st. January) I was on the duty roster
as gasman and cells. I did not understand that I was responsible
for the custody of the three prisoners who were here. I was
only responsible while the prisoners were in the cells. The 3
prisoners were at exercise in the afternoon. I saw them in the
yard. I do not know who ordered them into the yard for exercise.
I saw them there at intervals during the day between 9 a.m. and
3.30 p.m. There was no guard over them. The door leading into
the street was not locked. I did not draw attention to the fact
that there was no guard over them. It was not my duty to do so.
The guard we used to have here was removed two or three days before,
and there was no guard available here. There was nothing
to prevent a prisoner walking out into the street through the
unlocked door. At about 4.30 p.m. Sergt. MASON told me one of the
prisoners had gone. We searched the building without finding him.
The prisoner who was missing was named ROLFS of the S.A.I. Search
was made elsewhere in ARMENTIERES. I searched at Pont Nieppe
"A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message...........
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at...........................m.
TO G.O. 2. COPY. 4-1-17.
Sender's Number *
Day of Month 27-12-16.
In reply to Number
Herewith prisoner caught in Gap
by patrol between H.G. 2 and
H.G. 6 aaa He has no
satisfactory explanation aaa He was
mooning around our M.G. and
T.M. emplacements.
From H.G. 2
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z) J.A. Milne.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.
I N S P E C T I O N.
The 7th. & 8th. F.A. Brigades as newly organised, will less
Water Carts, Cokks' Carts, and Train Transport, will file in Column
of Route, past the Army & Corps Commanders, on Monday next, January 8th,
head of Column passing Saluting Point at 10 a.m.
Reference Map. Sheet 27 (1/40,000) -
X.25.c.9.0. about 300 yards S. of NORD-HELF.
From STRAZEELE along road running E. N.E. through
squares W.29.a.& b. W.24.c. & d.
At point X.19.c.25.95. route turns S. to Saluting
Head of Column will turn West at X Roads S. of
Saluting point and return to billets.
Head of 7th. F.A. Brigade will pass the starting point
STRAZEELE X Roads W.29.a.6.6. at 9.25 a.m.
Marching Order with hats. Great-coats to be worn -
no caps, mufflers, or comforters.
Watches will be synchronised by reference to
Divisional Headquarters at 7 a.m. 8th. instant.
W D Nicholls
Major R.A.
B.M. 3rd. Aust. Div. Arty.
Not Transferable.
Instructions on back. 6003
Period during which available.
From Jan 6th }
To Feb 28th. } 1917
The person named below is permitted to pass
within the area occupied by the British Army
with or without a motor cycle or car during the
period stated hereon.
This Pass is not to be accepted if the name
originally entered on it is erased and another
name substituted.
Name Major Gen. Monash
Unit G.O.C. 3rd Australian Division
Signature and HenryCDering. Major,
Stamp of Assistant Provost Marshal,
Issuing Officer. 3rd Australian Divn:
No 3
Date 6.1.17
No. 25
Valable du 6 Janvrei }
au 28 Fevrier } 1917
La personne nommée ci-dessous est autorisée
ā circular dans la zone occupée par l'Armée
Britannique avec ou sans motocyclette ou voiture
automobile pendant la période spécifiée ci-dessus.
Cette carte cesse d'ětre valable au cas oŭ le
nom du porteur serait effacé et remplacé par un
autre nom.
This Pass to be shown when demanded.
It is not transferable and must be signed by the
No Pass is valid unless stamped with a special
Pass Stamp of an A.P.M. and the Rank, and
appointment of the issuing Officer is added after
his signature.
If issued for a short period only, the word
"temporary" must be written on the face of
the Pass.
The Loss of a Pass or the finding of a Pass is
to be reported at once to the A.P.M. of the
nearest formation.
Signature of Bearer John Monash.
Ce laisser-passer devra étre présenté ă toute
Il strictment personnel et doit porter la
signature du titulaire.
Aucun laisser-passer n'est valable á moins de
porter la griffe spéciale de l' "Assistant Provost
Marshal" ainsi que la signature de l'Officier qui
le dé ivre, suivie des grade, corps ou emploi de
ce dernier.
Au cas oú le présent laisser-passer ne serait
délivré que pour peu de temps. le mot "temporary"
devrait y étre écrit au recto.
En cas de perte d'un laisser-passer, ou si un
laisser-passer venait á ére trouvé, le fait devrait
étre signalé immédiatement á l'"Assistant Provost
Marshal" le plus proche.
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