Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 1 December 1916 - 10 February 1917, Part 6
Artillery Reorganization
My file
A.A.G., A.I.F.
2nd Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
I am directed to forward, for your information
and for the information of the G.O.C., 3rd Australian
Division, the attached copy of correspondence relative
to the re-organisation of the Australian Field Artillery.
For A.A.G., A.I.F.
A.A.G., A.I.F. 25/49.
First ANZAC Corps,
24th Dec. 1916.
Administrative Headquarters,
Australian Imperial Force,
Artillery Re-organization.
I am to confirm my telegram of this morning
as follows - "Your 4301/7/4 received AAA Inform War Office
that Australia has already been made aware of proposed reorganisation
AAA G.O.C., A.I.F. has accordingly prepared plan meeting
wishes Australian Government and conforming to principle of
retaining seasoned Units, but retaining also two F.A. Brigades
organised by Australia for 3rd Division AAA Letter follows to
explain details".
Your 4301/7/4 was only received on 23rd
instant. It is assumed that, before this reaches you, you
will have informed the War Office in terms of my telegram as
I am to ask you now to make a further
reply to the War Office in the form given in the attached draft.
I am also to attach thereto a memorandum
for transmission to the G.O.C., A.I.F. Training Depots in
ENGLAND, giving details of the proposed method of re-organisation
of the artillery of the A.I.F. This memorandum will not be
despatched to the G.O.C., A.I.F. Training Depots until you have
received a reply from the War Office concurring in the memorandum mentioned in para.3 above.
(Sgd) J.L. Whitham.
for A.A.G. A.I.F.
A.A.G., A.I.F. 25/49.
DRAFT. Memorandum to the War Office.
In reply to your 121/FRANCE/64 (A.G.6) dated 18th
December and further to my letter of , I am
directed to forward you the following particulars of the
proposed method of reorganisation of the artillery of the
Australian Imperial Force which has been prepared by the
G.O.C., A.I.F. in conformity with the wishes of the Australian
It is proposed generally to adhere as nearly as
possible to the principle laid down by the Commander-in-Chief
regarding the retention of seasoned Units, but, as
certain field artillery brigades were specially organised
by the Australian Government for the Third Australian
Division, and by reason of the fact that some batteries in
FRANCE have only been in existence for a short period, and
are therefore not seasoned units, it is proposed to retain
two of the field artillery brigades of the Third Australian
Division, and to bring them up to the 6-gun establishment
by breaking up the third artillery brigade of that Division.
The fourth artillery brigade of that Division will be
broken up into sections, and used to complete the reorganisation
in FRANCE in the manner desired by the Commander-in-Chief.
One and a hald field artillery batteries and
half a howitzer battery of this fourth brigade of the Third
Australian Divisional Artillery will become spare, and the
personnel will be transferred to reinforcements in England.
The howitzer batteries recently organised and now
ttraining in England for the 1st, 2nd. 4th and 5thAustralian Divisions will be broken up and sent as sections
to FRANCE to raise existing batteries to a six gun establishment.
Upon learning of your concurrence generally in this
scheme, the necessary instructions will be issued to the
G.O.C. A.I.F. Training Depots in ENGLAND.
Commandant, Administrative H.Q.
A.A.G. A.I.F.-
First Anzac Corps,
---------- 191 .
G.O.C., A.I.F., Training Depots in ENGLAND,
Artillery Re-Organisation.-
A re-organisation of the artillery in FRANCE is
taking place, and it is necessary that the artillery of the A.I.F.
should conform.
The principle governing the re-organisation is to
supply the Army with certain fluid artillery, and in consequence
a reduction will be made in the strength of the artillery of
Hereafter, accordingly, the field artillery of a Division
will consist of two field artillery brigades, each of three
field artillery batteries and one howitzer battery; each battery
will be of six guns. The army field artillery formed in the
A.I.F. will comprise three field artillery brigades, each consisting of three field artillery batteries and one howitzer battery;
each battery will be of six guns.
The "A" echelon of divisional ammunition columns will
be re-constituted, and will be formed into two sections.
"A" "A". The establishment of these sections is shown in Appendix "A"hereto. Army field artillery brigade ammunition columns on the
scale of one column to each Brigade will be formed from personnel
surplus to the requirements of divisional ammunition columns,
supplemented as may be necessary from reinforcements. The establishment of an army field artillery brigade ammunition column
"B". is shown in appendix "B" hereto. For the present no change will
take place in the organisation or establishment of sub-parks.
The above re-organisation will be carried out within
the Third Australian Divisional Artillery in the following manner.
The 7th and 8th A. F. A. Brigades will be the field artillery
brigades of the 3rd Australian Division. They will be made up
to 6-gun batteries by breaking up the 23rd A. F. A. Brigade and
distributing it as follows :-
28th Battery - | 1 section to 25th Battery. |
1 " " 26th " | |
32nd " - | 1 " " 27th " |
1 " " 29th " | |
36th " - | 1 " " 30th " |
1 " " 31st " |
One section of the 118th Howitzer Battery will be transferred
to reinforcements, and one section will be sent to F R A N C E
for incorporation ij the 112th Howitzer Battery of an army field
artillery Brigade.
The 9th A.F.A. Brigade will also be broken up. The 33rd
Battery of this Brigade will become spare, and the personnel will
be transferred to reinforcements. The 34th Battery will be sent to
FRANCE by sections for incorporation in the 45th and 46th batteries
of an army field artillery brigade. The 35th Battery will be
broken up. the personnel of one section will be transferred
to reinforcements, and one complete section will be sent to FRANCE
for incorporation in the 47th Battery if an army field artillery
brigade. The 109th Howitzer Battery will be broken up, and one
section will be added to the xxx 107th Howitzer Battery of the
7th A.F.A. Brigade; the other section will be added to the 108th
Howitzer Battery of the 8th A.F.A. Brigade to complete that
battery to six guns (Diagram attached).
The howitzer batteries now being organised and trained
in ENGLAND for the 1st, 2nd and 4th and 5th Australian Divisions
will be sent over to FRANCE by sections, to raise existing howitzer
batteries to a six-gun establishment.
The divisional ammunition column of the 3rd Australian
Divisional Artillery will be reorganised on the new establishment
and on this subject further information will be sent you when
The army field artillery brigade ammunition columns willbe organised in FRANCE, and spare personnel will be drawn as required
Further detailed instructions regarding the appointment
of officers to commands and the disposal of officers in excess
of requirements will be issued hereafter.
(Sd) Lieut-Colonel.-
A.A.G. A.I.F.-
Appces A.B. same as
Appendices 2 & 3 to G. HQ letter
O B 1866
"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123.
Sm MC 15
C E Hinton
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay
₤ s. d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at AYD Office 215 pm. Recd. 226 pm.
TO 3rd Aust Divn 25/12/16
Sender's Number. AQ 1623
Day of Month. 25
In reply to Number
Christmas greetings from 4
Aust Divn
FROM 4 Aust Divn
Xmas 1917
Xmas 1916
-------- "A" MESS --------
Hors d' Oeuvre
Oeufs a la Malte
Giblet Soup
Fried Fillets of Plaice
Roast Ducklings & Apple Sauce
York Ham
Roast Sirloin of Beef
Roast and Boiled Potatoes
Green Peas
Plum Pudding and Brandy Sauce
Stewed Pears & Cream
Cheese Tartlets
Cafe, Fruit, Champagne.
Divisional Headquarters,
26th. December, 1916.
G. 30/10.
1. A Divisional School will be established forthwith at STEENWERCK. -
Its objects will be :-
(a). To train instructors in all branches of training, for
employment in Brigade Schools, or with the Units.
(b). To train Warrant and N.C.O's, and qualify them for
(c). To set a standard for interior economy, discipline and
administration in the platoons.
(d). To provide winter lectures, and courses for Officers.
(e). To train any special squads or teams in selected subjects.
2. Teaching in the following subjects will be inaugurated at once,
but others will be added as the School develops.-
A. Physical Training and Bayonet Fighting.
B. Bombing and Trench Tactics, with Stokes Mortar wing.
C. Anti-Gas instruction.
D. Musketry.
E. Sniping.
F. Lewis Gun.
G. Revolver shooting.
H. Quick wiring.
3. The Staff of the School will be as follows:-
Commandant - Colonel E.A. KETTLEWELL
Adjutant and )
Q.M. ) to be seconded from a unit.
Sergeant Major ) to be appointed from the Reserve Brigade,
Q.M. Sergeant ) while in Reserve,- in rotation.
Instructors - Divisional Bombing Officer
Divisional Gas Officer.
Divisional Musketry Officer.
Army Gymnastic Staff.
Such others as may be appointed from time
to time.
4. The Commandant will be responsible for the administration of the
School, the provision of Instructors, the preparation and promulgation
to those concerned of the Syllabus of the various subjects,
the supervision of all instruction, and the furnishing of
reports on the proficiency of Officers and other ranks who pass
through the School. - He will also supervise the work of the
Instructors with their Units, with a view to maintaining a high
standard of efficient instruction.
(* GOC *)
(* [[?]] *)
( 2 ).
5. Vacancies for course in the various subjects will be notified
by the "G" Staff from time to time. - Candidates should, in
all cases, be carefully selected with a view to their subsequent
employment with their units as instructors in the subjects in
which they are sent for training. Officers and other ranks
who are already considered to be efficient instructors in
certain subjects should not, as a rule, be sent to the Divisional
School unless refresher training is considered desirable for
6. The "Q" Staff will arrange for billeting the Headquarters of
the School and the Instructional Staff, for the establishment
of Officer's and N.C.O's messes in connection with the
School, and for the provision of fatigues, working parties and
orderlies. All personnel required for this purpose will be
supplied by the Reserve Brigade while in Reserve. Infantry
Brigades will be called upon to subscribe in equal shares to
a small fund to be administered by the Commandant, for the
initial equipment of the messes.
7. The "Q" Staff will provide instructional stores and equipment,
from Ordnance, or by temporary withdrawal from Units, and all
expense stores from the dumps. - Transport for stores required
by the School will be requisitioned direct by the Commandant on
the Divisional Train, or upon the Unit concerned. - 'Bus transport
for the movement of the personnel into and out of the
School will be arranged by the "Q" Staff.
8. Brigadiers and Battalion Commanders are invited to visit the
School and see the training that is being carried out. - When
established, the Commandant will notify all Units of the various
sites where the different subjects are being taught.
G. G. E. Wally.
Major. -
General Staff.
C.R.A. 3.
C.R.E. 4.
Div. Sig. Coy. 2.
9th. Aus. Inf. Bde. 8.
10th. " " " 8.
11th. " " " 8.
3rd. Aus. Pioneer Bn. 2.
D.A.C. 1.
A.D.M.S. 1.
A.D.V.S. 1.
A.P.M. 1.
Div. Train 1.
"Q". 3.
2nd. ANZAC 1.
Colonel Kettlewell. 5.
File 1.
Spare. 10.
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